private void новыйФайлToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { MessageBoxButtons buttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNo; string msg = "Сохранить данный файл?"; string caption = "Подтверждение действия"; if (MessageBox.Show(msg, caption, buttons) == DialogResult.Yes) { Save_File(); } JournalBook.Clear(); Data.Rows.Clear(); New_File(); }
public void GetStudentDetailsOld() { try { DateTime opdate = dtpfrom.Value.Date; c.returnconn(c.myconn); string mysql; mysql = "select opdate from tbl_account where accode=" + valcmbbank.SelectedValue; SqlCommand com; com = new SqlCommand(mysql, c.myconn); SqlDataReader reader = com.ExecuteReader(); int i = 0; if (reader.HasRows) { reader.Read(); opdate = Convert.ToDateTime(reader["opdate"]); } reader.Close(); string str = " SELECT isnull(sum(case a.amttype when 'Dr' then a.vchamt else 0 end),0) AS Payment, isnull(sum(case a.amttype when 'Cr' then a.vchamt else 0 end),0) AS Receipt,"; str = str + " 0 as balance FROM tbl_voucherdet AS a "; str = str + " Where a.vchdate>='" + opdate.Date + "'"; str = str + " and a.vchdate<'" + dtpfrom.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' and a.accode=" + valcmbbank.SelectedValue + " and a.sessioncode=" + school.CurrentSessionCode + " "; com = new SqlCommand(str, c.myconn); reader = com.ExecuteReader(); i = 0; decimal mrec = 0; decimal mpay = 0; if (reader.HasRows) { reader.Read(); mrec = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["receipt"]); mpay = Convert.ToDecimal(reader["payment"]); } reader.Close(); //-------------------- string actypet = string.Empty; string actypep = string.Empty; actypet = Convert.ToString(Connection.GetExecuteScalar("select actype from tbl_account where accode='" + valcmbbank.SelectedValue + "' ")); actypep = Convert.ToString(Connection.GetExecuteScalar("select dbo.GetAccountCode('F')")); //-------------------- SqlTransaction trn; if (actypet == actypep) { trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction(); c.connectsql("delete from tbl_accledger", c.myconn, trn); DateTime mopdate = opdate.Date; if (dtpfrom.Value.Date < opdate.Date) { dtpfrom.Value = opdate.Date; } //insert the opening balance str = " Insert into tbl_accledger (accno,vchtype,vchdate,narration,receipt,payment,balance,baltype) "; str = str + " select accode as accno,'Open. Bal.' as vchtype,'" + dtpfrom.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' as vchdate,'' as narration,0,0,isnull(acopbal,0) as balance,(case acoptype when 'Cr' then 'Debit' else 'Credit' end) as baltype "; str = str + " from tbl_account where accode=" + valcmbbank.SelectedValue; c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn); //update opening balance for gap period if (mpay > 0) { c.connectsql("update tbl_accledger set balance = balance - " + mpay + " + " + mrec, c.myconn, trn); c.connectsql("update tbl_accledger set balance = balance - dbo.GetAccountOpening('" + valcmbbank.SelectedValue + "')", c.myconn, trn); } else { c.connectsql("update tbl_accledger set balance = balance - " + mpay + " + " + mrec, c.myconn, trn); } //--------------------------------- //insert the voucher details for each entry date wise for the account str = " Insert into tbl_accledger (accno,vchno,vchdate,vchtype,amttype,narration,payment,receipt,balance) "; str = str + " SELECT a.accode as accno,b.vchno, b.vchdate,b.vchtype, (case a.amttype when 'Cr' then 'Receipt' else 'Payment' end ) AS amttype, isnull(b.remark,'') as narration, "; str = str + " (case a.amttype when 'Dr' then a.vchamt else 0 end) AS Payment, (case a.amttype when 'Cr' then a.vchamt else 0 end) AS Receipt,0 as balance "; str = str + " FROM tbl_voucherdet AS a, tbl_voucher AS b Where a.vchdate>='" + dtpfrom.Value.ToShortDateString() + "'"; str = str + " and a.vchdate<='" + dtpto.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' and a.accode=" + valcmbbank.SelectedValue + " and a.sessioncode in (select distinct sessioncode from tbl_voucherdet where accode=a.accode) and a.vchno = b.vchno and a.VCHTYPE = b.VCHTYPE and a.sessioncode=b.sessioncode ORDER BY b.vchdate "; c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn); trn.Commit(); //--------------------------------- mysql = "select " + "' Ledger of : " + valcmbbank.Text + " For " + dtpfrom.Text + " to " + dtpto.Text + "' as period,(select top 1 schoolname from tbl_school ) as SName,(select top 1 schooladdress from tbl_school ) as SAddress,accno,tbl_account.acname as accname,accdate,convert(varchar(10),vchdate,105) as cvchdate,vchdate,vchtype,vchno,narration,amt,receipt,payment,balance,baltype,recno,amttype from tbl_accledger ,tbl_account where tbl_accledger.accno=tbl_account.accode order by vchdate"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.Clear(); ds = Connection.GetDataSet(mysql); ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\BankBook.xsd"); //ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"D:\XSDSchema1.xsd"); JournalBook cr = new JournalBook(); cr.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait; cr.PrintOptions.PaperSize = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLetter; cr.SetDataSource(ds); ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports(); s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cr; s.Show(); } else { trn = c.myconn.BeginTransaction(); c.connectsql("delete from tbl_accledger", c.myconn, trn); DateTime mopdate = opdate.Date; if (dtpfrom.Value.Date < opdate.Date) { dtpfrom.Value = opdate.Date; } //insert the opening balance str = " Insert into tbl_accledger (accno,vchtype,vchdate,narration,receipt,payment,balance,baltype) "; str = str + " select accode as accno,'Open. Bal.' as vchtype,'" + dtpfrom.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' as vchdate,'' as narration,0,0,isnull(acopbal,0) as balance,(case acoptype when 'Cr' then 'Credit' else 'Debit' end) as baltype "; str = str + " from tbl_account where accode=" + valcmbbank.SelectedValue; c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn); //update opening balance for gap period c.connectsql("update tbl_accledger set balance = balance - " + mpay + " + " + mrec, c.myconn, trn); //--------------------------------- //insert the voucher details for each entry date wise for the account str = " Insert into tbl_accledger (accno,vchno,vchdate,vchtype,amttype,narration,payment,receipt,balance) "; str = str + " SELECT a.accode as accno,b.vchno, b.vchdate,b.vchtype, (case a.amttype when 'Cr' then 'Receipt' else 'Payment' end ) AS amttype, isnull(b.remark,'') as narration, "; str = str + " (case a.amttype when 'Dr' then a.vchamt else 0 end) AS Payment, (case a.amttype when 'Cr' then a.vchamt else 0 end) AS Receipt,0 as balance "; str = str + " FROM tbl_voucherdet AS a, tbl_voucher AS b Where a.vchdate>='" + dtpfrom.Value.ToShortDateString() + "'"; str = str + " and a.vchdate<='" + dtpto.Value.ToShortDateString() + "' and a.accode=" + valcmbbank.SelectedValue + " and a.sessioncode in (select distinct sessioncode from tbl_voucherdet where accode=a.accode) and a.vchno = b.vchno and a.VCHTYPE = b.VCHTYPE and a.sessioncode=b.sessioncode ORDER BY b.vchdate "; c.connectsql(str, c.myconn, trn); trn.Commit(); //--------------------------------- mysql = "select " + "' Ledger of : " + valcmbbank.Text + " For " + dtpfrom.Text + " to " + dtpto.Text + "' as period,(select top 1 schoolname from tbl_school ) as SName,(select top 1 schooladdress from tbl_school ) as SAddress,accno,tbl_account.acname as accname,accdate,convert(varchar(10),vchdate,105) as cvchdate,vchdate,vchtype,vchno,narration,amt,receipt,payment,balance,baltype,recno,amttype from tbl_accledger ,tbl_account where tbl_accledger.accno=tbl_account.accode order by vchdate"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(); ds.Clear(); ds = Connection.GetDataSet(mysql); ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"" + Connection.GetAccessPathId() + @"Barcodes\a\OBankBook.xsd"); //ds.WriteXmlSchema(@"D:\XSDSchema1.xsd"); JournalBookO cr = new JournalBookO(); cr.PrintOptions.PaperOrientation = PaperOrientation.Portrait; cr.PrintOptions.PaperSize = CrystalDecisions.Shared.PaperSize.PaperLetter; cr.SetDataSource(ds); ShowAllReports s = new ShowAllReports(); s.crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = cr; s.Show(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
private void удалитьЖурналToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { JournalBook.Clear(); journal.Clear(); MessageBox.Show("Журнал очищен."); }
////////******** РАБОТА С ЖУРНАЛОМ ********\\\\\\\\ #region Journal private void очиститьToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { JournalBook.Clear(); }