Example #1
 public JsonDataProvider(JsonLevelStructure jsonLevelStructure, JsonPlayerStructure playerStructure, IList <JsonWallStructure> wallElements, IList <JsonDoorStructure> doorElements, IList <JsonEndZoneStructure> endZoneElements, IList <JsonWeaponStructure> weaponElements, IList <JsonEnemyStructure> enemyElements)
     levelSize            = new Vector2Int(jsonLevelStructure.Size.x, jsonLevelStructure.Size.y);
     spawnPos             = new Vector2(playerStructure.SpawnPosition.x - (float)0.5, playerStructure.SpawnPosition.y - (float)0.5);
     this.wallElements    = wallElements;
     this.doorElements    = doorElements;
     this.endZoneElements = endZoneElements;
     this.weaponElements  = weaponElements;
     this.enemyElements   = enemyElements;
     this.playerStructure = playerStructure;
Example #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Reads the json content from the file at the given path and returns a new JsonDataProvider that contains all information about the level structure.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>DataProvider that contains all information about the level structure.</returns>
    public ILevelDataProvider DeserializeLevel()
        string             jsonString     = File.ReadAllText(path, Encoding.UTF8);
        JsonLevelStructure levelStructure = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JsonLevelStructure>(jsonString);

        JsonIntPositionStructure levelSize = levelStructure.Size;

        JsonPlayerStructure playerStructure = levelStructure.Player;

        IList <JsonWallStructure>    wallElements = levelStructure.LevelElements.Walls;
        IList <JsonDoorStructure>    doorElements = levelStructure.LevelElements.Doors;
        IList <JsonEndZoneStructure> endZones     = levelStructure.LevelElements.EndZones;

        IList <JsonWeaponStructure> weaponElements = levelStructure.LevelItems.Weapons;

        IList <JsonEnemyStructure> enemyElements = levelStructure.Enemies;

        return(new JsonDataProvider(levelStructure, playerStructure, wallElements, doorElements, endZones, weaponElements, enemyElements));
    /// <summary>
    /// Serialize the given level and levelElements into a json file.
    /// Therefore, the JSON framework Json.NET (https://www.newtonsoft.com/json) will be used.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="level"></param>
    /// <param name="levelElements"></param>
    /// <param name="levelItems"></param>
    /// <param name="enemyData"></param>
    public void SerializeLevel(string pathToSave, Level level, IList <ILevelElement> levelElements, IList <Item> levelItems, IList <Enemy> enemies)
        //////////////////////////// Level Elements ////////////////////////////

        IList <ILevelElement> relevantLevelElements = new List <ILevelElement>();

        // Filter only the LevelElements that are necessary for serialization.
        // Remove all floor elements because they will not be serialized (and lead to an error if they get casted to LevelElement).
        foreach (ILevelElement levelElement in levelElements)
            if (levelElement is Wall || levelElement is Door || levelElement is EndZone)

        // Count how many elements of each type are in the given list.
        int numberWallElements = 0;
        int numberDoorElements = 0;
        int numberEndZones     = 0;

        foreach (ILevelElement levelElement in relevantLevelElements)
            if (levelElement is Wall)
            else if (levelElement is Door)
            else if (levelElement is EndZone)

        // In case the serialize method is called at the start of the level and before the player can be spawned, use the spawn position as the players actual position.
        JsonFloatPositionStructure spawnPosition;

        if (Player.instance is null)
            spawnPosition = new JsonFloatPositionStructure(level.getSpawnPosition().x, level.getSpawnPosition().y);
            float playerPosX = (float)Math.Round(Player.instance.transform.position.x, 2);
            float playerPosY = (float)Math.Round(Player.instance.transform.position.y, 2);
            spawnPosition = new JsonFloatPositionStructure(playerPosX, playerPosY);

        JsonLevelStructure levelNode = new JsonLevelStructure {
            Size = new JsonIntPositionStructure(level.GetLevelSize().x, level.GetLevelSize().y)

        JsonPlayerStructure playerNode = new JsonPlayerStructure {
            SpawnPosition = spawnPosition

        JsonLevelElementStructure levelElementsNode = new JsonLevelElementStructure {
            Walls    = new JsonWallStructure[numberWallElements],
            Doors    = new JsonDoorStructure[numberDoorElements],
            EndZones = new JsonEndZoneStructure[numberEndZones]

        // Loop through the levelElements and add them to the corresponding array.
        int wallArrayCounter    = 0;
        int doorArrayCounter    = 0;
        int endZoneArrayCounter = 0;

        foreach (LevelElement levelElement in relevantLevelElements)
            // Wall
            if (levelElement is Wall)
                JsonWallStructure tmpWallStructure = new JsonWallStructure {
                    Position = new JsonIntPositionStructure(levelElement.getActualPosition().x, levelElement.getActualPosition().y)
                levelElementsNode.Walls[wallArrayCounter] = tmpWallStructure;

                // Door
            else if (levelElement is Door)
                // We have to use a string here, because the serialization framework converts the enum entries to integer numbers otherwise.
                // A door can only have two states: horizontal or vertical.
                string doorRotation;
                if (levelElement.transform.localEulerAngles.z == 90.0F)
                    doorRotation = "HORIZONTAL";
                    doorRotation = "VERTICAL";

                JsonDoorStructure tmpDoorStructure = new JsonDoorStructure {
                    Position = new JsonIntPositionStructure(levelElement.Pos.x, levelElement.Pos.y),
                    Rotation = doorRotation
                levelElementsNode.Doors[doorArrayCounter] = tmpDoorStructure;

                // EndZone
            else if (levelElement is EndZone)
                JsonEndZoneStructure endZone = new JsonEndZoneStructure {
                    Position = new JsonIntPositionStructure(levelElement.getActualPosition().x - 1, levelElement.getActualPosition().y - 1)
                levelElementsNode.EndZones[endZoneArrayCounter] = endZone;

        //////////////////////////// Level Items ///////////////////////////////

        // Filter weapons.
        IList <Weapon> weapons = new List <Weapon>();

        foreach (Item item in levelItems)
            if (item is Weapon)

        IList <Weapon> weaponsToSerialize = new List <Weapon>();

        for (int i = 0; i < weapons.Count; i++)
            Weapon weapon = weapons[i];

            if (weapon != null)
                string weaponType = getWeaponTypeByObject(weapon);

        if (Player.instance.Weapon != null)
            string weaponType = getWeaponTypeByObject(Player.instance.Weapon);
            playerNode.WeaponType = weaponType;
            playerNode.Amount     = Player.instance.Weapon.GetAmmo();

        // Create new node for level items.
        JsonLevelItemStructure levelItemsNode = new JsonLevelItemStructure {
            Weapons = new JsonWeaponStructure[weaponsToSerialize.Count]

        for (int i = 0; i < weaponsToSerialize.Count; ++i)
            Weapon weapon     = weaponsToSerialize[i];
            string weaponType = getWeaponTypeByObject(weapon);

            JsonWeaponStructure jsonWeaponStructure = new JsonWeaponStructure {
                Position = new JsonFloatPositionStructure(weapon.getActualPosition().x, weapon.getActualPosition().y),
                Rotation = weapon.transform.rotation.x,
                Type     = weaponType,
                Ammount  = weapon.GetAmmo()

            levelItemsNode.Weapons[i] = jsonWeaponStructure;

        //////////////////////////// Enemies ///////////////////////////////////

        JsonEnemyStructure[] enemyDataArr = new JsonEnemyStructure[enemies.Count];

        for (int i = 0; i < enemies.Count; ++i)
            Enemy tmpEnemy = enemies[i];

            // Create a list of JsonFloatPositionStructure for the patrol points.
            int patrolPointCounter = 0;
            JsonFloatPositionStructure[] patrolPoints = new JsonFloatPositionStructure[tmpEnemy.PatrolPoints.Count];
            foreach (Vector2 patrolPoint in tmpEnemy.PatrolPoints)
                JsonFloatPositionStructure jsonPatrolPoint = new JsonFloatPositionStructure(patrolPoint.x, patrolPoint.y);
                patrolPoints[patrolPointCounter] = jsonPatrolPoint;

            string weaponType = null;
            int    amount     = 0;
            if (tmpEnemy.Weapon != null)
                weaponType = getWeaponTypeByObject(tmpEnemy.Weapon);
                amount     = tmpEnemy.Weapon.GetAmmo();

            JsonEnemyStructure enemyNode = new JsonEnemyStructure {
                Position     = new JsonFloatPositionStructure((float)Math.Round(tmpEnemy.getActualPosition().x, 2), (float)Math.Round(tmpEnemy.getActualPosition().y, 2)),
                Type         = tmpEnemy.Type.ToString(),
                PatrolPoints = patrolPoints,
                WeaponType   = weaponType,
                Amount       = amount

            enemyDataArr[i] = enemyNode;

        levelNode.LevelElements = levelElementsNode;
        levelNode.LevelItems    = levelItemsNode;
        levelNode.Enemies       = enemyDataArr;
        levelNode.Player        = playerNode;

        string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(levelNode);

        System.IO.File.WriteAllText(pathToSave, jsonString);