Example #1
 public void Consult(string path)
 public bool Evaluate(KB kb, Name perspective, IEnumerable <SubstitutionSet> constraints)
     return(UnifyEvaluate(kb, perspective, constraints).Any());
Example #3
        public static void KeyboardEvent(string s, KB kb)
            User.Struct.INPUT input = new User.Struct.INPUT(User.Const.INPUT_KEYBOARD);
            input.ki.dwExtraInfo = User.GetMessageExtraInfo();


            foreach (char c in s)
                input.ki.wVk = 0;
                input.ki.wScan = c;
                input.ki.dwFlags = User.Const.KEYEVENTF_UNICODE;

                input.ki.dwFlags = User.Const.KEYEVENTF_UNICODE | User.Const.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;

Example #4
        private IEnumerable <Pair <PrimitiveValue, SubstitutionSet> > GetEmotionsForEntity(IEmotionalState state,
                                                                                           Name emotionName, KB kb, Name perspective, IEnumerable <SubstitutionSet> constraints)
            if (emotionName.IsVariable)
                foreach (var emotion in state.GetAllEmotions())
                    var sub = new Substitution(emotionName, (Name)emotion.EmotionType);
                    foreach (var c in constraints)
                        if (c.Conflicts(sub))

                        var newConstraints = new SubstitutionSet(c);
                        yield return(Tuples.Create((PrimitiveValue)emotion.Intensity, newConstraints));
                foreach (var resultPair in kb.AskPossibleProperties(emotionName, perspective, constraints))
                    string         emotionKey = resultPair.Item1.ToString();
                    var            emotion    = state.GetEmotionsByType(emotionKey).OrderByDescending(e => e.Intensity).FirstOrDefault();
                    PrimitiveValue value      = emotion == null ? 0 : emotion.Intensity;
                    foreach (var c in resultPair.Item2)
                        yield return(Tuples.Create(value, c));
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Appraises a set of event strings.
        /// Durring appraisal, the events will be recorded in the asset's autobiographical memory,
        /// and Property Change Events will update the asset's knowledge about the world, allowing
        /// the asset to use the new information derived from the events to appraise the correspondent
        /// emotions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventNames">A set of string representation of the events to appraise</param>
        public void AppraiseEvents(IEnumerable <Name> eventNames, Name perspective, IEmotionalState emotionalState, AM am, KB kb)
            var appraisalFrame = new InternalAppraisalFrame();

            appraisalFrame.Perspective = kb.Perspective;

            foreach (var n in eventNames)
                var evt     = am.RecordEvent(n, am.Tick);
                var propEvt = evt as IPropertyChangedEvent;
                if (propEvt != null)
                    var fact  = propEvt.Property;
                    var value = Name.BuildName("-");
                    if (propEvt.NewValue.IsPrimitive)
                        value = propEvt.NewValue;
                        if (value.ToString() == "-")
                            var remove = kb.GetAllBeliefs().Where(x => x.Name == fact);
                            kb.Tell(fact, value, perspective);
                    else // new value is not grounded
                        var values =
                            kb.AskPossibleProperties(propEvt.NewValue, perspective, new List <SubstitutionSet>());
                        if (values.Count() == 1)
                            kb.Tell(fact, values.FirstOrDefault().Item1.Value, perspective);
                            throw new Exception("Multiple possible values for " + propEvt.NewValue);

                var componentFrame = appraisalFrame.RequestComponentFrame(m_appraisalDerivator, m_appraisalDerivator.AppraisalWeight);
                m_appraisalDerivator.Appraisal(kb, evt, componentFrame);
                UpdateEmotions(appraisalFrame, emotionalState, am);
Example #6
 private void BindCalls(KB kb)
     kb.RegistDynamicProperty(MOOD_TEMPLATE, MoodPropertyCalculator, new[] { "x" });
     kb.RegistDynamicProperty(STRONGEST_EMOTION_TEMPLATE, StrongestEmotionCalculator, new[] { "x" });
     kb.RegistDynamicProperty(EMOTION_INTENSITY_TEMPLATE, EmotionIntensityPropertyCalculator, new[] { "x", "y" });
Example #7
        private IEnumerable <Pair <PrimitiveValue, SubstitutionSet> > StrongestEmotionCalculator(KB kb, Name perspective, IDictionary <string, Name> args, IEnumerable <SubstitutionSet> constraints)
            if (perspective != Name.SELF_SYMBOL)
                yield break;

            Name arg = args["x"];
            var  emo = m_emotionalState.GetStrongestEmotion();

            if (emo == null)
                yield break;

            var emoValue = (PrimitiveValue)emo.EmotionType;

            if (arg.IsVariable)
                var sub = new Substitution(arg, kb.Perspective);
                foreach (var c in constraints)
                    if (c.AddSubstitution(sub))
                        yield return(Tuples.Create(emoValue, c));
                foreach (var resultPair in kb.AskPossibleProperties(arg, perspective, constraints))
                    foreach (var c in resultPair.Item2)
                        yield return(Tuples.Create(emoValue, c));
Example #8
        public void Test_Simple_Tell_Invalid(Name name, object value, Type expectedException)
            var kb = new KB((Name)"Me");

            Assert.Throws(expectedException, () => kb.Tell(name, Name.BuildName(value)));
Example #9
        public void Test_Tell_Fail_NonConstant_Property(string propertyName)
            var kb = new KB((Name)"John");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => kb.Tell((Name)propertyName, Name.BuildName(true)));
Example #10
        //public List<int> UnequipapbleTorches;

        //public PreWorldState(KB knowledgeBase, List<int> guidTorches, Pair<string, int> equipped)
        public PreWorldState(KB knowledgeBase)
            //this.UnequipapbleTorches = guidTorches;
            this.KnowledgeBase = knowledgeBase;
            this.Entities      = new List <ObjectProperties>();
            this.Inventory     = new List <Tuple <string, int, int> >();
            this.Equipped      = new List <Pair <string, int> >();
            this.Fuel          = new List <Tuple <string, int, int> >();
            this.Fire          = new List <Tuple <string, int, int> >();

            //Getting Character Stats

            var hp = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)"Health(Walter)");
            int HP = int.Parse(hp.Value.ToString());

            var hunger = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)"Hunger(Walter)");
            int Hunger = int.Parse(hunger.Value.ToString());

            var sanity = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)"Sanity(Walter)");
            int Sanity = int.Parse(sanity.Value.ToString());

            var posx = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)"PosX(Walter)");
            var PosX = int.Parse(posx.Value.ToString());

            var posz = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)"PosZ(Walter)");
            var PosZ = int.Parse(posz.Value.ToString());

            this.Walter = new Character(HP, Hunger, Sanity, PosX, PosZ);

            //Getting Day Properties

            var cycle = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)"World(CurrentSegment)");

            this.Cycle = float.Parse(cycle.Value.ToString());

            var cycleinfo1 = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)"World(PhaseLenght, day)");
            var Cycleinfo1 = int.Parse(cycleinfo1.Value.ToString());

            var cycleinfo2 = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)"World(PhaseLenght, dusk)");
            var Cycleinfo2 = int.Parse(cycleinfo2.Value.ToString());

            var cycleinfo3 = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)"World(PhaseLenght, night)");
            var Cycleinfo3 = int.Parse(cycleinfo3.Value.ToString());

            this.CycleInfo    = new int[3];
            this.CycleInfo[0] = Cycleinfo1;
            this.CycleInfo[1] = Cycleinfo2;
            this.CycleInfo[2] = Cycleinfo3;

            //Getting Entities + Inventory + Equipped

            var subset = new List <SubstitutionSet> {
                new SubstitutionSet()

            //Getting Equipped

            var equippeditems = knowledgeBase.AskPossibleProperties((Name)"IsEquipped([GUID])", Name.SELF_SYMBOL, subset);

            //if (equipped.Item1 != "" && equipped.Item2 == 0)
            //    foreach (var item in equippeditems)
            //    {
            //        string strEntGuid = item.Item2.FirstOrDefault().FirstOrDefault().SubValue.Value.ToString();
            //        int entGuid = int.Parse(strEntGuid);
            //        string entPrefab = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)("Entity(" + strEntGuid + ")")).Value.ToString();

            //        if (entPrefab == equipped.Item1)
            //        {
            //            string strEntQuantity = "Quantity(" + strEntGuid + ")";
            //            var quantity = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)strEntQuantity);
            //            int entQuantity = int.Parse(quantity.Value.ToString());

            //            Pair<string, int> tuple = new Pair<string, int>(entPrefab, entGuid);
            //            this.Equipped.Add(tuple);
            //            break;
            //        }
            //    }
            //else if (equipped.Item2 != 0)
            //    this.Equipped.Add(equipped);

            foreach (var item in equippeditems)
                string strEntGuid = item.Item2.FirstOrDefault().FirstOrDefault().SubValue.Value.ToString();
                int    entGuid    = int.Parse(strEntGuid);
                string entPrefab  = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)("Entity(" + strEntGuid + ")")).Value.ToString();

                Pair <string, int> pair = new Pair <string, int>(entPrefab, entGuid);

            //Getting Inventory

            var inventory = knowledgeBase.AskPossibleProperties((Name)"InInventory([GUID])", Name.SELF_SYMBOL, subset);

            foreach (var item in inventory)
                string strEntGuid = item.Item2.FirstOrDefault().FirstOrDefault().SubValue.Value.ToString();
                int    entGuid    = int.Parse(strEntGuid);
                string entPrefab  = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)("Entity(" + strEntGuid + ")")).Value.ToString();

                string strEntQuantity = "Quantity(" + strEntGuid + ")";
                var    quantity       = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)strEntQuantity);
                int    entQuantity    = int.Parse(quantity.Value.ToString());

                Tuple <string, int, int> tuple = new Tuple <string, int, int>(entPrefab, entGuid, entQuantity);

                if (IsFuel(strEntGuid))

            //Getting Entities

            var entities = knowledgeBase.AskPossibleProperties((Name)"Entity([GUID])", Name.SELF_SYMBOL, subset);

            foreach (var entity in entities)
                Boolean b             = false;
                string  strEntGuid    = entity.Item2.FirstOrDefault().FirstOrDefault().SubValue.Value.ToString();
                int     entGuid       = int.Parse(strEntGuid);
                string  entPrefab     = entity.Item1.Value.ToString();
                string  realEntPrefab = RealEntityPrefab(entPrefab);

                if (IsFire(entPrefab))
                    string strEntPosx = "PosX(" + strEntGuid + ")";
                    var    POSx       = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)strEntPosx);
                    int    entPosx    = int.Parse(POSx.Value.ToString());

                    string strEntPosz = "PosZ(" + strEntGuid + ")";
                    var    POSz       = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)strEntPosz);
                    int    entPosz    = int.Parse(POSz.Value.ToString());

                    Tuple <string, int, int> tuple = new Tuple <string, int, int>(entPrefab, entPosx, entPosz);
                else if (realEntPrefab != "" && DistanceCalculator(strEntGuid) > 0)
                    string  strEntIsCollectable = "IsCollectable(" + strEntGuid + ")";
                    var     isCollectable       = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)strEntIsCollectable);
                    Boolean entIsCollectable    = Boolean.Parse(isCollectable.Value.ToString());

                    string  strEntIsPickable = "IsPickable(" + strEntGuid + ")";
                    var     isPickable       = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)strEntIsPickable);
                    Boolean entIsPickable    = Boolean.Parse(isPickable.Value.ToString());

                    string  strEntIsMineable = "IsMineable(" + strEntGuid + ")";
                    var     isMineable       = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)strEntIsMineable);
                    Boolean entIsMineable    = Boolean.Parse(isMineable.Value.ToString());

                    string  strEntIsChoppable = "IsChoppable(" + strEntGuid + ")";
                    var     isChoppable       = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)strEntIsChoppable);
                    Boolean entIsChoppable    = Boolean.Parse(isChoppable.Value.ToString());

                    if (entIsPickable || entIsCollectable || entIsMineable || entIsChoppable)
                        string strEntQuantity = "Quantity(" + strEntGuid + ")";
                        var    quantity       = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)strEntQuantity);
                        int    entQuantity    = int.Parse(quantity.Value.ToString());

                        string strEntPosx = "PosX(" + strEntGuid + ")";
                        var    POSx       = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)strEntPosx);
                        int    entPosx    = int.Parse(POSx.Value.ToString());

                        string strEntPosz = "PosZ(" + strEntGuid + ")";
                        var    POSz       = knowledgeBase.AskProperty((Name)strEntPosz);
                        int    entPosz    = int.Parse(POSz.Value.ToString());

                        foreach (ObjectProperties objectproperty in this.Entities)
                            if (objectproperty.Prefab == realEntPrefab)
                                objectproperty.Add(entQuantity, entPrefab, entGuid, entPosx, entPosz, this.Walter);
                                b = true;
                        if (!b)
                            ObjectProperties newObjectproperty = new ObjectProperties(realEntPrefab, entPrefab, entGuid, entQuantity, entPosx, entPosz, entIsCollectable, entIsPickable, entIsMineable, entIsChoppable);
Example #11
        public void Test_Simple_Tell_Valid(Name name, object value)
            var kb = new KB((Name)"Me");

            kb.Tell(name, Name.BuildName(value));
Example #12
 public HandEvaluater(KB kB)
     this.kB = kB;
Example #13
 protected abstract IEnumerable <SubstitutionSet> CheckActivation(KB kb, Name perspective, IEnumerable <SubstitutionSet> constraints);
Example #14
 public bool IsTrueParsed(string query)
 public void AppraiseEvents(IEnumerable <Name> eventNames, IEmotionalState emotionalState, AM am, KB kb, Dictionary <string, Goal> goals)
     AppraiseEvents(eventNames, Name.SELF_SYMBOL, emotionalState, am, kb, goals);
Example #16
        public void Test_Fail_Tell_With_Nil_Perspective()
            var kb = new KB(Name.BuildName("Mark"));

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => kb.Tell(Name.BuildName("IsPerson(Self)"), Name.BuildName(true), Name.NIL_SYMBOL));
        private IEnumerable <Pair <PrimitiveValue, SubstitutionSet> > SIPropertyCalculator(KB kb, Name perspective, IDictionary <string, Name> args, IEnumerable <SubstitutionSet> constraints)
            Name target;

            if (!args.TryGetValue("target", out target))
                yield break;

            foreach (var t in kb.AskPossibleProperties(target, perspective, constraints))
                var si = GetSocialImportance(Name.BuildName(t.Item1), perspective);
                foreach (var s in t.Item2)
                    yield return(new Pair <PrimitiveValue, SubstitutionSet>(si, s));
Example #18
        public void Test_Tell_Fail_Add_Self_To_Universal_Context()
            var kb = new KB((Name)"John");

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => kb.Tell((Name)"Likes(Self)", Name.BuildName(true), Name.UNIVERSAL_SYMBOL));
Example #19
        private IEnumerable <Pair <PrimitiveValue, SubstitutionSet> > MoodPropertyCalculator(KB kb, Name perspective, IDictionary <string, Name> args, IEnumerable <SubstitutionSet> constraints)
            if (perspective != Name.SELF_SYMBOL)
                yield break;

            Name arg = args["x"];

            if (arg.IsVariable)
                var sub = new Substitution(arg, kb.Perspective);
                foreach (var c in constraints)
                    if (c.AddSubstitution(sub))
                        yield return(Tuples.Create((PrimitiveValue)m_emotionalState.Mood, c));
                foreach (var resultPair in kb.AskPossibleProperties(arg, perspective, constraints))
                    var v = (PrimitiveValue)m_emotionalState.Mood;
                    foreach (var c in resultPair.Item2)
                        yield return(Tuples.Create(v, c));
Example #20
        public void Test_Tell_Fail_Add_Self_To_Universal()
            var kb = new KB(Name.BuildName("Matt"));

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => { kb.Tell((Name)"IsPerson(Self)", Name.BuildName(true), Name.UNIVERSAL_SYMBOL); });
Example #21
        private IEnumerable <Pair <PrimitiveValue, SubstitutionSet> > EmotionIntensityPropertyCalculator(KB kb, Name perspective, IDictionary <string, Name> args, IEnumerable <SubstitutionSet> constraints)
            List <Pair <PrimitiveValue, SubstitutionSet> > result = new List <Pair <PrimitiveValue, SubstitutionSet> >();

            if (perspective != Name.SELF_SYMBOL)

            Name entity      = args["x"];
            Name emotionName = args["y"];

            if (entity.IsVariable)
                var newSub = new Substitution(entity, kb.Perspective);
                var newC   = constraints.Where(c => c.AddSubstitution(newSub));
                if (newC.Any())
                    result.AddRange(GetEmotionsForEntity(m_emotionalState, emotionName, kb, perspective, newC));
                foreach (var resultPair in kb.AskPossibleProperties(entity, perspective, constraints))
                    result.AddRange(GetEmotionsForEntity(m_emotionalState, emotionName, kb, perspective, resultPair.Item2));
Example #22
        public void Test_DynamicProperty_Regist_Fail_InvalidTemplate()
            var kb = new KB((Name)"Me");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => kb.RegistDynamicProperty((Name)"CountSubs(John)", "", DummyCount));
Example #23
 /// <summary>
 /// The Comme ill Faut constructor
 /// </summary>
 public CommeillFautAsset()
     m_kB = null;
     m_SocialExchanges = new List <SocialExchange>();
Example #24
        public void Test_DynamicProperty_Regist_Fail_Null_Surogate()
            var kb = new KB((Name)"Me");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => kb.RegistDynamicProperty((Name)"CountSubs", "", (DynamicPropertyCalculator_T1)null));
Example #25
 public void AppraiseEvents(IEnumerable <Name> eventNames, IEmotionalState emotionalState, AM am, KB kb)
     AppraiseEvents(eventNames, Name.SELF_SYMBOL, emotionalState, am, kb);
Example #26
        public void Test_Tell_Fail_Assert_Perspective(string perspective, Type exceptionType)
            var kb = new KB((Name)"John");

            Assert.Throws(exceptionType, () => kb.Tell((Name)"Likes(Mary)", Name.BuildName(true), (Name)perspective));
Example #27
        public static void KeyboardEvent(User.VK vk, KB kb)
            User.Struct.INPUT input = new User.Struct.INPUT(User.Const.INPUT_KEYBOARD);
            input.ki.dwExtraInfo = User.GetMessageExtraInfo();


            // Key down the actual key-code
            input.ki.wVk = (ushort)vk;

            // Key up the actual key-code
            input.ki.dwFlags = User.Const.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;

Example #28
        public void Test_Tell_Fail_Property_ToM_Transform(string property, string perspective)
            var kb = new KB((Name)"John");

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => kb.Tell((Name)property, Name.BuildName(true), (Name)perspective));
Example #29
        public static void KeyUp(KB kb)
            User.Struct.INPUT input = new User.Struct.INPUT(User.Const.INPUT_KEYBOARD);
            input.ki.dwExtraInfo = User.GetMessageExtraInfo();

            // Key down shift, ctrl, and/or alt
            input.ki.dwFlags = User.Const.KEYEVENTF_KEYUP;

            if ((kb & KB.KB_SHIFT) == KB.KB_SHIFT)
                input.ki.wVk = (ushort)User.VK.VK_SHIFT;
            if ((kb & KB.KB_CONTROL) == KB.KB_CONTROL)
                input.ki.wVk = (ushort)User.VK.VK_CONTROL;
            if ((kb & KB.KB_ALT) == KB.KB_ALT)
                input.ki.wVk = (ushort)User.VK.VK_MENU;
            if ((kb & KB.KB_WIN) == KB.KB_WIN)
                input.ki.wVk = (ushort)User.VK.VK_LWIN;
Example #30
        public float VolitionValue(Name step, Name targ, Name mode, KB m_Kb)
            if (m_Kb.Perspective == targ)

            var targetSub = new Substitution(Target, new ComplexValue(targ));

            var constraints = new SubstitutionSet();

            float total = Single.NegativeInfinity;

            // List<SubstitutionSet> resultingConstraints = new List<SubstitutionSet>();

            if (step == this.Steps.FirstOrDefault())
                var resultingConstraints = StartingConditions.FirstOrDefault().Unify(m_Kb, m_Kb.Perspective, new[] { constraints }).ToList();

                if (StartingConditions.Count() > 1)
                    int counter = 0;
                    foreach (var c in StartingConditions) // For instance SI([x]) >= 40
                        if (counter == 0)
                        resultingConstraints = c.Unify(m_Kb, m_Kb.Perspective, resultingConstraints).ToList(); // Whats the sub here [x]/John

                if (resultingConstraints.Count() == 0)

                foreach (var res in resultingConstraints)
                    if (resultingConstraints.Count() > 0)                // Assuming all Starting COnditions match lets go into the Influence Rules
                        foreach (var constraint in resultingConstraints) //  var condition = c.ToString();

                            var contraintVolitionValue = .0f;

                            // var certainty = res.FindMinimumCertainty();  // How do I ask SI(John) >= 40 and get its certainty

                            //total += certainty;

                            var influenceRuleList = new List <InfluenceRule>();

                            if (mode.IsUniversal)
                                influenceRuleList = this.InfluenceRules;
                                influenceRuleList = this.InfluenceRules.FindAll(x => x.Mode == mode);

                            foreach (var inf in influenceRuleList)
                                var toSum = inf.EvaluateInfluenceRule(m_Kb, constraint);

                                contraintVolitionValue += toSum;

                            if (contraintVolitionValue > total)
                                total = contraintVolitionValue;

                //What if the step is beyond the first one, we should not consider Starting Conditions, or any conditions at all, only the influence rules

                var VolVal = .0f;

                var influenceRuleList = new List <InfluenceRule>();

                if (mode.IsUniversal)
                    influenceRuleList = this.InfluenceRules;
                    influenceRuleList = this.InfluenceRules.FindAll(x => x.Mode == mode);

                foreach (var inf in influenceRuleList)
                    var toSum = inf.EvaluateInfluenceRule(m_Kb, constraints);

                    VolVal += toSum;

                if (VolVal > total)
                    total = VolVal;
