protected override Filter.FilterResults PerformFiltering (Java.Lang.ICharSequence constraint)
				FilterResults results = new FilterResults();
				if (constraint != null) {
					var searchFor = constraint.ToString ();
Console.WriteLine ("searchFor:" + searchFor);
					var matchList = new List<string>();
					// find matches, IndexOf means look for the input anywhere in the items
					// but it isn't case-sensitive by default!
					var matches = from i in customAdapter.AllItems
								where i.IndexOf(searchFor) >= 0
								select i;
					foreach (var match in matches) {
						matchList.Add (match);
					customAdapter.MatchItems = matchList.ToArray ();
Console.WriteLine ("resultCount:" + matchList.Count);

// not sure if the Java array/FilterResults are used
Java.Lang.Object[] matchObjects;
matchObjects = new Java.Lang.Object[matchList.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < matchList.Count; i++) {
	matchObjects[i] = new Java.Lang.String(matchList[i]);

					results.Values = matchObjects;
					results.Count = matchList.Count;
				return results;
Example #2
		public Java.Lang.ICharSequence FilterFormatted(Java.Lang.ICharSequence source, int start, int end, global::Android.Text.ISpanned dest, int dstart, int dend)
			var s = source.ToString();
			var d = dest.ToString();
			var proposal = d.Remove(dstart, dend - dstart).Insert(dstart, s.Substring(start, end - start));
			if (_onChangeDelegate(proposal))
				return null;
				var r = new Java.Lang.String(d.Substring(dstart, dend - dstart));
				if (source is ISpanned)
					// This spannable thing here, is needed to copy information about which part of
					// the string is being under composition by the keyboard (or other spans). A
					// spannable string has support for extra information to the string, besides
					// its characters and that information must not be lost!
					var ssb = new SpannableString(r);
					var spannableEnd = (end <= ssb.Length()) ? end : ssb.Length();
					global::Android.Text.TextUtils.CopySpansFrom((ISpanned)source, start, spannableEnd, null, ssb, 0);
					return ssb;
					return r;
        public static Java.Lang.ICharSequence Parse(Context context, IList<IIconModule> modules, Java.Lang.ICharSequence text, View target = null)
            context = context.ApplicationContext;

            // Analyse the text and replace {} blocks with the appropriate character
            // Retain all transformations in the accumulator
            var builder = new SpannableStringBuilder(text);
            RecursivePrepareSpannableIndexes(context, text.ToString(), builder, modules, 0);
            var isAnimated = HasAnimatedSpans(builder);

            // If animated, periodically invalidate the TextView so that the
            // CustomTypefaceSpan can redraw itself
            if (isAnimated)
                if (target == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("You can't use \"spin\" without providing the target View.");
                if (!(target is IHasOnViewAttachListener))
                    throw new ArgumentException(target.Class.SimpleName + " does not implement " +
                        "HasOnViewAttachListener. Please use IconTextView, IconButton or IconToggleButton.");

                ((IHasOnViewAttachListener)target).SetOnViewAttachListener(new MyListener(target));
            else if (target is IHasOnViewAttachListener)

            return builder;
			protected override void ApplyEntityValueToEditor(Java.Lang.Object o) {
				if(o == null) {
					this.editorButton.Text = "Tap to select.";

				this.editorButton.Text = o.ToString();
				//type = (EmployeeType)Enum.Parse(typeof(EmployeeType), o.ToString());
				type = (EmployeeType)Enum.Parse(type.GetType(), o.ToString());
        protected override void ApplyEntityValueToEditor(Java.Lang.Object o)
            if(o == null) {
                this.editorButton.Text = "Tap to select.";

            this.editorButton.Text = o.ToString();
            type = (EmployeeType)o;
		public Java.Lang.Object Apply(Java.Lang.Object context, Java.Lang.Object groupName) {
			// Developers can create a special group layout for any given group name.
			if(groupName.Equals("Group 2")) {
				EditorGroup group = new EditorGroup((Context)context, groupName.ToString(), Resource.Layout.dataform_custom_group);
				// Each group can have a specific layout manager, be it a table layout, a linear layout, a placeholder layout or even something completely custom.
				group.LayoutManager = new DataFormPlaceholderLayoutManager((Context)context, Resource.Layout.dataform_group_placeholder_layout);
				return group;

			return null;
		public void Validate(Java.Lang.Object o, IValidationCompletedCallback validationCompletedCallback) {

			ValidationInfo info;

			if(o == null || o.ToString().Equals("")) {
				info = new ValidationInfo(false, "This field can not be empty.", o);
			} else {
				info = new ValidationInfo(true, "The entered value is valid.", o);

			protected override FilterResults PerformFiltering (Java.Lang.ICharSequence constraint)
				if (constraint == null)
					return new FilterResults () { Count = 0, Values = null };
				var search = constraint.ToString ();
				var addresses = geocoder.GetFromLocationName (search, 7,
				return new FilterResults () {
					Count = addresses.Count,
					Values = (Java.Lang.Object)addresses
        protected override void PerformFiltering(Java.Lang.ICharSequence text, int keyCode)
            string textToFilter = text.ToString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(textToFilter) && textToFilter.StartsWith(_lastCompletionPrefix))
                textToFilter = textToFilter.Substring(_lastCompletionPrefix.Length);

                base.PerformFiltering(new Java.Lang.String(textToFilter), keyCode);
Example #10
        //this method is called async (not from UI thread!) so making network request is possible here
        protected override FilterResults PerformFiltering(Java.Lang.ICharSequence constraint)
            FilterResults filterResults = new FilterResults();
            if (constraint != null) {
                nn_adapter.resultlist=AutoFillManager.RetrieveInfo (constraint.ToString ());

                var tempcountry=(nn_adapter.nn_context!=null)? nn_adapter.nn_context.listcountry: nn_adapter.nn_context1.listcountry;
                var tempprovince=(nn_adapter.nn_context!=null)? nn_adapter.nn_context.liststateandprovince: nn_adapter.nn_context1.liststateandprovince;
                RetrievedInfo[] flag = new RetrievedInfo[nn_adapter.resultlist.Count];

                for(int i=0;i<nn_adapter.resultlist.Count;i++){
                    var tempobj = nn_adapter.resultlist [i];
                    bool countryflag=false;
                    bool provinceflag=false;
                    foreach(var country in tempcountry){
                            countryflag = true;
                    foreach(var province in tempprovince){
                            provinceflag = true;
                        flag [i] = tempobj;
                for (int i = 0; i < flag.Length; i++) {
                    if (flag [i]!=null) {

                nn_adapter.resultarraylist=new ArrayList(nn_adapter.resultlist);
                filterResults.Values = nn_adapter.resultarraylist;
                filterResults.Count = nn_adapter.resultarraylist.Size();
            return filterResults;
		public void Call (Java.Lang.Object content)
			Console.WriteLine (content.ToString());
			public void OnPropertyChanged(String s, Java.Lang.Object o) {
				if(o.ToString() == type.ToString()) {


				// Remember to call value changed, otherwise the object being edited will not be updated.
Example #13
 public void UncaughtException(Java.Lang.Thread thread, Java.Lang.Throwable ex)
     WriteException(ex != null ? ex.ToString() : "Java uncaught exception is null");
 public override void OnBindGroupViewHolder(ListViewHolder holder, Java.Lang.Object groupKey)
     GroupItemViewHolder vh = (GroupItemViewHolder) holder;
     vh.txtGroupHeader.Text = groupKey.ToString().ToUpper();
 public Java.Lang.ICharSequence FilterFormatted(Java.Lang.ICharSequence source, int start, int end, ISpanned dest, int dstart, int dend)
     var replacement = source.ToString();
     var ok = this.MayInsertTextAt(this.currencyEdit.Text, replacement, dstart, this.currencyEdit.DecimalPlaces);
     if (ok)
         return source;
         return new Java.Lang.String(string.Empty);
Example #16
		/// <summary>
		/// decode这个图片并且按比例缩放以减少内存消耗,虚拟机对每张图片的缓存大小也是有限制的
		/// </summary>
		/// <returns>The file.</returns>
		/// <param name="f">F.</param>
		private Bitmap DecodeFile(Java.IO.File f){
			try {
				//decode image size
				BitmapFactory.Options o = new BitmapFactory.Options();
				o.InJustDecodeBounds = true;
				//FileInputStream stream1=new FileInputStream(f);

				FileStream stream1 = new FileStream(f.ToString(),FileMode.OpenOrCreate);



				//Find the correct scale value. It should be the power of 2.
				int REQUIRED_SIZE=60;
				int width_tmp=o.OutWidth, height_tmp=o.OutHeight;
				int scale=1;
					if(width_tmp/2<REQUIRED_SIZE || height_tmp/2<REQUIRED_SIZE)

				//decode with inSampleSize
				BitmapFactory.Options o2 = new BitmapFactory.Options();
				//FileInputStream stream2=new FileInputStream(f);
				FileStream stream2 = new FileStream(f.ToString(),FileMode.OpenOrCreate);
				Bitmap bitmap=BitmapFactory.DecodeStream(stream2, null, o2);
				return bitmap;
			} catch (Java.IO.FileNotFoundException e) {
				e.PrintStackTrace ();
			catch (Java.IO.IOException e) {
			return null;
            public override void Notify(Java.Lang.String securityTokenResponse)
                Exception ex = null;
                var response = "";

                if (securityTokenResponse == null || securityTokenResponse.IsEmpty)
                    ex = new ArgumentNullException("securityTokenResponse", "Did not recieve a Token Response");
                    response = securityTokenResponse.ToString();

                if (GotSecurityTokenResponse != null)
                    GotSecurityTokenResponse(this, new RequestSecurityTokenResponseEventArgs(response, ex));
		public void UpdateCardViewImage (Java.Net.URI uri) //FIXME prob this version, maybe don't work with either
			Picasso.With (mContext)
				.Load (uri.ToString ())
				.Resize (Utils.dpToPx (CardPresenter.CARD_WIDTH, mContext), 
				Utils.dpToPx (CardPresenter.CARD_HEIGHT, mContext))
				.Error (mDefaultCardImage)
				.Into (mImageCardViewTarget);
		public override void OnAuthenticationHelp (int helpMsgId, Java.Lang.ICharSequence helpString)
			ShowError (helpString.ToString ());
Example #20
		protected override int SizeOf (Java.Lang.Object key, Java.Lang.Object value)
			return GetSizeOf(key.ToString(), (Bitmap[])value);
Example #21
			// to become consistent with Java/JS interop convention, the argument cannot be System.String.
			public void handle (Java.Lang.String message)
				LoginActivity outer = (LoginActivity)context;

				outer.OnMessageFromInner (message.ToString ());
			public int CompareTo (Java.Lang.Object obj)
				if (obj is Question)
					return this.questionIndex - (obj as Question).questionIndex;
				return this.ToString ().CompareTo (obj.ToString ());
        protected override void OnSetInitialValue(bool restorePersistedValue, Java.Lang.Object defaultValue)
            if (restorePersistedValue) {
                currentValue = GetPersistedInt (currentValue);
            } else {
                int temp = 0;
                try {
                    temp = ((Java.Lang.Integer)defaultValue).IntValue ();
                catch {
                    Console.WriteLine ("Invalid default value: " + defaultValue.ToString());

                PersistInt (temp);
                currentValue = temp;
		public override Android.Database.ICursor RunQueryOnBackgroundThread (Java.Lang.ICharSequence constraint)
			IFilterQueryProvider filter = FilterQueryProvider;

			if (filter != null) {
				return filter.RunQuery (constraint);

			Android.Net.Uri uri = Android.Net.Uri.WithAppendedPath (
				Android.Net.Uri.Encode (""));

			if (constraint != null) {
				uri = Android.Net.Uri.WithAppendedPath (
					Android.Net.Uri.Encode (constraint.ToString ()));

			return mContent.Query (uri, AutoComplete4.CONTACT_PROJECTION, null, null, null);
 public void OnTextChanged(Java.Lang.ICharSequence s, int start, int before, int count)
     if (Owner != null)
		public override void OnAuthenticationError (int errMsgId, Java.Lang.ICharSequence errString)
			if (!mSelfCancelled) {
				ShowError (errString.ToString ());
				mIcon.PostDelayed (() => {
					mCallback.OnError ();
Example #27
 public void OnTextChanged(Java.Lang.ICharSequence s, int start, int before, int count)
     Value = s.ToString();
	     * Only call this method from the main (UI) thread. The {@link OnFetchCompleteListener} callback
	     * be invoked on the UI thread, but image fetching will be done in an {@link AsyncTask}.
	     * @param cookie An arbitrary object that will be passed to the callback.
	    public static void FetchImage(Context context, Java.Lang.String url, BitmapFactory.Options decodeOptions, Java.Lang.Object cookie, Action<Bitmap> callback) 
			Task.Factory.StartNew(() => {
					result = null;
				File cacheFile = null;
					MessageDigest mDigest = MessageDigest.GetInstance("SHA-1");
					string cacheKey = BytesToHexString(mDigest.Digest());
						cacheFile = new File(Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory +
						                     File.Separator + "Android " + 
						                     File.Separator + "data" +
						                     File.Separator + context.PackageName + 
						                     File.Separator + "cache" +
						                     File.Separator + "bitmap_" + cacheKey + ".tmp");
				catch (Exception e) 
					// NoSuchAlgorithmException
					// Oh well, SHA-1 not available (weird), don't cache bitmaps.
				if (cacheFile != null && cacheFile.Exists()) 
	                Bitmap cachedBitmap = BitmapFactory.DecodeFile(cacheFile.ToString(), decodeOptions);
                    if (cachedBitmap != null) {
                        result = cachedBitmap;
				    // TODO: check for HTTP caching headers
					var client = new System.Net.WebClient();
					var image = client.DownloadData(new Uri(url.ToString()));
					if (image != null)
						result = null;
				    // Write response bytes to cache.
				    if (cacheFile != null) {
				        try {
				            FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(cacheFile);
				        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
				            Log.Warn(TAG, "Error writing to bitmap cache: " + cacheFile.ToString(), e);
				        } catch (IOException e) {
				            Log.Warn(TAG, "Error writing to bitmap cache: " + cacheFile.ToString(), e);
				    // Decode the bytes and return the bitmap.
				    result = (BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(image, 0, image.Length, decodeOptions));
				} catch (Exception e) {
				    Log.Warn(TAG, "Problem while loading image: " + e.ToString(), e);
                result = null;
			.ContinueWith(task =>
        protected override void OnTextChanged(Java.Lang.ICharSequence text, int start, int before, int after)
            base.OnTextChanged(text, start, before, after);

            RefitText(text.ToString(), Width);
            protected override Filter.FilterResults PerformFiltering(Java.Lang.ICharSequence constraint)
                FilterResults results = new FilterResults();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (constraint.ToString ())) {
                    var searchFor = constraint.ToString ();
                    Console.WriteLine ("searchFor:" + searchFor);
                    var matchList = new List<string> ();

                    var matches =
                        from i in _adapter.AllItems
                        where i.IndexOf (searchFor, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) >= 0
                        select i;

                    foreach (var match in matches) {
                        matchList.Add (match);

                    _adapter.MatchItems = matchList.ToArray ();
                    Console.WriteLine ("resultCount:" + matchList.Count);

                    Java.Lang.Object[] matchObjects;
                    matchObjects = new Java.Lang.Object[matchList.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < matchList.Count; i++) {
                        matchObjects [i] = new Java.Lang.String (matchList [i]);

                    results.Values = matchObjects;
                    results.Count = matchList.Count;
                } else {
                    _adapter.ResetSearch ();
                return results;