//Wating for a request
    IEnumerator WaitForRequest(WWW URLConnection, WWWForm FaceForm)
        yield return new WaitForSeconds (5);
        yield return URLConnection;
        yield return FaceForm;
        //Exception to control the web service connection
        if(URLConnection.error == null)
            Debug.Log (URLConnection.text);
            Debug.Log ("The Connection would be in a few seconds…" + URLConnection.progress);
            Debug.Log ("Succesful Connection");

            //Flags for watch the expected beahavior
            jSonReader = new JSonReader (URLConnection.text);
            Debug.Log ("Tengo esto: " + jSonReader.jsonString);
            Debug.Log ("Triste es igual a… " + jSonReader.EmotionVal1);
            Debug.Log ("Neutral es igual a… " + jSonReader.EmotionVal2);
            Debug.Log ("Enojado es igual a… " + jSonReader.EmotionVal3);
            Debug.Log ("Sorprendido es igual a… " + jSonReader.EmotionVal4);
            Debug.Log ("Miedo es igual a… " + jSonReader.EmotionVal5);
            Debug.Log ("Felicidad es igual a… " + jSonReader.EmotionVal6);
            //Getting the conclusion and setting the mood
            Mood = jSonReader.GetMoodConclusion();
            //Sending the mood to the invoker
            //The powerful trafficlights
            TrafficLights.stopAndPlay = 0;
            TrafficLights.stopCommand = 0;
            Debug.Log ("la variable de storyTellerInvoker tiene: " + storyTellerInvoker.GetComponent<StoryTellerInvoker>().getMood());
            //Message error: When the Web service couldn't connect
            Debug.Log("Whoops!!! There was a little problem: " + URLConnection.error);
        //Reading photos
        string currentURL = PhotoLocation + CounterSnaps + ".jpg";
        MakeFaceRequest (currentURL);