public async Task SetAsyncEventHandlerOverrideTrue()
            // Setup: Create two mock event handlers
            var eventHandler1 = new Mock <Func <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents, EventContext, Task> >();
            var eventHandler2 = new Mock <Func <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents, EventContext, Task> >();

            // If:
            // ... I assign an event handler on the JSON RPC host
            // ... And I reassign the event handler with an override
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(null, null).Object);

            jh.SetAsyncEventHandler(CommonObjects.EventType, eventHandler1.Object);
            jh.SetAsyncEventHandler(CommonObjects.EventType, eventHandler2.Object, true);

            // Then: There should only be one event handler
            Assert.Contains(CommonObjects.EventType.MethodName, jh.eventHandlers.Keys);

            // If: I call the stored event handler
            await jh.eventHandlers[CommonObjects.EventType.MethodName](CommonObjects.EventMessage);

            // Then: The correct event handler should have been called
            eventHandler2.Verify(a => a(
                                     It.Is <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents>(p => p.Equals(CommonObjects.TestMessageContents.DefaultInstance)),
                                     It.Is <EventContext>(p => p.messageQueue == jh.outputQueue)
                                     ), Times.Once);
            eventHandler1.Verify(a => a(
                                     It.IsAny <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents>(),
                                     It.IsAny <EventContext>()
                                     ), Times.Never);
        public async Task SetSyncRequestHandler(bool nullContents)
            // Setup: Create a mock request handler
            var requestHandler = new Mock <Action <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents, RequestContext <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents> > >();
            var message        = nullContents
                ? Message.CreateRequest(CommonObjects.RequestType, CommonObjects.MessageId, null)
                : CommonObjects.RequestMessage;

            // If: I assign a request handler on the JSON RPC host
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(null, null).Object);

            jh.SetRequestHandler(CommonObjects.RequestType, requestHandler.Object);

            // Then: It should be the only request handler set
            Assert.Contains(CommonObjects.RequestType.MethodName, jh.requestHandlers.Keys);

            // If: I call the stored request handler
            await jh.requestHandlers[CommonObjects.RequestType.MethodName](message);
            await jh.requestHandlers[CommonObjects.RequestType.MethodName](message);

            // Then: The request handler should have been called with the params and a proper request context
            var expectedContents = nullContents
                ? null
                : CommonObjects.TestMessageContents.DefaultInstance;

            requestHandler.Verify(a => a(
                                      It.Is <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents>(p => p == expectedContents),
                                      It.Is <RequestContext <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents> >(rc => rc.messageQueue == jh.outputQueue && rc.requestMessage == message)
                                      ), Times.Exactly(2));
        public void SetSyncEventHandlerNull()
            // If: I assign an event handler on the message gispatcher with a null event handler
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(null, null).Object);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => jh.SetEventHandler(CommonObjects.EventType, null));
        public async Task ConsumeInputRequestMethodNotFound()
            // Setup: Create a message reader that will return a request with method that doesn't exist
            var mr = new Mock <MessageReader>(Stream.Null, null);

            mr.SetupSequence(o => o.ReadMessage())
            .Returns(Task.FromException <Message>(new EndOfStreamException()));

            // If: I start the input consumption loop
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(mr.Object, null).Object);
            await jh.ConsumeInput().WithTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            // Then:
            // ... Read message should have been called twice
            mr.Verify(o => o.ReadMessage(), Times.Exactly(2));

            // ... There should be an outgoing message with the error
            var outgoing = jh.outputQueue.ToArray();

            Assert.Equal(MessageType.ResponseError, outgoing[0].MessageType);
            Assert.Equal(CommonObjects.MessageId, outgoing[0].Id);
            Assert.Equal(-32601, outgoing[0].Contents.Value <int>("code"));
        public async Task ConsumeInputRequestException()
            // Setup:
            // ... Create a message reader that will return a request
            var mr = new Mock <MessageReader>(Stream.Null, null);

            mr.SetupSequence(o => o.ReadMessage())
            .Returns(Task.FromException <Message>(new EndOfStreamException()));

            // ... Create a JSON RPC host and register the request handler to throw exception
            var jh          = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(mr.Object, null).Object);
            var mockHandler = new Mock <Action <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents, RequestContext <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents> > >();

            mockHandler.Setup(m => m(It.IsAny <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents>(),
                                     It.IsAny <RequestContext <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents> >()))
            .Throws(new Exception());
            jh.SetRequestHandler(CommonObjects.RequestType, mockHandler.Object);

            // If: I start the input consumption loop
            await jh.ConsumeInput().WithTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            // Then:
            // ... Read message should have been called twice
            mr.Verify(o => o.ReadMessage(), Times.Exactly(2));

            // ... There should not be any outgoing messages
            var outgoing = jh.outputQueue.ToArray();

        public async Task SetAsyncEventHandler(bool nullContents)
            // Setup: Create a mock request handler
            var eventHandler = new Mock <Func <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents, EventContext, Task> >();
            var message      = nullContents
                ? Message.CreateEvent(CommonObjects.EventType, null)
                : CommonObjects.EventMessage;

            // If: I assign an event handler on the JSON RPC host
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(null, null).Object);

            jh.SetAsyncEventHandler(CommonObjects.EventType, eventHandler.Object);

            // Then: It should be the only event handler set
            Assert.Contains(CommonObjects.EventType.MethodName, jh.eventHandlers.Keys);

            // If: I call the stored event handler
            await jh.eventHandlers[CommonObjects.EventType.MethodName](message);
            await jh.eventHandlers[CommonObjects.EventType.MethodName](message);

            // Then: The event handler should have been called with the params and a proper event context
            var expectedContents = nullContents
                ? null
                : CommonObjects.TestMessageContents.DefaultInstance;

            eventHandler.Verify(a => a(
                                    It.Is <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents>(p => p == expectedContents),
                                    It.Is <EventContext>(p => p.messageQueue == jh.outputQueue)
                                    ), Times.Exactly(2));
 public async Task SendRequestNotConnected()
     // If: I send an event when the protocol channel isn't connected
     // Then: I should get an exception
     var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(null, null).Object);
     await Assert.ThrowsAsync <InvalidOperationException>(() => jh.SendRequest(CommonObjects.RequestType, CommonObjects.TestMessageContents.DefaultInstance));
        public void StopBeforeStarting()
            // If: I stop the JSON RPC host without starting it first
            // Then: I should get an exception
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(null, null).Object);

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => jh.Stop());
        public void SetSyncRequestHandlerNullRequestHandler()
            // If: I assign a request handler on the JSON RPC host with a null request handler
            // Then: I should get an exception
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(null, null).Object);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => jh.SetRequestHandler(CommonObjects.RequestType, null));
        public void WaitForExitNotStarted()
            // If: I wait for exit on the JSON RPC host without starting it
            // Then: I should get an exception
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(null, null).Object);

            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => jh.WaitForExit());
        public async Task DispatchMessageEventWithoutHandler()
            // Setup: Create a JSON RPC host without a request handler
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(null, null).Object);

            // If: I dispatch a request that doesn't have a handler
            // Then: I should get an exception
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <MethodHandlerDoesNotExistException>(() => jh.DispatchMessage(CommonObjects.EventMessage));
        public void SetAsyncRequestHandlerNullRequestType()
            // If: I assign a request handler on the JSON RPC host with a null request type
            // Then: I should get an exception
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(null, null).Object);

            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() =>
                                                  jh.SetAsyncRequestHandler <object, object>(null, (a, b) => Task.FromResult(false)));
        public void SetAsyncEventHandlerOverrideFalse()
            // Setup: Create a mock event handler
            var eventHandler = new Mock <Func <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents, EventContext, Task> >();

            // If:
            // ... I assign an event handler on the JSON RPC host
            // ... And I reassign the event handler without overriding
            // Then: I should get an exception
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(null, null).Object);

            jh.SetAsyncEventHandler(CommonObjects.EventType, eventHandler.Object);
            Assert.ThrowsAny <Exception>(() => jh.SetAsyncEventHandler(CommonObjects.EventType, eventHandler.Object));
        public async Task DispatchMessageEventException()
            // Setup: Create a JSON RPC host with a request handler that throws an unhandled exception every time
            var jh          = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(null, null).Object);
            var mockHandler = new Mock <Func <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents, EventContext, Task> >();

            mockHandler.Setup(f => f(It.IsAny <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents>(), It.IsAny <EventContext>()))
            .Returns(Task.FromException(new Exception()));
            jh.SetAsyncEventHandler(CommonObjects.EventType, mockHandler.Object);

            // If: I dispatch a message whose handler throws
            // Then: I should get an exception
            await Assert.ThrowsAsync <Exception>(() => jh.DispatchMessage(CommonObjects.EventMessage));
        public void StopMultiple()
            // Setup: Create json rpc host and start it
            var mr = new Mock <MessageReader>(Stream.Null, null);
            var mw = new Mock <MessageWriter>(Stream.Null);
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(mr.Object, mw.Object).Object);


            // If: I stop the JSON RPC host after stopping it
            // Then: I should get an exception
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => jh.Stop());
        public void SendEvent()
            // Setup: Create a Json RPC Host with a connected channel
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(null, null, true).Object);

            // If: I send an event
            jh.SendEvent(CommonObjects.EventType, CommonObjects.TestMessageContents.DefaultInstance);

            // Then: The message should be added to the output queue
            var m = jh.outputQueue.ToArray()[0];

            Assert.Equal(CommonObjects.TestMessageContents.SerializedContents, m.Contents);
            Assert.Equal(CommonObjects.EventType.MethodName, m.Method);
        public async Task DispatchMessageResponseWithHandler()
            // Setup: Create a new JSON RPC host that has a pending request handler
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(null, null).Object);
            var mockPendingRequest = new TaskCompletionSource <Message>();

            jh.pendingRequests.TryAdd(CommonObjects.MessageId, mockPendingRequest);

            // If: I dispatch a response
            await jh.DispatchMessage(CommonObjects.ResponseMessage);

            // Then: The task completion source should have completed with the message that was given
            await mockPendingRequest.Task.WithTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            Assert.Equal(CommonObjects.ResponseMessage, mockPendingRequest.Task.Result);
        public async Task SendRequest()
            // If:  I send a request with the JSON RPC host
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(null, null, true).Object);
            Task <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents> requestTask = jh.SendRequest(CommonObjects.RequestType, CommonObjects.TestMessageContents.DefaultInstance);

            // Then: There should be a pending request

            // If: I then trick it into completing the request
            var responseContents = await requestTask;

            // Then: The returned results should be the contents of the message
            Assert.Equal(CommonObjects.TestMessageContents.DefaultInstance, responseContents);
        public async Task ConsumeInputEndOfStream()
            // Setup: Create a message reader that will throw an end of stream exception on read
            var mr = new Mock <MessageReader>(Stream.Null, null);

            mr.Setup(o => o.ReadMessage()).Returns(Task.FromException <Message>(new EndOfStreamException()));

            // If: I start the input consumption thread
            // Then:
            // ... It should stop gracefully
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(mr.Object, null).Object);
            await jh.ConsumeInput().WithTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            // ... The read message should have only been called once
            mr.Verify(o => o.ReadMessage(), Times.Once);
        public async Task ConsumeOutputException()
            // Setup: Create a mock message writer
            var mw = new Mock <MessageWriter>(Stream.Null);

            mw.Setup(o => o.WriteMessage(It.IsAny <Message>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(true));

            // If: I start the output consumption thread with a completed blocking collection
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(null, mw.Object).Object);

            await jh.ConsumeOutput().WithTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            // Then: The message writer should not have been called
            mw.Verify(o => o.WriteMessage(It.IsAny <Message>()), Times.Never);
        public async Task WaitForExit()
            // Setup: Create json rpc host and start it
            var mr = new Mock <MessageReader>(Stream.Null, null);
            var mw = new Mock <MessageWriter>(Stream.Null);
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(mr.Object, mw.Object).Object);


            // If: I wait for JSON RPC host to exit and stop it
            // NOTE: We are wrapping this execution in a task to make sure we can properly stop the host
            Task waitForExit = Task.Run(() => { jh.WaitForExit(); });


            // Then: The host should be stopped
            await waitForExit.WithTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
        public async Task ConsumeInputException()
            // Setup:
            // ... Create a message reader that will throw an exception on first read
            // ... throw an end of stream on second read
            var mr = new Mock <MessageReader>(Stream.Null, null);

            mr.SetupSequence(o => o.ReadMessage())
            .Returns(Task.FromException <Message>(new Exception()))
            .Returns(Task.FromException <Message>(new EndOfStreamException()));

            // If: I start the input consumption loop
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(mr.Object, null).Object);
            await jh.ConsumeInput().WithTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            // Then:
            // ... Read message should have been called twice
            mr.Verify(o => o.ReadMessage(), Times.Exactly(2));
        public async Task DispatchMessageEventWithHandler(Task result)
            // Setup: Create a JSON RPC host with an event handler setup
            var jh          = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(null, null).Object);
            var mockHandler = new Mock <Func <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents, EventContext, Task> >();

            mockHandler.Setup(f => f(
                                  It.Is <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents>(m => m == CommonObjects.TestMessageContents.DefaultInstance),
                                  It.Is <EventContext>(ec => ec.messageQueue == jh.outputQueue)
            jh.SetAsyncEventHandler(CommonObjects.EventType, mockHandler.Object);

            // If: I dispatch an event
            await jh.DispatchMessage(CommonObjects.EventMessage);

            // Then: The event handler should have been called
            mockHandler.Verify(f => f(
                                   It.Is <CommonObjects.TestMessageContents>(m => m == CommonObjects.TestMessageContents.DefaultInstance),
                                   It.IsAny <EventContext>()
        public async Task ConsumeOutput()
            // Setup:
            // ... Create a mock message writer
            var mw = new Mock <MessageWriter>(Stream.Null);

            mw.Setup(o => o.WriteMessage(CommonObjects.ResponseMessage)).Returns(Task.FromResult(true));

            // ... Create the JSON RPC host and add an item to the output queue
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(null, mw.Object).Object);

            jh.outputQueue.CompleteAdding();        // This will cause the thread to stop after processing the items

            // If: I start the output consumption thread
            Task consumeOutputTask = jh.ConsumeOutput();
            await consumeOutputTask.WithTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            // Then: The message writer should have been called once
            mw.Verify(o => o.WriteMessage(CommonObjects.ResponseMessage), Times.Once);
        public async Task StartMultiple()
            // Setup: Create mocked message reader and writer
            var mr = new Mock <MessageReader>(Stream.Null, null);
            var mw = new Mock <MessageWriter>(Stream.Null);

            // If:
            // ... I start a JSON RPC host
            var cb = GetChannelBase(mr.Object, mw.Object);
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(cb.Object);


            // ... And I start it again
            // Then: I should get an exception
            Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => jh.Start());

            // Cleanup: Stop the JSON RPC host
            await Task.WhenAll(jh.consumeInputTask, jh.consumeOutputTask).WithTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
        public async Task ConsumeOutputCancelled()
            // NOTE: This test validates that the blocking collection breaks out when cancellation is requested

            // Setup: Create a mock message writer
            var mw = new Mock <MessageWriter>(Stream.Null);

            mw.Setup(o => o.WriteMessage(It.IsAny <Message>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(true));

            // If:
            // ... I start the output consumption thread
            var  jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(null, mw.Object).Object);
            Task consumeOuputTask = jh.ConsumeOutput();

            // ... and I stop the thread via cancellation and wait for completion
            await consumeOuputTask.WithTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            // Then: The message writer should not have been called
            mw.Verify(o => o.WriteMessage(It.IsAny <Message>()), Times.Never);
        public async Task ConsumeInput()
            // Setup:
            // ... Create a message reader that will return a message every time
            var mr          = new Mock <MessageReader>(Stream.Null, null);
            var waitForRead = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();

            mr.Setup(o => o.ReadMessage())
            .Callback(() => waitForRead.TrySetResult(true))

            // ... Create a no-op event handler to handle the message from the message reader
            var noOpHandler = new Mock <Func <Message, Task> >();

            noOpHandler.Setup(f => f(It.IsAny <Message>())).Returns(Task.FromResult(true));

            // ... Wire up the event handler to a new JSON RPC host
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(GetChannelBase(mr.Object, null).Object);

            jh.eventHandlers[CommonObjects.EventType.MethodName] = noOpHandler.Object;

            // If:
            // ... I start the input consumption thread
            Task consumeInputTask = jh.ConsumeInput();

            // ... Wait for the handler to be called once, indicating the message was processed
            await waitForRead.Task.WithTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            // ... Stop the input consumption thread (the hard way) and wait for completion
            await consumeInputTask.WithTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            // Then: The event handler and read message should have been called at least once
            noOpHandler.Verify(f => f(It.IsAny <Message>()), Times.AtLeastOnce);
            mr.Verify(o => o.ReadMessage(), Times.AtLeastOnce);
        public async Task StartStop()
            // Setup: Create mocked message reader and writer
            var mr = new Mock <MessageReader>(Stream.Null, null);
            var mw = new Mock <MessageWriter>(Stream.Null);

            // If: I start a JSON RPC host
            var cb = GetChannelBase(mr.Object, mw.Object);
            var jh = new JsonRpcHost(cb.Object);


            // Then: The channel protocol should have been
            cb.Verify(o => o.Start(), Times.Once);
            cb.Verify(o => o.WaitForConnection(), Times.Once);

            // If: I stop the JSON RPC host

            // Then: The long running tasks should stop gracefully
            await Task.WhenAll(jh.consumeInputTask, jh.consumeOutputTask).WithTimeout(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

            cb.Verify(o => o.Stop(), Times.Once);