internal BuiltinFunction(string name, object obj, MethodInfo method, ScriptFunction parent) : base(parent, name)
            base.noExpando = false;
            ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters();
            base.ilength = parameters.Length;
            object[]                objArray       = Microsoft.JScript.CustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(method, typeof(JSFunctionAttribute), false);
            JSFunctionAttribute     attribute      = (objArray.Length > 0) ? ((JSFunctionAttribute)objArray[0]) : new JSFunctionAttribute(JSFunctionAttributeEnum.None);
            JSFunctionAttributeEnum attributeValue = attribute.attributeValue;

            if ((attributeValue & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject) != JSFunctionAttributeEnum.None)
            if ((attributeValue & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasEngine) != JSFunctionAttributeEnum.None)
            if ((attributeValue & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasVarArgs) != JSFunctionAttributeEnum.None)
            this.biFunc = attribute.builtinFunction;
            if (this.biFunc == JSBuiltin.None)
                this.method = new JSNativeMethod(method, obj, base.engine);
                this.method = null;
	// Constructor.
	public BuiltinFunction(ScriptObject prototype, String name,
						   MethodInfo method)
			: base(prototype, name)
				this.method = method;
				Object[] attrs = method.GetCustomAttributes
						(typeof(JSFunctionAttribute), false);
				if(attrs == null || attrs.Length == 0)
					this.flags = (JSFunctionAttributeEnum)0;
					this.flags = ((JSFunctionAttribute)(attrs[0]))
				requiredParameters = method.GetParameters().Length;
				lengthValue = requiredParameters;
				if((flags & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject) != 0)
				if((flags & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasEngine) != 0)
				if((flags & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasVarArgs) != 0)
Example #3
        internal BuiltinFunction(String name, Object obj, MethodInfo method, ScriptFunction parent)
            : base(parent, name)
            this.noExpando = false;
            ParameterInfo[] pars = method.GetParameters();
            int             n    = this.ilength = pars.Length;

            Object[]                attrs   = CustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(method, typeof(JSFunctionAttribute), false);
            JSFunctionAttribute     attr    = attrs.Length > 0 ? (JSFunctionAttribute)attrs[0] : new JSFunctionAttribute((JSFunctionAttributeEnum)0);
            JSFunctionAttributeEnum attrVal = attr.attributeValue;

            if ((attrVal & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject) != 0)
            if ((attrVal & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasEngine) != 0)
            if ((attrVal & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasVarArgs) != 0)
            this.biFunc = attr.builtinFunction;
            if (this.biFunc == 0)
                this.method = new JSNativeMethod(method, obj, this.engine);
                this.method = null;
Example #4
 // Constructor.
 public BuiltinFunction(ScriptObject prototype, String name,
                        MethodInfo method)
     : base(prototype, name)
     this.method = method;
     Object[] attrs = method.GetCustomAttributes
                          (typeof(JSFunctionAttribute), false);
     if (attrs == null || attrs.Length == 0)
         this.flags = (JSFunctionAttributeEnum)0;
         this.flags = ((JSFunctionAttribute)(attrs[0]))
     requiredParameters = method.GetParameters().Length;
     lengthValue        = requiredParameters;
     if ((flags & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject) != 0)
     if ((flags & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasEngine) != 0)
     if ((flags & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasVarArgs) != 0)
Example #5
File: ast.cs Project: raj581/Marvin
 internal void set_function_type()
     if (parent == null || parent.GetType() == typeof(ScriptBlock))
         func_type = JSFunctionAttributeEnum.ClassicFunction;
     else if (parent is FunctionDeclaration)
         func_type = JSFunctionAttributeEnum.NestedFunction;
Example #6
        internal static bool Needs(JSFunctionAttributeEnum targetAttr, MethodInfo method)
            JSFunctionAttribute [] custom_attrs = (JSFunctionAttribute [])
                                                  method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JSFunctionAttribute), true);

            foreach (JSFunctionAttribute attr in custom_attrs)
                if ((attr.GetAttributeValue() & targetAttr) != 0)
Example #7
        internal static void GetMethodFlags(MethodInfo method, out bool has_engine, out bool has_var_args, out bool has_this)
            // Very hackish. It would be better if the
            // anonymous methods could be decorated with the right attributes.
            if (method.DeclaringType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(GlobalScope)))
                has_engine   = true;
                has_var_args = false;
                has_this     = true;

            JSFunctionAttribute [] custom_attrs = (JSFunctionAttribute [])
                                                  method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JSFunctionAttribute), true);
            // We need to iterate through the JSFunctionAttributes to find out whether the function wants
            // to get passed the vsaEngine or not so we can pass the right arguments to it.
            has_engine   = false;
            has_var_args = false;
            has_this     = false;
            foreach (JSFunctionAttribute attr in custom_attrs)
                JSFunctionAttributeEnum flags = attr.GetAttributeValue();
                if ((flags & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasEngine) != 0)
                    has_engine = true;
                if ((flags & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasVarArgs) != 0)
                    has_var_args = true;
                if ((flags & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject) != 0)
                    has_this = true;
Example #8
        internal JSNativeMethod(MethodInfo method, object obj, VsaEngine engine) : base(obj)
            this.method       = method;
            this.formalParams = method.GetParameters();
            object[]                objArray       = Microsoft.JScript.CustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(method, typeof(JSFunctionAttribute), false);
            JSFunctionAttribute     attribute      = (objArray.Length > 0) ? ((JSFunctionAttribute)objArray[0]) : new JSFunctionAttribute(JSFunctionAttributeEnum.None);
            JSFunctionAttributeEnum attributeValue = attribute.attributeValue;

            if ((attributeValue & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject) != JSFunctionAttributeEnum.None)
                this.hasThis = true;
            if ((attributeValue & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasEngine) != JSFunctionAttributeEnum.None)
                this.hasEngine = true;
            if ((attributeValue & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasVarArgs) != JSFunctionAttributeEnum.None)
                this.hasVarargs = true;
            this.engine = engine;
Example #9
        internal JSNativeMethod(MethodInfo method, Object obj, VsaEngine engine)
            : base(obj)
            this.method       = method;
            this.formalParams = method.GetParameters();
            Object[]                attrs   = CustomAttribute.GetCustomAttributes(method, typeof(JSFunctionAttribute), false);
            JSFunctionAttribute     attr    = attrs.Length > 0 ? (JSFunctionAttribute)attrs[0] : new JSFunctionAttribute((JSFunctionAttributeEnum)0);
            JSFunctionAttributeEnum attrVal = attr.attributeValue;

            if ((attrVal & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasThisObject) != 0)
                this.hasThis = true;
            if ((attrVal & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasEngine) != 0)
                this.hasEngine = true;
            if ((attrVal & JSFunctionAttributeEnum.HasVarArgs) != 0)
                this.hasVarargs = true;
            this.engine = engine;
 public JSFunctionAttribute(JSFunctionAttributeEnum value, JSBuiltin builtinFunction)
     this.attributeValue = value;
     this.builtinFunction = builtinFunction;
 public JSFunctionAttribute(JSFunctionAttributeEnum value)
     this.attributeValue = value;
     this.builtinFunction = JSBuiltin.None;
Example #12
 public JSFunctionAttribute(JSFunctionAttributeEnum value, JSBuiltin builtinFunction)
Example #13
 // Constructors
 public JSFunctionAttribute(JSFunctionAttributeEnum value)
Example #14
 public JSFunctionAttribute(JSFunctionAttributeEnum value, JSBuiltin builtinFunction)
     this.attributeValue  = value;
     this.builtinFunction = builtinFunction;
Example #15
 public JSFunctionAttribute(JSFunctionAttributeEnum value)
     this.attributeValue  = value;
     this.builtinFunction = (JSBuiltin)0;
Example #16
		public JSFunctionAttribute (JSFunctionAttributeEnum value)
			this.value = value;
			this.built_in_function = (JSBuiltin) 0;
	public JSFunctionAttribute(JSFunctionAttributeEnum value, JSBuiltin builtinFunction) {}
Example #18
File: ast.cs Project: nickchal/pash
		internal void set_function_type ()
			if (parent == null || parent.GetType () == typeof (ScriptBlock))
				func_type = JSFunctionAttributeEnum.ClassicFunction;
			else if (parent is FunctionDeclaration)
				func_type = JSFunctionAttributeEnum.NestedFunction;
	// Constructors
	public JSFunctionAttribute(JSFunctionAttributeEnum value) {}
 public JSFunctionAttribute(JSFunctionAttributeEnum value)
     this.value             = value;
     this.built_in_function = (JSBuiltin)0;
Example #21
		internal static bool Needs (JSFunctionAttributeEnum targetAttr, MethodInfo method)
			JSFunctionAttribute [] custom_attrs = (JSFunctionAttribute [])
				method.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (JSFunctionAttribute), true);

			foreach (JSFunctionAttribute attr in custom_attrs)
				if ((attr.GetAttributeValue () & targetAttr) != 0)
					return true;
			return false;