public void PublishStatusUpdate(long jobRunId, JobRunStates state)
            if (!this.jobRunStatusUpdates.ContainsKey(jobRunId))
                this.jobRunStatusUpdates.Add(jobRunId, new List <JobRunStates>());


            foreach (var kvp in this.statusUpdateWaitCallBacks)
                    var callback = kvp.Key;

                    var callbackHasPermitted = callback(this.jobRunStatusUpdates);

                    if (callbackHasPermitted)
                catch (Exception e)
Example #2
        public void UpdateState(long jobRunId, JobRunStates state)
            Logger.InfoFormat("[{0}] The JobRun with id: {0} has switched to the '{1}'-State", jobRunId, state);

            var jobRun = this.repository.GetJobRunById(jobRunId);

            jobRun.State = this.mapper.Map <ComponentModel.JobStorage.Model.JobRunStates>(state);

            if (state == JobRunStates.Started)
                jobRun.ActualStartDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;

            if (state == JobRunStates.Completed || state == JobRunStates.Failed)
                jobRun.ActualEndDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;


            if (state == JobRunStates.Completed || state == JobRunStates.Failed)
                this.messengerHub.Publish(new JobRunCompletedMessage(this)
                    Id = jobRunId, IsSuccessful = state == JobRunStates.Completed
Example #3
 public PagedResult <JobRun> GetJobRunsByState(JobRunStates state, int page = 1, int pageSize = 50, string jobTypeFilter = null, string jobUniqueNameFilter = null, string query = null, bool showDeleted = false, params string[] sort)
     return(new PagedResult <JobRun>
         Items = new List <JobRun>(),
         TotalItems = 0,
         PageSize = pageSize,
         Page = page
Example #4
        public PagedResult <JobRun> GetJobRunsByState(JobRunStates state, int page = 1, int pageSize = 50, string jobTypeFilter = null, string jobUniqueNameFilter = null, string query = null, bool showDeleted = false, params string[] sort)
            var jobruns = this.repository.GetJobRunsByState((ComponentModel.JobStorage.Model.JobRunStates)state, page, pageSize, jobTypeFilter, jobUniqueNameFilter, query, showDeleted, sort);

            return(new PagedResult <JobRun>
                Items = this.mapper.Map <List <JobRun> >(jobruns.Items),
                TotalItems = jobruns.TotalItems,
                Page = page,
                PageSize = pageSize
Example #5
        private void AddJobRun(DateTime plannedStartDateTimeUtc, JobRunStates state)
            var scheduledTrigger = new InstantTrigger()
                JobId = this.demoJob1Id, IsActive = true
            var demoJob = this.repository.GetJob(this.demoJob1Id);

            var jobRun = this.repository.SaveNewJobRun(demoJob, scheduledTrigger, plannedStartDateTimeUtc);

            jobRun.State = state;
Example #6
        public List <JobRun> GetJobRunsByState(JobRunStates state, int page = 0, int pageSize = 50)
            using (var session = this._documentStore.OpenSession())
                var stateFromModel = (Model.JobRunStates)state;

                return(session.Query <Model.JobRun>()
                       .Where(p => p.State == stateFromModel)
                       .OrderByDescending(o => o.PlannedStartDateTimeUtc)
                       .Skip(page * pageSize)
                       .Select(s => s.ToModel())
Example #7
        public IEnumerable <JobRun> GetJobRunsByStateRange(JobRunStates minState, JobRunStates maxState)
            if (maxState < minState)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(maxState), $"The parameter '{nameof(maxState)}' should not be lower than '{nameof(minState)}'");

            for (var i = minState; i <= maxState; i++)
                var currentState = (JobRunStates)i;

                var jobRunsByState = this.GetJobRunsByState(currentState);

                foreach (var jobRun in jobRunsByState)
                    yield return(jobRun);
Example #8
        public PagedResult <JobRun> GetJobRunsByState(JobRunStates state, int page = 1, int pageSize = 50, string jobTypeFilter = null, string jobUniqueNameFilter = null, string query = null, bool showDeleted = false, params string[] sort)
            int totalItems;

            var enumerable = this.ApplyFiltersAndPaging(page, pageSize, jobTypeFilter, jobUniqueNameFilter, query, this.localJobRuns.Where(p => p.State == state), out totalItems);

            if (sort == null || sort.Length == 0)
                enumerable = enumerable.OrderByDescending(o => o.PlannedStartDateTimeUtc);
                enumerable = ApplySorting(sort, enumerable, this.JobRunOrderByMapping);

            return(new PagedResult <JobRun>
                Page = page,
                PageSize = pageSize,
                Items = enumerable.ToList(),
                TotalItems = totalItems,
 public void RaiseStatusChange(JobRunStates state)
     this.progressChannel.PublishStatusUpdate(this.jobRunInfo.Id, state);
Example #10
 public List <JobRun> GetJobRunsByState(JobRunStates state, int page = 0, int pageSize = 50)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #11
 public List <JobRun> GetJobRunsByState(JobRunStates state, int page = 0, int pageSize = 50)
     return(new List <JobRun>());
Example #12
 public List <JobRun> GetJobRunsByState(JobRunStates state, int page = 0, int pageSize = 50)
     return(this.localJobRuns.Where(jr => jr.State == state).ToList().Clone());
Example #13
 public PagedResult <JobRun> GetJobRunsByState(JobRunStates state, int page = 1, int pageSize = 50, string jobTypeFilter = null, string jobUniqueNameFilter = null, string query = null, bool showDeleted = false, params string[] sort)
     return(this.storageProvider.GetJobRunsByState(state, page, pageSize, jobTypeFilter, jobUniqueNameFilter, query, showDeleted, sort));
Example #14
 public List <JobRun> GetJobRunsByState(JobRunStates state, int page = 0, int pageSize = 50)
     return(this.inMemoryVersion.GetJobRunsByState(state, page, pageSize));
Example #15
 public PagedResult <JobRun> GetJobRunsByState(JobRunStates state, int page = 1, int pageSize = 50, string jobTypeFilter = null, string jobUniqueNameFilter = null, string query = null, bool showDeleted = false, params string[] sort)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #16
 public PagedResult <JobRun> GetJobRunsByState(JobRunStates state, int page = 1, int pageSize = 50, string jobTypeFilter = null, string jobUniqueNameFilter = null, string query = null, bool showDeleted = false, params string[] sort)
     return(this.inMemoryVersion.GetJobRunsByState(state, page, pageSize, jobTypeFilter, jobUniqueNameFilter, query, showDeleted, sort));
Example #17
 public List <JobRun> GetJobRunsByState(JobRunStates state)
 public PagedResult <JobRun> GetJobRunsByState(JobRunStates state, int page = 1, int pageSize = 50, string jobTypeFilter = null, string jobUniqueNameFilter = null, string query = null, bool showDeleted = false, params string[] sort)
     return(this.GetJobRuns(sql => sql.Where(p => p.State == state), page, pageSize, jobTypeFilter, jobUniqueNameFilter, query, showDeleted, sort));
Example #19
        public void PublishStatusUpdate(long jobRunId, JobRunStates state)
            var coreState = this.mapper.Map <Core.Models.JobRunStates>(state);

            this.jobRunService.UpdateState(jobRunId, coreState);