/*public static void AddJournalUIItem(JournalUIItem journalItem,int expo){
     *      Dictionary<int, JournalUIItem> JournalItems = JournalSaver.LoadJournalUIItems (expo);
     *      if(JournalItems.ContainsKey(journalItem.index))
     *         JournalItems.Remove(journalItem.index);
     *      JournalItems.Add (journalItem.index
     *                        , journalItem);
     *      //SaveJournalUIItems (JournalItems,expo);
     * }*/

    //Saves the reactions from a dictionary to the text file

    /*public static void SaveJournalUIItems(Dictionary<int, JournalUIItem> JournalItems,int expo)
     * {
     *      text = new TextEdit("Assets/Resources/journalItems"+expo.ToString()+".txt");
     *      text.ClearFile ();
     *      text.SetInt ("numberOfJournalItems", JournalItems.Count);
     *      int counter = 0;
     *      foreach (JournalUIItem JournalItem in JournalItems.Values)
     *      {
     *              text.SetInt("index" + counter.ToString(), counter);
     *              text.SetString("name" + counter.ToString(), JournalItem.name);
     *              text.SetBool("isDone" + counter.ToString(),JournalItem.isDone);
     *              text.SetInt("numberOfPrerequisites" + counter.ToString() , JournalItem.prerequisites.Count);
     *              for(int i = 0; i < JournalItem.prerequisites.Count;i++){
     *                      Debug.Log("indexPrerequisiteOf" + counter.ToString()+"_"+i.ToString()+"= "+JournalItem.prerequisites[i]);
     *                      text.SetInt("indexPrerequisiteOf" + counter.ToString()+"_"+i.ToString(), JournalItem.prerequisites[i]);
     *              }
     *              counter++;
     *      }
     * }*/
    //Loads the reactions from a file, and returns a dictionary

    public static Dictionary <int, JournalUIItem> LoadJournalUIItems(int expo)
        json = new JSONEditor("journalItems" + expo.ToString());

        int numberOfJournalItems = json.NumberOfFields(0);

        Dictionary <int, JournalUIItem> journalUIItems = new Dictionary <int, JournalUIItem>();

        if (numberOfJournalItems > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfJournalItems; i++)
                JournalUIItem journalItem = new JournalUIItem();

                journalItem.index = json.GetInt(i, "index");

                journalItem.name   = json.GetString(i, "name");
                journalItem.isDone = json.GetBool(i, "isDone");
                for (int n = 0; n < json.GetInt(i, "numberOfPrerequisites"); n++)
                    int indexOfPre = int.Parse(json.GetSubValue(i, "indexPrerequisiteOf", n));
                journalItem.prerequisitesDone = false;

                if (!journalUIItems.ContainsKey(journalItem.index))
                    journalUIItems.Add(journalItem.index, journalItem);