Example #1
        public override string ToString()
            var renderer = new JsRenderer();

Example #2
        public async Task<Tuple<string, Project>> CompileProject(string projectFile)
            var projectFileInfo = new FileInfo(projectFile);
            var projectFolder = projectFileInfo.Directory.FullName;

            // These two lines are just a weird hack because you get no files back from compilation.SyntaxTrees
            // if the user file isn't modified.  Not sure why that's happening.
//            var projectUserFile = projectFolder + "\\" + projectFileInfo.Name + ".user";
//            if (File.Exists(projectUserFile))
//                File.SetLastWriteTime(projectUserFile, DateTime.Now);

            var jsCompilationUnit = new JsCompilationUnit { UseStrict = true };
            var workspace = MSBuildWorkspace.Create();
            var project = await Profiler.Time("Loading Project", async () =>
                string mscorlib = this.mscorlib;
                if (mscorlib == null)
                    mscorlib = FileUtils.GetWootzJsTargetFile(projectFile);
                Project result;
                if (mscorlib != null)
                    var mscorlibProject = await workspace.OpenProjectAsync(mscorlib);
                    result = await workspace.OpenProjectAsync(projectFile);
                    result = result.AddProjectReference(new ProjectReference(mscorlibProject.Id));
                    result = result.RemoveMetadataReference(result.MetadataReferences.Single(x => x.Display.Contains("mscorlib.dll")));
                    result = await workspace.OpenProjectAsync(projectFile);

                return result;
            var projectCompiler = new ProjectCompiler(project, jsCompilationUnit, defines);
            await projectCompiler.Compile();

            // Write out the compiled Javascript file to the target location.
            var renderer = new JsRenderer();
//            renderer.Builder.IsCompacting = true;
            Profiler.Time("Rendering javascript", () => jsCompilationUnit.Accept(renderer));

            return Tuple.Create(renderer.Output, project);
Example #3
        public async Task<Tuple<string, Solution>> CompileSolution(string solutionFile)
//            var solution = await Profiler.Time("Loading Project", async () => await MSBuildWorkspace.Create().OpenSolutionAsync(solutionFile));
            var jsCompilationUnit = new JsCompilationUnit { UseStrict = true };

            // Since we have all the types required by the solution, we can keep track of which symbols are used and which
            // are not.  This of course means depending on reflection where you don't reference the actual symbol in code
            // will result in unexpected behavior.
            RemoveUnusedSymbols = true;

            var projectFiles = FileUtils.GetProjectFiles(solutionFile);
            var workspace = MSBuildWorkspace.Create();
            var solution = await Profiler.Time("Loading Solution", async () =>
                string mscorlib = this.mscorlib;
                if (mscorlib == null)
                    mscorlib = projectFiles.Select(x => FileUtils.GetWootzJsTargetFile(x)).First();
                Solution result = workspace.CurrentSolution;
                if (mscorlib != null)
                    var mscorlibProject = await workspace.OpenProjectAsync(mscorlib);
//                    result = result.AddProject(mscorlibProject.Id, mscorlibProject.Name, mscorlibProject.AssemblyName, mscorlibProject.Language);
                    foreach (var projectFile in projectFiles)
                        var project = result.Projects.SingleOrDefault(x => x.FilePath.Equals(projectFile, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                        if (project == null)
                            project = await workspace.OpenProjectAsync(projectFile);
//                        result = result.AddProject(project.Id, project.Name, project.AssemblyName, project.Language);
//                        project = result.GetProject(project.Id);
                        project = project.AddProjectReference(new ProjectReference(mscorlibProject.Id));
                        project = project.RemoveMetadataReference(project.MetadataReferences.Single(x => x.Display.Contains("mscorlib.dll")));                        
                        result = project.Solution;
                    result = await workspace.OpenSolutionAsync(solutionFile);
                return result;

            var projectCompilers = SortProjectsByDependencies(solution).Select(x => new ProjectCompiler(x, jsCompilationUnit, defines)).ToArray();
            foreach (var compiler in projectCompilers)
                await compiler.Compile();

            // Write out the compiled Javascript file to the target location.
            var renderer = new JsRenderer();
            Profiler.Time("Rendering javascript", () => jsCompilationUnit.Accept(renderer));

//            solution.Projects
            return Tuple.Create(renderer.Output, solution);