internal JSValue Call(JSContext Scope, JSValue ThisObj, JSValue fncObject, JSArgs Args)
     JSFunctionContext ctx = new JSFunctionContext(ThisObj, Args, this.ParameterList, Scope, ((JSFunctionObject) fncObject).Scope);
     ctx.Source = this.Source;
     if (this.Name != "[function]")
         ctx.LexicalEnv.SetMutableBinding(this.Name, fncObject);
     return this._delegate(ctx);
Example #2
    internal JSValue Call(JSContext Scope, JSValue ThisObj, JSValue fncObject, JSArgs Args)
        JSFunctionContext ctx = new JSFunctionContext(ThisObj, Args, this.ParameterList, Scope, ((JSFunctionObject)fncObject).Scope);

        ctx.Source = this.Source;
        if (this.Name != "[function]")
            ctx.LexicalEnv.SetMutableBinding(this.Name, fncObject);
 public override JSValue Call(JSContext Scope, JSValue ThisObj, JSArgs Args)
     if (ThisObj.CheckCoercible())
         ThisObj = ThisObj.ToJSObject();
         ThisObj = JSContext.CurrentGlobalContext.Global;
     return this.FunctionDef.Call(Scope, ThisObj, this, Args);
 public override JSValue Call(JSContext Scope, JSValue ThisObj, JSArgs Args)
     if (ThisObj.CheckCoercible())
         ThisObj = ThisObj.ToJSObject();
         ThisObj = JSContext.CurrentGlobalContext.Global;
     JSFunctionContext ctx = new JSFunctionContext(ThisObj, Args, new ParameterList(this.def.param_names), Scope, this.Scope);
     return this.def.del(ctx);
 public JSFunctionContext(JSValue ThisObj, JSArgs Args, ParameterList parameterList, JSContext context, JSEnvRec Scope)
     : base(context)
     if (!((ThisObj is JSNull) || (ThisObj is JSUndefined)))
         this.ThisObj = ThisObj;
     this.Args = Args;
     this.parameterList = parameterList;
     base.LexicalEnv = new JSDeclScope(Scope);
     base.VariableEnv = base.LexicalEnv;
     base.SetMutableBinding("arguments", Args);
     int m = parameterList.Names.Length;
     for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
         base.SetMutableBinding(parameterList.Names[i], Args[i]);
 private void AddFunction()
     this.FunctionCtor = new JSDelegateWrapper(delegate(JSContext Scope, JSValue ThisObj, JSArgs args, bool AsConstructor)
         string argNames;
         string sBody;
         if (args.Count > 1)
             string[] ar = new string[args.Count - 1];
             for (int i = 0; i < (args.Count - 1); i++)
                 ar[i] = args[i].StringValue();
             argNames = string.Join(",", ar);
             argNames = "";
         if (args.Count == 0)
             sBody = "";
             sBody = args[args.Count - 1].StringValue();
         JSFunctionObject r = CompiledScript.Compile("(function (" + argNames + ") {" + sBody + "})", false).Run() as JSFunctionObject;
         r.Scope = JSContext.CurrentGlobalContext.LexicalEnv;
         return r;
     }, 1);
     this.FunctionPrototype = new JSFunctionBase();
     this.FunctionPrototype.SetDataProp("constructor", this.FunctionCtor, true, false, true);
     this.FunctionPrototype.SetDataProp("call", new JSDelegateWrapper(delegate(JSContext Scope, JSValue ThisObj, JSArgs args, bool AsConstructor)
         JSArgs newArgs;
         if (AsConstructor)
             throw new JSRuntimeException("TypeError", " called as constructor");
         JSFunctionBase fnc = InternalUtilities.JSFunctionCast(ThisObj);
         if (args.Count == 0)
             newArgs = args;
             JSValue[] newAr = new JSValue[args.Count - 1];
             Array.Copy(args.ArgValues, 1, newAr, 0, args.Count - 1);
             newArgs = new JSArgs(ThisObj, newAr);
         return fnc.Call(Scope, args[0], newArgs);
     }, 1), true, false, true);
     this.FunctionPrototype.SetDataProp("apply", new JSDelegateWrapper(delegate(JSContext Scope, JSValue ThisObj, JSArgs args, bool AsConstructor)
         if (AsConstructor)
             throw new JSRuntimeException("TypeError", "Function.apply called as constructor");
         JSFunctionBase fnc = InternalUtilities.JSFunctionCast(ThisObj);
         JSValue argArray = args[1];
         if ((argArray is JSUndefined) || (argArray is JSNull))
             return fnc.Call(Scope, args[0], new JSArgs(ThisObj, new JSValue[0]));
         if (!(argArray is JSObject))
             throw new JSRuntimeException("TypeError", "Invalid argument to Function.apply");
         JSValue olen = argArray["length"];
         if (!olen.CheckCoercible())
             throw new JSRuntimeException("TypeError", "Invalid argument to Function.apply");
         double nlen = olen.NumberValue();
         uint len = nlen.JSToUInt32();
         if (len != nlen)
             throw new JSRuntimeException("TypeError", "Invalid argument to Function.apply");
         JSValue[] newAr = new JSValue[len];
         for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
             newAr[i] = argArray[i.ToString()];
         return fnc.Call(Scope, args[0], new JSArgs(ThisObj, newAr));
     }, 2), true, false, true);
     this.FunctionPrototype.SetDataProp("toString", new JSDelegateWrapper(delegate(JSContext Scope, JSValue ThisObj, JSArgs args, bool AsConstructor)
         return InternalUtilities.JSFunctionCast(ThisObj).GenerateString();
     }), true, false, true);
     this.FunctionPrototype.SetDataProp("length", 0.0, true, false, true);
     this.FunctionCtor.SetDataProp("prototype", this.FunctionPrototype, false, false, false);
 public override JSValue Construct(JSContext Scope, JSArgs Args)
     return this._delegate(Scope, this, Args, true);
 public override JSValue Call(JSContext Scope, JSValue ThisObj, JSArgs Args)
     if (ThisObj.CheckCoercible())
         ThisObj = ThisObj.ToJSObject();
         ThisObj = JSContext.CurrentGlobalContext.Global;
     return this._delegate(Scope, ThisObj, Args, false);
Example #9
 internal JSFunctionCall(string functionName, JSValue arg)
     this.args = new JSArgs() { arg };
     this._functionName = functionName;
Example #10
 internal JSFunctionCall(string functionName, JSArgs args)
     this.args = args;
     this._functionName = functionName;
Example #11
 internal JSFunctionCall(JSFunction f, JSArgs args)
     this.f = f;
     this.args = args;
Example #12
 internal JSFunctionCall(JSFunction f)
     this.f = f;
     this.args = new JSArgs();
Example #13
 public JSFunctionCall Call(JSArgs args)
     return RegisterFunctionCall(new JSFunctionCall(this, args));
Example #14
 public virtual JSValue Construct(JSContext Scope, JSArgs Args)
     JSObject o = new JSObject(this["prototype"], this);
     JSValue r = this.Call(Scope, o, Args);
     if (r is JSObject)
         return r;
     return o;
Example #15
 public virtual JSValue Call(JSContext Scope, JSValue ThisObj, JSArgs Args)
     return JSUndefined.Instance;
Example #16
 internal static JSValue _Eval(JSContext Scope, JSArgs args, bool AsConstructor)
     if (AsConstructor)
         throw new JSRuntimeException("TypeError", "eval called as constructor");
     JSValue arg = args[0];
     if (!(arg is JSString))
         return arg;
     JSContext EvalContext = new JSContext(Scope);
         return CompiledScript.Compile(arg.StringValue(), false).Run();
Example #17
 internal static JSValue DirectEvalCall(JSFunctionBase fnc, JSContext Scope, JSValue ThisObj, JSArgs Args)
     if (fnc == JSContext.CurrentGlobalContext.GlobalEval)
         return _Eval(Scope, Args, false);
     return fnc.Call(JSContext.CurrentGlobalContext, ThisObj, Args);