Example #1
 public Joystick(IntPtr windowHandle, int index, JoystickType type)
     range = new InputRange(0, 250);
     this.type = type;
Example #2
    public ETCJoystick()
        joystickType = JoystickType.Static;
        allowJoystickOverTouchPad = false;
        radiusBase = RadiusBase.Width;

        axisX = new ETCAxis("Horizontal");
        axisY = new ETCAxis("Vertical");

        _visible   = true;
        _activated = true;

        joystickArea = JoystickArea.FullScreen;

        isDynamicActif = false;
        isOnDrag       = false;
        isOnTouch      = false;

        axisX.unityAxis = "Horizontal";
        axisY.unityAxis = "Vertical";

        enableKeySimulation = true;

        isNoReturnThumb = false;

        showPSInspector     = false;
        showAxesInspector   = false;
        showEventInspector  = false;
        showSpriteInspector = false;
        protected JoystickDataProvider(JoystickType type, int vendorId)
            Type = type;
            VendorId = vendorId;

            JoystickDataParser = JoystickDataParserFactory.GetJoystickDataParser(type);
    public ETCJoystick()
        joystickType = JoystickType.Static;
        allowJoystickOverTouchPad = false;
        radiusBase = RadiusBase.Width;

        axisX = new ETCAxis("Horizontal");
        axisY = new ETCAxis("Vertical");

        _visible   = true;
        _activated = true;

        joystickArea = JoystickArea.FullScreen;

        isDynamicActif = false;
        isOnDrag       = false;
        isOnTouch      = false;

        axisX.positivekey = KeyCode.RightArrow;
        axisX.negativeKey = KeyCode.LeftArrow;

        axisY.positivekey = KeyCode.UpArrow;
        axisY.negativeKey = KeyCode.DownArrow;

        enableKeySimulation = true;

        showPSInspector     = true;
        showAxesInspector   = false;
        showEventInspector  = false;
        showSpriteInspector = false;
Example #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Builds a string to get the controller by player.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="player"></param>
    /// <param name="axis"></param>
    /// <param name="type"></param>
    /// <param name="atype"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static string GetInput(OuyaSDK.OuyaPlayer player, AxisTypes axis, AnalogTypes atype)
        Vector2      point;
        JoystickType joystickType = GetControllerType(player);

        switch (joystickType)
        case JoystickType.ps3:
            //Note We don't care if the axis is X or Y,  we just want to check for input from normalized.
            #region PS3 Controller
            point = new Vector2(Input.GetAxis(CheckInput(player, axis, JoystickType.ps3, AnalogTypes.Left)), Input.GetAxis(CheckInput(player, axis, JoystickType.ps3, AnalogTypes.Right)));
            if (point.x != 0f || point.y != 0f)
                return(CheckInput(player, axis, JoystickType.ps3, atype));
            if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.DPad))
                return(CheckInput(player, axis, JoystickType.ps3, atype));

        case JoystickType.xbox:
            #region xbox360
            point = new Vector2(Input.GetAxis(CheckInput(player, axis, JoystickType.xbox, AnalogTypes.Left)), Input.GetAxis(CheckInput(player, axis, JoystickType.xbox, AnalogTypes.Right)));
            if (point.x != 0f || point.y != 0f)
                return(CheckInput(player, axis, JoystickType.xbox, atype));
            if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.DPad))
                return(CheckInput(player, axis, JoystickType.xbox, atype));
            if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.LTRT))
                return(CheckInput(player, axis, JoystickType.xbox, atype));

        case JoystickType.ouya:
            point = new Vector2(Input.GetAxis(CheckInput(player, axis, JoystickType.ouya, AnalogTypes.Left)), Input.GetAxis(CheckInput(player, axis, JoystickType.ouya, AnalogTypes.Right)));
            if (point.x != 0f || point.y != 0f)
                return(CheckInput(player, axis, JoystickType.ouya, atype));
            if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.DPad))
                return(CheckInput(player, axis, JoystickType.ouya, atype));
            if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.LTRT))
                return(CheckInput(player, axis, JoystickType.ouya, atype));

Example #6
 public Joystick(IntPtr windowHandle, int rangeFrom, int rangeTo)
     range = new InputRange(rangeFrom, rangeTo);
     type = JoystickType.MainController;
Example #7
 public Joystick(IntPtr windowHandle, int rangeFrom, int rangeTo, JoystickType type)
     range = new InputRange(rangeFrom, rangeTo);
     this.type = type;
Example #8
 public Joystick(IntPtr windowHandle)
     range = new InputRange(1, 255);
     type = JoystickType.MainController;
Example #9
 protected override void Start()
     _fixedPosition = _background.anchoredPosition;
     Type           = _joystickType;
     MoveTreshold   = _moveTreshold;
Example #10
    void Start()
        LookType     = (JoystickType)LoadInt("LookType", (int)JoystickType.Move);
        Sensitivity  = LoadFloat("Sensitivity", 3);
        UIScale      = LoadFloat("UIScale", 1);
        FPS60        = LoadInt("60FPS", 0) != 0;
        CodeDropType = (CodeDropType)LoadInt("CodeDrop", 3);

 public void SetMode(JoystickType joystickType)
     this.joystickType = joystickType;
     if (joystickType == JoystickType.Fixed)
         background.anchoredPosition = fixedPosition;
 public void StoreState(byte[] statePacket, JoystickType type)
         case(JoystickType.MainController) :
             Main = statePacket;
         case (JoystickType.ManipulatorRight) :
             ManipulatorRight = statePacket;
        public static IJoystickDataParser GetJoystickDataParser(JoystickType type)
            switch (type)
                case JoystickType.XBox:
                    return new XBoxJoystickDataParser();
                case JoystickType.Playstation:
                    return new PlaystationJoystickDataParser();

            return null;
Example #14
    public static int GetInvertedFactor(JoystickType joystickType, string axis)
        switch (joystickType)
        case JoystickType.ps3:
            switch (axis)
            case "RY":

            case "DPL":

        case JoystickType.xbox:
            switch (axis)
            case "RX":

        case JoystickType.ouya:
            switch (axis)
            case "RX":
                //case "RY":
                switch (OuyaGameObject.Singleton.GetDeviceType())
                case OuyaGameObject.DEVICE_OUYA:
                case OuyaGameObject.DEVICE_ANDROID:


        case JoystickType.none:
            switch (axis)
            case "RX":

Example #15
    private void SetType(JoystickType joystickType)
        this._joystickType = joystickType;

        if ((JoystickType.Fixed == _joystickType) || (JoystickType.LocalFloating == _joystickType))
            _background.anchoredPosition = _fixedPosition;
    /// <summary>
    /// Use the button mapping to retrieve the mapped button
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="id"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static int findButton(int id, JoystickType joystickType)
        List <ButtonMap> buttons = new List <ButtonMap>();

        buttons = buttonMap.FindAll((e) => { return(e.ButtonID == id && e.type == joystickType); });

        if (buttons.Count > 0)
Example #17
    public void SetMode(JoystickType joystickType)
        this.joystickType = joystickType;
        if (joystickType == JoystickType.Fixed)
            background.anchoredPosition = fixedPosition;

        switch (displayType)
        case DisplayType.Show: background.gameObject.SetActive(true); break;

        case DisplayType.AutoHide: background.gameObject.SetActive(false); break;

        case DisplayType.Hide: background.gameObject.SetActive(false); break;
Example #18
    public void Initialize()
        string[] joystickNames = Input.GetJoystickNames();
        string   joystickName  = "";

        if (joystickNames.Length > 0)
            joystickName = joystickNames[0];

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(joystickName))
            joystickType = (joystickName == "Wireless Controller") ? JoystickType.PS4 : JoystickType.XBOX;
            Log.Debug("Joystick name: '" + joystickName + "' ...name: " + joystickName + " ..type: " + joystickType.ToString());
            Log.Debug("Joystick not found.");
    public void ControllerModeChanged(int index)
        PlayerPrefs.SetInt("ControllerMode", index);
        switch (index)
        case 0:
            joystickType = JoystickType.Fixed;

        case 1:
            joystickType = JoystickType.Floating;

        case 2:
            joystickType = JoystickType.Dynamic;

            joystickType = JoystickType.Fixed;
Example #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates a new IJoystick object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="playerNumber"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IJoystick InstantiateJoystick(JoystickType type, int playerNumber)
            switch (type)
            case JoystickType.Kempston:
                return(new KempstonJoystick(this, playerNumber));

            case JoystickType.Cursor:
                return(new CursorJoystick(this, playerNumber));

            case JoystickType.SinclairLEFT:
                return(new SinclairJoystick1(this, playerNumber));

            case JoystickType.SinclairRIGHT:
                return(new SinclairJoystick2(this, playerNumber));

            case JoystickType.NULL:
                return(new NullJoystick(this, playerNumber));

Example #21
    public bool IsUsePressed(string controller)
        int index = 666;

        if (controller.Contains("Joystick"))
            index = Convert.ToInt32(controller.Replace("Joystick", string.Empty));
        JoystickType type       = GetJoystickType(index);
        string       keyBinding = "";

        if (type == JoystickType.PS)
            keyBinding = DefaultBindings_PS4.Use;
        else if (type == JoystickType.Xbox)
            keyBinding = DefaultBindings_Xbox.Use;

        if (keyBinding != "")
            KeyCode keyCode = (KeyCode)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(KeyCode), controller + keyBinding);
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(keyCode))
            if ((controller == "Keyboard1" && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space)) || (controller == "Keyboard2" && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Return)))
Example #22
            public JoystickDevice(IntPtr sdlHandle)
                this.sdlHandle = sdlHandle;

                joystickType = (JoystickType)SDL.SDL_JoystickGetType(sdlHandle);
                deviceId     = SDL.SDL_JoystickName(sdlHandle);
                deviceName   = string.Format("{0} ({1})", deviceId, joystickType.ToString());

                totalButtons = SDL.SDL_JoystickNumButtons(sdlHandle);
                totalAxis    = SDL.SDL_JoystickNumAxes(sdlHandle);
                totalBalls   = SDL.SDL_JoystickNumBalls(sdlHandle);
                totalHats    = SDL.SDL_JoystickNumHats(sdlHandle);

                for (int i = 0; i < statesDoubleBuffer.Length; ++i)
                    statesDoubleBuffer[i] = new JoystickState()
                        buttonsDown  = new bool[totalButtons],
                        axisValues   = new float[totalAxis],
                        ballValues   = new Vector2[totalBalls],
                        hatPositions = new HatPosition[totalHats],
    public static int GetInvertedFactor(JoystickType joystickType, string axis)
        switch (joystickType)
            case JoystickType.ps3:
                switch (axis)
                    case "RY":
                        return -1;
                    case "DPL":
                        return -1;
            case JoystickType.xbox:
                switch (axis)
                    case "RX":
                        return -1;
            case JoystickType.ouya:
                switch (axis)
                    case "RX":
                    //case "RY":
                        switch (OuyaGameObject.Singleton.GetDeviceType())
                            case OuyaGameObject.DEVICE_OUYA:
                            case OuyaGameObject.DEVICE_ANDROID:
                                return 1;
                                return -1;
            case JoystickType.none:
                switch (axis)
                    case "RX":
                        return -1;

        return 1;
    /// <summary>
    /// This needs to be setup for each joystick type being supported.  I have not setup the USB controller or the I:Droid:CON  
    /// For the most part you won't need to modify this section.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="player"></param>
    /// <param name="axis"></param>
    /// <param name="joystick"></param>
    /// <param name="atype"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static string CheckInput(OuyaSDK.OuyaPlayer player, AxisTypes axis, JoystickType joystick, AnalogTypes atype)
        //Debug.Log(string.Format("Player:{0} Axis:{1} Joystick:{2} AnalogType:{3}",player,axis,joystick,atype));
        //REF: player1, DPadH, PS3, Dpad

        //Note:  It is your responsibility to make sure that  Unity Inputs are setup correctly or you will get an error on your controller.

        int axisNumber=0;

        switch (joystick)
            case JoystickType.ps3:
                //Get The Joystick name from  Project Settings --> Input for Controllers
                #region PS3 Controller
                if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.Left))
                    ControllerType cType = OuyaControllerMapping.getController("ps3");
                    if (axis.Equals(AxisTypes.Horizontal)) { axisNumber = cType.leftAnalogH; } else { axisNumber = cType.leftAnalogV; }
                    return "Joy" + (int)player + " Axis " + axisNumber.ToString();
                else if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.Right))
                    ControllerType cType = OuyaControllerMapping.getController("ps3");
                    if (axis.Equals(AxisTypes.Horizontal)) { axisNumber = cType.rightAnalogH; } else { axisNumber = cType.rightAnalogV; }
                    return "Joy" + (int)player + " Axis " + axisNumber.ToString();
                else if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.DPad))
                    ControllerType cType = OuyaControllerMapping.getController("ps3");
                    if (axis.Equals(AxisTypes.DPadH)) { axisNumber = cType.dpadH; } else { axisNumber = cType.dpadV; }
                    return "Joy" + (int)player + " Axis " + axisNumber.ToString();

            case JoystickType.xbox:
                #region xbox ( usually 360 / untested with normal xbox )
                if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.Left))
                    ControllerType cType = OuyaControllerMapping.getController("xbox360");
                    if (axis.Equals(AxisTypes.Horizontal)) { axisNumber = cType.leftAnalogH; } else { axisNumber = cType.leftAnalogV; }
                    return "Joy" + (int)player + " Axis " + axisNumber.ToString();
                else if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.Right))
                    ControllerType cType = OuyaControllerMapping.getController("xbox360");
                    if (axis.Equals(AxisTypes.Horizontal)) { axisNumber = cType.rightAnalogH; } else { axisNumber = cType.rightAnalogV; }
                    return "Joy" + (int)player + " Axis " + axisNumber.ToString();
                else if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.DPad))
                    ControllerType cType = OuyaControllerMapping.getController("xbox360");
                    if (axis.Equals(AxisTypes.DPadH)) { axisNumber = cType.dpadH; } else { axisNumber = cType.dpadV; }
                    return "Joy" + (int)player + " Axis " + axisNumber.ToString();
                else if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.LTRT))
                    ControllerType cType = OuyaControllerMapping.getController("xbox360");
                    axisNumber = cType.triggers;
                    return "Joy" + (int)player + " Axis " + axisNumber.ToString();

            case JoystickType.ouya:
                #region OUYA - Not Tested until I get a bluetooth dongle
                if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.Left))
                    ControllerType cType = OuyaControllerMapping.getController("ouya");
                    if (axis.Equals(AxisTypes.Horizontal)) { axisNumber = cType.leftAnalogH; } else { axisNumber = cType.leftAnalogV; }
                    return "Joy" + (int)player + " Axis " + axisNumber.ToString();
                else if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.Right))
                    ControllerType cType = OuyaControllerMapping.getController("ouya");
                    if (axis.Equals(AxisTypes.Horizontal)) { axisNumber = cType.rightAnalogH; } else { axisNumber = cType.rightAnalogV; }
                    return "Joy" + (int)player + " Axis " + axisNumber.ToString();
                else if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.DPad))
                    ControllerType cType = OuyaControllerMapping.getController("ouya");
                    if (axis.Equals(AxisTypes.DPadH)) { axisNumber = cType.dpadH; } else { axisNumber = cType.dpadV; }
                    return "Joy" + (int)player + " Axis " + axisNumber.ToString();

        //most likely we will never reach here, but If we do Return basic Horizontal Axis
        return "Horizontal";
    /// <summary>
    /// Static constructor
    /// </summary>
    static OuyaControllerMapping()
        controllers = new Dictionary <string, ControllerType>();
        buttonMap   = new List <ButtonMap>();
        JoystickType joystickType = JoystickType.none;

        #region PS3 mapping

        ControllerType ps3 = new ControllerType();
        ps3.name         = "ps3";
        ps3.leftAnalogH  = 1;
        ps3.leftAnalogV  = 2;
        ps3.rightAnalogH = 3;         //4 was gyro
        ps3.rightAnalogV = 6;         //5 was gyro
        ps3.dpadH        = 9;
        ps3.dpadV        = 10;
        joystickType     = JoystickType.ps3;

        //Start PS3 ButtonMap ( only has 13 buttons )
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 350, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_Y));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 351, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_A));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 352, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_O));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 353, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_U));

        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 354, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_LB));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 355, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_RB));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 356, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_LT));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 357, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_RT));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 358, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_SELECT));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 359, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_L3));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 360, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_R3));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 361, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_START));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 362, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_SYSTEM));

        //4 button dpad mappings
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 363, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 364, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 365, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_UP));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 366, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN));

        controllers.Add(ps3.name, ps3);


        #region XBOX mapping

        ControllerType xbox360 = new ControllerType();
        xbox360.name         = "xbox360";
        xbox360.leftAnalogH  = 1;
        xbox360.leftAnalogV  = 2;
        xbox360.rightAnalogH = 4;
        xbox360.rightAnalogV = 5;
        xbox360.triggers     = 3;
        xbox360.dpadH        = 6;
        xbox360.dpadV        = 7;
        joystickType         = JoystickType.xbox;

        #region Values are different on windows, sometimes they are these

        //Start XBOX 360 ButtonMap ( only has 13 buttons )
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 350, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_O));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 351, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_A));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 352, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_U));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 353, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_Y));

        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 354, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_LB));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 355, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_RB));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 356, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_SELECT));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 357, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_START));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 358, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_L3));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 359, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_R3));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 10, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_LT));     //Doesn't Show up
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 11, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_RT));     //Doesn't Show up
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 12, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_SYSTEM)); //Dowsn't Show up

        //4 button dpad mappings
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 13, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 14, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 15, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_UP));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 16, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN));


        #region And sometimes they are these, just on windows

        //Start XBOX 360 ButtonMap ( only has 13 buttons )
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 370, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_O));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 371, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_A));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 372, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_U));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 373, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_Y));

        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 374, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_LB));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 375, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_RB));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 376, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_SELECT));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 377, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_START));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 378, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_L3));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 379, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_R3));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 380, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_LT));     //Doesn't Show up
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 381, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_RT));     //Doesn't Show up
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 382, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_SYSTEM)); //Dowsn't Show up

        //4 button dpad mappings
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 383, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 384, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 385, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_UP));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 386, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN));


        controllers.Add(xbox360.name, xbox360);


        #region PS2 controller mapping

        ControllerType ps2 = new ControllerType();
        ps2.name         = "ps2";
        ps2.leftAnalogH  = 1;
        ps2.leftAnalogV  = 2;
        ps2.rightAnalogH = 3; //4 was gyro
        ps2.rightAnalogV = 6; //5 was gyro
        ps2.dpadH        = 9;
        ps2.dpadV        = 10;
        joystickType     = JoystickType.ps2;

        //Start PS3 ButtonMap ( only has 13 buttons )
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 350, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_Y));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 351, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_A));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 352, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_O));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 373, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_U));

        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 354, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_LB));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 355, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_RB));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 356, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_LT));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 357, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_RT));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 358, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_SELECT));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 359, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_L3));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 360, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_R3));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 361, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_START));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 362, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_SYSTEM));

        //4 button dpad mappings
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 363, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 364, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 365, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_UP));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 366, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN));

        controllers.Add(ps2.name, ps2);


        #region OUYA mapping

        ControllerType ouya = new ControllerType();
        ouya.name         = "ouya";
        ouya.leftAnalogH  = 1;
        ouya.leftAnalogV  = 2;
        ouya.rightAnalogH = 4;
        ouya.rightAnalogV = 5;
        ouya.triggers     = 6;
        ouya.dpadH        = 9;
        ouya.dpadV        = 10;
        joystickType      = JoystickType.ouya;

        #region Values are different on windows, sometimes they are these

        //Start OUYA CONTROLLER ButtonMap ( only has 11 buttons )
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 350, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_O));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 353, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_A));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 351, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_U));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 352, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_Y));

        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 354, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_LB));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 355, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_RB));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 356, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_L3));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 357, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_R3));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 362, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_LT));     //Doesn't Show up
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 363, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_RT));     //Doesn't Show up
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 364, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_SYSTEM)); //Dowsn't Show up

        //4 button dpad mappings
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 360, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 361, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 358, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_UP));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 359, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN));


        controllers.Add(ouya.name, ouya);

Example #26
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a IJoystick object depending on the type (or null if not found)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 protected IJoystick LocateUniqueJoystick(JoystickType type)
     return(JoystickCollection.Where(a => a.JoyType == type).FirstOrDefault());
 public ButtonMap(JoystickType type, int buttonID, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum button)
     this.type = type;
     this.ButtonID = buttonID;
     this.button = button;
Example #28
 public void UpdateLookType()
     LookType = lookTypeToggle.isOn ? JoystickType.Joystick : JoystickType.Move;
     PlayerPrefs.SetInt("LookType", (int)LookType);
    /// <summary>
    /// Use the button mapping to retrieve the mapped button
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="id"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static int findButton(int id, JoystickType joystickType)
        List<ButtonMap> buttons = new List<ButtonMap>();
        buttons = buttonMap.FindAll((e) => { return (e.ButtonID == id && e.type == joystickType); });

        if (buttons.Count > 0)
            return (int) buttons[0].button;
            return 0;
Example #30
 private void Start()
     MovementType = (JoystickType)PlayerPrefs.GetInt(nameof(MovementType), (int)JoystickType.Fixed);
     AttackType   = (JoystickType)PlayerPrefs.GetInt(nameof(AttackType), (int)JoystickType.Fixed);
Example #31
    void Awake()


        //Get our character controller;
        controller = GetComponent <CharacterController>();

        //If you find that your controller does not work properly in the Unity Editor, You can add a custom controller mapping as seen below.

        /* Here is some code to find keycodes for devices that are mapped to your InputManager.asset
         * List<OuyaGameObject.Device> devices = OuyaInputManager.GetDevices();
         * for (int iPlayerJoystick = 1; iPlayerJoystick <= devices.Count; iPlayerJoystick++)
         * {
         *  OuyaGameObject.Device device = devices.Find(delegate(OuyaGameObject.Device d) { return (null == d || null == devices) ? false : (d.id == devices[iPlayerJoystick - 1].id); });
         *  for (int i = 0; i < 13; i++)
         *  {
         *      //Controller Name:
         *      string fireBtnName = string.Format("Joystick{0}Button{1}", iPlayerJoystick, i);
         *      KeyCode keycode = (KeyCode)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(KeyCode), fireBtnName);
         *      Debug.Log(string.Format("Button Name:{0}, Keycode:{1}",keycode,int(keycode));
         *  }
         * }

        //Custom Controller Mapping.
        List <ButtonMap> buttonMap = new List <ButtonMap>();
        ControllerType   xbox360   = new ControllerType();
        xbox360.name         = "xbox360";
        xbox360.leftAnalogH  = 1;
        xbox360.leftAnalogV  = 2;
        xbox360.rightAnalogH = 4;
        xbox360.rightAnalogV = 5;
        xbox360.triggers     = 3;
        xbox360.dpadH        = 6;
        xbox360.dpadV        = 7;
        JoystickType joystickType = JoystickType.xbox;

        //Start XBOX 360 ButtonMap ( only has 13 buttons )
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 370, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_O));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 371, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_A));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 372, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_U));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 373, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_Y));

        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 374, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_LB));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 375, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_RB));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 376, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_SELECT));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 377, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_START));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 378, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_L3));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 379, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_R3));
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 380, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_LT));     //Doesn't Show up
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 381, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_RT));     //Doesn't Show up
        buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 382, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_SYSTEM)); //Dowsn't Show up

         * //4 button dpad mappings
         * buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 13, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_LEFT));
         * buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 14, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_RIGHT));
         * buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 15, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_UP));
         * buttonMap.Add(new ButtonMap(joystickType, 16, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum.BUTTON_DPAD_DOWN));

        //OuyaControllerMapping.RegisterCustomControllerMapping(xbox360, buttonMap); //duplicate of existing
 public ButtonMap(JoystickType type, int buttonID, OuyaSDK.KeyEnum button)
     this.type     = type;
     this.ButtonID = buttonID;
     this.button   = button;
Example #33
    /// <summary>
    /// This needs to be setup for each joystick type being supported.  I have not setup the USB controller or the I:Droid:CON
    /// For the most part you won't need to modify this section.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="player"></param>
    /// <param name="axis"></param>
    /// <param name="joystick"></param>
    /// <param name="atype"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private static string CheckInput(OuyaSDK.OuyaPlayer player, AxisTypes axis, JoystickType joystick, AnalogTypes atype)
        //Debug.Log(string.Format("Player:{0} Axis:{1} Joystick:{2} AnalogType:{3}",player,axis,joystick,atype));
        //REF: player1, DPadH, PS3, Dpad

        //Note:  It is your responsibility to make sure that  Unity Inputs are setup correctly or you will get an error on your controller.

        int axisNumber = 0;

        switch (joystick)
        case JoystickType.ps3:
            //Get The Joystick name from  Project Settings --> Input for Controllers
            #region PS3 Controller
            if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.Left))
                ControllerType cType = OuyaControllerMapping.getController("ps3");
                if (axis.Equals(AxisTypes.Horizontal))
                    axisNumber = cType.leftAnalogH;
                    axisNumber = cType.leftAnalogV;
                return("Joy" + (int)player + " Axis " + axisNumber.ToString());
            else if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.Right))
                ControllerType cType = OuyaControllerMapping.getController("ps3");
                if (axis.Equals(AxisTypes.Horizontal))
                    axisNumber = cType.rightAnalogH;
                    axisNumber = cType.rightAnalogV;
                return("Joy" + (int)player + " Axis " + axisNumber.ToString());
            else if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.DPad))
                ControllerType cType = OuyaControllerMapping.getController("ps3");
                if (axis.Equals(AxisTypes.DPadH))
                    axisNumber = cType.dpadH;
                    axisNumber = cType.dpadV;
                return("Joy" + (int)player + " Axis " + axisNumber.ToString());

        case JoystickType.xbox:
            #region xbox ( usually 360 / untested with normal xbox )
            if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.Left))
                ControllerType cType = OuyaControllerMapping.getController("xbox360");
                if (axis.Equals(AxisTypes.Horizontal))
                    axisNumber = cType.leftAnalogH;
                    axisNumber = cType.leftAnalogV;
                return("Joy" + (int)player + " Axis " + axisNumber.ToString());
            else if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.Right))
                ControllerType cType = OuyaControllerMapping.getController("xbox360");
                if (axis.Equals(AxisTypes.Horizontal))
                    axisNumber = cType.rightAnalogH;
                    axisNumber = cType.rightAnalogV;
                return("Joy" + (int)player + " Axis " + axisNumber.ToString());
            else if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.DPad))
                ControllerType cType = OuyaControllerMapping.getController("xbox360");
                if (axis.Equals(AxisTypes.DPadH))
                    axisNumber = cType.dpadH;
                    axisNumber = cType.dpadV;
                return("Joy" + (int)player + " Axis " + axisNumber.ToString());
            else if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.LTRT))
                ControllerType cType = OuyaControllerMapping.getController("xbox360");
                axisNumber = cType.triggers;
                return("Joy" + (int)player + " Axis " + axisNumber.ToString());

        case JoystickType.ouya:
            #region OUYA - Not Tested until I get a bluetooth dongle
            if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.Left))
                ControllerType cType = OuyaControllerMapping.getController("ouya");
                if (axis.Equals(AxisTypes.Horizontal))
                    axisNumber = cType.leftAnalogH;
                    axisNumber = cType.leftAnalogV;
                return("Joy" + (int)player + " Axis " + axisNumber.ToString());
            else if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.Right))
                ControllerType cType = OuyaControllerMapping.getController("ouya");
                if (axis.Equals(AxisTypes.Horizontal))
                    axisNumber = cType.rightAnalogH;
                    axisNumber = cType.rightAnalogV;
                return("Joy" + (int)player + " Axis " + axisNumber.ToString());
            else if (atype.Equals(AnalogTypes.DPad))
                ControllerType cType = OuyaControllerMapping.getController("ouya");
                if (axis.Equals(AxisTypes.DPadH))
                    axisNumber = cType.dpadH;
                    axisNumber = cType.dpadV;
                return("Joy" + (int)player + " Axis " + axisNumber.ToString());

        //most likely we will never reach here, but If we do Return basic Horizontal Axis