Example #1
        private void syncTimeRewrite(ref byte[] next_message)
            //SYNC_TIME Rewriting
            int next_message_id = BitConverter.ToInt32(next_message, 0);

            if (next_message_id == (int)KMPCommon.ServerMessageID.SYNC_TIME)
                byte[] next_message_stripped = new byte[next_message.Length - 8];
                Array.Copy(next_message, 8, next_message_stripped, 0, next_message.Length - 8);
                byte[] next_message_decompressed = KMPCommon.Decompress(next_message_stripped);
                byte[] time_sync_rewrite         = new byte[24];
                next_message_decompressed.CopyTo(time_sync_rewrite, 0);
                BitConverter.GetBytes(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks).CopyTo(time_sync_rewrite, 16);
                next_message = Server.buildMessageArray(KMPCommon.ServerMessageID.SYNC_TIME, time_sync_rewrite);
Example #2

        private void messageReceived(KMPCommon.ClientMessageID id, byte[] data)
            if (id == KMPCommon.ClientMessageID.SPLIT_MESSAGE)
                if (splitMessageReceiveIndex == 0)
                    //New split message
                    int split_message_length = KMPCommon.intFromBytes(data, 4);
                    splitMessageData = new byte[8 + split_message_length];
                    data.CopyTo(splitMessageData, 0);
                    splitMessageReceiveIndex = data.Length;
                    //Continued split message
                    data.CopyTo(splitMessageData, splitMessageReceiveIndex);
                    splitMessageReceiveIndex = splitMessageReceiveIndex + data.Length;
                //Check if we have filled the byte array, if so, handle the message.
                if (splitMessageReceiveIndex == splitMessageData.Length)
                    //Parse the message and feed it into the client queue
                    KMPCommon.ClientMessageID joined_message_id = (KMPCommon.ClientMessageID)KMPCommon.intFromBytes(splitMessageData, 0);
                    int    joined_message_length = KMPCommon.intFromBytes(splitMessageData, 4);
                    byte[] joined_message_data   = new byte[joined_message_length];
                    Array.Copy(splitMessageData, 8, joined_message_data, 0, joined_message_length);
                    byte[] joined_message_data_decompressed = KMPCommon.Decompress(joined_message_data);
                    parent.queueClientMessage(this, joined_message_id, joined_message_data_decompressed);
                    splitMessageReceiveIndex = 0;
                parent.queueClientMessage(this, id, data);
Example #3
 private void asyncReceive(IAsyncResult ar)
     try {
         // Retrieve the state object and the client socket
         // from the asynchronous state object.
         StateObject state     = (StateObject)ar.AsyncState;
         TcpClient   client    = state.workClient;
         int         bytesRead = client.GetStream().EndRead(ar); // Read data from the remote device directly into the message buffer.
         currentBytesToReceive -= bytesRead;                     //Decrement how many bytes we have read.
         if (bytesRead > 0)                                      //This is just a shortcut really
             if (!currentMessageHeaderRecieved)
                 //We are receiving just the header
                 if (currentBytesToReceive == 0)
                     //We have recieved the full message header, lets process it.
                     currentMessageID      = (KMPCommon.ClientMessageID)BitConverter.ToInt32(currentMessage, 0);
                     currentBytesToReceive = BitConverter.ToInt32(currentMessage, 4);
                     if (currentBytesToReceive == 0)
                         //We received the header of a empty message, process it and reset the buffers.
                         messageReceived(currentMessageID, null);
                         currentMessageID      = KMPCommon.ClientMessageID.NULL;
                         currentBytesToReceive = KMPCommon.MSG_HEADER_LENGTH;
                         currentMessage        = new byte[currentBytesToReceive];
                         //We received the header of a non-empty message, Let's give it a buffer and read again.
                         currentMessage = new byte[currentBytesToReceive];
                         currentMessageHeaderRecieved = true;
                 if (currentBytesToReceive == 0)
                     //We have received all the message data, lets decompress and process it
                     byte[] decompressedData = KMPCommon.Decompress(currentMessage);
                     messageReceived(currentMessageID, decompressedData);
                     currentMessageHeaderRecieved = false;
                     currentMessageID             = KMPCommon.ClientMessageID.NULL;
                     currentBytesToReceive        = KMPCommon.MSG_HEADER_LENGTH;
                     currentMessage = new byte[currentBytesToReceive];
         if (currentBytesToReceive < 0)
             throw new System.IO.IOException("You somehow managed to read more bytes then we asked for. Good for you. Open this up on the bugtracker now.");
         if (client != null)
             client.GetStream().BeginRead(currentMessage, currentMessage.Length - currentBytesToReceive, currentBytesToReceive, new AsyncCallback(asyncReceive), state);
     catch (Exception e) {
         //Basically, If anything goes wrong at all the stream is broken and there is no way to recover from it.
         Log.Debug("Exception thrown in ReceiveCallback(), catch 1, Exception: {0}", e.ToString());
Example #4
        private void handleReceive()
            while (receiveHandleIndex < receiveIndex)
                //Read header bytes
                if (currentMessageHeaderIndex < KMPCommon.MSG_HEADER_LENGTH)
                    //Determine how many header bytes can be read
                    int bytes_to_read = Math.Min(receiveIndex - receiveHandleIndex, KMPCommon.MSG_HEADER_LENGTH - currentMessageHeaderIndex);

                    //Read header bytes
                    Array.Copy(receiveBuffer, receiveHandleIndex, currentMessageHeader, currentMessageHeaderIndex, bytes_to_read);

                    //Advance buffer indices
                    currentMessageHeaderIndex += bytes_to_read;
                    receiveHandleIndex        += bytes_to_read;

                    //Handle header
                    if (currentMessageHeaderIndex >= KMPCommon.MSG_HEADER_LENGTH)
                        int id_int = KMPCommon.intFromBytes(currentMessageHeader, 0);

                        //Make sure the message id section of the header is a valid value
                        if (id_int >= 0 && id_int < Enum.GetValues(typeof(KMPCommon.ClientMessageID)).Length)
                            currentMessageID = (KMPCommon.ClientMessageID)id_int;
                            currentMessageID = KMPCommon.ClientMessageID.NULL;

                        int data_length = KMPCommon.intFromBytes(currentMessageHeader, 4);

                        if (data_length > KMPCommon.MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Client fed bad data");

                        if (data_length > 0)
                            //Init message data buffer
                            currentMessageData      = new byte[data_length];
                            currentMessageDataIndex = 0;
                            currentMessageData = null;
                            //Handle received message
                            messageReceived(currentMessageID, null);

                            //Prepare for the next header read
                            currentMessageHeaderIndex = 0;

                if (currentMessageData != null)
                    //Read data bytes
                    if (currentMessageDataIndex < currentMessageData.Length)
                        //Determine how many data bytes can be read
                        int bytes_to_read = Math.Min(receiveIndex - receiveHandleIndex, currentMessageData.Length - currentMessageDataIndex);

                        //Read data bytes
                        Array.Copy(receiveBuffer, receiveHandleIndex, currentMessageData, currentMessageDataIndex, bytes_to_read);

                        //Advance buffer indices
                        currentMessageDataIndex += bytes_to_read;
                        receiveHandleIndex      += bytes_to_read;

                        //Handle data
                        if (currentMessageDataIndex >= currentMessageData.Length)
                            //Handle received message
                            messageReceived(currentMessageID, KMPCommon.Decompress(currentMessageData));

                            currentMessageData = null;

                            //Prepare for the next header read
                            currentMessageHeaderIndex = 0;

            //Once all receive bytes have been handled, reset buffer indices to use the whole buffer again
            receiveHandleIndex = 0;
            receiveIndex       = 0;