private void btnTaskDialog_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            uint   iTimeout     = (uint)this.TimeToDisplayIt;
            Window parentWindow = null;

            if (_viewModel.IsIncludingParentWindow)
                parentWindow = this;
            JhMessageBoxButtons buttons = GetButtonsToShow();
            //TaskDialogIcon iconToShow = TaskDialogIconToUse;
            string summary = _viewModel.SummaryText;
            string sText   = _viewModel.DetailText;
            //string sCaption = CaptionAfterPrefix;

            //TaskDialogs.NotifyUser(sMessage: MessageToUser, sMessageAdditional: "additional stuff", sCaption: CaptionAfterPrefix, icon: iconToShow, timeout: iTimeout);
 /// <summary>
 /// See whether the TestFacility.ButtonResultToSelect is present amongst the given JhMessageBoxButtons
 /// and return true if it is.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buttonFlags">the buttons to check against, to see whether the one that is required is present</param>
 /// <returns>true if the ButtonResultToSelect is included within the given buttonFlags, false otherwise</returns>
 internal bool GetWhetherButtonIsIncluded(JhMessageBoxButtons buttonFlags, out string complaint)
     complaint = String.Empty;
     bool isOkay = true;
     if (_testFacility != null)
         JhDialogResult? desiredResult = _testFacility.ButtonResultToSelect;
         if (desiredResult.HasValue)
             switch (desiredResult)
                 case JhDialogResult.Abort:
                     if ((buttonFlags & JhMessageBoxButtons.Cancel) == 0)
                         // If testing, and the test calls for this button to be selected - complain that it won't be possible.
                         complaint = "You want the Cancel button to be selected, but that button is not being shown!";
                         isOkay = false;
                 case JhDialogResult.Cancel:
                     if ((buttonFlags & JhMessageBoxButtons.Cancel) == 0)
                         // If testing, and the test calls for this button to be selected - complain that it won't be possible.
                         complaint = "You want the Cancel button to be selected, but that button is not being shown!";
                         isOkay = false;
                 case JhDialogResult.Close:
                     if ((buttonFlags & JhMessageBoxButtons.Close) == 0)
                         // If testing, and the test calls for this button to be selected - complain that it won't be possible.
                         complaint = "You want the Close button to be selected, but that button is not being shown!";
                         isOkay = false;
                 case JhDialogResult.Ignore:
                     if ((buttonFlags & JhMessageBoxButtons.Ignore) == 0)
                         // If testing, and the test calls for this button to be selected - complain that it won't be possible.
                         complaint = "You want the Ignore button to be selected, but that button is not being shown!";
                         isOkay = false;
                 case JhDialogResult.No:
                     if ((buttonFlags & JhMessageBoxButtons.No) == 0)
                         // If testing, and the test calls for this button to be selected - complain that it won't be possible.
                         complaint = "You want the No button to be selected, but that button is not being shown!";
                         isOkay = false;
                 case JhDialogResult.Ok:
                     if ((buttonFlags & JhMessageBoxButtons.Ok) == 0)
                         // If testing, and the test calls for this button to be selected - complain that it won't be possible.
                         complaint = "You want the Ok button to be selected, but that button is not being shown!";
                         isOkay = false;
                 case JhDialogResult.Retry:
                     if ((buttonFlags & JhMessageBoxButtons.Retry) == 0)
                         // If testing, and the test calls for this button to be selected - complain that it won't be possible.
                         complaint = "You want the Retry button to be selected, but that button is not being shown!";
                         isOkay = false;
                 case JhDialogResult.Yes:
                     if ((buttonFlags & JhMessageBoxButtons.Yes) == 0)
                         // If testing, and the test calls for this button to be selected - complain that it won't be possible.
                         complaint = "You want the Yes button to be selected, but that button is not being shown!";
                         isOkay = false;
     return isOkay;
 public JhDialogResult Show(string messageBoxText, string caption, JhMessageBoxButtons buttons, JhMessageBoxType messageType, JhDialogResult defaultResult, FrameworkElement owner)
     int defaultTimeout = JhMessageBoxOptions.GetDefaultTimeoutValueFor(messageType);
     JhDialogResult r = NotifyUser(summaryText: messageBoxText,
                                       detailText: "",
                                       buttons: buttons,
                                       messageType: messageType,
                                       captionAfterPrefix: caption,
                                       timeout: defaultTimeout,
                                       parent: owner);
     JhDialogResult r = NotifyUser(messageBoxText, "", caption, buttons, messageType, defaultTimeout);
     // In this library, we ordinarily consider the TimedOut result to be the default result,
     // but here the caller of this method has specified a specific defaultResult.
     if (r == JhDialogResult.TimedOut)
         r = defaultResult;
     return r;
 public JhDialogResult Show(string messageBoxText, string caption, JhMessageBoxButtons buttons, FrameworkElement owner)
     return Show(messageBoxText, caption, buttons, JhMessageBoxType.None, _defaultResult, owner);
 public JhDialogResult Show(string messageBoxText, string caption, JhMessageBoxButtons buttons, JhMessageBoxType messageType, JhDialogResult defaultResult)
     FrameworkElement owner = Application.Current.MainWindow;
     return Show(messageBoxText, caption, buttons, messageType, _defaultResult, owner);
     return Show(messageBoxText, caption, buttons, messageType, _defaultResult);
 public JhDialogResult Show(string messageBoxText, string caption, JhMessageBoxButtons buttons, JhMessageBoxType messageType)
     return Show(messageBoxText, caption, buttons, messageType, _defaultResult);
 /// <summary>
 /// Display a message-box to the user. Wait for his response or else close itself after the timeout has expired.
 /// This is the overload that has all of the options, which the other methods call.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="summaryText">the summary text to show in the upper area</param>
 /// <param name="detailText">the detail text to show in the lower area</param>
 /// <param name="buttons">which buttons to show</param>
 /// <param name="messageType">the basic type of message-box to show (optional - default is Information)</param>
 /// <param name="captionAfterPrefix">what to show in the titlebar of this message-box, after the standard prefix (optional)</param>
 /// <param name="isTopmostWindow">whether to force this message-box to be over top of all other windows (optional - default is false)</param>
 /// <param name="timeoutInSeconds">the maximum time to show it, in seconds (optional)</param>
 /// <param name="parent">the visual-element to consider as the parent, or owner, of this message-box (optional)</param>
 /// <returns>a JhDialogResult indicating which action the user took, or TimedOut if the user took no action before the timeout expired</returns>
 public void NotifyUserAsync(string summaryText,
     string detailText,
     JhMessageBoxButtons buttons,
     JhMessageBoxType messageType = JhMessageBoxType.Information,
     string captionAfterPrefix = null,
     bool isTopmostWindow = false,
     int timeoutInSeconds = 0,  // Assume zero for the timeout value, which invokes the default value.
     FrameworkElement parent = null)
     // Use the default options for everything except that which is explicitly set for this instance.
     var options = new JhMessageBoxOptions(DefaultOptions)
 /// <summary>
 /// Display a message-box to the user. Wait for his response or else close itself after the timeout has expired.
 /// This is the overload that has all of the options, which the other methods call.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="summaryText">the summary text to show in the upper area</param>
 /// <param name="detailText">the detail text to show in the lower area</param>
 /// <param name="buttons">which buttons to show</param>
 /// <param name="messageType">which basic type of message this is (optional - defaults to Information)</param>
 /// <param name="captionAfterPrefix">what to show in the titlebar of this message-box, after the standard prefix (optional)</param>
 /// <param name="isTopmostWindow">whether to make the message-box the top-most window on the user's desktop (optional - defaults to false)</param>
 /// <param name="timeout">the maximum time to show it, in seconds (optional)</param>
 /// <param name="parent">the visual-element to consider as the parent, or owner, of this message-box (optional)</param>
 /// <returns>a JhDialogResult indicating which action the user took, or TimedOut if the user took no action before the timeout expired</returns>
 public JhDialogResult NotifyUser(string summaryText,
     string detailText,
     JhMessageBoxButtons buttons,
     JhMessageBoxType messageType = JhMessageBoxType.Information,
     string captionAfterPrefix = null,
     bool isTopmostWindow = false,
     int timeout = 0,  // Assume zero for the timeout value, which invokes the default value.
     FrameworkElement parent = null)
     // Use the default options for everything except that which is explicitly set for this instance.
     var options = new JhMessageBoxOptions(DefaultOptions);
     options.SummaryText = summaryText;
     options.DetailText = detailText;
     options.CaptionAfterPrefix = captionAfterPrefix;
     options.ButtonFlags = buttons;
     options.MessageType = messageType;
     options.IsToBeTopmostWindow = isTopmostWindow;
     options.ParentElement = parent;
     options.TimeoutPeriodInSeconds = timeout;
     return NotifyUser(options);
 /// <summary>
 /// The Copy-Constructor. This does NOT copy the SummaryText or DetailText.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">the JhMessageBoxOptions object to copy the values from</param>
 public JhMessageBoxOptions(JhMessageBoxOptions source)
     this._backgroundTexture = source.BackgroundTexture;
     this._buttonFlags = source._buttonFlags;
     //            this._captionPrefix = source.CaptionPrefix;
     this._captionAfterPrefix = source.CaptionAfterPrefix;
     this._captionForUserMistakes = source.CaptionForUserMistakes;
     this._isCustomButtonStyles = source.IsCustomButtonStyles;
     this._isSoundEnabled = source.IsSoundEnabled;
     this._isToCenterOverParent = source.IsToCenterOverParent;
     this._isToBeTopmostWindow = source.IsToBeTopmostWindow;
     this._isTouch = source.IsTouch;
     this._isUsingAeroGlassEffect = source.IsUsingAeroGlassEffect;
     this._isUsingNewerIcons = source.IsUsingNewerIcons;
     this._isUsingNewerSoundScheme = source.IsUsingNewerSoundScheme;
     this._messageType = source.MessageType;
     this._timeoutPeriodInSeconds = source.TimeoutPeriodInSeconds;
     this._timeoutPeriodForUserMistakes = source.TimeoutPeriodForUserMistakes;
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Set the flags that dictate which buttons to show. The default is to just show the "Ok" button.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="buttons">A bitwise-combination of the enum flags defining which buttons to show</param>
 /// <returns>a reference to this same object such that other method-calls may be chained</returns>
 public JhMessageBoxOptions SetButtonFlags(JhMessageBoxButtons buttons)
     _buttonFlags = buttons;