public void Generate() { var poly = JohnsonPoly.Antiprism(4); var cube = JohnsonPoly.Prism(4); var decorations = new ConwayPoly(); cube = cube.Transform(,, * cubeScale); foreach (var face in poly.Faces) { for (float angle = 0; angle < 360; angle += theta) { var pos = face.GetPolarPoint(angle, distance); var look = Quaternion.LookRotation(face.Normal, Vector3.up).eulerAngles + new Vector3(90, 0, 0); decorations.Append(cube.Transform(pos, look,; } } //poly.Append(decorations); var mesh = PolyMeshBuilder.BuildMeshFromConwayPoly(decorations, false); GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh; }
public void Generate() { Random.seed = seed; spaceship = JohnsonPoly.Prism(numSides); wings = new ConwayPoly(); antennae = new ConwayPoly(); float angleCorrection = 180f / numSides; if (numSides % 2 != 0) { angleCorrection /= 2f; } spaceship = spaceship.Rotate(Vector3.up, angleCorrection); spaceship = spaceship.Rotate(Vector3.left, -90); alreadyStake = false; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) // Loop twice - once for the back and once for the front. { for (int j = 0; j <= numSections; j++) { spaceship = MakeSection(spaceship); } // Second time through loop: // Flip everything around ready to generate the back sections spaceship = spaceship.Rotate(Vector3.up, 180); wings = wings.Rotate(Vector3.up, 180); antennae = antennae.Rotate(Vector3.up, 180); // Change random range for front sections loftLow = -0.35f; loftHigh = 0.15f; } // Make the engines var engines = spaceship.FaceKeep(new OpParams { facesel = FaceSelections.FacingStraightBackward }); spaceship = spaceship.FaceRemove(new OpParams { facesel = FaceSelections.FacingStraightBackward }); engines = engines.Loft(new OpParams { valueA = Random.Range(.3f, .4f), valueB = Random.Range(-.2f, .2f) }); // spaceship = engines; if (EngineVariant) { var engineRim = engines.FaceRemove(new OpParams { facesel = FaceSelections.Existing }); engines = engines.FaceKeep(new OpParams { facesel = FaceSelections.Existing }); engines = engines.Ortho(new OpParams { valueA = 0 }); engines = engines.Loft(new OpParams { valueA = Random.Range(0, .25f), valueB = -.5f }); engines.Append(engineRim); } else { engines = engines.Loft(new OpParams { valueA = Random.Range(.25f, .75f), valueB = Random.Range(0, .2f), facesel = FaceSelections.Existing }); engines = engines.Loft(new OpParams { valueA = Random.Range(.1f, .3f), valueB = Random.Range(-.3f, -.7f), facesel = FaceSelections.AllNew }); } // Make the nose section if (NoseLength > 0) { spaceship = spaceship.Loft(new OpParams { valueA = .2f, valueB = 0, facesel = FaceSelections.FacingStraightForward }); spaceship = spaceship.FaceSlide(new OpParams { valueA = .12f, facesel = FaceSelections.Existing }); if (NoseVariant) { spaceship = spaceship.Lace(new OpParams { valueA = NoseSharpness, valueB = NoseLength, facesel = FaceSelections.Existing }); } else { spaceship = spaceship.Loft(new OpParams { valueA = NoseSharpness, valueB = NoseLength, facesel = FaceSelections.Existing }); } } // Add panel insets to the hull spaceship = spaceship.Loft(new OpParams { valueA = 0.1f, valueB = 0.025f }); // Add panel insets to the wings wings = wings.Loft(new OpParams { valueA = 0.1f, valueB = 0.025f }); spaceship.Append(engines); spaceship.Append(wings); spaceship.Append(antennae); // Build the final mesh var mesh = PolyMeshBuilder.BuildMeshFromConwayPoly(spaceship, false); GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh; GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = material; }
public void Generate() { var colorMethod = ColorBySides ? PolyHydraEnums.ColorMethods.BySides : PolyHydraEnums.ColorMethods.ByRole; ConwayPoly poly = null; // TODO move this into a method on JohnsonPoly switch (JohnsonPolyType) { case PolyHydraEnums.JohnsonPolyTypes.Prism: poly = JohnsonPoly.Prism(sides); break; case PolyHydraEnums.JohnsonPolyTypes.Antiprism: poly = JohnsonPoly.Antiprism(sides); break; case PolyHydraEnums.JohnsonPolyTypes.Pyramid: poly = JohnsonPoly.Pyramid(sides); break; case PolyHydraEnums.JohnsonPolyTypes.ElongatedPyramid: poly = JohnsonPoly.ElongatedPyramid(sides); break; case PolyHydraEnums.JohnsonPolyTypes.GyroelongatedPyramid: poly = JohnsonPoly.GyroelongatedPyramid(sides); break; case PolyHydraEnums.JohnsonPolyTypes.Dipyramid: poly = JohnsonPoly.Dipyramid(sides); break; case PolyHydraEnums.JohnsonPolyTypes.ElongatedDipyramid: poly = JohnsonPoly.ElongatedDipyramid(sides); break; case PolyHydraEnums.JohnsonPolyTypes.GyroelongatedDipyramid: poly = JohnsonPoly.GyroelongatedDipyramid(sides); break; case PolyHydraEnums.JohnsonPolyTypes.Cupola: poly = JohnsonPoly.Cupola(sides); break; case PolyHydraEnums.JohnsonPolyTypes.ElongatedCupola: poly = JohnsonPoly.ElongatedCupola(sides); break; case PolyHydraEnums.JohnsonPolyTypes.GyroelongatedCupola: poly = JohnsonPoly.GyroelongatedCupola(sides); break; case PolyHydraEnums.JohnsonPolyTypes.OrthoBicupola: poly = JohnsonPoly.OrthoBicupola(sides); break; case PolyHydraEnums.JohnsonPolyTypes.GyroBicupola: poly = JohnsonPoly.GyroBicupola(sides); break; case PolyHydraEnums.JohnsonPolyTypes.ElongatedOrthoBicupola: poly = JohnsonPoly.ElongatedBicupola(sides, false); break; case PolyHydraEnums.JohnsonPolyTypes.ElongatedGyroBicupola: poly = JohnsonPoly.ElongatedBicupola(sides, true); break; case PolyHydraEnums.JohnsonPolyTypes.GyroelongatedBicupola: poly = JohnsonPoly.GyroelongatedBicupola(sides, false); break; case PolyHydraEnums.JohnsonPolyTypes.Rotunda: poly = JohnsonPoly.Rotunda(); break; case PolyHydraEnums.JohnsonPolyTypes.ElongatedRotunda: poly = JohnsonPoly.ElongatedRotunda(); break; case PolyHydraEnums.JohnsonPolyTypes.GyroelongatedRotunda: poly = JohnsonPoly.GyroelongatedRotunda(); break; case PolyHydraEnums.JohnsonPolyTypes.GyroelongatedBirotunda: poly = JohnsonPoly.GyroelongatedBirotunda(); break; } poly = poly.FaceRemove(new OpParams { facesel = removeSelection }); poly = poly.ExtendBoundaries(new OpParams { valueA = amount1, valueB = angle1 }); poly = poly.ExtendBoundaries(new OpParams { valueA = amount2, valueB = angle2 }); if (ApplyOp) { var o = new OpParams { valueA = opAmount, valueB = op2Amount, facesel = facesel }; poly = poly.ApplyOp(op, o); } var mesh = PolyMeshBuilder.BuildMeshFromConwayPoly(poly, false, null, colorMethod); GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh; }