Example #1
        private void ReleaseJoint()
            muscle.connectedBody  = null;
            muscle.targetRotation = Quaternion.identity;

            JointDrive j = new JointDrive();

            j.positionSpring = 0f;
                        #if UNITY_5_2
            j.mode = JointDriveMode.None;
            muscle.slerpDrive = j;

            muscle.xMotion        = ConfigurableJointMotion.Free;
            muscle.yMotion        = ConfigurableJointMotion.Free;
            muscle.zMotion        = ConfigurableJointMotion.Free;
            muscle.angularXMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Free;
            muscle.angularYMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Free;
            muscle.angularZMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Free;
Example #2
    void onDragEnd(Rigidbody body, Vector3 worldPos, Vector3 worldNormal)
        if (!draggedBody || body == draggedBody || draggedBody.gameObject == null)

        //Attach sound

        Quaternion backupRotation = draggedBody.transform.localRotation;

        Vector3 n1 = normalOnDraggedBody;
        Vector3 n2 = draggedBody.transform.InverseTransformVector(worldNormal);

        draggedBody.transform.localRotation *= Quaternion.FromToRotation(n1, -n2);

        var joint = draggedBody.gameObject.AddComponent <ConfigurableJoint>();

        joint.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = false;
        joint.anchor          = pointOnDraggedBody;
        joint.connectedBody   = body;
        joint.connectedAnchor = body.transform.InverseTransformPoint(worldPos);
        joint.enableCollision = true;

        var drive = new JointDrive();

        drive.maximumForce      = 100.0f;
        drive.positionDamper    = 1.0f;
        drive.positionSpring    = 100.0f;
        joint.xDrive            = drive;
        joint.yDrive            = drive;
        joint.zDrive            = drive;
        joint.slerpDrive        = drive;
        joint.rotationDriveMode = RotationDriveMode.Slerp;

        draggedBody.transform.localRotation = backupRotation;


        onObjectsAttached(joint, body.gameObject, draggedBody.gameObject);
Example #3
    void SetConfig()
        if (joint == null)
        // set joint limits bsaed on public vars
        var lowLimit = new SoftJointLimit();

        //lowLimit.limit = -maxFlexAngle;
        lowLimit.limit         = -maxSteeringAngle;
        joint.lowAngularXLimit = lowLimit;
        var highLimit = new SoftJointLimit();

        //highLimit.limit = maxFlexAngle;
        highLimit.limit         = maxSteeringAngle;
        joint.highAngularXLimit = highLimit;
        // steering drive (local X axis is object Y axis)
        var xDrive = new JointDrive();

        xDrive.positionSpring = steeringSpring;
        xDrive.positionDamper = steeringDamper;
        xDrive.maximumForce   = joint.angularXDrive.maximumForce;
        joint.angularXDrive   = xDrive;
        if (steer)
            joint.angularXMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Limited;
            joint.angularXMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
        // motor drive (local Y axis is X axis)
        var yDrive = new JointDrive();

        yDrive.maximumForce   = maxTorque;
        yDrive.positionDamper = yDamper;
        yDrive.positionSpring = 0f;
        joint.angularYZDrive  = yDrive;
        configModified        = false;
Example #4
    public void ControlConfig()
        int adder = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < limbs; i++)
            ConfigurableJoint cj        = limbObjects[i].GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>();
            float             useTorque = torque;
            if (limbObjects[i].GetComponent <Leg>().foot == true)
                //useTorque = 10;
            useTorque = limbObjects[i].GetComponent <Leg>().force;
            JointDrive jd = new JointDrive();
            jd.positionDamper = 10;
            jd.positionSpring = 100;
            jd.maximumForce   = 9999999999999;

            cj.slerpDrive = jd;

            cj.rotationDriveMode = RotationDriveMode.Slerp;

            Vector3 rotX = new Vector3(outputs[adder] * useTorque, 0, 0);
            Vector3 rotY = Vector3.zero;
            Vector3 rotZ = Vector3.zero;
            if (cj.angularYLimit.limit != 0)
                rotY = new Vector3(0, outputs[adder] * useTorque, 0);
            if (cj.angularZLimit.limit != 0)
                rotZ = new Vector3(0, 0, outputs[adder] * useTorque);

            cj.targetAngularVelocity = rotX + rotY + rotZ;
            //cj.targetAngularVelocity = new Vector3(outputs[adder] * 100, 0, 0);
Example #5
        internal void Initialize(float relativeMin)
            rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
            JointDrive jd = new JointDrive
                positionSpring = 1e+5f,
                maximumForce   = 1e+5f,
                positionDamper = 0f

            joint = GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>();
            joint.angularXDrive = jd;
            connected           = joint.connectedBody.transform;
            isL2 = joint.axis == Vector3.up;

            min    = joint.lowAngularXLimit.limit;
            max    = joint.highAngularXLimit.limit;
            relMin = relativeMin;
            range  = (max - min) / 2f;
            mid    = min + range;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets a range of 'magic' values on the given <see cref="ConfigurableJoint"/> in order to setup the joint as a 'hand joint' for VR use.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="joint">The joint.</param>
        public static void SetDefaultHandJointSettings(ConfigurableJoint joint)
            joint.xMotion        = joint.yMotion = joint.zMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
            joint.angularXMotion = joint.angularYMotion = joint.angularZMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Free;

            var positionDrive = new JointDrive()
                positionSpring = 200000,
                positionDamper = 1,

            joint.xDrive = joint.yDrive = joint.zDrive = positionDrive;

            joint.rotationDriveMode = RotationDriveMode.Slerp;
            joint.slerpDrive        = new JointDrive()
                positionSpring = 200000,
                positionDamper = 1,
                maximumForce   = float.MaxValue
Example #7
    /// <summary>
    /// This function gets called when the legs are being set active or inactive and it will set all the joints releted to the legs and balancing
    /// Effected Joints: Pelvis, R_Upper_Leg, R_Lower_Leg, L_Upper_Leg, L_Lower_leg.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="pelvisSpring"></param>
    /// <param name="legSpring"></param>
    /// <param name="legDampen"></param>
    private void SetJointValues(float pelvisSpring, float legSpring, float legDampen)
        JointDrive jointDrive = new JointDrive();

        jointDrive.positionSpring = pelvisSpring;
        jointDrive.positionDamper = 0f;
        jointDrive.maximumForce   = 3.402823e+38f;

        pelvis.GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>().angularXDrive  = jointDrive;
        pelvis.GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>().angularYZDrive = jointDrive;

        jointDrive.positionSpring = legSpring;
        jointDrive.positionDamper = legDampen;
        jointDrive.maximumForce   = 3.402823e+38f;

        foreach (Rigidbody leg in legs)
            leg.GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>().angularXDrive  = jointDrive;
            leg.GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>().angularYZDrive = jointDrive;
        // ばねの設定など
        void SetDrive(PMDFormat.Joint joint, ConfigurableJoint conf)
            JointDrive drive;

            // Position
            if (joint.spring_pos.x != 0f)
                drive = new JointDrive();
                drive.positionSpring = joint.spring_pos.x * scale_;
                conf.xDrive          = drive;
            if (joint.spring_pos.y != 0f)
                drive = new JointDrive();
                drive.positionSpring = joint.spring_pos.y * scale_;
                conf.yDrive          = drive;
            if (joint.spring_pos.z != 0f)
                drive = new JointDrive();
                drive.positionSpring = joint.spring_pos.z * scale_;
                conf.zDrive          = drive;

            // Angular
            if (joint.spring_rot.x != 0f)
                drive                = new JointDrive();
                drive.mode           = JointDriveMode.PositionAndVelocity;
                drive.positionSpring = joint.spring_rot.x;
                conf.angularXDrive   = drive;
            if (joint.spring_rot.y != 0f || joint.spring_rot.z != 0f)
                drive                = new JointDrive();
                drive.mode           = JointDriveMode.PositionAndVelocity;
                drive.positionSpring = (joint.spring_rot.y + joint.spring_rot.z) * 0.5f;
                conf.angularYZDrive  = drive;
        private void createSliderJoint()
            ConfigurableJoint configurableJoint = pusherGameObject.AddComponent <ConfigurableJoint>();

            configurableJoint.connectedBody  = machineGameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
            configurableJoint.xMotion        = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
            configurableJoint.yMotion        = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
            configurableJoint.zMotion        = ConfigurableJointMotion.Limited;
            configurableJoint.angularXMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
            configurableJoint.angularYMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
            configurableJoint.angularZMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
            SoftJointLimit softJointLimit = new SoftJointLimit();

            softJointLimit.limit          = pusherMovementRange / 2.0f;
            configurableJoint.linearLimit = softJointLimit;

            this.pusherJoint = configurableJoint;

            this.jointDrive = new JointDrive();

Example #10
    private static void SetLinearDrive(ConfigurableJoint joint, float mass)
        float      gripStrength = 30000f * mass;
        float      gripSpeed    = 100f * mass;
        float      maxPower     = 700f * mass;
        JointDrive jointDrive   = joint.xDrive;

        jointDrive.positionSpring = gripStrength;
        jointDrive.positionDamper = gripSpeed;
        jointDrive.maximumForce   = maxPower;
        joint.xDrive = jointDrive;
        jointDrive   = joint.yDrive;
        jointDrive.positionSpring = gripStrength;
        jointDrive.positionDamper = gripSpeed;
        jointDrive.maximumForce   = maxPower;
        joint.yDrive = jointDrive;
        jointDrive   = joint.zDrive;
        jointDrive.positionSpring = gripStrength;
        jointDrive.positionDamper = gripSpeed;
        jointDrive.maximumForce   = maxPower;
        joint.zDrive = jointDrive;
Example #11
    void Start()
        mySkeleton = GetComponentInParent <Skeleton>();

        limbRb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        lastRigidbodyPosition = limbRb.position;

        limbJoint = GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>();

        if (limbJoint)
            Vector3 forward = Vector3.Cross(limbJoint.axis, limbJoint.secondaryAxis);
            Vector3 up      = limbJoint.secondaryAxis;
            localToJointSpace  = Quaternion.LookRotation(forward, up);
            startLocalRotation = transform.localRotation * localToJointSpace;
            jointDrive         = limbJoint.slerpDrive;

        //if (transform.localPosition.x < 0f)
        rigidbodyPosToCOM = Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation) * (limbRb.worldCenterOfMass - transform.position);
        // else
        //   rigidbodyPosToCOM = Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation) /* Quaternion.AngleAxis(180f,Vector3.left)*/  * (limbRb.worldCenterOfMass - transform.position);

        if (limbJoint)

        limbRb.collisionDetectionMode = mySkeleton.collisionDetectionMode;
        limbRb.useGravity             = mySkeleton.useGravity;
        limbRb.angularDrag            = mySkeleton.angularDrag;
        limbRb.drag = mySkeleton.drag;

        limbRb.interpolation = RigidbodyInterpolation.None;

        limbProfile = SetLimbProfile();
        //Debug.Log(this.name + " is setted");
Example #12
 private void FixedUpdate()
     if (!(joint == null) && useSpring)
         float      num    = (!useTension) ? spring : (maxForce / tensionDist);
         float      num2   = (!useTension) ? damper : (maxForce / maxSpeed);
         Vector3    vector = -new Vector3(target - centerValue, 0f, 0f);
         JointDrive xDrive = joint.xDrive;
         if (joint.targetPosition != vector || xDrive.maximumForce != maxForce || xDrive.positionSpring != num || xDrive.positionDamper != num2)
             joint.xDrive = new JointDrive
                 maximumForce   = maxForce,
                 positionSpring = num,
                 positionDamper = num2
             joint.targetPosition = vector;
Example #13
    void CreateAndConnectMuscles(Transform ragdollBone, Transform animBone)
        if (ragdollBone.tag == "RagdollBone")
            Rigidbody boneRb = ragdollBone.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
            if (!boneRb)
                boneRb = ragdollBone.gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>();
            boneRb.mass        = boneMass;
            boneRb.drag        = 0.0f;
            boneRb.angularDrag = 0.0f;
            boneRb.useGravity  = useGravity;

            Muscle muscle = ragdollBone.gameObject.AddComponent <Muscle>();
            muscle.ragdollRoot     = transform;
            muscle.animatedRigRoot = animatedTargetRigHip;
            Muscle parentMuscle = ragdollBone.parent.GetComponent <Muscle>();
            if (parentMuscle)

                JointDrive posMatchingSpring = new JointDrive();
                posMatchingSpring.positionSpring = 1000.0f;
                posMatchingSpring.positionDamper = 100.0f;
                posMatchingSpring.maximumForce   = Mathf.Infinity;
                muscle.positionMatchingSpring    = posMatchingSpring;

            for (int i = 0; i < ragdollBone.childCount; i++)
                Transform childRagdollBone = ragdollBone.GetChild(i);
                Transform childAnimBone    = animBone.GetChild(i);
                CreateAndConnectMuscles(childRagdollBone, childAnimBone);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create BodyPart object and add it to dictionary.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetupBodyPart(Transform t)
            var bp = new BodyPart
                rb          = t.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(),
                joint       = t.GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>(),
                startingPos = t.position,
                startingRot = t.rotation

            bp.rb.maxAngularVelocity = k_MaxAngularVelocity;

            // Add & setup the ground contact script
            //bp.groundContact = t.GetComponent<GroundContact>();
            //if (!bp.groundContact)
            //    bp.groundContact = t.gameObject.AddComponent<GroundContact>();
            //    bp.groundContact.agent = gameObject.GetComponent<Agent>();
            //    bp.groundContact.agent = gameObject.GetComponent<Agent>();

            if (bp.joint)
                var jd = new JointDrive
                    positionSpring = maxJointSpring,
                    positionDamper = jointDampen,
                    maximumForce   = maxJointForceLimit
                bp.joint.slerpDrive = jd;

            bp.thisJdController = this;
            bodyPartsDict.Add(t, bp);
Example #15
    static int get_positionDamper(IntPtr L)
        object o = LuaScriptMgr.GetLuaObject(L, 1);

        if (o == null)
            LuaTypes types = LuaDLL.lua_type(L, 1);

            if (types == LuaTypes.LUA_TTABLE)
                LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "unknown member name positionDamper");
                LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "attempt to index positionDamper on a nil value");

        JointDrive obj = (JointDrive)o;

        LuaScriptMgr.Push(L, obj.positionDamper);
Example #16
    static int get_mode(IntPtr L)
        object o = LuaScriptMgr.GetLuaObject(L, 1);

        if (o == null)
            LuaTypes types = LuaDLL.lua_type(L, 1);

            if (types == LuaTypes.LUA_TTABLE)
                LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "unknown member name mode");
                LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "attempt to index mode on a nil value");

        JointDrive obj = (JointDrive)o;

        LuaScriptMgr.PushEnum(L, obj.mode);
Example #17
    void createCursorJoint()
        var joint = cursorObject.gameObject.AddComponent <ConfigurableJoint>();

        joint.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = false;
        joint.connectedBody   = draggedBody;
        joint.connectedAnchor = pointOnDraggedBody;
        joint.enableCollision = false;

        var drive = new JointDrive();

        drive.maximumForce      = 50.0f;
        drive.positionDamper    = 1.0f;
        drive.positionSpring    = 10.0f;
        joint.xDrive            = drive;
        joint.yDrive            = drive;
        joint.zDrive            = drive;
        joint.slerpDrive        = drive;
        joint.rotationDriveMode = RotationDriveMode.Slerp;

        this.cursorJoint           = joint;
        cursorLineRenderer.enabled = true;
Example #18
    void CreateJoint(GameObject obj)
        grabJoint = gameObject.AddComponent <ConfigurableJoint>();

        // from fixedjoint
        grabJoint.breakForce    = 1500f;
        grabJoint.connectedBody = obj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        // configurablejoint additions - make it behave like a fixed joint
        grabJoint.xMotion        = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
        grabJoint.yMotion        = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
        grabJoint.zMotion        = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
        grabJoint.angularXMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
        grabJoint.angularYMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
        grabJoint.angularZMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;

        if (!HeldObjectInteractable.RelativeAnchor)
            grabJoint.autoConfigureConnectedAnchor = false;
            grabJoint.connectedAnchor = Vector3.zero;
            grabJoint.anchor          = Vector3.zero;

            grabJoint.angularXMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Free;
            grabJoint.angularYMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Free;
            grabJoint.angularZMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Free;

            JointDrive drive = new JointDrive();
            drive.positionSpring             = 100f;
            drive.positionDamper             = 15f;
            drive.maximumForce               = Mathf.Infinity;
            grabJoint.slerpDrive             = drive;
            grabJoint.rotationDriveMode      = RotationDriveMode.Slerp;
            grabJoint.configuredInWorldSpace = false;
            grabJointStartRotation           = MyRigidbody.rotation;
            grabJoint.SetTargetRotationLocal(grabJoint.connectedBody.rotation, grabJointStartRotation);
Example #19
    protected void BeginPhysicalDrag()
        for (int i = 0; i < _focusObjects.Count; ++i)
            GameObject focusObject = _focusObjects[i];

            foreach (Rigidbody rb in focusObject.transform.GetComponentsInChildren <Rigidbody>(true))
                rb.isKinematic = false;

                // Constrain the dragged object to the stylus.

                ConfigurableJoint joint = rb.gameObject.AddComponent <ConfigurableJoint>();
                joint.targetPosition        = Vector3.zero;
                joint.targetRotation        = Quaternion.identity;
                joint.targetVelocity        = Vector3.zero;
                joint.targetAngularVelocity = Vector3.zero;
                joint.connectedBody         = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                joint.anchor        = rb.gameObject.transform.InverseTransformPoint(_contactPoint);
                joint.axis          = Vector3.right;
                joint.secondaryAxis = Vector3.forward;

                JointDrive drive = new JointDrive();
                drive.mode           = JointDriveMode.Position;
                drive.maximumForce   = 10000.0f;
                drive.positionSpring = 100.0f;
                drive.positionDamper = 1.0f;
                joint.xDrive         = drive;
                joint.yDrive         = drive;
                joint.zDrive         = drive;
                joint.angularXDrive  = drive;
                joint.angularYZDrive = drive;

                _focusJoints[rb.gameObject] = joint;
Example #20
    void RagdollRecursively(GameObject obj, int newLayer)
        if (null == obj)

        obj.layer = newLayer;
        ConfigurableJoint joint = obj.GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>();

        if (joint != null)
            JointDrive springX  = joint.angularXDrive;
            JointDrive springYZ = joint.angularYZDrive;

            springX.positionSpring  = 0;
            springYZ.positionSpring = 0;
            joint.angularXDrive     = springX;
            joint.angularYZDrive    = springYZ;
        Rigidbody rb = obj.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        if (rb != null)
            rb.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.None;

        foreach (Transform child in obj.transform)
            if (null == child)
            RagdollRecursively(child.gameObject, newLayer);
        /// <summary>
        /// Update the values for damping and spring when they have changed
        /// </summary>
        private void UpdateSpringAndDamping()
            //return when the joint is null
            if (joint == null)

            if ((lastDamping != jointDampingValue) || (lastSpring != jointSpringValue))
                JointDrive drv = joint.angularXDrive;
                drv.positionSpring  = jointSpringValue;
                drv.positionDamper  = jointDampingValue;
                joint.angularXDrive = drv;

                JointDrive drv2 = joint.angularYZDrive;
                drv2.positionSpring  = jointSpringValue;
                drv2.positionDamper  = jointDampingValue;
                joint.angularYZDrive = drv2;

                lastDamping = jointDampingValue;
                lastSpring  = jointSpringValue;
Example #22
    static int set_maximumForce(IntPtr L)
        object o = LuaScriptMgr.GetLuaObject(L, 1);

        if (o == null)
            LuaTypes types = LuaDLL.lua_type(L, 1);

            if (types == LuaTypes.LUA_TTABLE)
                LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "unknown member name maximumForce");
                LuaDLL.luaL_error(L, "attempt to index maximumForce on a nil value");

        JointDrive obj = (JointDrive)o;

        obj.maximumForce = (float)LuaScriptMgr.GetNumber(L, 3);
        LuaScriptMgr.SetValueObject(L, 1, obj);
Example #23
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        sceneCamera = Camera.main;
        score       = 0;

        drive      = GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>().yDrive;
        drive.mode = JointDriveMode.Position;

        if (isLocalPlayer)
            if (sceneCamera)

                //Lock the cursor
                Cursor.lockState = CursorLockMode.Locked;
    public void InitializeJoints()
        if (IsInitialized)
        IsInitialized = true;

        _strong = new JointDrive
            positionSpring = 1000,
            positionDamper = 0,
            maximumForce   = Mathf.Infinity

        _medium = new JointDrive
            positionSpring = 600,
            positionDamper = 0,
            maximumForce   = Mathf.Infinity

        _weak = new JointDrive
            positionSpring = 100,
            positionDamper = 0,
            maximumForce   = Mathf.Infinity

        _none = new JointDrive
            positionSpring = 0,
            positionDamper = 0,
            maximumForce   = Mathf.Infinity
Example #25
    ConfigurableJoint CreateLink(GameObject attachedBody, Vector3 connectionPoint)
        //This creates the configurable joint between platfroms that have near edges.
        ConfigurableJoint link1 = gameObject.AddComponent <ConfigurableJoint>();

        JointDrive springJointDrive = new JointDrive();

        springJointDrive.positionSpring = strength;
        springJointDrive.positionDamper = dampen;
        springJointDrive.maximumForce   = 99999.9f;

        link1.connectedBody = attachedBody.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        Vector3 anchorLoc = transform.InverseTransformPoint(connectionPoint);

        link1.anchor         = anchorLoc;
        link1.xDrive         = springJointDrive;
        link1.yDrive         = springJointDrive;
        link1.zDrive         = springJointDrive;
        link1.angularXDrive  = springJointDrive;
        link1.angularYZDrive = springJointDrive;
        link1.xMotion        = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
        link1.zMotion        = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
Example #26

    //---Player Setup--//
    void PlayerSetup()
        cam = Camera.main;

        //Setup joint drives
        BalanceOn = new JointDrive();
        BalanceOn.positionSpring = balanceStrength;
        BalanceOn.positionDamper = 0;
        BalanceOn.maximumForce   = Mathf.Infinity;

        PoseOn = new JointDrive();
        PoseOn.positionSpring = limbStrength;
        PoseOn.positionDamper = 0;
        PoseOn.maximumForce   = Mathf.Infinity;

        CoreStiffness = new JointDrive();
        CoreStiffness.positionSpring = coreStrength;
        CoreStiffness.positionDamper = 0;
        CoreStiffness.maximumForce   = Mathf.Infinity;

        ReachStiffness = new JointDrive();
        ReachStiffness.positionSpring = armReachStiffness;
        ReachStiffness.positionDamper = 0;
        ReachStiffness.maximumForce   = Mathf.Infinity;

        DriveOff = new JointDrive();
        DriveOff.positionSpring = 25;
        DriveOff.positionDamper = 0;
        DriveOff.maximumForce   = Mathf.Infinity;

        //Setup/reroute active ragdoll parts to array
        APR_Parts = new GameObject[]
            //array index numbers


        //Setup original pose for joint drives
        BodyTarget          = APR_Parts[1].GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>().targetRotation;
        HeadTarget          = APR_Parts[2].GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>().targetRotation;
        UpperRightArmTarget = APR_Parts[3].GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>().targetRotation;
        LowerRightArmTarget = APR_Parts[4].GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>().targetRotation;
        UpperLeftArmTarget  = APR_Parts[5].GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>().targetRotation;
        LowerLeftArmTarget  = APR_Parts[6].GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>().targetRotation;
        UpperRightLegTarget = APR_Parts[7].GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>().targetRotation;
        LowerRightLegTarget = APR_Parts[8].GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>().targetRotation;
        UpperLeftLegTarget  = APR_Parts[9].GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>().targetRotation;
        LowerLeftLegTarget  = APR_Parts[10].GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>().targetRotation;
Example #27
        public void LoadBoomHead()
            if (savedSectionsLocalPos.Count > 0)
                //Reset section(s) to org pos
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, SectionInfo> section in sections)
                    section.Value.transform.position = this.part.transform.TransformPoint(section.Value.orgLocalPos);

            KAS_Shared.DebugLog("LoadBoomHead(TelescopicArm) Create physical object...");
            boomHeadPhysicModule = this.part.gameObject.GetComponent <KASModulePhysicChild>();
            if (!boomHeadPhysicModule)
                KAS_Shared.DebugLog("LoadBoomHead(TelescopicArm) - KASModulePhysicChild do not exist, adding it...");
                boomHeadPhysicModule = this.part.gameObject.AddComponent <KASModulePhysicChild>();
            boomHeadPhysicModule.mass      = boomHeadMass;
            boomHeadPhysicModule.physicObj = sections[0].transform.gameObject;

            orgBoomHeadMass = this.part.mass;
            float newMass = this.part.mass - boomHeadMass;

            if (newMass > 0)
                this.part.mass = newMass;
                KAS_Shared.DebugWarning("LoadBoomHead(TelescopicArm) - Mass of the boom head is greater than the part !");

            KAS_Shared.DebugLog("LoadRotor - Disable collision...");

            KAS_Shared.DebugLog("LoadBoomHead(TelescopicArm) - Create configurable joint...");
            slideJoint = this.part.gameObject.AddComponent <ConfigurableJoint>();
            slideJoint.connectedBody  = sections[0].transform.rigidbody;
            slideJoint.axis           = Vector3.zero;
            slideJoint.secondaryAxis  = Vector3.zero;
            slideJoint.breakForce     = breakForce;
            slideJoint.breakTorque    = breakForce;
            slideJoint.angularXMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
            slideJoint.angularYMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
            slideJoint.angularZMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
            slideJoint.xMotion        = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
            slideJoint.yMotion        = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
            slideJoint.zMotion        = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;

            if (direction.x != 0)
                slideJoint.xMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Limited;
                driveWay           = direction.x;
                KAS_Shared.DebugLog("LoadBoomHead(TelescopicArm) - Direction set to x axis with driveWay set to : " + driveWay);
            else if (direction.y != 0)
                slideJoint.yMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Limited;
                driveWay           = direction.y;
                KAS_Shared.DebugLog("LoadBoomHead(TelescopicArm) - Direction set to y axis with driveWay set to : " + driveWay);
            else if (direction.z != 0)
                slideJoint.zMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Limited;
                driveWay           = direction.z;
                KAS_Shared.DebugLog("LoadBoomHead(TelescopicArm) - Direction set to z axis with driveWay set to : " + driveWay);

            JointDrive drv = new JointDrive();

            drv.mode           = JointDriveMode.PositionAndVelocity;
            drv.positionSpring = driveSpring;
            drv.positionDamper = driveDamper;
            drv.maximumForce   = driveForce;
            slideJoint.xDrive  = slideJoint.yDrive = slideJoint.zDrive = drv;

            SoftJointLimit jointLimit = new SoftJointLimit();

            jointLimit.limit       = sectionTotalLenght;
            jointLimit.damper      = 200;
            jointLimit.spring      = 1000;
            jointLimit.bounciness  = 1;
            slideJoint.linearLimit = jointLimit;

            if (savedSectionsLocalPos.Count > 0)
                KAS_Shared.DebugLog("LoadBoomHead(TelescopicArm) - Re-set section position from save");
                float sumLenght = 0;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <int, SectionInfo> section in sections)
                    KAS_Shared.DebugLog("LoadBoomHead(TelescopicArm) - Move section " + section.Key + " to local position : " + section.Value.savedLocalPos);
                    section.Value.transform.position = this.part.transform.TransformPoint(section.Value.savedLocalPos);
                    sumLenght += section.Value.lenght;
                    if (headPos > sumLenght)
                        KAS_Shared.DebugLog("LoadBoomHead(TelescopicArm) - Parent section " + sections[section.Key + 1].transform.name + " to : " + section.Value.transform.name);
                        sections[section.Key + 1].transform.parent = section.Value.transform;

            // Get boom head attach nodes
            ConfigNode    node          = KAS_Shared.GetBaseConfigNode(this);
            List <string> attachNodesSt = new List <string>(node.GetValues("attachNode"));

            foreach (String anString in attachNodesSt)
                AttachNode an = this.part.findAttachNode(anString);
                if (an != null)
                    KAS_Shared.DebugLog("LoadBoomHead(TelescopicArm) - Boom head attach node added : " + an.id);
                    if (an.attachedPart)
                        KAS_Shared.DebugLog("LoadBoomHead(TelescopicArm) - Setting boom head joint on : " + an.attachedPart.partInfo.title);
                        KAS_Shared.RemoveFixedJointBetween(this.part, an.attachedPart);
                        KAS_Shared.RemoveHingeJointBetween(this.part, an.attachedPart);
                        FixedJoint fjnt = an.attachedPart.gameObject.AddComponent <FixedJoint>();
                        fjnt.connectedBody = sections[0].transform.rigidbody;
            boomHeadLoaded = true;
Example #28
            // ばねの設定など
            void SetDrive(PMDFormat.Joint joint, ConfigurableJoint conf)
                JointDrive drive;

                // Position
                if (joint.spring_pos.x != 0f)
                    drive = new JointDrive();
                    drive.positionSpring = joint.spring_pos.x;
                    conf.xDrive = drive;
                if (joint.spring_pos.y != 0f)
                    drive = new JointDrive();
                    drive.positionSpring = joint.spring_pos.y;
                    conf.yDrive = drive;
                if (joint.spring_pos.z != 0f)
                    drive = new JointDrive();
                    drive.positionSpring = joint.spring_pos.z;
                    conf.zDrive = drive;

                // Angular
                if (joint.spring_rot.x != 0f)
                    drive = new JointDrive();
                    drive.mode = JointDriveMode.PositionAndVelocity;
                    drive.positionSpring = joint.spring_rot.x;
                    conf.angularXDrive = drive;
                if (joint.spring_rot.y != 0f || joint.spring_rot.z != 0f)
                    drive = new JointDrive();
                    drive.mode = JointDriveMode.PositionAndVelocity;
                    drive.positionSpring = (joint.spring_rot.y + joint.spring_rot.z) * 0.5f;
                    conf.angularYZDrive = drive;
Example #29
        private void DisconnectMuscle(Muscle m, bool sever, bool deactivate)
            m.state.pinWeightMlp     = 0f;
            m.state.muscleWeightMlp  = 0f;
            m.state.muscleDamperAdd  = 0f;
            m.state.muscleDamperMlp  = 0f;
            m.state.mappingWeightMlp = 0f;
            m.state.maxForceMlp      = 0f;
            m.state.immunity         = 0f;
            m.state.impulseMlp       = 1f;

            if (sever)
                m.joint.xMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Free;
                m.joint.yMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Free;
                m.joint.zMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Free;


                if (!hierarchyIsFlat)
                    m.joint.transform.parent = transform;

            bool applyMappedVelocity = !m.joint.gameObject.activeInHierarchy || m.rigidbody.isKinematic;

            if (activeState == State.Frozen)
                applyMappedVelocity = false;

            // In case disconnecting in disabled mode
            if (!m.joint.gameObject.activeInHierarchy && !deactivate)

            JointDrive slerpDrive = new JointDrive();

            slerpDrive.positionSpring = 0f;
            slerpDrive.maximumForce   = 0f;
            slerpDrive.positionDamper = 0f;
            m.joint.slerpDrive        = slerpDrive;

            // Enable internal collisions with the disconnected muscle
            if (!deactivate)
                for (int i = 0; i < muscles.Length; i++)
                    if (muscles[i] != m && !muscles[i].state.isDisconnected)
                        foreach (Collider c1 in m.colliders)
                            foreach (Collider c2 in muscles[i].colliders)
                                if (c1.enabled && c2.enabled)
                                    Physics.IgnoreCollision(c1, c2, false);

                if (applyMappedVelocity)
                    m.rigidbody.velocity        = m.mappedVelocity;
                    m.rigidbody.angularVelocity = m.mappedAngularVelocity;

            if (m.isPropMuscle)
                var propMuscle = m.joint.GetComponent <PropMuscle>();
                if (propMuscle.activeProp != null)
                    propMuscle.currentProp = null;

            m.state.isDisconnected = true;

            foreach (BehaviourBase b in behaviours)
            if (OnMuscleDisconnected != null)
		private void INTERNAL_get_zDrive(out JointDrive value){}
		private void INTERNAL_set_zDrive(ref JointDrive value){}
		private void INTERNAL_get_angularXDrive(out JointDrive value){}
		private void INTERNAL_set_angularXDrive(ref JointDrive value){}
Example #34
    /// <summary>
    /// Crenates the proper joint type for this node.
    /// </summary>
    public void CreateJoint()
        if (joint != null || GetSkeletalJoint() == null)
        //this is the conditional for Identifying wheels
        if (GetSkeletalJoint().GetJointType() == SkeletalJointType.ROTATIONAL)
            if (this.HasDriverMeta <WheelDriverMeta>())

            RotationalJoint_Base nodeR = (RotationalJoint_Base)GetSkeletalJoint();

            //takes the x, y, and z axis information from a custom vector class to unity's vector class
            joint = ConfigJointInternal <HingeJoint>(nodeR.basePoint.AsV3(), nodeR.axis.AsV3(), delegate(HingeJoint jointSub)
                jointSub.useLimits = nodeR.hasAngularLimit;
                if (nodeR.hasAngularLimit)
            //don't worry, I'm a doctor

            if (this.HasDriverMeta <WheelDriverMeta>())
        else if (GetSkeletalJoint().GetJointType() == SkeletalJointType.CYLINDRICAL)
            CylindricalJoint_Base nodeC = (CylindricalJoint_Base)GetSkeletalJoint();

            joint = ConfigJointInternal <ConfigurableJoint>(nodeC.basePoint.AsV3(), nodeC.axis.AsV3(), delegate(ConfigurableJoint jointSub)
                jointSub.xMotion        = ConfigurableJointMotion.Limited;
                jointSub.angularXMotion = !nodeC.hasAngularLimit ? ConfigurableJointMotion.Free : ConfigurableJointMotion.Limited;
                if (GetSkeletalJoint().cDriver != null && GetSkeletalJoint().cDriver.GetDriveType().IsPneumatic())
                    JointDrive drMode   = new JointDrive();
                    drMode.mode         = JointDriveMode.Velocity;
                    drMode.maximumForce = 100.0f;
                    jointSub.xDrive     = drMode;
                if (jointSub.angularXMotion == ConfigurableJointMotion.Limited)
        else if (GetSkeletalJoint().GetJointType() == SkeletalJointType.LINEAR)
            LinearJoint_Base nodeL = (LinearJoint_Base)GetSkeletalJoint();

            joint = ConfigJointInternal <ConfigurableJoint>(nodeL.basePoint.AsV3(), nodeL.axis.AsV3(), delegate(ConfigurableJoint jointSub)
                jointSub.xMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Limited;
            //TODO make code good
            if (GetSkeletalJoint().cDriver != null)
                if (GetSkeletalJoint().cDriver.GetDriveType().IsElevator())
                    unityObject.AddComponent <ElevatorScript>();
                    unityObject.GetComponent <ElevatorScript>().eType = (ElevatorType)this.GetDriverMeta <ElevatorDriverMeta>().type;
		private void INTERNAL_get_rotationDrive(out JointDrive value){}
Example #36
        private void UpdatePartJoint(Part p)
            if (!KJRJointUtils.JointAdjustmentValid(p) || p.rb == null || p.attachJoint == null)

            if (p.attachMethod == AttachNodeMethod.LOCKED_JOINT)
                if (KJRJointUtils.settings.debug)
                    Debug.Log("KJR: Already processed part before: " + p.partInfo.name + " (" + p.flightID + ") -> " +
                              p.parent.partInfo.name + " (" + p.parent.flightID + ")");

            List <ConfigurableJoint> jointList;

            if (p.Modules.Contains <CModuleStrut>())
                CModuleStrut s = p.Modules.GetModule <CModuleStrut>();

                if (!(s.jointTarget == null || s.jointRoot == null))
                    jointList = KJRJointUtils.GetJointListFromAttachJoint(s.strutJoint);

                    if (jointList != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < jointList.Count; i++)
                            ConfigurableJoint j = jointList[i];

                            if (j == null)

                            JointDrive strutDrive = j.angularXDrive;
                            strutDrive.positionSpring = KJRJointUtils.settings.decouplerAndClampJointStrength;
                            strutDrive.maximumForce   = KJRJointUtils.settings.decouplerAndClampJointStrength;
                            j.xDrive = j.yDrive = j.zDrive = j.angularXDrive = j.angularYZDrive = strutDrive;

                            j.xMotion        = j.yMotion = j.zMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
                            j.angularXMotion = j.angularYMotion = j.angularZMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;

                            //float scalingFactor = (s.jointTarget.mass + s.jointTarget.GetResourceMass() + s.jointRoot.mass + s.jointRoot.GetResourceMass()) * 0.01f;

                            j.breakForce  = KJRJointUtils.settings.decouplerAndClampJointStrength;
                            j.breakTorque = KJRJointUtils.settings.decouplerAndClampJointStrength;

                        p.attachMethod = AttachNodeMethod.LOCKED_JOINT;

            jointList = KJRJointUtils.GetJointListFromAttachJoint(p.attachJoint);
            if (jointList == null)

            StringBuilder debugString = new StringBuilder();

            bool addAdditionalJointToParent = KJRJointUtils.settings.multiPartAttachNodeReinforcement;

            //addAdditionalJointToParent &= !(p.Modules.Contains("LaunchClamp") || (p.parent.Modules.Contains("ModuleDecouple") || p.parent.Modules.Contains("ModuleAnchoredDecoupler")));
            addAdditionalJointToParent &= !p.Modules.Contains <CModuleStrut>();

            float partMass = p.mass + p.GetResourceMass();

            for (int i = 0; i < jointList.Count; i++)
                ConfigurableJoint j = jointList[i];
                if (j == null)

                String    jointType     = j.GetType().Name;
                Rigidbody connectedBody = j.connectedBody;

                Part  connectedPart = connectedBody.GetComponent <Part>() ?? p.parent;
                float parentMass    = connectedPart.mass + connectedPart.GetResourceMass();

                if (partMass < KJRJointUtils.settings.massForAdjustment || parentMass < KJRJointUtils.settings.massForAdjustment)
                    if (KJRJointUtils.settings.debug)
                        Debug.Log("KJR: Part mass too low, skipping: " + p.partInfo.name + " (" + p.flightID + ")");


                // Check attachment nodes for better orientation data
                AttachNode attach   = p.FindAttachNodeByPart(p.parent);
                AttachNode p_attach = p.parent.FindAttachNodeByPart(p);
                AttachNode node     = attach ?? p_attach;

                if (node == null)
                    // Check if it's a pair of coupled docking ports
                    var dock1 = p.Modules.GetModule <ModuleDockingNode>();
                    var dock2 = p.parent.Modules.GetModule <ModuleDockingNode>();

                    //Debug.Log(dock1 + " " + (dock1 ? ""+dock1.dockedPartUId : "?") + " " + dock2 + " " + (dock2 ? ""+dock2.dockedPartUId : "?"));

                    if (dock1 && dock2 && (dock1.dockedPartUId == p.parent.flightID || dock2.dockedPartUId == p.flightID))
                        attach   = p.FindAttachNode(dock1.referenceAttachNode);
                        p_attach = p.parent.FindAttachNode(dock2.referenceAttachNode);
                        node     = attach ?? p_attach;

                // If still no node and apparently surface attached, use the normal one if it's there
                if (node == null && p.attachMode == AttachModes.SRF_ATTACH)
                    node = attach = p.srfAttachNode;

                if (KJRJointUtils.settings.debug)
                    debugString.AppendLine("Original joint from " + p.partInfo.title + " to " + p.parent.partInfo.title);
                    debugString.AppendLine("  " + p.partInfo.name + " (" + p.flightID + ") -> " + p.parent.partInfo.name + " (" + p.parent.flightID + ")");
                    debugString.AppendLine(p.partInfo.title + " Inertia Tensor: " + p.rb.inertiaTensor + " " + p.parent.partInfo.name + " Inertia Tensor: " + connectedBody.inertiaTensor);

                    debugString.AppendLine("Std. Joint Parameters");
                    debugString.AppendLine("Connected Body: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.connectedBody);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Attach mode: " + p.attachMode + " (was " + jointType + ")");
                    if (attach != null)
                        debugString.AppendLine("Attach node: " + attach.id + " - " + attach.nodeType + " " + attach.size);
                    if (p_attach != null)
                        debugString.AppendLine("Parent node: " + p_attach.id + " - " + p_attach.nodeType + " " + p_attach.size);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Anchor: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.anchor);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Axis: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.axis);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Sec Axis: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.secondaryAxis);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Break Force: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.breakForce);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Break Torque: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.breakTorque);

                    debugString.AppendLine("Joint Motion Locked: " + Convert.ToString(p.attachJoint.Joint.xMotion == ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked));

                    debugString.AppendLine("X Drive");
                    debugString.AppendLine("Position Spring: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.xDrive.positionSpring);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Position Damper: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.xDrive.positionDamper);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Max Force: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.xDrive.maximumForce);

                    debugString.AppendLine("Y Drive");
                    debugString.AppendLine("Position Spring: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.yDrive.positionSpring);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Position Damper: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.yDrive.positionDamper);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Max Force: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.yDrive.maximumForce);

                    debugString.AppendLine("Z Drive");
                    debugString.AppendLine("Position Spring: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.zDrive.positionSpring);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Position Damper: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.zDrive.positionDamper);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Max Force: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.zDrive.maximumForce);

                    debugString.AppendLine("Angular X Drive");
                    debugString.AppendLine("Position Spring: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.angularXDrive.positionSpring);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Position Damper: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.angularXDrive.positionDamper);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Max Force: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.angularXDrive.maximumForce);

                    debugString.AppendLine("Angular YZ Drive");
                    debugString.AppendLine("Position Spring: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.angularYZDrive.positionSpring);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Position Damper: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.angularYZDrive.positionDamper);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Max Force: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.angularYZDrive.maximumForce);


                float   breakForce      = Math.Min(p.breakingForce, connectedPart.breakingForce) * KJRJointUtils.settings.breakForceMultiplier;
                float   breakTorque     = Math.Min(p.breakingTorque, connectedPart.breakingTorque) * KJRJointUtils.settings.breakTorqueMultiplier;
                Vector3 anchor          = j.anchor;
                Vector3 connectedAnchor = j.connectedAnchor;
                Vector3 axis            = j.axis;

                float radius          = 0;
                float area            = 0;
                float momentOfInertia = 0;

                if (node != null)
                    // Part that owns the node. For surface attachment,
                    // this can only be parent if docking flips hierarchy.
                    Part main = (node == attach) ? p : p.parent;

                    // Orientation and position of the node in owner's local coords
                    Vector3 ndir = node.orientation.normalized;
                    Vector3 npos = node.position + node.offset;

                    // And in the current part's local coords
                    Vector3 dir = axis = p.transform.InverseTransformDirection(main.transform.TransformDirection(ndir));

                    if (node.nodeType == AttachNode.NodeType.Surface)
                        // Guessed main axis; for parts with stack nodes should be the axis of the stack
                        Vector3 up = KJRJointUtils.GuessUpVector(main).normalized;

                        // if guessed up direction is same as node direction, it's basically stack
                        // for instance, consider a radially-attached docking port
                        if (Mathf.Abs(Vector3.Dot(up, ndir)) > 0.9f)
                            radius = Mathf.Min(KJRJointUtils.CalculateRadius(main, ndir), KJRJointUtils.CalculateRadius(connectedPart, ndir));
                            if (radius <= 0.001)
                                radius = node.size * 1.25f;
                            area            = Mathf.PI * radius * radius;           //Area of cylinder
                            momentOfInertia = area * radius * radius / 4;           //Moment of Inertia of cylinder
                            // x along surface, y along ndir normal to surface, z along surface & main axis (up)
                            var size1 = KJRJointUtils.CalculateExtents(main, ndir, up);

                            var size2 = KJRJointUtils.CalculateExtents(connectedPart, ndir, up);

                            // use average of the sides, since we don't know which one is used for attaching
                            float width1 = (size1.x + size1.z) / 2;
                            float width2 = (size2.x + size2.z) / 2;
                            if (size1.y * width1 > size2.y * width2)
                                area   = size1.y * width1;
                                radius = Mathf.Max(size1.y, width1);
                                area   = size2.y * width2;
                                radius = Mathf.Max(size2.y, width2);

                            momentOfInertia = area * radius / 12;          //Moment of Inertia of a rectangle bending along the longer length
                        radius = Mathf.Min(KJRJointUtils.CalculateRadius(p, dir), KJRJointUtils.CalculateRadius(connectedPart, dir));
                        if (radius <= 0.001)
                            radius = node.size * 1.25f;
                        area            = Mathf.PI * radius * radius;           //Area of cylinder
                        momentOfInertia = area * radius * radius / 4;           //Moment of Inertia of cylinder
                //Assume part is attached along its "up" cross section; use a cylinder to approximate properties
                else if (p.attachMode == AttachModes.STACK)
                    radius = Mathf.Min(KJRJointUtils.CalculateRadius(p, Vector3.up), KJRJointUtils.CalculateRadius(connectedPart, Vector3.up));
                    if (radius <= 0.001)
                        radius = node.size * 1.25f;
                    area            = Mathf.PI * radius * radius;           //Area of cylinder
                    momentOfInertia = area * radius * radius / 4;           //Moment of Inertia of cylinder
                else if (p.attachMode == AttachModes.SRF_ATTACH)
                    // x,z sides, y along main axis
                    Vector3 up1   = KJRJointUtils.GuessUpVector(p);
                    var     size1 = KJRJointUtils.CalculateExtents(p, up1);

                    Vector3 up2   = KJRJointUtils.GuessUpVector(connectedPart);
                    var     size2 = KJRJointUtils.CalculateExtents(connectedPart, up2);

                    // use average of the sides, since we don't know which one is used for attaching
                    float width1 = (size1.x + size1.z) / 2;
                    float width2 = (size2.x + size2.z) / 2;
                    if (size1.y * width1 > size2.y * width2)
                        area   = size1.y * width1;
                        radius = Mathf.Max(size1.y, width1);
                        area   = size2.y * width2;
                        radius = Mathf.Max(size2.y, width2);
                    momentOfInertia = area * radius / 12;          //Moment of Inertia of a rectangle bending along the longer length

                if (KJRJointUtils.settings.useVolumeNotArea)       //If using volume, raise al stiffness-affecting parameters to the 1.5 power
                    area            = Mathf.Pow(area, 1.5f);
                    momentOfInertia = Mathf.Pow(momentOfInertia, 1.5f);

                breakForce  = Mathf.Max(KJRJointUtils.settings.breakStrengthPerArea * area, breakForce);
                breakTorque = Mathf.Max(KJRJointUtils.settings.breakTorquePerMOI * momentOfInertia, breakTorque);

                JointDrive angDrive = j.angularXDrive;
                angDrive.positionSpring = Mathf.Max(momentOfInertia * KJRJointUtils.settings.angularDriveSpring, angDrive.positionSpring);
                angDrive.positionDamper = Mathf.Max(momentOfInertia * KJRJointUtils.settings.angularDriveDamper * 0.1f, angDrive.positionDamper);
                angDrive.maximumForce   = breakTorque;

                /*float moi_avg = p.rb.inertiaTensor.magnitude;
                 * moi_avg += (p.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint(p.CoMOffset) - p.parent.transform.position).sqrMagnitude * p.rb.mass;
                 * if (moi_avg * 2f / drive.positionDamper < 0.08f)
                 * {
                 *  drive.positionDamper = moi_avg / (0.04f);
                 *  drive.positionSpring = drive.positionDamper * drive.positionDamper / moi_avg;
                 * }*/
                j.angularXDrive = j.angularYZDrive = j.slerpDrive = angDrive;

                JointDrive linDrive = j.xDrive;
                linDrive.maximumForce = breakForce;
                j.xDrive = j.yDrive = j.zDrive = linDrive;

                SoftJointLimit lim = new SoftJointLimit();
                lim.limit      = 0;
                lim.bounciness = 0;

                SoftJointLimitSpring limSpring = new SoftJointLimitSpring();

                limSpring.spring = 0;
                limSpring.damper = 0;

                j.linearLimit       = j.angularYLimit = j.angularZLimit = j.lowAngularXLimit = j.highAngularXLimit = lim;
                j.linearLimitSpring = j.angularYZLimitSpring = j.angularXLimitSpring = limSpring;

                j.targetAngularVelocity = Vector3.zero;
                j.targetVelocity        = Vector3.zero;
                j.targetRotation        = Quaternion.identity;
                j.targetPosition        = Vector3.zero;

                j.breakForce  = breakForce;
                j.breakTorque = breakTorque;
                p.attachJoint.SetBreakingForces(j.breakForce, j.breakTorque);

                p.attachMethod = AttachNodeMethod.LOCKED_JOINT;

                if (addAdditionalJointToParent && p.parent.parent != null)
                    addAdditionalJointToParent = false;
                    if (!KJRJointUtils.JointAdjustmentValid(p.parent) || !KJRJointUtils.JointAdjustmentValid(p.parent.parent))

                    /*if (ValidDecoupler(p) || ValidDecoupler(p.parent))
                     *  continue;*/
                    Part newConnectedPart = p.parent.parent;

                    bool massRatioBelowThreshold = false;
                    int  numPartsFurther         = 0;

                    float       partMaxMass          = KJRJointUtils.MaximumPossiblePartMass(p);
                    List <Part> partsCrossed         = new List <Part>();
                    List <Part> possiblePartsCrossed = new List <Part>();


                    Rigidbody connectedRb = newConnectedPart.rb;

                        float massRat1, massRat2;
                        massRat1 = partMaxMass / newConnectedPart.mass;
                        if (massRat1 < 1)
                            massRat1 = 1 / massRat1;

                        massRat2 = p.mass / KJRJointUtils.MaximumPossiblePartMass(newConnectedPart);
                        if (massRat2 < 1)
                            massRat2 = 1 / massRat2;

                        if (massRat1 > KJRJointUtils.settings.stiffeningExtensionMassRatioThreshold || massRat2 > KJRJointUtils.settings.stiffeningExtensionMassRatioThreshold)
                            if (newConnectedPart.parent != null)
                                if (!KJRJointUtils.JointAdjustmentValid(newConnectedPart.parent))

                                newConnectedPart = newConnectedPart.parent;
                                if (newConnectedPart.rb == null)
                                    connectedRb = newConnectedPart.rb;
                            massRatioBelowThreshold = true;
                    } while (!massRatioBelowThreshold);// && numPartsFurther < 5);

                    if (connectedRb != null && !multiJointManager.CheckMultiJointBetweenParts(p, newConnectedPart))
                        ConfigurableJoint newJoint = p.gameObject.AddComponent <ConfigurableJoint>();

                        newJoint.connectedBody   = connectedRb;
                        newJoint.axis            = Vector3.right;
                        newJoint.secondaryAxis   = Vector3.forward;
                        newJoint.anchor          = Vector3.zero;
                        newJoint.connectedAnchor = p.transform.worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint(newConnectedPart.transform.position);


                        newJoint.angularXDrive = newJoint.angularYZDrive = newJoint.slerpDrive = j.angularXDrive;

                        newJoint.xDrive = j.xDrive;
                        newJoint.yDrive = j.yDrive;
                        newJoint.zDrive = j.zDrive;

                        newJoint.linearLimit = newJoint.angularYLimit = newJoint.angularZLimit = newJoint.lowAngularXLimit = newJoint.highAngularXLimit = lim;

                        /*newJoint.targetAngularVelocity = Vector3.zero;
                         * newJoint.targetVelocity = Vector3.zero;
                         * newJoint.targetRotation = Quaternion.identity;
                         * newJoint.targetPosition = Vector3.zero;*/
                         * else
                         * {
                         *  newJoint.xMotion = newJoint.yMotion = newJoint.zMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
                         *  newJoint.angularXMotion = newJoint.angularYMotion = newJoint.angularZMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
                         * }*/

                        newJoint.breakForce  = breakForce;
                        newJoint.breakTorque = breakTorque;

                        for (int k = 0; k < partsCrossed.Count; k++)
                            multiJointManager.RegisterMultiJoint(partsCrossed[k], newJoint);

                    /*if(p.symmetryCounterparts != null && p.symmetryCounterparts.Count > 0)
                     * {
                     *  Part linkPart = null;
                     *  Vector3 center = p.transform.position;
                     *  float cross = float.NegativeInfinity;
                     *  for(int k = 0; k < p.symmetryCounterparts.Count; k++)
                     *  {
                     *      center += p.symmetryCounterparts[k].transform.position;
                     *  }
                     *  center /= (p.symmetryCounterparts.Count + 1);
                     *  for(int k = 0; k < p.symmetryCounterparts.Count; k++)
                     *  {
                     *      Part counterPart = p.symmetryCounterparts[k];
                     *      if (counterPart.parent == p.parent && counterPart.rb != null)
                     *      {
                     *          float tmpCross = Vector3.Dot(Vector3.Cross(center - p.transform.position, counterPart.transform.position - p.transform.position), p.transform.up);
                     *          if(tmpCross > cross)
                     *          {
                     *              cross = tmpCross;
                     *              linkPart = counterPart;
                     *          }
                     *      }
                     *  }
                     *  if (linkPart)
                     *  {
                     *      Rigidbody rigidBody = linkPart.rb;
                     *      if (!linkPart.rb)
                     *          continue;
                     *      ConfigurableJoint newJoint;
                     *      newJoint = p.gameObject.AddComponent<ConfigurableJoint>();
                     *      newJoint.connectedBody = rigidBody;
                     *      newJoint.anchor = Vector3.zero;
                     *      newJoint.axis = Vector3.right;
                     *      newJoint.secondaryAxis = Vector3.forward;
                     *      newJoint.breakForce = KJRJointUtils.decouplerAndClampJointStrength;
                     *      newJoint.breakTorque = KJRJointUtils.decouplerAndClampJointStrength;
                     *      newJoint.xMotion = newJoint.yMotion = newJoint.zMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
                     *      newJoint.angularXMotion = newJoint.angularYMotion = newJoint.angularZMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked;
                     *      multiJointManager.RegisterMultiJoint(p, newJoint);
                     *      multiJointManager.RegisterMultiJoint(linkPart, newJoint);
                     *  }
                     * }*/

                if (KJRJointUtils.settings.debug)
                    debugString.AppendLine("Updated joint from " + p.partInfo.title + " to " + p.parent.partInfo.title);
                    debugString.AppendLine("  " + p.partInfo.name + " (" + p.flightID + ") -> " + p.parent.partInfo.name + " (" + p.parent.flightID + ")");
                    debugString.AppendLine(p.partInfo.title + " Inertia Tensor: " + p.rb.inertiaTensor + " " + p.parent.partInfo.name + " Inertia Tensor: " + connectedBody.inertiaTensor);

                    debugString.AppendLine("Std. Joint Parameters");
                    debugString.AppendLine("Connected Body: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.connectedBody);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Attach mode: " + p.attachMode + " (was " + jointType + ")");
                    if (attach != null)
                        debugString.AppendLine("Attach node: " + attach.id + " - " + attach.nodeType + " " + attach.size);
                    if (p_attach != null)
                        debugString.AppendLine("Parent node: " + p_attach.id + " - " + p_attach.nodeType + " " + p_attach.size);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Anchor: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.anchor);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Axis: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.axis);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Sec Axis: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.secondaryAxis);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Break Force: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.breakForce);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Break Torque: " + p.attachJoint.Joint.breakTorque);

                    debugString.AppendLine("Joint Motion Locked: " + Convert.ToString(p.attachJoint.Joint.xMotion == ConfigurableJointMotion.Locked));

                    debugString.AppendLine("Angular Drive");
                    debugString.AppendLine("Position Spring: " + angDrive.positionSpring);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Position Damper: " + angDrive.positionDamper);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Max Force: " + angDrive.maximumForce);

                    debugString.AppendLine("Cross Section Properties");
                    debugString.AppendLine("Radius: " + radius);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Area: " + area);
                    debugString.AppendLine("Moment of Inertia: " + momentOfInertia);
            if (KJRJointUtils.settings.debug)
		private void INTERNAL_set_rotationDrive(ref JointDrive value){}