static void HandleFindOptions(string[] args) { CommandLine.Parse <FindOptions>(args, (opts, gOpts) => { if (opts.Position == null || opts.Position.Count != 3) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Please specify position with -p --position"); return; } Init(args); if (Cache == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Please build cache first with buildcache"); return; } var c = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; for (int i = 0; i < Cache["ymap"].Count; i++) { var cYmap = Cache["ymap"][i]; var entitiesExtentsMin = new Vector3((float)cYmap["entitiesExtentsMin"]["x"], (float)cYmap["entitiesExtentsMin"]["y"], (float)cYmap["entitiesExtentsMin"]["z"]); var entitiesExtentsMax = new Vector3((float)cYmap["entitiesExtentsMax"]["x"], (float)cYmap["entitiesExtentsMax"]["y"], (float)cYmap["entitiesExtentsMax"]["z"]); if ( opts.Position[0] >= entitiesExtentsMin.X && opts.Position[0] <= entitiesExtentsMax.X && opts.Position[1] >= entitiesExtentsMin.Y && opts.Position[1] <= entitiesExtentsMax.Y && opts.Position[2] >= entitiesExtentsMin.Z && opts.Position[2] <= entitiesExtentsMax.Z ) { Console.WriteLine("ymap: " + ((string)cYmap["path"]).Split('\\').Last()); for (int j = 0; j < cYmap["mloInstances"].Count; j++) { var cMloInstance = cYmap["mloInstances"][j]; var cMloInstanceHash = (uint)cMloInstance["name"]; var instancePos = new Vector3((float)cMloInstance["position"]["x"], (float)cMloInstance["position"]["y"], (float)cMloInstance["position"]["z"]); var instanceRot = new Quaternion((float)cMloInstance["rotation"]["x"], (float)cMloInstance["rotation"]["y"], (float)cMloInstance["rotation"]["z"], (float)cMloInstance["rotation"]["w"]); for (int k = 0; k < Cache["ytyp"].Count; k++) { var cYtyp = Cache["ytyp"][k]; var cYtypHash = (uint)cYtyp["hash"]; for (int l = 0; l < cYtyp["mloArchetypes"].Count; l++) { var cMloArch = cYtyp["mloArchetypes"][l]; var cMloArchHash = (uint)cMloArch["name"]; if (cMloInstanceHash == cMloArchHash) { Console.WriteLine(" ytyp => " + ((string)cYtyp["path"]).Split('\\').Last()); Console.WriteLine(" mlo => " + Jenkins.GetString(cMloArchHash)); Console.WriteLine(" position => " + instancePos.X.ToString(c) + "," + instancePos.Y.ToString(c) + "," + instancePos.Z.ToString(c)); Console.WriteLine(" rotation => " + instanceRot.X.ToString(c) + "," + instanceRot.Y.ToString(c) + "," + instanceRot.Z.ToString(c) + "," + instanceRot.W.ToString(c)); for (int m = 0; m < cMloArch["rooms"].Count; m++) { var cMloRoom = cMloArch["rooms"][m]; var roomBbMin = new Vector3((float)cMloRoom["bbMin"]["x"], (float)cMloRoom["bbMin"]["y"], (float)cMloRoom["bbMin"]["z"]); var roomBbMax = new Vector3((float)cMloRoom["bbMax"]["x"], (float)cMloRoom["bbMax"]["y"], (float)cMloRoom["bbMax"]["z"]); var roomBbMinWorld = instancePos + roomBbMin; var roomBbMaxWorld = instancePos + roomBbMax; roomBbMinWorld = Utils.RotateTransform(Quaternion.Conjugate(instanceRot), roomBbMinWorld, Vector3.Zero); roomBbMaxWorld = Utils.RotateTransform(Quaternion.Conjugate(instanceRot), roomBbMaxWorld, Vector3.Zero); if ( opts.Position[0] >= roomBbMinWorld.X && opts.Position[0] <= roomBbMaxWorld.X && opts.Position[1] >= roomBbMinWorld.Y && opts.Position[1] <= roomBbMaxWorld.Y && opts.Position[2] >= roomBbMinWorld.Z && opts.Position[2] <= roomBbMaxWorld.Z ) { Console.WriteLine(" room => " + cMloRoom["name"]); } } } } } } Console.WriteLine(""); } } }); }
static void Main(string[] args) { EnsurePath(); EnsureKeys(); EnsureCache(); CommandLine.Parse <GenPropDefsOptions>(args, opts => { if (opts.InputFiles != null) { var inputFiles = Utils.Expand(opts.InputFiles); var ytyp = new YtypFile(); for (int i = 0; i < inputFiles.Length; i++) { var fileInfo = inputFiles[i]; string name = ""; var split = fileInfo.Name.Split('.'); for (int j = 0; j < split.Length; j++) { if (j < split.Length - 1) { if (j > 0) { name += "."; } name += split[j]; } } Console.WriteLine(name); try { switch (fileInfo.Extension) { case ".ydr": { var ydr = new YdrFile(); var arch = new RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC.Meta.Structures.CBaseArchetypeDef(); var nameHash = (MetaName)Jenkins.Hash(name); ydr.Load(fileInfo.FullName); arch.Name = nameHash; arch.AssetName = nameHash; arch.TextureDictionary = nameHash; arch.PhysicsDictionary = (MetaName)Jenkins.Hash("prop_" + name); arch.Flags = 32; arch.AssetType = Unk_1991964615.ASSET_TYPE_DRAWABLE; arch.BbMin = (Vector3)(Vector4)ydr.Drawable.BoundingBoxMin; arch.BbMax = (Vector3)(Vector4)ydr.Drawable.BoundingBoxMax; arch.BsCentre = (Vector3)ydr.Drawable.BoundingCenter; arch.BsRadius = ydr.Drawable.BoundingSphereRadius; arch.LodDist = 500f; arch.HdTextureDist = 5; ytyp.CMapTypes.Archetypes.Add(arch); break; } case ".ydd": // TODO { break; } default: break; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("ERROR => " + e.Message); } } string path = (opts.Directory == null) ? @".\props.ytyp" : opts.Directory + @"\props.ytyp"; ytyp.Save(path); } }); CommandLine.Parse <ImportMetaOptions>(args, opts => { if (opts.InputFiles != null && opts.Directory != null) { var inputFiles = Utils.Expand(opts.InputFiles); for (int i = 0; i < inputFiles.Length; i++) { var fileInfo = inputFiles[i]; Console.WriteLine(fileInfo.FullName); var doc = new XmlDocument(); doc.Load(fileInfo.FullName); var res = new ResourceFile_GTA5_pc <MetaFile>(); res.Version = 2; res.ResourceData = XmlMeta.GetMeta(doc);; string fileName = fileInfo.FullName.Replace(".xml", ""); res.Save(fileName); } } }); CommandLine.Parse <ExportMetaOptions>(args, opts => { if (opts.InputFiles != null && opts.Directory != null) { var inputFiles = Utils.Expand(opts.InputFiles); for (int i = 0; i < inputFiles.Length; i++) { var fileInfo = inputFiles[i]; Console.WriteLine(fileInfo.FullName); var res = new ResourceFile_GTA5_pc <MetaFile>(); res.Load(fileInfo.FullName); var xml = MetaXml.GetXml(res.ResourceData); File.WriteAllText(opts.Directory + "\\" + fileInfo.Name + ".xml", xml); } } }); CommandLine.Parse <InjectEntitiesOptions>(args, opts => { if (opts.Ymap == null) { Console.WriteLine("Please provide source ymap file with --ymap"); return; } if (opts.Ytyp == null) { Console.WriteLine("Please provide source ytyp file with --ytyp"); return; } if (opts.Room == null) { Console.WriteLine("Please provide mlo room name with --room"); return; } if (opts.Position == null || opts.Position.Count() != 3) { Console.WriteLine("Please provide a correct position ex: --position 120.5,1370.312,769.2"); return; } if (opts.Rotation == null || opts.Rotation.Count() != 4) { Console.WriteLine("Plase provide a correct rotation ex: --rotation 0,0,0,1"); return; } if (opts.Name == null) { Console.WriteLine("Plase provide new generated ytyp name with --name"); return; } var position = new Vector3(opts.Position.ElementAt(0), opts.Position.ElementAt(1), opts.Position.ElementAt(2)); var rotation = new Quaternion(opts.Rotation.ElementAt(0), opts.Rotation.ElementAt(1), opts.Rotation.ElementAt(2), opts.Rotation.ElementAt(3)); var ymap = new YmapFile(); var ytyp = new YtypFile(); ymap.Load(opts.Ymap); ytyp.Load(opts.Ytyp); RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC.Meta.Structures.CMloArchetypeDef mlo = null; for (int i = 0; i < ytyp.CMapTypes.MloArchetypes.Count; i++) { mlo = ytyp.CMapTypes.MloArchetypes[i]; break; } if (mlo == null) { Console.WriteLine("MLO archetype not found"); return; } RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC.Meta.Structures.CMloRoomDef room = null; for (int i = 0; i < mlo.Rooms.Count; i++) { if (mlo.Rooms[i].Name == opts.Room) { room = mlo.Rooms[i]; break; } } if (room == null) { Console.WriteLine("MLO room not found"); return; } var mloEntities = new List <RageLib.GTA5.ResourceWrappers.PC.Meta.Structures.CEntityDef>(); var attachedObjects = new List <uint>(); mloEntities.AddRange(mlo.Entities); attachedObjects.AddRange(room.AttachedObjects); for (int i = 0; i < ymap.CMapData.Entities.Count; i++) { var entity = ymap.CMapData.Entities[i]; var mloRot = rotation; var objRot = new Quaternion(entity.Rotation.X, entity.Rotation.Y, entity.Rotation.Z, entity.Rotation.W); var rotationDiff = objRot * mloRot; // Multiply initial entity rotation by mlo rotation entity.Position -= position; // Substract mlo world coords from entity world coords entity.Position = Utils.RotateTransform(Quaternion.Conjugate(mloRot), entity.Position, Vector3.Zero); // Rotate entity around center of mlo instance (mlo entities rotations in space are inverted) entity.Rotation = new Vector4(rotationDiff.X, rotationDiff.Y, rotationDiff.Z, rotationDiff.W); mloEntities.Add(entity); attachedObjects.Add((uint)mloEntities.IndexOf(entity)); } mlo.Entities = mloEntities; room.AttachedObjects = attachedObjects; ytyp.Save(opts.Name.EndsWith(".ytyp") ? opts.Name : opts.Name + ".ytyp"); }); CommandLine.Parse <FindOptions>(args, opts => { if (opts.Position == null || opts.Position.Count != 3) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Please specify position with -p --position"); return; } if (Cache == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Please build cache first with buildcache"); return; } var c = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; for (int i = 0; i < Cache["ymap"].Count; i++) { var cYmap = Cache["ymap"][i]; var entitiesExtentsMin = new Vector3((float)cYmap["entitiesExtentsMin"]["x"], (float)cYmap["entitiesExtentsMin"]["y"], (float)cYmap["entitiesExtentsMin"]["z"]); var entitiesExtentsMax = new Vector3((float)cYmap["entitiesExtentsMax"]["x"], (float)cYmap["entitiesExtentsMax"]["y"], (float)cYmap["entitiesExtentsMax"]["z"]); if ( opts.Position[0] >= entitiesExtentsMin.X && opts.Position[0] <= entitiesExtentsMax.X && opts.Position[1] >= entitiesExtentsMin.Y && opts.Position[1] <= entitiesExtentsMax.Y && opts.Position[2] >= entitiesExtentsMin.Z && opts.Position[2] <= entitiesExtentsMax.Z ) { Console.WriteLine("ymap: " + ((string)cYmap["path"]).Split('\\').Last()); for (int j = 0; j < cYmap["mloInstances"].Count; j++) { var cMloInstance = cYmap["mloInstances"][j]; var cMloInstanceHash = (uint)cMloInstance["name"]; var instancePos = new Vector3((float)cMloInstance["position"]["x"], (float)cMloInstance["position"]["y"], (float)cMloInstance["position"]["z"]); var instanceRot = new Quaternion((float)cMloInstance["rotation"]["x"], (float)cMloInstance["rotation"]["y"], (float)cMloInstance["rotation"]["z"], (float)cMloInstance["rotation"]["w"]); for (int k = 0; k < Cache["ytyp"].Count; k++) { var cYtyp = Cache["ytyp"][k]; var cYtypHash = (uint)cYtyp["hash"]; for (int l = 0; l < cYtyp["mloArchetypes"].Count; l++) { var cMloArch = cYtyp["mloArchetypes"][l]; var cMloArchHash = (uint)cMloArch["name"]; if (cMloInstanceHash == cMloArchHash) { Console.WriteLine(" ytyp => " + ((string)cYtyp["path"]).Split('\\').Last()); Console.WriteLine(" mlo => " + Jenkins.GetString(cMloArchHash)); Console.WriteLine(" position => " + instancePos.X.ToString(c) + "," + instancePos.Y.ToString(c) + "," + instancePos.Z.ToString(c)); Console.WriteLine(" rotation => " + instanceRot.X.ToString(c) + "," + instanceRot.Y.ToString(c) + "," + instanceRot.Z.ToString(c) + "," + instanceRot.W.ToString(c)); for (int m = 0; m < cMloArch["rooms"].Count; m++) { var cMloRoom = cMloArch["rooms"][m]; var roomBbMin = new Vector3((float)cMloRoom["bbMin"]["x"], (float)cMloRoom["bbMin"]["y"], (float)cMloRoom["bbMin"]["z"]); var roomBbMax = new Vector3((float)cMloRoom["bbMax"]["x"], (float)cMloRoom["bbMax"]["y"], (float)cMloRoom["bbMax"]["z"]); var roomBbMinWorld = instancePos + roomBbMin; var roomBbMaxWorld = instancePos + roomBbMax; roomBbMinWorld = Utils.RotateTransform(Quaternion.Conjugate(instanceRot), roomBbMinWorld, Vector3.Zero); roomBbMaxWorld = Utils.RotateTransform(Quaternion.Conjugate(instanceRot), roomBbMaxWorld, Vector3.Zero); if ( opts.Position[0] >= roomBbMinWorld.X && opts.Position[0] <= roomBbMaxWorld.X && opts.Position[1] >= roomBbMinWorld.Y && opts.Position[1] <= roomBbMaxWorld.Y && opts.Position[2] >= roomBbMinWorld.Z && opts.Position[2] <= roomBbMaxWorld.Z ) { Console.WriteLine(" room => " + cMloRoom["name"]); } } } } } } Console.WriteLine(""); } } }); CommandLine.Parse <BuildCacheOptions>(args, opts => { dynamic cache = new JObject(); cache["ymap"] = new JArray(); cache["ytyp"] = new JArray(); ArchiveUtilities.ForEachFile(Settings.Default.GTAFolder, (fullFileName, file, encryption) => { Console.WriteLine(fullFileName); string fileNameWithoutExtension = file.Name.Split('.').First(); Jenkins.Ensure(fileNameWithoutExtension); if (file.Name.EndsWith(".ymap")) { var ymap = new YmapFile(); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { file.Export(ms); ymap.Load(ms); } dynamic entry = new JObject() { ["name"] = fileNameWithoutExtension, ["path"] = fullFileName, ["hash"] = Jenkins.Hash(fileNameWithoutExtension), ["entitiesExtentsMin"] = new JObject() { ["x"] = ymap.CMapData.EntitiesExtentsMin.X, ["y"] = ymap.CMapData.EntitiesExtentsMin.Y, ["z"] = ymap.CMapData.EntitiesExtentsMin.Z, }, ["entitiesExtentsMax"] = new JObject() { ["x"] = ymap.CMapData.EntitiesExtentsMax.X, ["y"] = ymap.CMapData.EntitiesExtentsMax.Y, ["z"] = ymap.CMapData.EntitiesExtentsMax.Z, }, ["mloInstances"] = new JArray(), }; if (ymap.CMapData.MloInstances != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ymap.CMapData.MloInstances.Count; i++) { var mloInstance = ymap.CMapData.MloInstances[i]; var mloInstanceEntry = new JObject() { ["name"] = ymap.CMapData.MloInstances[i].ArchetypeName, ["position"] = new JObject() { ["x"] = mloInstance.Position.X, ["y"] = mloInstance.Position.Y, ["z"] = mloInstance.Position.Z, }, ["rotation"] = new JObject() { ["x"] = mloInstance.Rotation.X, ["y"] = mloInstance.Rotation.Y, ["z"] = mloInstance.Rotation.Z, ["w"] = mloInstance.Rotation.W, } }; entry["mloInstances"].Add(mloInstanceEntry); } } cache["ymap"].Add(entry); } else if (file.Name.EndsWith(".ytyp")) { var ytyp = new YtypFile(); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { file.Export(ms); ytyp.Load(ms); } dynamic entry = new JObject() { ["name"] = fileNameWithoutExtension, ["path"] = fullFileName, ["hash"] = Jenkins.Hash(fileNameWithoutExtension), ["mloArchetypes"] = new JArray(), }; if (ytyp.CMapTypes.MloArchetypes != null) { for (int i = 0; i < ytyp.CMapTypes.MloArchetypes.Count; i++) { var archetype = ytyp.CMapTypes.MloArchetypes[i]; var mloEntry = new JObject { ["name"] = archetype.Name, ["rooms"] = new JArray(), }; if (archetype.Rooms != null) { for (int j = 0; j < archetype.Rooms.Count; j++) { var room = archetype.Rooms[j]; var roomEntry = new JObject { ["name"] = room.Name, ["bbMin"] = new JObject() { ["x"] = room.BbMin.X, ["y"] = room.BbMin.Y, ["z"] = room.BbMin.Z, }, ["bbMax"] = new JObject() { ["x"] = room.BbMax.X, ["y"] = room.BbMax.Y, ["z"] = room.BbMax.Z, } }; ((JArray)mloEntry["rooms"]).Add(roomEntry); } } entry["mloArchetypes"].Add(mloEntry); } } cache["ytyp"].Add(entry); } }); var jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cache, new JsonSerializerSettings() { Formatting = Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None }); File.WriteAllText(AssemblyDirectory + "\\cache.json", jsonString); using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(AssemblyDirectory + "\\strings.txt")) { foreach (var kvp in Jenkins.Index) { writer.Write(kvp.Value + "\n"); } } }); if (args.Length == 0 || args[0] == "help") { Console.Error.Write(CommandLine.GenHelp()); return; } }