private static void ValidateEntityNull(JobHostEntity entity)
     if (entity == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Parameter 'entity' cannot be null!", "entity");
 private static void ValidateMandatoryParams(JobHostEntity entity)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity.Id))
         throw new ArgumentException("Parameter 'entity.Id' cannot be null or empty for an update!");
        public void UpdateJobHost(JobHostEntity entity)
            // Parameter Validation

            // If the entity belongs to a different deploymet, throw an exception
            if (string.Compare(entity.DeploymentId, _deploymentId, true) != 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The entity you are trying to update must belong to the same deploymentId the repository has been created for!");

            // Update or replace the entity
            var updateOp = TableOperation.InsertOrMerge(entity);

        public JobHostEntity CreateJobHost(JobHostEntity entity)
            // Parameter Validations

            // Every JobProcessor must be assigned to an appropriate deployment
            entity.DeploymentId = _deploymentId;

            // Next add the batch to the table
            var insertOp = TableOperation.Insert(entity);


            // Return the entity with the updated ID