Example #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strWebService = "WebService1";
            string strMethod     = "getLab1Results";

            // WS ID (which web service to call)
            const string c_strWebService1 = "WebService1";
            const string c_strWebService2 = "WebService2";
            const string c_strWebService3 = "WebService3";
            const string c_strWebService4 = "WebService4";
            const string c_strWebService5 = "WebService5";
            const int    c_intWebService1 = 1;
            const int    c_intWebService2 = 2;
            const int    c_intWebService3 = 3;
            const int    c_intWebService4 = 4;
            const int    c_intWebService5 = 5;
            int          intWebService    = 0;

            const string C_strAllMethPassThroughCounted    = "AllMethPassThroughCounted";
            const string C_strAllMethPassThroughNotCounted = "AllMethPassThroughNotCounted";
            const string C_strOnlyEndpointMeth             = "OnlyEndpointMeth";

            bool   blnCompatible                      = false;
            string strDynamicCall_TypeName            = "";
            string strDynamicCall_ConstructorArgument = "";

            Compatibility comp = new Compatibility();
            Type          typeWebServiceClient = null;

            /*****program starts here******/
            Program p = new Program();

            string     strPathAndFile   = @"C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\KPCMTest\KPCMTest\WSCLInputFile - 5 Methods.txt";
            string     strReturnMessage = "";
            string     strWSCLContents  = "";
            KAnonymity KAnon            = new KAnonymity();

            //1. Read the file
            using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(strPathAndFile))
                strWSCLContents = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

            //2. process WSCLs
            //   p.getSetOfWebServicesAndTheirMethods();

            // User has previously selected one of these:
            // AllMethPassThroughCounted, AllMethPassThroughNotCounted, or OnlyEndpointMeth
            string strRadioButtonItemSelected_KAnonType = C_strAllMethPassThroughCounted;

            if (strWSCLContents != "")
                // Note WS is set to zero since we only infer the WSID from method name in WSCL
                // Populate tables: WSTransitionsTable, WSTransitionsAllPossibleRoutes_Table
                strReturnMessage = KAnon.processWSCLToGetKAnon(0, strWSCLContents);

                if (strReturnMessage == "")
                        // Populate table: WSCL_Transitions_KAnonymity
                        // Here is where we make use of the KAnon type radio button selection that
                        // the user made.
                        strReturnMessage = KAnon.populate_WSCL_Transitions_KAnonymity(strRadioButtonItemSelected_KAnonType);

                        strReturnMessage = ""; //initialize (since returning a 1 always; chg later)

                        // find out which WS Methods we want to add info to database for

                        // Populate table WSCL_Transitions_PrivacyRuleSetItem_WebService_RowsToAdd
                        strReturnMessage = strReturnMessage +

                        // Possibly insert to: PrivacyRuleSetItems_WebService
                        if (strReturnMessage.Trim() == "")
                            // no error message so far, so we have successfully added to the required intermediate tables.
                            strReturnMessage = "All rows have been added to the required intermediate tables (see below)" +
                                               "Unused K-Anon related PP items have been deleted.";

                            strReturnMessage = strReturnMessage + KAnon.DeleteUnusedKanon_PrivacyRuleSetItems_WebService();

                            // Populate table WSCL_Transitions_PrivacyRuleSetItem_WebService_RowsToAdd
                            strReturnMessage = strReturnMessage +
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        strReturnMessage = ex.Message.ToString();
                strReturnMessage = "Please choose file";


            /************WSCL processing ends************/


            Guid guid = new Guid();

            // check to make sure the client is compatible with the web service method
            if (strWebService == "WebService1")
                intWebService = 1;

            switch (strWebService)
            case c_strWebService1:
                intWebService                      = c_intWebService1;
                strDynamicCall_TypeName            = "WebService1.WebService1Client";
                strDynamicCall_ConstructorArgument = "BasicHttpBinding_IWebService1";
                typeWebServiceClient               = typeof(WebService1.WebService1Client);

            case c_strWebService2:
                intWebService                      = c_intWebService2;
                strDynamicCall_TypeName            = "WebService2.WebService2Client";
                strDynamicCall_ConstructorArgument = "BasicHttpBinding_IWebService2";
                typeWebServiceClient               = typeof(WebService2.WebService2Client);

            case c_strWebService3:
                intWebService                      = c_intWebService3;
                strDynamicCall_TypeName            = "WebService3.WebService3Client";
                strDynamicCall_ConstructorArgument = "BasicHttpBinding_IWebService3";
                typeWebServiceClient               = typeof(WebService3.WebService3Client);

            case c_strWebService4:
                intWebService                      = c_intWebService4;
                strDynamicCall_TypeName            = "WebService4.WebService4Client";
                strDynamicCall_ConstructorArgument = "BasicHttpBinding_IWebService4";
                typeWebServiceClient               = typeof(WebService4.WebService4Client);

            case c_strWebService5:
                intWebService                      = c_intWebService5;
                strDynamicCall_TypeName            = "WebService5.WebService5Client";
                strDynamicCall_ConstructorArgument = "BasicHttpBinding_IWebService5";
                typeWebServiceClient               = typeof(WebService5.WebService5Client);

                Console.WriteLine("Error: web service selected is not available");


            string test_results = "";
            // string strReturnMessage = "";
            string strCompatibilityMessage = "";
            // check to make sure the client is compatible with the web service method
            var watch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            blnCompatible = comp.checkClientCompatWithServiceMethod(intWebService, strMethod, ref strCompatibilityMessage, guid, " ");
            var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            Console.WriteLine("Time taken: {0}ms", watch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);

            if (blnCompatible)
                // Compatible
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\KPCMTest\KPCMTest\Results.txt", "Web Service " + intWebService.ToString() + ", Method " + strMethod + "\n\n" +
                // incompatible
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText(@"C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\KPCMTest\KPCMTest\Results.txt", "Web Service " + intWebService.ToString() + ", Method " + strMethod + "\n\n" +

            WebService1.WebService1Client proxy1;
            WebService2.WebService2Client proxy2;
            WebService3.WebService3Client proxy3;
            WebService4.WebService4Client proxy4;
            WebService5.WebService5Client proxy5;

            // if compatible, then proceed with calling the specified method
            if (blnCompatible)
                // We go through the names of parameters that pertain to method that is going to be called

                string[] arrayOfParam = new string[2];
                arrayOfParam[0] = "patient_id";
                arrayOfParam[1] = "test_results";

                // dynamically call the web service and method specified by the user in the GUI
                // this allows us to have a dynamic number of parameters
                //strReturnMessage = (string)Invoker.CreateAndInvoke
                //    (
                //    typeWebServiceClient,
                //    strDynamicCall_TypeName,                                // ex) "WebService1.WebService1Client"
                //    new string[] { strDynamicCall_ConstructorArgument },    // ex) "BasicHttpBinding_IWebService1"
                //    strMethod,                                              // ex) "getLabResults"
                //    arrayOfParam                                            // note: this will contain the return ref param value
                //    );

                // ORIGINAL CODE (example):
                proxy1 = new WebService1.WebService1Client("BasicHttpBinding_IWebService1");

                strReturnMessage = proxy1.getLab1Results(0, ref test_results);

                // Note: in order to get the full set of parameters after the fact, whether by-value or by-ref param,
                // we need to look at arrayOfParam
                test_results = arrayOfParam[1].ToString();  // get the return ref param value

                Console.WriteLine(strReturnMessage + test_results);
                //lblCompatCheckResults.Text = "Client Privacy Requirements and WS Method Privacy Policies <u>are not compatible</u>. Method will not be called.";
Example #2
    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        KAnonymity KAnon = new KAnonymity();


        // delete existing table contents so we can start from scratch



        string strReturnMessage = "";
        string strWSCLContents  = "";

        // User has previously selected one of these:
        // AllMethPassThroughCounted, AllMethPassThroughNotCounted, or OnlyEndpointMeth
        string strRadioButtonItemSelected_KAnonType = rblKAnonType.SelectedValue.ToString();

            strWSCLContents = txtWSCLDisplay.Text;
        catch (Exception ex)
            // make sure user didn't select a file that can not be put into a string
            strReturnMessage = ex.Message.ToString();

        if (strWSCLContents != "")
            // Note WS is set to zero since we only infer the WSID from method name in WSCL
            // Populate tables: WSTransitionsTable, WSTransitionsAllPossibleRoutes_Table
            strReturnMessage = KAnon.processWSCLToGetKAnon(0, strWSCLContents);

            if (strReturnMessage == "")
                    // Populate table: WSCL_Transitions_KAnonymity
                    // Here is where we make use of the KAnon type radio button selection that
                    // the user made.
                    strReturnMessage = KAnon.populate_WSCL_Transitions_KAnonymity(strRadioButtonItemSelected_KAnonType);

                    strReturnMessage = ""; //initialize (since returning a 1 always; chg later)

                    // find out which WS Methods we want to add info to database for

                    // Populate table WSCL_Transitions_PrivacyRuleSetItem_WebService_RowsToAdd
                    strReturnMessage = strReturnMessage +

                    // Possibly insert to: PrivacyRuleSetItems_WebService
                    if (strReturnMessage.Trim() == "")
                        // no error message so far, so we have successfully added to the required intermediate tables.
                        strReturnMessage = "All rows have been added to the required intermediate tables (see below).<BR>" +
                                           "Unused K-Anon related PP items have been deleted.<BR>";

                        strReturnMessage = strReturnMessage + KAnon.DeleteUnusedKanon_PrivacyRuleSetItems_WebService();

                        // Populate table WSCL_Transitions_PrivacyRuleSetItem_WebService_RowsToAdd
                        strReturnMessage = strReturnMessage +


                catch (Exception ex)
                    strReturnMessage = ex.Message.ToString();
            strReturnMessage = "Please choose file";

        lblMessageToUser.Text = strReturnMessage.Trim();