Example #1
        public async Task <JsonWebToken> DeserializeAsync(string token)
            if (token == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(token));

            var splittedToken = token.Split('.');

            // JWS compact token has always 3 parts
            if (splittedToken.Length != 3)
                throw new InvalidJsonWebSignatureToken("invalid token format");

            var header = JoseHeader.Parse(UTF8.GetString(splittedToken[0].FromBase64Url()));

            // the algorithm must be the same to avoid vulnerabilities
            if (this.algorithm.Name != header.Algorithm)
                throw new InvalidJsonWebSignatureToken("Algorithms mismatch");

            var payload       = UTF8.GetString(splittedToken[1].FromBase64Url());
            var signature     = splittedToken.Skip(2).Single().FromBase64Url();
            var contentToSign = string.Join(".", splittedToken.Take(2));

            if (!await this.algorithm.VerifyAsync(header, contentToSign, signature))
                throw new InvalidJsonWebSignatureToken("signatures mismatch");

Example #2
 public void Critical_Header_As_List()
     JoseHeader.Parse(@"{ typ: 'example', cty: 'application/example;part=""1/2""', crit: ['test', 'tt'], 'test': 'dsgffgdf', 'tt': '..' }");
Example #3
 public void Critical_Header_As_String()
     JoseHeader.Parse(@"{ typ: 'example', cty: 'application/example;part=""1/2""', crit: 'test', 'test': 'dsgffgdf' }");