/// <summary>
    /// Method responsible for getting jelly from the ring manager and transfering it into the slingshot
    /// </summary>
    private void GetJelly()
        JellyRecruit jelly = JellyRingManager.Instance.GetClosestJelly();

        tossableJelly = jelly.GetTossableJelly();

        tossableJelly.transform.parent = null;

        iTween.ScaleTo(tossableJelly, iTween.Hash("scale", new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f), "easeType", "linear", "time", SwapTime));
        iTween.RotateTo(tossableJelly, iTween.Hash("rotation", new Vector3(0f, 180f, 0f), "easeType", "linear", "time", SwapTime));
        //iTween.MoveTo(tossableJelly, iTween.Hash("position", transform, "easeType", "linear", "time", SwapTime, "oncomplete", "OnAnimationEnd", "oncompletetarget", gameObject));

        tossIsReady = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the jelly that is closest to the player's line of sight
    /// </summary>
    public JellyRecruit GetClosestJelly()
        float        minAngle     = 360f;
        JellyRecruit closestJelly = jellies[0];

        foreach (JellyRecruit j in jellies)
            Vector3 targetDir    = j.transform.position - Camera.main.transform.position;
            float   angleBetween = Vector3.Angle(Camera.main.transform.forward, targetDir);
            if (angleBetween < minAngle)
                minAngle     = angleBetween;
                closestJelly = j;
