Example #1
        static JsonValue ReadArray(string json, ref int i)
            i++; // Skip the '['
            SkipWhitespace(json, ref i);

            JsonValue arrayval = new JsonValue();
            arrayval.Type = JsonType.Array;

            bool expectingValue = false;
            while (json[i] != ']') {
                expectingValue = false;
                arrayval.Add(ReadValue(json, ref i));
                SkipWhitespace(json, ref i);
                if (json[i] == ',') {
                    expectingValue = true;
                    SkipWhitespace(json, ref i);
                } else if (json[i] != ']') {
                    throw new InvalidJsonException("Expected end array token at column " + i + "!");

            if (expectingValue) {
                throw new InvalidJsonException("Unexpected end array token at column " + i + "!");

            i++; // Skip the ']'
            return arrayval;
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Allows you to edit Linked Items for TechTypes.</para>
        /// <para>Can be used for existing TechTypes too.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="techType">The TechType whose TechData you want to edit.</param>
        /// <param name="linkedItems">The collection of Ingredients for that TechType.</param>
        /// <seealso cref="Ingredient"/>
        void ICraftDataHandler.SetLinkedItems(TechType techType, ICollection <TechType> linkedItems)
            if (!CraftDataPatcher.CustomTechData.TryGetValue(techType, out JsonValue smlJsonValue))
                CraftDataPatcher.CustomTechData.Add(techType, new JsonValue());
                smlJsonValue = CraftDataPatcher.CustomTechData[techType];

            if (!smlJsonValue.Contains(TechData.PropertyToID("linkedItems")))
                smlJsonValue.Add(TechData.PropertyToID("linkedItems"), new JsonValue(JsonValue.Type.Array));
                smlJsonValue[TechData.PropertyToID("linkedItems")] = new JsonValue(JsonValue.Type.Array);

            JsonValue linkedItemslist = smlJsonValue[TechData.PropertyToID("linkedItems")];

            int current = 0;

            foreach (TechType i in linkedItems)
                linkedItemslist.Add(new JsonValue(current));
                linkedItemslist[current] = new JsonValue((int)i);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Allows you to edit recipes for TechTypes.</para>
        /// <para>Can be used for existing TechTypes too.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="techType">The TechType whose TechData you want to edit.</param>
        /// <param name="ingredients">The collection of Ingredients for that TechType.</param>
        /// <seealso cref="Ingredient"/>
        void ICraftDataHandler.SetIngredients(TechType techType, ICollection <Ingredient> ingredients)
            if (!CraftDataPatcher.CustomTechData.TryGetValue(techType, out JsonValue smlJsonValue))
                smlJsonValue = new JsonValue();
                CraftDataPatcher.CustomTechData.Add(techType, smlJsonValue);

            if (!smlJsonValue.Contains(TechData.PropertyToID("ingredients")))
                smlJsonValue.Add(TechData.PropertyToID("ingredients"), new JsonValue(JsonValue.Type.Array));
                smlJsonValue[TechData.PropertyToID("ingredients")] = new JsonValue(JsonValue.Type.Array);

            JsonValue ingredientslist = smlJsonValue[TechData.PropertyToID("ingredients")];

            int amount  = TechData.PropertyToID("amount");
            int tech    = TechData.PropertyToID("techType");
            int current = 0;

            foreach (Ingredient i in ingredients)
                ingredientslist.Add(new JsonValue(current));
                ingredientslist[current] = new JsonValue(JsonValue.Type.Object)
                    { amount, new JsonValue(i.amount) },
                    { tech, new JsonValue((int)i.techType) }
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Allows you to add or edit TechData for TechTypes.</para>
        /// <para>Can be used for existing TechTypes too.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="techType">The TechType whose TechData you want to edit.</param>
        /// <param name="jsonValue">The TechData for that TechType.</param>
        /// <seealso cref="TechData.defaults"/>
        void ICraftDataHandler.SetTechData(TechType techType, JsonValue jsonValue)
            var techTypeValue = new JsonValue((int)techType);

            if (techTypeValue != jsonValue[TechData.PropertyToID("techType")])
                jsonValue.Add(TechData.PropertyToID("techType"), techTypeValue);

            CraftDataPatcher.CustomTechData[techType] = jsonValue;
Example #5
    public static JsonValue CreateJsonByStrList(List <string> intList)
        if (intList == null)
        JsonValue json = JsonValue.Array();

        for (int index = 0; index < intList.Count; index++)
Example #6
        static void setDouble(this JsonValue jv, int id, double val)
            if (!jv.CheckType(JsonValue.Type.Object))

            if (!jv.dataObject.TryGetValue(id, out JsonValue doubleValue))
                doubleValue = new JsonValue(JsonValue.Type.Double);
                jv.Add(id, doubleValue);

        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Allows you to edit Linked Items for TechTypes.</para>
        /// <para>Can be used for existing TechTypes too.</para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="techType">The TechType whose TechData you want to edit.</param>
        /// <param name="linkedItems">The collection of Ingredients for that TechType.</param>
        /// <seealso cref="Ingredient"/>
        void ICraftDataHandler.AddLinkedItems(TechType techType, ICollection <TechType> linkedItems)
            if (!CraftDataPatcher.CustomTechData.TryGetValue(techType, out JsonValue smlJsonValue))
                smlJsonValue = new JsonValue();
                CraftDataPatcher.CustomTechData.Add(techType, smlJsonValue);

            smlJsonValue.Add(TechData.PropertyToID("linkedItems"), new JsonValue(JsonValue.Type.Array));
            JsonValue linkedItemslist = smlJsonValue[TechData.PropertyToID("linkedItems")];
            //int amount = TechData.PropertyToID("amount");
            //int tech = TechData.PropertyToID("techType");
            //int count = linkedItems.Count;
            int current = 0;

            foreach (TechType i in linkedItems)
                linkedItemslist.Add(new JsonValue(current));
                linkedItemslist[current] = new JsonValue((int)i);
Example #8
    public void ArrayOperations()
        JsonValue test = new JsonValue() { 1, 2, 3 };

        Assert.That(test.Count, Is.EqualTo(3));
        Assert.That(test.Contains(1), Is.True);
        Assert.That(test.Contains(4), Is.False);

        JsonValue[] values = new JsonValue[3];
        test.CopyTo(values, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            Assert.That((int)values[i], Is.EqualTo((int)test[i]));

        Assert.That(test.Contains(1), Is.True);
        Assert.That(test.Contains(2), Is.False);
        Assert.That(test.Contains(3), Is.True);

        Assert.That(test.IsReadOnly, Is.False);

        Assert.That(test.IndexOf(1), Is.EqualTo(0));

        test.Insert(1, 2);
        Assert.That((int)test[1], Is.EqualTo(2));
        Assert.That(test.Count, Is.EqualTo(3));

        Assert.That((int)test[1], Is.EqualTo(3));
        Assert.That(test.Count, Is.EqualTo(2));

        Assert.That(test.Count, Is.EqualTo(0));

        Assert.That(test.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
        Assert.That((int)test[0], Is.EqualTo(5));
Example #9
        static JsonValue ReadObject(string json, ref int i)
            var obj = new JsonValue();
            obj.Type = JsonType.Object;
            i++; // Skip the '{'

            SkipWhitespace(json, ref i);
            if (json[i] != '}') {
                //ReadElements(obj, json, ref i);
                while (true) {
                    SkipWhitespace(json, ref i);

                    var key = ReadString(json, ref i);
                    SkipWhitespace(json, ref i);
                    if (json[i] != ':') {
                        throw new InvalidJsonException("Expected ':' at column " + i + "!");
                    ++i; // Skip the ':'
                    SkipWhitespace(json, ref i);
                    var value = ReadValue(json, ref i);
                    obj.Add((string)key, value);

                    SkipWhitespace(json, ref i);

                    if (json[i] == ',') {
                        i++; // Skip the ','
                    } else {
            if (json[i] != '}') {
                throw new InvalidJsonException("Expected closing object token at column " + i + "!");

            i++; // Skip the '}'

            return obj;
Example #10
    public void KVPCollection()
        JsonValue test = new JsonValue() {
            {"one", 1},
            {"two", 2},
            {"three", 3},

        test.Remove(new KeyValuePair<string, JsonValue>("one", 1));
        Assert.That(test.Count, Is.EqualTo(2));
        Assert.Throws<KeyNotFoundException>(() => test["one"].ToString());

        KeyValuePair<string, JsonValue>[] dest = new KeyValuePair<string, JsonValue>[2];
        test.CopyTo(dest, 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {

        Assert.That(test.Contains(new KeyValuePair<string, JsonValue>("two", 2)));

        test.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, JsonValue>("four", 4));

        Assert.That(test.ContainsKey("four"), Is.True);
        Assert.That((int)test["four"], Is.EqualTo(4));
Example #11
    public void IDictionary()
        JsonValue test = new JsonValue() {
            {"one", 1},
            {"two", 2},
            {"three", 3}

        Assert.That((int)test["one"], Is.EqualTo(1));
        test["one"] = 5;
        Assert.That((int)test["one"], Is.EqualTo(5));
        test["one"] = 1;

        var keys = test.Keys;
        Assert.That(keys.Count, Is.EqualTo(3));
        Assert.That(keys.Contains("one"), Is.True);
        Assert.That(keys.Contains("two"), Is.True);
        Assert.That(keys.Contains("three"), Is.True);

        var values = test.Values;
        Assert.That(values.Count, Is.EqualTo(3));
        var intvalues = values.Select(x => (int)x).ToArray();
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            Assert.That(intvalues[i], Is.EqualTo(i + 1));

        test.Add("four", 4);
        Assert.That(test.Count, Is.EqualTo(4));
        Assert.That((int)test["four"], Is.EqualTo(4));

        JsonValue val;
        Assert.That(test.TryGetValue("one", out val), Is.True);
        Assert.That((int)val, Is.EqualTo(1));
        Assert.That(test.TryGetValue("seven", out val), Is.False);
        Assert.That(val, Is.Null);

        Assert.That(test.ContainsKey("four"), Is.True);
        Assert.That(test.Count, Is.EqualTo(3));
        Assert.That(test.ContainsKey("four"), Is.False);