Example #1
    public void LoadFromJson(JObject source)
        // This is where the automatic deserialization takes place. We just tell the Jobject that we want an object of the type RelfectionData and it will handle the rest
        var reflectionDataObject = source.Deserialize<ReflectionData>();

        // This is just a simple method a created to read the data from reflectionDataObject back into this object
        protected object ConvertToEntity <T>(string id, JObject documentFound, JObject metadata)
            var entity = default(T);

            var documentType = metadata.Value <string>("Raven-Clr-Type");

            if (documentType != null)
                var type = Type.GetType(documentType);
                if (type != null)
                    entity = (T)documentFound.Deserialize(type, Conventions);
            if (Equals(entity, default(T)))
                entity = documentFound.Deserialize <T>(Conventions);
#if !NET_3_5
                var document = entity as JObject;
                if (document != null)
                    entity = (T)(object)(new DynamicJsonObject(document));
            var identityProperty = documentStore.Conventions.GetIdentityProperty(entity.GetType());
            if (identityProperty != null && identityProperty.CanWrite)
                identityProperty.SetValue(entity, id, null);
Example #3
        private object ConvertToEntity <T>(string id, JObject documentFound, JObject metadata)
            T entity = default(T);

            var documentType = metadata.Value <string>("Raven-Clr-Type");

            if (documentType != null)
                Type type = Type.GetType(documentType);
                if (type != null)
                    entity = (T)documentFound.Deserialize(type, Conventions.JsonContractResolver);
            if (Equals(entity, default(T)))
                entity = documentFound.Deserialize <T>(Conventions.JsonContractResolver);
            var identityProperty = documentStore.Conventions.GetIdentityProperty(entity.GetType());

            if (identityProperty != null)
                identityProperty.SetValue(entity, id, null);
Example #4
    public void LoadFromJson(JObject source)
        // This is where the automatic deserialization takes place. We just tell the Jobject that we want an object of the type RelfectionData and it will handle the rest
        var reflectionDataObject = source.Deserialize <ReflectionData>();

        // This is just a simple method a created to read the data from reflectionDataObject back into this object
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the json document to an entity.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="id">The id.</param>
        /// <param name="documentFound">The document found.</param>
        /// <param name="metadata">The metadata.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected object ConvertToEntity <T>(string id, JObject documentFound, JObject metadata)
            if (typeof(T) == typeof(JObject))

            var entity = default(T);

            var documentType = Conventions.GetClrType(id, documentFound, metadata);

            if (documentType != null)
                var type = Type.GetType(documentType);
                if (type != null)
                    entity = (T)documentFound.Deserialize(type, Conventions);
            if (Equals(entity, default(T)))
                entity = documentFound.Deserialize <T>(Conventions);
#if !NET_3_5
                var document = entity as JObject;
                if (document != null)
                    entity = (T)(object)(new DynamicJsonObject(document));
            TrySetIdentity(entity, id);
            var documentToEntity = OnDocumentConverted;
            if (documentToEntity != null)
                documentToEntity(entity, documentFound, metadata);