public static UserQueryExecutor Create(PluginInitContext context)
            var deserializer     = new JsonNetDeserializer();
            var stackOverflowApi = new StackOverflowApi(deserializer);
            var orderStrategy    = new ByAnsweredAndScoreQuestionsOrderStrategy();

            var questionResultBuilder = new QuestionResultBuilder(context.API, orderStrategy);

            return(new UserQueryExecutor(stackOverflowApi, questionResultBuilder));
Example #2
 private static void Main(string[] args)
     var json =
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Sponsored events, such as our Annual Paranormal Conference, Tours, Events and Specials.<BR>- E-Mail and Posting Priviledges on our Yahoo Group<BR>- Special \\\"Associate Members ONLY\\\" e-mailings<BR>- Monthly Meeting Attendance & Participation\\u00a0 </P>\\r\\n<P><STRONG></STRONG></P>\\r\\n<P><STRONG>ON-SITE MEMBERSHIP\\u00a0</STRONG> </P>\\r\\n<P><STRONG>On-Site Team Members</STRONG> are individuals that live in the Southern Wisconsin/Northern Illinois area or who are willing to travel to Janesville, Wisconsin for meetings and investigations and who are involved in the Research, Investigation and Documentation of S.W.P.R.G.cases. You will get hands-on training by the investigators of the S.W.P.R.G. while performing actual paranormal investigations with our team. <BR><BR><SPAN STYLE=\\\"text-decoration: underline;\\\"><STRONG>BENEFITS INCLUDE:</STRONG></SPAN><BR>- (1) FREE Admission Ticket to our Annual Paranormal Conference<BR>- An SWPRG official Training Manual and Training Materials<BR>- E-Mail and Posting Priviledges on our Yahoo Group<BR>- Personalized Group E-Mail Account<BR>- Monthly Meeting Attendance & Participation<BR>- Opportunites to go on \\\"Members Only\\\" trips to Haunted destinations all over the world like, \\\"The Mansfield Reformatory\\\", \\\"Myrtles Plantation\\\", \\\"Bachelor's Grove Cemetery\\\", \\\"Manteno State Mental Hosptial\\\", \\\"The Queen Mary\\\", \\\"Wavely Hills Sanitorium\\\" and many other well known and famous haunted hot spots. </P>\", \"end_date\": \"2036-08-02 16:00:00\", \"tags\": \"\", \"timezone_offset\": \"GMT-0700\", \"text_color\": \"\", \"title_text_color\": \"\", \"tickets\": [{\"ticket\": {\"description\": \"\", \"end_date\": \"2007-07-13 10:00:00\", \"min\": 0, \"max\": 0, \"price\": \"75.00\", \"visible\": \"false\", \"currency\": \"USD\", \"type\": 0, \"id\": 33333, \"name\": \"On-Site Team Member\"}}, {\"ticket\": {\"description\": \"\", \"end_date\": \"2020-04-02 10:00:00\", \"min\": 0, \"max\": 0, \"price\": \"25.00\", \"visible\": \"false\", \"currency\": \"USD\", \"type\": 0, \"id\": 33334, \"name\": \"Associate Team Member\"}}, {\"ticket\": {\"description\": \"\", \"end_date\": \"2006-10-25 13:00:00\", \"min\": 0, \"max\": 0, \"price\": \"10.00\", \"visible\": \"false\", \"currency\": \"USD\", \"type\": 0, \"id\": 124239, \"name\": \"donation\"}}, {\"ticket\": {\"description\": \"\", \"end_date\": \"2020-12-03 13:00:00\", \"min\": 0, \"max\": 0, \"price\": \"50.00\", \"visible\": \"true\", \"currency\": \"USD\", \"type\": 0, \"id\": 7362425, \"name\": \"ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP\"}}, {\"ticket\": {\"description\": \"\", \"end_date\": \"2011-01-27 01:00:00\", \"min\": 0, \"max\": 0, \"price\": \"100.00\", \"visible\": \"true\", \"start_date\": \"2009-02-04 08:00:00\", \"currency\": \"USD\", \"type\": 0, \"id\": 7781456, \"name\": \"ON-SITE MEMBERSHIP\"}}], \"distance\": \"0.00M\", \"created\": \"2004-06-13 12:42:39\", \"url\": \"\", \"box_text_color\": \"\", \"privacy\": \"Public\", \"venue\": {\"city\": \"\", \"name\": \"\", \"country\": \"\", \"region\": \"\", \"longitude\": 0.0, \"postal_code\": \"\", \"address_2\": \"\", \"address\": \"\", \"latitude\": 0.0, \"country_code\": \"\", \"id\": 5283, \"Lat-Long\": \"0.0 / 0.0\"}, \"modified\": \"2012-03-26 06:30:22\", \"repeats\": \"no\"}}, {\"event\": {\"box_header_text_color\": \"333333\", \"link_color\": \"0000FF\", \"box_background_color\": \"FFFFFF\", \"box_border_color\": \"62C0E2\", \"timezone\": \"America/Chicago\", \"organizer\": {\"url\": \"\", \"description\": \"\", \"long_description\": \"\", \"id\": 16603416, \"name\": \"Hunger Plus, Inc.\"}, \"background_color\": \"FFFFFF\", \"id\": 30803133, \"category\": \"fundraisers,social\", \"box_header_background_color\": \"E6F1F8\", \"capacity\": 10000, \"num_attendee_rows\": 1, \"title\": \"Hunger Plus, Inc.\", \"start_date\": \"2016-12-31 23:00:00\", \"status\": \"Live\", \"description\": \"Donation to HungerPlus, Inc.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\\"To reduce by half between 1990 and 2015 the proportion of people who suffer from hunger.\\\"\\r\\n\\r\\nThis goal, established by the 1996 World Food Summit, is being tested against improved measurements of food deficiencies and hunger worldwide.  Hunger Plus, Inc. assists those who wish to join in the fight to reduce hunger and reach the World Food Summit goal by 2015.  Current statistics indicate that the world is falling behind in achieving this worthwhile goal.\\r\\n\\r\\nProblems of chronic and communicable diseases are becoming prevalent in many countries.  Improper and insufficient diets contribute to these conditions and strain health services in many countries. Improved diets will reduce suffering and reduce pressure on health services. \\r\\n\\r\\nNatural disasters (droughts, earthquakes, floods, etc.) are responsible for some of the world's hunger.  These disasters can be addressed with the direct supply of food. The same is true of hunger resulting from conflicts. Chronic hunger must be addressed with more complicated long term solutions to break the cycle of poverty, malnutrition, and ultimately, hunger.\\r\\n\\r\\nHunger Plus, Inc. seeks to reduce suffering from hunger whether the cause is disaster, conflict, or chronic in nature.\", \"end_date\": \"2017-01-01 13:00:00\", \"tags\": \"Hunger, Humanitarian Aid, Disaster Relief\", \"timezone_offset\": \"GMT-0600\", \"text_color\": \"333333\", \"title_text_color\": \"047CF6\", \"tickets\": [{\"ticket\": {\"description\": \"\", \"end_date\": \"2016-12-31 10:00:00\", \"min\": 0, \"max\": 0, \"price\": \"51.79\", \"visible\": \"true\", \"currency\": \"USD\", \"type\": 0, \"id\": 102182, \"name\": \"$50 Donation to Hunger Plus, Inc.\"}}, {\"ticket\": {\"description\": \"\", \"end_date\": \"2016-12-31 10:00:00\", \"min\": 0, \"max\": 0, \"price\": \"102.79\", \"visible\": \"true\", \"currency\": \"USD\", \"type\": 0, \"id\": 102183, \"name\": \"$100 Donation to Hunger Plus, Inc.\"}}, {\"ticket\": {\"description\": \"\", \"end_date\": \"2016-12-31 10:00:00\", \"min\": 0, \"max\": 0, \"price\": \"255.79\", \"visible\": \"true\", \"currency\": \"USD\", \"type\": 0, \"id\": 102184, \"name\": \"$250 Donation to Hunger Plus, Inc.\"}}, {\"ticket\": {\"description\": \"\", \"end_date\": \"2016-12-31 10:00:00\", \"min\": 0, \"max\": 0, \"price\": \"509.95\", \"visible\": \"true\", \"currency\": \"USD\", \"type\": 0, \"id\": 102185, \"name\": \"$500 Donation to Hunger Plus, Inc.\"}}, {\"ticket\": {\"description\": \"\", \"end_date\": \"2016-12-31 10:00:00\", \"min\": 0, \"max\": 0, \"price\": \"1,009.95\", \"visible\": \"true\", \"currency\": \"USD\", \"type\": 0, \"id\": 102186, \"name\": \"$1,000 Donation to Hunger Plus, Inc.\"}}, {\"ticket\": {\"description\": \"\", \"end_date\": \"2016-12-31 10:00:00\", \"min\": 0, \"max\": 0, \"price\": \"21.19\", \"visible\": \"false\", \"currency\": \"USD\", \"type\": 0, \"id\": 103514, \"name\": \"$20 Donation to Hunger Plus, Inc.\"}}], \"distance\": \"0.00M\", \"created\": \"2006-06-03 19:31:41\", \"url\": \"\", \"box_text_color\": \"333333\", \"privacy\": \"Public\", \"venue\": {\"city\": \"Plainview\", \"name\": \"Hunger Plus, Inc.\", \"country\": \"United States\", \"region\": \"TX\", \"longitude\": -101.82741300000001, \"postal_code\": \"79072\", \"address_2\": \"\", \"address\": \"P.O. Box 337\", \"latitude\": 34.167192999999997, \"country_code\": \"US\", \"id\": 19106, \"Lat-Long\": \"34.167193 / -101.827413\"}, \"modified\": \"2012-06-06 21:18:56\", \"repeats\": \"no\"}}, {\"event\": {\"box_header_text_color\": \"677479\", \"link_color\": \"FFCC00\", \"box_background_color\": \"677479\", \"timezone\": \"America/New_York\", \"box_border_color\": \"677479\", \"logo\": \"\", \"organizer\": {\"url\": \"\", \"description\": \"New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission Approved Garden State Safety Council Defensive Driving Course Taught by Expert NJ State Certified Instructors\\u00a0for a 2 Point Reduction on your Driver's License and up to a 10% Discount on your Auto Insurance Rates.\", \"long_description\": \"The New Jersey State & National Safety Council Defensive Driving Course which was the First NJ Motor Vehicle Commission Approved Course in 1964 for a 2 Point Reduction on your Driver's License and up to a 10% Discount on your Auto Insurance Rates.\", \"id\": 27799242, \"name\": \" and the Garden State Safety Council\"}, \"background_color\": \"677479\", \"id\": 46957451, \"category\": \"conferences,seminars\", \"box_header_background_color\": \"CECBAF\", \"capacity\": 30, \"num_attendee_rows\": 2, \"title\": \"NJ Approved Defensive Driving School - No Test to Pass\", \"start_date\": \"2012-08-12 09:30:00\", \"status\": \"Live\", \"description\": \"<P><SPAN STYLE=\\\"font-family: arial black,avant garde; 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Our Instructors show you how to avoid speed traps and the most ticketed driving errors police enforce. 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