Example #1
        public static void writeProperties(string _path)
            //this method assumes that in you have scraped a number of Scratch files
            //it will then put all the corresponding properties in /properties

            DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(_path);

            FileInfo[] Files = d.GetFiles(); //Getting files
            int        i     = 0;

            foreach (FileInfo file in Files)
                //get the id:
                string id = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.Name);

                string projectURL = @"https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/" + id + "/?x=" + DateTime.Now.ToString();
                //we are adding a fake quety string to prevent the browser form loading from the cache and getting old data

                var HTML = JSONGetter.GetJSON(projectURL);

                if (HTML != null)
                    if (isShared(HTML))
                        string pathForProperties = _path + "properties\\properties.sb";

                        JSONGetter.writeStringToFile(id + ",", pathForProperties, true, false);

                        FindCountandWritetoFile(HTML, "fav-count", pathForProperties);
                        FindCountandWritetoFile(HTML, "love-count", pathForProperties);

                        FindCountandWritetoFile(HTML, "icon views", pathForProperties);
                        FindCountandWritetoFile(HTML, "icon remix-tree", pathForProperties);

                        FindCountandWritetoFile(HTML, "Shared:", pathForProperties);
                        FindCountandWritetoFile(HTML, "Modified:", pathForProperties);

                        FindUserWritetoFile(HTML, pathForProperties);
                        string pathForProperties = _path + "properties\\notShared.sb";
                        JSONGetter.writeStringToFile(id, pathForProperties, true, true);

Example #2
        private static void FindUserWritetoFile(string HTML, string pathForProperties)
            var toFind = "id=\"owner";
            var found  = HTML.IndexOf(toFind);

            if (found != -1)
                var endofSpan = HTML.IndexOf("</span>", found);
                var item      = HTML.Substring(found + toFind.Length + 2, endofSpan - found - toFind.Length - 2);

                var itemNoSpaces = item.Replace(" ", "").Replace("&nbsp;", "").Replace("\n", "");
                JSONGetter.writeStringToFile(itemNoSpaces, pathForProperties, true, true);
Example #3
        private static void FindCountandWritetoFile(string HTML, string toFind, string pathForProperties)
            var found = HTML.IndexOf(toFind);

            if (found != -1)
                var endofSpan = HTML.IndexOf("</span>", found);
                var item      = HTML.Substring(found + toFind.Length + 2, endofSpan - found - toFind.Length - 2);

                var itemNoSpacesandComma = item.Replace(" ", "").Replace("&nbsp;", "").Replace("\n", "") + ",";
                if (itemNoSpacesandComma == ",")
                    itemNoSpacesandComma = "0,";

                JSONGetter.writeStringToFile(itemNoSpacesandComma, pathForProperties, true, false);
Example #4
        static ArrayList flatten(ref int order, JsonArray scripts, ref string scopeType, ref string scopeName, ref int indent, string path, string id, ref int maxIndent)
            var result = new ArrayList();

            if (scopeName[0] != '"')
                //not in quotes? add them
                scopeName = "\"" + scopeName + "\"";

            //by default we add the order, type of the scope (scene, sprite, or proc) the name of the scope and the indent
            string toPrint = scopeType + "," + scopeName + "," + indent.ToString();
            bool   added   = false;

            bool addOrder = true;

            foreach (var innerScript in scripts)
                //if the script is primitive, we just print it.
                if (innerScript is JsonPrimitive)
                    if (addOrder)
                        toPrint += "," + order + "," + innerScript;
                        order    = order + 1;
                        addOrder = false;
                        toPrint += "," + innerScript;

                    added = true; //it could be that there will be more primitives (arguments) so we only print at the end
                if (innerScript is JsonArray)
                    if (AllOneField((JsonArray)innerScript))
                        if (innerScript.Count == 0)
                            //this is an empy array
                            if (addOrder)
                                toPrint += "," + order + ",[]";
                                order    = order + 1;
                                addOrder = false;
                                toPrint += ",[]";
                            int j = indent + 1;
                            if (j > maxIndent)
                                maxIndent = j;
                            foreach (var item in flatten(ref order, (JsonArray)(innerScript), ref scopeType, ref scopeName, ref j, id, path, ref maxIndent))
                        if (innerScript.Count > 0 && innerScript[0].ToString() == "\"procDef\"")
                            //first save this definition to a separate file
                            string procdef = id + "," + scopeName + ",procDef," + innerScript[1].ToString() + "," + innerScript[2].Count.ToString(); //procdef plus name of the proc plus number of arguments
                            JSONGetter.writeStringToFile(procdef, path + "output\\procedures.csv", true);

                            toPrint += ",procdef";
                            //now set the other blocks to the scope of this proc
                            scopeType = "procDef";
                            scopeName = innerScript[1].ToString();

                            added = true;
                            int j = indent + 1;
                            if (j > maxIndent)
                                maxIndent = j;
                            foreach (var item in flatten(ref order, (JsonArray)(innerScript), ref scopeType, ref scopeName, ref j, id, path, ref maxIndent))

            if (added)
