Example #1
        private bool DoesNextProcessAndPathGroupMatch(JobPlan job, JobLogDB.QueuedMaterial qm, int proc, int pathGroup)
            var matLog   = _log.GetLogForMaterial(qm.MaterialID);
            var lastProc =
                .SelectMany(e => e.Material)
                .Where(m => m.MaterialID == qm.MaterialID)
                .Select(m => m.Process)

            if (lastProc != proc)

            //now try and calculate path.  Just check pallet.
            var lastPallet =
                .SelectMany(e => e.Material.Select(m => new { log = e, mat = m }))
                .Where(x => x.mat.MaterialID == qm.MaterialID && x.mat.Process == proc)
                .Select(x => x.log.Pallet)
                .Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x))

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastPallet))
                throw new UnableToFindPathGroup();

            Log.Debug("Calculated last pallet {pal} for {@qm} and proc {proc}", lastPallet, qm);

            for (int path = 1; path <= job.GetNumPaths(proc); path++)
                if (job.HasPallet(proc, path, lastPallet))
                    return(job.GetPathGroup(proc, path) == pathGroup);

            throw new UnableToFindPathGroup();
Example #2
        /// Count up how many JobPaths have an earlier simulation start time and also share a fixture/face with the current job
        private static int CountEarlierConflicts(JobPlan jobToCheck, int proc1path, IEnumerable <JobPlan> jobs)
            var startT = jobToCheck.GetSimulatedStartingTimeUTC(process: 1, path: proc1path);

            if (startT == DateTime.MinValue)

            // first, calculate the fixtures and faces used by the job to check
            var group            = jobToCheck.GetPathGroup(process: 1, path: proc1path);
            var usedFixtureFaces = new HashSet <ValueTuple <string, string> >();

            for (int proc = 1; proc <= jobToCheck.NumProcesses; proc++)
                for (int path = 1; path <= jobToCheck.GetNumPaths(proc); path++)
                    if (jobToCheck.GetPathGroup(proc, path) != group)
                    var(plannedFix, plannedFace) = jobToCheck.PlannedFixture(proc, path);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(plannedFix))
                    usedFixtureFaces.Add((plannedFix, plannedFace.ToString()));

            int earlierConflicts = 0;

            // go through each other job and process 1 path
            foreach (var otherJob in jobs)
                for (var otherProc1Path = 1; otherProc1Path <= otherJob.GetNumPaths(process: 1); otherProc1Path++)
                    if (otherJob.UniqueStr == jobToCheck.UniqueStr && proc1path == otherProc1Path)

                    // see if the process 1 starting time is later and if so skip the remaining checks
                    var otherStart = otherJob.GetSimulatedStartingTimeUTC(process: 1, path: otherProc1Path);
                    if (otherStart == DateTime.MinValue)
                        goto checkNextPath;
                    if (otherStart >= startT)
                        goto checkNextPath;
                    var otherGroup = otherJob.GetPathGroup(process: 1, path: otherProc1Path);

                    //the job-path combo starts earlier than the job-path to check, but need to see if it conflicts.

                    // go through all processes matching the path group and if a fixture face matches,
                    // count it as a conflict.
                    for (var otherProc = 1; otherProc <= otherJob.NumProcesses; otherProc++)
                        for (var otherPath = 1; otherPath <= otherJob.GetNumPaths(otherProc); otherPath++)
                            if (otherJob.GetPathGroup(otherProc, otherPath) != otherGroup)
                            var(otherFix, otherFace) = otherJob.PlannedFixture(otherProc, otherPath);
                            if (usedFixtureFaces.Contains((otherFix, otherFace.ToString())))
                                earlierConflicts += 1;
                                goto checkNextPath;

                    checkNextPath :;
