private void btnJIRA_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) { JiraHelper.TakeScreenshot(this); // Show the Isssue Dialog Box. JiraIssue issue = new JiraIssue(); issue.ShowDialog(this); }
public WorkItem(string releaseNum, JiraStory story, JiraStory epic) { this.StoryNumber = story.Id; this.ReleaseNumber = releaseNum; this.Status = JiraHelper.GetWorkItemStatus(story); this.EpicWorkItemId = story.EpicStoryId; this.EpicName = (epic != null) ? epic.Title : null; this.Title = story.Title; this.Type = JiraHelper.GetWorkItemType(story); this.StoryPointsOriginal = story.StoryPoints.HasValue ? (int)story.StoryPoints.Value : (int?)null; this.StoryPoints = story.StoryPoints.HasValue ? (int)story.StoryPoints.Value : 0; this.BillToClient = GetBillToClient(story); }
public async Task <ContentResult> DialogActionAsync() { // Parse the body of the request using the Protobuf JSON parser, // *not* Json.NET. string textToReturn = ""; string requestJson; using (TextReader reader = new StreamReader(Request.Body)) { requestJson = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); } WebhookRequest request; request = jsonParser.Parse <WebhookRequest>(requestJson); // Add a comment if (request.QueryResult.Action == "addIssueComment") { textToReturn = await JiraService.AddComment(request); } // Change issue status else if (request.QueryResult.Action == "changeIssueStatus") { textToReturn = await JiraService.ChangeStatusOfIssue(request); } // Get issue details else if (request.QueryResult.Action == "getIssueDetails") { textToReturn = await JiraService.GetIssueDetails(request); } // Get all the issues asssigned to the user else if (request.QueryResult.Action == "getAllAssignedIssues") { textToReturn = JiraHelper.CreateAssignedIssueTable(await JiraAPIContext.GetAssignedIssues()); } else { textToReturn = "Your action could not be resolved!"; } string responseJson = DialogService.populateResponse(textToReturn); var content = Content(responseJson, "application/json"); return(content); }
// Executes the expression tree that is passed to it. internal static object Execute(Expression expression, bool isEnumerable) { while (expression.CanReduce) { expression = expression.Reduce(); } var expressionString = expression.ToString(); string jql; if (expressionString.Contains("WorklogQuery")) { var query = ParseNode(expression, string.Empty); var wkl = query.Split('\"').Skip(1).Take(1).First(); var @params = wkl.Split(';').ToList(); var dateStart = @params[0]; var dateEnd = @params[1]; var userName = @params[2]; jql = string.Format("key in workedIssues(\"{0}\",\"{1}\",\"{2}\")", dateStart, dateEnd, userName); return(JiraHelper.GetIssues( jql, new List <string> { "worklog", "issuetype", "parent", "assignee", "labels", "issuelinks", "summary", })); } jql = ParseNode(expression); return(ParseAndExecute(jql)); }
private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (dxValidationProvider1.Validate()) { try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtPassword.Text)) { if (!JiraHelper.Login(txtReportedBy.Text, txtPassword.Text)) { if ( XtraMessageBox.Show( "The username/password you entered is not applicable. Would you like to continue submit?", "Confirm", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) == DialogResult.No) { return; } } JiraHelper.UserName = txtReportedBy.Text; JiraHelper.Password = txtPassword.Text; } var issue = JiraHelper.CreateIssue("HW", txtSummary.Text, txtDescription.Text, lkPriority.Text, lkType.Text); //issue.AddComment("My Comment is that this is a good test"); issue.CustomFields.Add("Site Name", new string[] { GeneralInfo.Current.HospitalName } ); issue.CustomFields.Add("Current User", new string[] { string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}", CurrentContext.LoggedInUserName, CurrentContext.LoggedInUser.FullName, txtReportedBy.Text ) } ); issue.CustomFields.Add("Current Version", new string[] { cboCurrentVersion.Text }); if (MainWindow.Instance != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MainWindow.Instance.CurrentFormIdentifier)) { // now let's send the page identifier // try to find the component if possible. //issue.CustomFields.Add("Form ID", new string[] // { // MainWindow.Instance.CurrentFormIdentifier // }); } } issue.CustomFields.Add("Version", new string[] { Program.HCMISVersionString }); issue.Reporter = txtReportedBy.Text; issue.SaveChanges(); JiraHelper.AttachScreenShot(issue, screenShot.Image); XtraMessageBox.Show("The issue has been successfully reported.", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); this.Close(); } catch { XtraMessageBox.Show("Please check if you have internet connection and try again.", "No Connection", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } }
public void FormatMail(DataTable dt1, string mailFormat, string toEmailAddress, string ccEmailAddress, string fromEmailAddress, bool isPreview, RequestProfile requestProfile) { var mailTemplate = mailFormat; decimal totalhrs = 0; var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); var strSubject = new StringBuilder(); var scheduleDetailData = (from m in dt1.AsEnumerable() select new { InTime = m["InTime"], OutTime = m["OutTime"], Message = m["Message"].ToString(), ScheduleDetailActivityCategory = m["ScheduleDetailActivityCategory"].ToString(), ScheduleDetailActivityCategoryId = m["ScheduleDetailActivityCategoryId"], WorkDate = m["WorkDate"], DateDiffHrs = m["DateDiffHrs"], Person = m["Person"], PersonId = m["PersonId"], EmailAddress = m["EmailAddress"], ScheduleId = m["ScheduleId"], WorkTicket = m["WorkTicket"] }).OrderBy(m => m.InTime).ToList(); var workDate_distinct = (from c in dt1.AsEnumerable() select new { WorkDate = c["WorkDate"].ToString(), Person = c["Person"], ScheduleId = c["ScheduleId"] }).Distinct(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mailTemplate)) { foreach (var c in workDate_distinct) { mailTemplate = mailTemplate.Replace("##PersonName##", c.Person.ToString()); mailTemplate = mailTemplate.Replace("##WorkDate##", Convert.ToDateTime(c.WorkDate).ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy")); } foreach (var item in scheduleDetailData) { if (item.DateDiffHrs != null) { totalhrs = totalhrs + Convert.ToDecimal(item.DateDiffHrs); } } mailTemplate = mailTemplate.Replace("##StartTime##", Convert.ToDateTime(scheduleDetailData.Select(grp => grp.InTime).First()).ToShortTimeString()); mailTemplate = mailTemplate.Replace("##EndTime##", Convert.ToDateTime(scheduleDetailData.Select(grp => grp.OutTime).Last()).ToShortTimeString()); mailTemplate = mailTemplate.Replace("##TotalHrs##", totalhrs.ToString("0.00")); var bColor = "#d9edf7"; var i = 0; foreach (var item in scheduleDetailData) { var jiraIssue = JiraDataManager.GetDetails(item.WorkTicket.ToString()); var jiraDescription = "N/A"; var jiraPriority = "N/A"; var jiraWorkHours = GetJiraWorkHours(item.WorkTicket.ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(item.WorkDate), Convert.ToInt32(item.PersonId)); personId = Convert.ToInt32(item.PersonId); var minsDuration = ScheduleDataManager.GetMinutes(Convert.ToDouble(item.DateDiffHrs)); var jiraURL = "http://*****:*****"; } var nMail = new MailMessage(fromEmailAddress, strToEmail); //string strFromEmail = "*****@*****.**"; if (ccEmailAddress != string.Empty) { MailAddress copy = new MailAddress(ccEmailAddress); nMail.CC.Add(copy); } foreach (var item in scheduleDetailData) { string bccMail = item.EmailAddress.ToString(); if (bccMail != string.Empty) { nMail.Bcc.Add(new MailAddress(bccMail)); } } foreach (var c in workDate_distinct) { strSubject.Append("EOD Daily Summary Email for " + Convert.ToDateTime(c.WorkDate).ToString("MMMM dd, yyyy") + "(" + totalhrs.ToString("0.00") + " hrs" + ")"); strSubject.Append(" - Sent on behalf of " + c.Person); } nMail.Subject = strSubject.ToString(); nMail.Body = mailTemplate; nMail.IsBodyHtml = true; var a = new SmtpClient(); a.Send(nMail); } }
private static object ParseAndExecute(string query) { return(JiraHelper.GetIssues(query)); }
public async Task <List <TimeEntryValidationResult> > Validate(Release release, List <TimeEntry> timeEntries) { var jiraStoriesInRelease = (await JiraApi.GetStoriesInReleaseAsync(release.ReleaseNumber)); var results = new List <TimeEntryValidationResult>(); foreach (var timeEntry in timeEntries) { var errors = new List <string>(); var warnings = new List <string>(); var isPlanned = (MavenlinkHelper.GetBillingClassification(timeEntry.TaskTitleOverride) == BillingClassificationEnum.Planned); var referencedStoryIds = MavenlinkHelper.GetJiraStoryIds(timeEntry.NotesOverride); if (referencedStoryIds.Count <= 1 && timeEntry.DurationMinutesOverride < 15) { warnings.Add($"Minimum billing increment is 15 minutes"); } else if (referencedStoryIds.Count > 1) { var timePerStory = (timeEntry.DurationMinutesOverride / referencedStoryIds.Count); if (timePerStory < 15m) { warnings.Add($"Each Jira story would receive {timePerStory} minutes of elapsed time, less than the 15-min minimum billing increment."); } } foreach (var jiraStoryId in referencedStoryIds) { var jiraStory = jiraStoriesInRelease .Where(x => x.Id == jiraStoryId) .FirstOrDefault(); // we're loading all of the stories in the release in a single load for performance, but if time is // billed to a story NOT in the release we still need to load it as a 1-off. if (jiraStory == null) { try { jiraStory = await JiraApi.GetStoryAsync(jiraStoryId); } catch (NotFoundException) { errors.Add($"Jira ID '{jiraStoryId}' was not found in Jira"); continue; } } // Billing time to a story not associated with the release is a warning; the time will be counted towards // the "undelivered" category and will not affect the metrics if (!jiraStory.FixVersions.Contains(release.ReleaseNumber)) { warnings.Add($"Jira {jiraStory.IssueType} '{jiraStoryId}' is not tagged to release {release.ReleaseNumber} and has status '{jiraStory.Status}'. Time will be counted towards 'undelivered'."); } var workItemType = JiraHelper.GetWorkItemType(jiraStory); var isEpic = (workItemType == WorkItemTypeEnum.Epic); var isDeclined = jiraStory.Status.EqualsIgnoringCase("Declined"); var isContingency = (workItemType == WorkItemTypeEnum.Contingency); var isFeatureRequest = (workItemType == WorkItemTypeEnum.FeatureRequest); if (isFeatureRequest) { warnings.Add($"'{jiraStoryId}' is a Feature Request; Feature Requests should not be billed as development, they should either be billed to a specific analysis ticket or to Unplanned Analysis."); } if (isDeclined) { warnings.Add($"Jira {jiraStory.IssueType} '{jiraStoryId}' is marked as 'DECLINED'. Time will be tracked towards 'undelivered'."); } if (isEpic && isPlanned) { warnings.Add($"'{jiraStoryId}' is an Epic; epics should generally have Overhead or Unplanned time instead of Planned."); } if (isContingency) { errors.Add($"'{jiraStoryId}' is a Contingency; Contingency cases should not have time billed to them. The time (and contingency points) should be moved to an actual feature."); } } if (errors.Any() || warnings.Any()) { results.Add( new TimeEntryValidationResult(timeEntry.Id, errors, warnings) ); } } return(results); }
private void BtnLoginClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { UserInformation userInfo = null; try { if (BLL.Settings.UseNewUserManagement) { userInfo = Auth.Authenticate(txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text); if (userInfo == null) { //errorLogger.SaveError(0, 1, 1, 2, "Login Attempt", "Warehouse", new InvalidCredentialException("Invalid credentials, Username = "******"", "", true, txtUsername.Text, Program.HCMISVersionString); if (XtraMessageBox.Show(@"Invalid Username or Password!", @"Login Failed", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Stop) == DialogResult.Cancel) { Application.Exit(); } else { } } } catch { if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached) { //ConnectionStringManager.ConnectionStringManager connMgr = // new ConnectionStringManager.ConnectionStringManager(Program.RegKey, // Program.PrevConnectionStringKey); //connMgr.ShowDialog(); } else { XtraMessageBox.Show("Network error. Please make sure your network connection is working.", "Connection Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } // Clear the login form txtPassword.Text = ""; txtUsername.Text = ""; txtUsername.Focus(); }