public void ArrayWithObjectWithArray() { string json = @" { ""Array"" : [ { ""Key-1"" : [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ], }, { ""Nested"" : { ""NestedKey"" : ""NestedValue"" } } ] } "; var transform = new JsonTransform(); var result = transform.Parse(json); var collection = (result.Result as ConfigCollection).WrappedConfigEntities; Assertion(collection, "Array:0:Key-1:0", "1", 0); Assertion(collection, "Array:0:Key-1:1", "2", 1); Assertion(collection, "Array:0:Key-1:2", "3", 2); Assertion(collection, "Array:0:Key-1:3", "4", 3); Assertion(collection, "Array:1:Nested:NestedKey", "NestedValue", 4); }
public void Identity() { foreach (var json in _jsons) { AssertIdentity(JsonTransform.Identity(), json); } }
public void LoadJsonAsyncWithObjectAndArray() { string json = @" { ""Simple"" : ""Value"", ""RabbitMQ"" : { ""Host"" : ""localhost"", ""Port"" : ""5672"" }, ""Connections"" : [ 1, 2, 3, 4] } "; var transform = new JsonTransform(); var result = transform.Parse(json); var collection = (result.Result as ConfigCollection).WrappedConfigEntities; Assertion(collection, "Simple", "Value", 0); Assertion(collection, "RabbitMQ:Host", "localhost", 1); Assertion(collection, "RabbitMQ:Port", "5672", 2); Assertion(collection, "Connections:0", "1", 3); Assertion(collection, "Connections:1", "2", 4); Assertion(collection, "Connections:2", "3", 5); Assertion(collection, "Connections:3", "4", 6); }
public void LoadJsonAndTransformBack() { string json = @" { ""Simple"" : ""Value"", ""RabbitMQ"" : { ""Host"" : ""localhost"", ""Port"" : ""5672"" }, ""Connections"" : [ 1, 2, 3, 4] } "; var transform = new JsonTransform(); var result = transform.Parse(json); var collection = (result.Result as ConfigCollection).WrappedConfigEntities; OperationResult opResult = transform.Format(collection); var jsonEntity = opResult.Result as ConfigEntityJson; Assert.NotNull(jsonEntity); var token = jsonEntity.Json; Assert.Equal(token["Simple"], "Value"); Assert.Equal(token["RabbitMQ:Host"], "localhost"); Assert.Equal(token["RabbitMQ:Port"], "5672"); Assert.Equal(token["Connections"], "1,2,3,4"); }
IEnumerator Get() { WWW www; string url = ""; www = new WWW(url); yield return(www); if (www.error == "" || www.error == null) { Debug.Log("Get succeeded!"); Debug.Log(www.text); JsonTransform t = JsonUtility.FromJson <JsonTransform>(www.text); localTransform.pos = t.pos; localTransform.rot = t.rot; print("networked p" + localTransform.pos); print("networked r" + localTransform.rot); Debug.Log(localTransform.pos); } else { Debug.Log(www.error); } }
public void NestedObjectAndArray() { string json = @" { ""Object"" : { ""Nested"" : { ""Array"" : [ 1,2,3,4 ], ""Key"" : ""Value"" }, ""Nested2"" : { ""Nested3"" : { ""N-Key"" : ""N-Value"" } } } } "; var transform = new JsonTransform(); var result = transform.Parse(json); var collection = (result.Result as ConfigCollection).WrappedConfigEntities; Assertion(collection, "Object:Nested:Array:0", "1", 0); Assertion(collection, "Object:Nested:Array:1", "2", 1); Assertion(collection, "Object:Nested:Array:2", "3", 2); Assertion(collection, "Object:Nested:Array:3", "4", 3); Assertion(collection, "Object:Nested:Key", "Value", 4); Assertion(collection, "Object:Nested2:Nested3:N-Key", "N-Value", 5); }
IEnumerator Set(Vector3 pos, Vector3 rot) { WWW www; Dictionary <string, string> postHeader = new Dictionary <string, string>(); postHeader.Add("Content-Type", "application/json"); JsonTransform t = new JsonTransform(); t.pos = pos; t.rot = rot; string transformStr = JsonUtility.ToJson(t); var formData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(transformStr); string url = ""; www = new WWW(url, formData, postHeader); yield return(www); if (www.error == "" || www.error == null) { Debug.Log("Set succeeded!"); Debug.Log(www.text); } else { Debug.Log(www.error); } }
public Order CreateNewOrder(NewOrder newOrder) { var createOrderJson = JsonTransform.OrderToCreateOrder(newOrder); var order = SaveNewOrder(newOrder); _orderBroker.SendOrderMessage(createOrderJson, order.JobId.ToString()); _logger.LogInformation($"Message send to broker."); return(order); }
public JsonPart(int?_parent, string _name, JsonTransform _transform, List <int> _activeConnections, List <int> _children, int?_parentCon, List <int> _childCons) { parent = _parent; name = _name; transform = _transform; activeConnections = _activeConnections; children = _children; parentCon = _parentCon; childCons = _childCons; }
///<summary> /// load simple json file /// save to in Memory store /// and load all and print to console ///</summary> public static async Task Run(Action <object> printCallback) { var store = new InMemoryStore(); // upload file from the current directory string json = JsonFromConfigFile(); ITransform transform = new JsonTransform(); OperationResult result = transform.Parse(json); if (result.Result is ConfigCollection collection) { foreach (var item in collection.WrappedConfigEntities) { var request = new ConfigChangeRequest { Name = item.Name, Value = item.Value }; var context = new CommandContext(CommandTypes.Create, request, store); await Factory.RunOperationAsync(context); } } else { throw new InvalidCastException("should have been ConfigCollection yet is " + result.Result.GetType().Name); } foreach (var item in await store.AllEntitesAsync()) { printCallback($"next one is [{item.Name}] - [{item.Value}]"); } printCallback("also find RabbitMQ:Port and change it to 5674"); ConfigEntity port = await QueryRabbitPortAsync(store); printCallback(port.Name + " - " + port.Value); var updateRq = new ConfigChangeRequest { Name = port.Name, Value = "5674" }; var update = new CommandContext(CommandTypes.UpdateValue, updateRq, store); OperationResult rs = await Factory.RunOperationAsync(update); printCallback("after the update:"); port = await QueryRabbitPortAsync(store); printCallback(port.Name + " - " + port.Value); }
public JsonPart(int _parent, string _name, JsonTransform _transform, int _parentCon, int _conToParent, List <int> _activeCons, List <int> _children) { parent = _parent; name = _name; transform = _transform; parentCon = _parentCon; conToParent = _conToParent; activeConnections = _activeCons; children = _children; if (parent == -1 || parent == null) { parent = null; parentCon = null; conToParent = null; } }
public void LoadJsonAsyncSimpleOnes() { string json = @" { ""Simple"" : ""Value"", ""RabbitMQ"" : ""simple-2"" } "; var transform = new JsonTransform(); var result = transform.Parse(json); var collection = (result.Result as ConfigCollection).WrappedConfigEntities; Assertion(collection, "Simple", "Value", 0); Assertion(collection, "RabbitMQ", "simple-2", 1); System.Console.WriteLine(); }
public static IAsyncEnumerable <TElement> GraphsonDeserialize <TElement>(this IAsyncEnumerable <JToken> tokenEnumerable, JsonSerializer serializer) { return(tokenEnumerable .Select(token => { try { return serializer .Deserialize <TElement>(new JTokenReader(token) .ToTokenEnumerable() .Apply(JsonTransform .Identity() .GraphElements() .NestedValues()) .ToJsonReader()); } catch (JsonReaderException ex) { throw new GraphsonMappingException($"Error mapping\r\n\r\n{token}\r\n\r\nto an object of type {typeof(TElement)}.", ex); } })); }
public void LoadJsonAsyncWithObject() { string json = @" { ""Simple"" : ""Value"", ""RabbitMQ"" : { ""Host"" : ""localhost"", ""Port"" : ""5672"" } } "; var transform = new JsonTransform(); var result = transform.Parse(json); var collection = (result.Result as ConfigCollection).WrappedConfigEntities; Assertion(collection, "Simple", "Value", 0); Assertion(collection, "RabbitMQ:Host", "localhost", 1); Assertion(collection, "RabbitMQ:Port", "5672", 2); System.Console.WriteLine(); }
///<summary> ///setup communcation with the CLI or any other client via ZeroMQ ///</summary> public static Communication GetCommunication(string tcpConnection) { var store = new InMemoryStore(); // upload file from the current directory string json = JsonFromConfigFile(); ITransform transform = new JsonTransform(); OperationResult result = transform.Parse(json); var socket = new RequestBus(tcpConnection); socket.Connect(); return(new Communication { Storage = store, Socket = socket, JsonString = json, Transform = transform, ConfigEntities = result.Result as ConfigCollection }); }
private JsonTransform[] GetValidRelateJsonTrans() { Vector3 selfLocalPos = _jsonLabObj.JsonLocalTransform.JsonLocalPos.ToVector3(); Quaternion selfQuat = Quaternion.Euler(_jsonLabObj.JsonLocalTransform.JsonLocalRot.ToVector3()); JsonAssemblyObject[] brothersJsonLabObjs = _labObjectModule.GetBrothersJsonLabObj(ID); List <JsonTransform> RelateTrans_List = new List <JsonTransform>(); if (_jsonLabObj.ParentID != -1) { RelateTrans_List.Add(_jsonLabObj.JsonLocalTransform); } if (brothersJsonLabObjs != null) { for (int i = 0; i < brothersJsonLabObjs.Length; ++i) { int brotherID = brothersJsonLabObjs[i].ID; Transform brotherTrans = _labObjectModule.GetTransformByID(brotherID); Vector3 oldDir = selfLocalPos - brothersJsonLabObjs[i].JsonLocalTransform.JsonLocalPos.ToVector3(); Quaternion oldQuat = Quaternion.Euler(brothersJsonLabObjs[i].JsonLocalTransform.JsonLocalRot.ToVector3()); Quaternion fixedQuat = brotherTrans.localRotation * Quaternion.Inverse(oldQuat); Vector3 newDir = fixedQuat * oldDir; Vector3 relatePos = newDir.normalized * oldDir.magnitude + brotherTrans.localPosition; Quaternion relateQua = fixedQuat * selfQuat; JsonTransform relateJosonTrans = new JsonTransform(relatePos, relateQua.eulerAngles, _jsonLabObj.JsonLocalTransform.JsonLocalScal.ToVector3()); RelateTrans_List.Add(relateJosonTrans); } } if (RelateTrans_List.Count <= 0) { return(null); } else { return(RelateTrans_List.ToArray()); } }
public void ArrayWithObjects() { string json = @" { ""Array"" : [ { ""Key-1"" : ""Value-1"", }, { ""Key-2"" : ""Value-2"", }, 42 ] } "; var transform = new JsonTransform(); var result = transform.Parse(json); var collection = (result.Result as ConfigCollection).WrappedConfigEntities; Assertion(collection, "Array:0:Key-1", "Value-1", 0); Assertion(collection, "Array:1:Key-2", "Value-2", 1); }
public string DataGridJson() { int page = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params.Get("page")); int rows = Convert.ToInt32(Request.Params.Get("rows")); if (page == 0) { page = 1; } if (rows == 0) { rows = 20; } int recordcount = 0; string order = "ID"; List <M> list = new List <M>(); list = service.GetObjects <M>(rows, page, "", order, service.GetOrderType(order), ref recordcount); List <string> fields = new List <string>(); typeof(M).GetProperties().ToList().ForEach(t => fields.Add(t.Name)); return(JsonTransform.SerializeObject <M>(list, typeof(M).Name, fields.ToArray(), new List <JsonMapTable>(), recordcount)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { try { var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); var storageAccount = new CloudStorageAccount(new StorageCredentials("storage name", "storage key"), false); var outputDirectory = @"c:\temp\"; Directory.CreateDirectory(outputDirectory); var startTimeInclusive = new DateTime(2016, 8, 11, 19, 0, 0); var endTimeExclusive = new DateTime(2016, 8, 18, 0, 0, 0); var outputFile = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, $"{startTimeInclusive:yyyy-MM-dd_HH}-{endTimeExclusive:yyyy-MM-dd_HH}.json"); // download and merge blob data using (var writer = new StreamWriter(outputFile)) { AzureBlobDownloader.Download(storageAccount, startTimeInclusive, endTimeExclusive, writer, outputDirectory).Wait(); } // pre-process JSON JsonTransform.TransformIgnoreProperties(outputFile, outputFile + ".small", "Somefeatures"); outputFile += ".small"; // filter broken events JsonTransform.TransformFixMarginal(outputFile, numExpectedActions: 10, // examples with different number of actions are ignored startingNamespace: 'G', // starting namespace of the marginal features, if more than one marginal features then the next letter is used, e.g. G for the first one, H for second, and so on. marginalProperties: new TupleList <string, string> { // The property parent and name to create marginal features for { "DVideoFeatures", "VideoId" }, //{ "DVideoFeatures", "VideoTitle" }, // uncomment if more marginal features are needed }); outputFile += ".fixed"; using (var reader = new StreamReader(outputFile)) using (var writer = new StreamWriter(new GZipStream(File.Create(outputFile + ".vw.gz"), CompressionLevel.Optimal))) { VowpalWabbitJsonToString.Convert(reader, writer); } var bags = new[] { 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 }.Select(a => "--bag " + a); var softmaxes = new[] { 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 }.Select(a => "--softmax --lambda " + a); var epsilons = new[] { .33333f, .2f, .1f, .05f }.Select(a => "--epsilon " + a); var arguments = Util.Expand( epsilons.Union(bags).Union(softmaxes), new[] { "--cb_type ips", "--cb_type mtr", "--cb_type dr" }, new[] { "-q AB -q UD" }, new[] { 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.1 }.Select(l => string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "-l {0}", l)) ) .Select(a => $"--cb_explore_adf {a} --interact ud ") .ToList(); var sep = "\t"; var historyFile = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "mwt.experiments"); using (var historyWriter = new StreamWriter(File.Open(historyFile, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))) { for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Count; i++) { var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow; var outputPredictionFile = $"{outputFile}.prediction"; var outputPrediction2hFile = $"{outputFile}.{i + 1}.2h.prediction"; // VW training OfflineTrainer.Train(arguments[i], outputFile, predictionFile: outputPrediction2hFile, reloadInterval: TimeSpan.FromHours(2), cacheFilePrefix: null); // null to use input file's name for cache, see the method documentation for more details var metricResult = Metrics.Compute(outputFile, outputPredictionFile, outputPrediction2hFile); historyWriter.WriteLine($"{startTime}{sep}{arguments[i]}{sep}{string.Join(sep, metricResult.Select(m => m.Name + sep + m.Value))}"); } } Console.WriteLine("\ndone " + stopwatch.Elapsed); Console.WriteLine("Run information is added to: ", historyFile); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"Exception: {ex.Message}. {ex.StackTrace}"); } Console.ReadKey(); }
public static void LoadFromString(string jsonSr) { Dictionary <int, int> localPartIDLedger = new Dictionary <int, int>(); Dictionary <int, PartSpawnData> spawnPartContainer = new Dictionary <int, PartSpawnData>(); Dictionary <int, List <int> > childContainer = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >(); Dictionary <int, List <int> > childConContainer = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >(); JsonAssembly assembly; int numParts = 0; Matrix4x4 transM = new Matrix4x4(new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0), new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0), new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 0), new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1)); assembly = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonAssembly>(jsonSr); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JsonPart> dicEntry in { int id; if (!BoltNetwork.IsRunning) { id = int.Parse(dicEntry.Key) + GlobalReferences.NumOfParts; } else { id = int.Parse(dicEntry.Key); int newID = Random.Range(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue); while (localPartIDLedger.ContainsValue(newID) || GlobalReferences.FrozenParts.ContainsKey(newID)) { newID = Random.Range(int.MinValue, int.MaxValue); } localPartIDLedger.Add(id, newID); } JsonPart part = dicEntry.Value; int templateId = GlobalReferences.TemplateIDFromName(; if (templateId == -1) { throw new System.Exception("Couldn't find Part from Name"); } Matrix4x4 m = part.transform.GetMatrix(); m = m * Matrix4x4.TRS(-GlobalReferences.TemplateParts[templateId].GetComponent <Part>().PartOffset, Quaternion.identity,; m = transM * m; Vector3 scale = JsonTransform.MatrixToScale(m); Quaternion rot = JsonTransform.MatrixToRotation(m); Vector3 pos = JsonTransform.MatrixToPosition(m); string name = + "_" + (id); int parent = -1; if (part.parent != null) { parent = (int)part.parent; parent += GlobalReferences.NumOfParts; } int parentCon = -1; if (part.parentCon != null) { parentCon = (int)part.parentCon; } int con = -1; if (part.conToParent != null) { con = (int)part.conToParent; } if (BoltNetwork.IsRunning) { var token = new PartTokenParent(); token.TemplateID = templateId; token.ID = id; token.Parent = -1; if (part.parent != null) { token.Parent = (int)part.parent; } token.ParentCon = parentCon; token.Con = con; int owner = 0; if (BoltNetwork.IsClient) { owner = (int)BoltNetwork.Server.ConnectionId; } spawnPartContainer.Add(id, new PartSpawnData(token, pos, rot, owner)); } else { GameObject go = MonoBehaviour.Instantiate(GlobalReferences.TemplateParts[templateId]); = name; go.SetActive(true); PartsHolder.ResetPart(go, GlobalReferences.TemplateParts[templateId], id); Part p = go.GetComponent <Part>(); p.Parent = parent; p.ParentCon = parentCon; p.ConToParent = con; go.transform.rotation = rot; go.transform.position = pos; p.FreezePart(id); if (!GlobalReferences.Parts.Contains(go)) { GlobalReferences.Parts.Add(go); } if (id >= numParts) { numParts = id + 1; } } } if (BoltNetwork.IsRunning) { foreach (PartSpawnData spawnData in spawnPartContainer.Values) { //PartTokenParent token = (PartTokenParent)spawnData.Token; if (spawnData.parent != -1 && localPartIDLedger.ContainsKey(spawnData.parent)) { spawnData.parent = localPartIDLedger[spawnData.parent]; } = localPartIDLedger[];; } } else { foreach (GameObject go in GlobalReferences.FrozenParts.Values) { Part part = go.GetComponent <Part>(); if (part.Parent != -1) { Part parentPart = GlobalReferences.FrozenParts[part.Parent].GetComponent <Part>(); parentPart.Children.Add(part.ID); parentPart.ChildCons.Add(part.ConToParent); } } GlobalReferences.NumOfParts = numParts; } }
public void Identity_NestedValues() { var transform = JsonTransform.Identity().GraphElements().NestedValues(); foreach (var json in _jsons) { AssertIdentity(transform, json); } Assert( transform, "{ \"@type\": \"g:Vertex\", \"@value\": { \"id\": 1 } }", "{ \"type\": \"vertex\", \"id\": 1 }"); Assert( transform, "{ \"@type\": \"g:Vertex\", \"@value\": { \"id\": 1, \"properties\": { \"prop\": \"val\" } } }", "{ \"type\": \"vertex\", \"id\": 1, \"prop\": \"val\" }"); foreach (var json in _jsons) { Assert( transform, $"{{ \"@type\": \"someType\", \"@value\": {json} }}", json); } foreach (var json in _jsons) { Assert( transform, $"[ {{ \"@type\": \"someType\", \"@value\": {json} }} ]", $"[{json}]"); } foreach (var json in _jsons) { Assert( transform, $"{{ \"p\": 1, \"v\": {{ \"@type\": \"someType\", \"@value\": {json} }} }}", $"{{ \"p\": 1, \"v\": {json} }}"); } foreach (var json in _jsons) { Assert( transform, $"{{ \"v1\": {{ \"@type\": \"someType\", \"@value\": {json} }}, \"v2\": {{ \"@type\": \"someType\", \"@value\": {json} }} }}", $"{{ \"v1\": {json}, \"v2\": {json} }}"); } Assert( transform, "{ \"type\": \"vertex\", \"properties\": { \"prop\": \"val\" } }", "{ \"type\": \"vertex\", \"prop\": \"val\" }"); Assert( transform, "{ \"type\": \"vertex\", \"properties\": { \"prop1\": \"val1\", \"prop2\": \"val2\" } }", "{ \"type\": \"vertex\", \"prop1\": \"val1\", \"prop2\": \"val2\" }"); Assert( transform, "{ \"type\": \"vertex\", \"properties\": { \"prop1\": [1, 2, 3], \"prop2\": [3, 4, 5] } }", "{ \"type\": \"vertex\", \"prop1\": [1, 2, 3], \"prop2\": [3, 4, 5] }"); Assert( transform, "{ \"type\": \"vertex\", \"properties\": { \"prop1\": [ { } ], \"prop2\": [3, 4, 5] } }", "{ \"type\": \"vertex\", \"prop1\": [ { } ], \"prop2\": [3, 4, 5] }"); Assert( transform, "{ \"type\": \"vertex\", \"properties\": { \"name\": [ { \"@type\": \"g:VertexProperty\", \"@value\": 36 } ] } }", "{ \"type\": \"vertex\", \"name\": [ 36 ] }"); Assert( transform, "{ \"type\": \"vertex\", \"properties\": { \"name\": [ { \"@type\": \"g:VertexProperty\", \"@value\": { \"id\": 36 } } ] } }", "{ \"type\": \"vertex\", \"name\": [ { \"id\": 36 } ] }"); Assert( transform, "{ \"type\": \"vertex\", \"properties\": { \"name\": [ { \"@type\": \"g:VertexProperty\", \"@value\": { \"id\": 36 } } ] }, \"location\": \"wherever\" }", "{ \"type\": \"vertex\", \"name\": [ { \"id\": 36 } ], \"location\": \"wherever\" }"); Assert( transform, "[ { \"@type\": \"g:Vertex\", \"@value\": { \"id\": { \"@type\": \"g:Int32\", \"@value\": 1 }, \"label\": \"person\", \"properties\": { \"name\": [ { \"@type\": \"g:VertexProperty\", \"@value\": { \"id\": { \"@type\": \"g:Int64\", \"@value\": 0 }, \"value\": \"marko\", \"label\": \"name\" } } ], \"location\": [ { \"@type\": \"g:VertexProperty\", \"@value\": { \"id\": { \"@type\": \"g:Int64\", \"@value\": 6 }, \"value\": \"san diego\", \"label\": \"location\", \"properties\": { \"startTime\": { \"@type\": \"g:Int32\", \"@value\": 1997 }, \"endTime\": { \"@type\": \"g:Int32\", \"@value\": 2001 } } } }, { \"@type\": \"g:VertexProperty\", \"@value\": { \"id\": { \"@type\": \"g:Int64\", \"@value\": 7 }, \"value\": \"santa cruz\", \"label\": \"location\", \"properties\": { \"startTime\": { \"@type\": \"g:Int32\", \"@value\": 2001 }, \"endTime\": { \"@type\": \"g:Int32\", \"@value\": 2004 } } } }, { \"@type\": \"g:VertexProperty\", \"@value\": { \"id\": { \"@type\": \"g:Int64\", \"@value\": 8 }, \"value\": \"brussels\", \"label\": \"location\", \"properties\": { \"startTime\": { \"@type\": \"g:Int32\", \"@value\": 2004 }, \"endTime\": { \"@type\": \"g:Int32\", \"@value\": 2005 } } } }, { \"@type\": \"g:VertexProperty\", \"@value\": { \"id\": { \"@type\": \"g:Int64\", \"@value\": 9 }, \"value\": \"santa fe\", \"label\": \"location\", \"properties\": { \"startTime\": { \"@type\": \"g:Int32\", \"@value\": 2005 } } } } ] } } }\r\n]", "[ { \"type\": \"vertex\", \"id\": 1, \"label\": \"person\", \"name\": [ { \"id\": 0, \"value\": \"marko\", \"label\": \"name\" } ], \"location\": [ { \"id\": 6, \"value\": \"san diego\", \"label\": \"location\", \"properties\": { \"startTime\": 1997, \"endTime\": 2001 } }, { \"id\": 7, \"value\": \"santa cruz\", \"label\": \"location\", \"properties\": { \"startTime\": 2001, \"endTime\": 2004 } }, { \"id\": 8, \"value\": \"brussels\", \"label\": \"location\", \"properties\": { \"startTime\": 2004, \"endTime\": 2005 } }, { \"id\": 9, \"value\": \"santa fe\", \"label\": \"location\", \"properties\": { \"startTime\": 2005 } } ] } ]"); AssertIdentity( transform, "[ { \"value\": 1540202009475,\r\n \"label\": \"Property1\",\r\n \"properties\": {\r\n \"metaKey\": \"MetaValue\"\r\n }\r\n},\r\n{\r\n\"value\": \"Some string\",\r\n\"label\": \"Property2\"\r\n},\r\n{\r\n\"value\": 36,\r\n\"label\": \"Property3\"\r\n}\r\n]"); }
//Loading public static void Load(string path) { JsonAssembly assembly; string jsonSr; int numParts = 0; Matrix4x4 transM = new Matrix4x4(new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 0), new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 0), new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 0), new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1)); using (FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) { using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream)) { jsonSr = sr.ReadToEnd(); } } assembly = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonAssembly>(jsonSr); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JsonPart> dicEntry in { int id = int.Parse(dicEntry.Key) + GlobalReferences.NumOfParts; JsonPart part = dicEntry.Value; int templateId = GlobalReferences.TemplateIDFromName(; if (templateId == -1) { throw new System.Exception("Couldn't find Part from Name"); } GameObject go = MonoBehaviour.Instantiate(GlobalReferences.TemplateParts[templateId]); = + "_" + (id + GlobalReferences.NumOfParts); go.SetActive(true); PartsHolder.ResetPart(go, GlobalReferences.TemplateParts[templateId], id + GlobalReferences.NumOfParts); Part p = go.GetComponent <Part>(); foreach (int child in part.children) { p.Children.Add(child + GlobalReferences.NumOfParts); } if (part.parent != null) { p.Parent = part.parent + GlobalReferences.NumOfParts; } else { p.Parent = null; } p.ParentCon = part.parentCon; p.ChildCons = part.childCons; p.ActiveConnections = part.activeConnections; Matrix4x4 m = part.transform.GetMatrix(); m = transM * m; go.transform.localScale = JsonTransform.MatrixToScale(m); go.transform.rotation = JsonTransform.MatrixToRotation(m); go.transform.position = JsonTransform.MatrixToPosition(m); /* * go.transform.localScale = JsonTransform.MatrixToScale(m); * go.transform.rotation = JsonTransform.MatrixToRotation(m); * go.transform.position = JsonTransform.MatrixToPosition(m); * go.transform.RotateAround(, Vector3.right, -90); * GameObject _go = new GameObject(); * go.transform.SetParent(_go.transform); * _go.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, -1); * go.transform.SetParent(null); * MonoBehaviour.Destroy(_go); */ p.FreezePart(id); CollisionVoxelContainer.StoreGameObject(go); if (!GlobalReferences.Parts.Contains(go)) { GlobalReferences.Parts.Add(go); } if (id >= numParts) { numParts = id + GlobalReferences.NumOfParts + 1; } } GlobalReferences.NumOfParts = numParts; }