Example #1
        public static void TestAggregateWithParameterVaidateKITTIResult()
            List<string> guids = new List<string>()
                ////KITTI set
            KITTIDetectionResultValidation validate = new KITTIDetectionResultValidation();

            //KITTI major launch
            //validate.AggregateWithParameterAndValidateSatyamKITTIDetectionResultByGUID(guids, new Dictionary<string, double>() { { "car", 0.5 }, { "pedestrian", 0.5}, { "cyclist", 0.5 }, { "default", 0.5 } }, overwrite: true);

            // save aggregated images
            //validate.AggregateWithParameterAndValidateSatyamKITTIDetectionResultByGUID(guids, TaskConstants.IoUTreshold, true, overwrite: true);
            // prepare data for training
            string outputDirectory = DirectoryConstants.defaultTempDirectory + "\\KITTIDetectionResultDataForTraining\\";
            validate.AggregateWithParameterAndValidateSatyamKITTIDetectionResultByGUID(guids, TaskConstants.IoUTreshold, false, true, outputDirectory, overwrite: true);

            //    new Dictionary<string, double>() { { "car", 0.3 }, { "pedestrian", 0.3 }, { "cyclist", 0.3 }, { "default", 0.3 } },
            //        false, false, null, 25,1,0.3,5,12,0.6,0.9,15);
Example #2
        public static void TestFilterGroundTruthFile()
            string outputDir = DirectoryConstants.defaultTempDirectory + "filteredKITTIGroundTruth\\";
            string outputDir_Seattle = outputDir + "SeattleLive-5-WestLake-NS\\";
            string outputDir_Stewart = outputDir + "1-Stewart-NS\\";
            string outputDir_BellevueNE = outputDir + "Bellevue-148th-NE29th\\";
            string outputDir_BellevueMain = outputDir + "Bellevue-148th-Main\\";

            string inputDir = @"C:\research\dataset\LongDuration\";
            string inputDir_Seattle = inputDir + "SeattleLive-5-WestLake-NS\\";
            string inputDir_Stewart = inputDir + "1-Stewart-NS\\";
            string inputDir_BellevueNE = inputDir + "Bellevue-148th-NE29th\\";
            string inputDir_BellevueMain = inputDir + "Bellevue-148th-Main\\";

            List<string> inputs = new List<string>()
            List<string> outputs = new List<string>()

            for (int i = 0; i < inputs.Count; i++)
                string[] subdirs = Directory.GetDirectories(inputs[i] + "labels\\");
                foreach (string subdir in subdirs)
                    int omitted = 0;
                    string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(subdir);
                    if (files.Length == 0)
                        string [] reward = Directory.GetDirectories(subdir);
                        files = Directory.GetFiles(reward[0]);
                    string groupName = URIUtilities.localDirectoryNameFromDirectory(subdir);
                    foreach (string file in files)
                        int tmp;
                        KITTIDetectionResultValidation.FilterGroundTruthFile(file, outputs[i] + groupName, out tmp);
                        omitted += tmp;
                    Console.WriteLine("{0}: omitted {1}", subdir, omitted);
Example #3
 public static void TestGetKITTIDetectionGroundTruthStatistics()
     KITTIDetectionResultValidation validate = new KITTIDetectionResultValidation();
     //validate.CleanGroundTruthAndGetStatistics(@"C:\research\dataset\KITTI\Detection\10img\image_2", @"C:\research\dataset\KITTI\Detection\10img\label_2");
Example #4
        public static void TestParamSweep()
            List<string> guids = new List<string>()
                ////KITTI set
                //"2c239102-e38f-4f0e-b639-6fae05250475", //detection KITTI 10
                "aefd12fc-42ed-4ec5-8c9a-6c41703a843f", //revision KITTI 10
            KITTIDetectionResultValidation validate = new KITTIDetectionResultValidation();

            //string outputDirectory = DirectoryConstants.defaultTempDirectory + "\\KITTIDetectionResultDataForTraining\\";

            /////////////////////////// param sweep
            //for (int min = 2; min <= 10; min++)
            //    for (int Deviation = 5; Deviation < 21; Deviation += 5)
            //    {
            //        for (double coverage = 0.5; coverage < 1; coverage += 0.1)
            //        {
            //            validate.AggregateWithParameterAndValidateSatyamKITTIDetectionResultByGUID(guids,
            //    new Dictionary<string, double>() { { "car", 0.3 }, { "pedestrian", 0.3 }, { "cyclist", 0.3 }, { "default", 0.3 } },
            //        //new Dictionary<string, double>() { { "car", 0.5 }, { "pedestrian", 0.5 }, { "cyclist", 0.5 }, { "default", 0.5 } },
            //        false, false, null, 25, 1, 0.3, min, 20, 0.6, coverage, Deviation, overwrite: true, approvalAnalysis:true);
            //        }
            //    }

            //param sweep min, to compare reivision with no revision template, setting coverage to 0, fixing deviation to 15pixel, not very sensitive anyway
            for (int min = 2; min <= 10; min++)
                    new Dictionary<string, double>() { { "car", 0.3 }, { "pedestrian", 0.3 }, { "cyclist", 0.3 }, { "default", 0.3 } },
                    //new Dictionary<string, double>() { { "car", 0.5 }, { "pedestrian", 0.5 }, { "cyclist", 0.5 }, { "default", 0.5 } },
                    MinResults: min, overwrite: true);

            //// param sweep max, produce the best effort aggregation, to compare reivision with no revision template, setting coverage to 0, fixing deviation to 15pixel, not very sensitive anyway
            //for (int min = 2; min <= 4; min++)
            //    for (int max = 2; max <= 8; max++)
            //    {
            //        validate.AggregateWithParameterAndValidateSatyamKITTIDetectionResultByGUID(guids,
            //            new Dictionary<string, double>() { { "car", 0.3 }, { "pedestrian", 0.3 }, { "cyclist", 0.3 }, { "default", 0.3 } },
            //            //new Dictionary<string, double>() { { "car", 0.5 }, { "pedestrian", 0.5 }, { "cyclist", 0.5 }, { "default", 0.5 } },
            //            MinResults: min, MaxResults: max, overwrite: true);
            //    }

            //for (int max = 5; max<21;max += 5)
            //    validate.AggregateWithParameterAndValidateSatyamKITTIDetectionResultByGUID(guids,
            //    new Dictionary<string, double>() { { "car", 0.3 }, { "pedestrian", 0.3 }, { "cyclist", 0.3 }, { "default", 0.3 } },
            //    //new Dictionary<string, double>() { { "car", 0.5 }, { "pedestrian", 0.5 }, { "cyclist", 0.5 }, { "default", 0.5 } },
            //        MaxResults:max);


            //List<Dictionary<string, double>> IoUTresholds = new List<Dictionary<string, double>>();
            //IoUTresholds.Add(new Dictionary<string, double>() { { "car", 0.4 }, { "pedestrian", 0.5 }, { "cyclist", 0.5 }, { "default", 0.5 } });
            //IoUTresholds.Add(new Dictionary<string, double>() { { "car", 0.5 }, { "pedestrian", 0.5 }, { "cyclist", 0.5 }, { "default", 0.5 } });
            //IoUTresholds.Add(new Dictionary<string, double>() { { "car", 0.6 }, { "pedestrian", 0.5 }, { "cyclist", 0.5 }, { "default", 0.5 } });
            //IoUTresholds.Add(new Dictionary<string, double>() { { "car", 0.7 }, { "pedestrian", 0.5 }, { "cyclist", 0.5 }, { "default", 0.5 } });
            ////MinHeight iou
            //foreach(Dictionary<string, double> IoUThreshold in IoUTresholds)
            //    for (int MinHeight = 10; MinHeight < 50; MinHeight += 5)
            //    {
            //        validate.AggregateWithParameterAndValidateSatyamKITTIDetectionResultByGUID(guids, IoUThreshold, false, MinHeight);
            //    }

            //for (int Deviation = 5;Deviation < 21;Deviation += 5)
            //    for (int MinHeight = 10; MinHeight < 50; MinHeight += 5)
            //    {
            //        validate.AggregateWithParameterAndValidateSatyamKITTIDetectionResultByGUID(guids, TaskConstants.IoUTreshold, false, MinHeight, DeviationPixelThreshold:Deviation);
            //    }

            //for (double coverage = 0.5; coverage < 1; coverage += 0.1)
            //    validate.AggregateWithParameterAndValidateSatyamKITTIDetectionResultByGUID(guids, TaskConstants.IoUTreshold, false, ObjectsCoverageThreshold:coverage);               

