/// <summary> /// 添加应用 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult AppAdd() { #region =========获取应用平台在用信息========= JMP.BLL.jmp_platform bll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_platform(); DataTable dt = bll.GetList(" 1=1 and p_state='1' ").Tables[0];//获取应用平台在用信息 List <JMP.MDL.jmp_platform> yypt = JMP.TOOL.MdlList.ToList <JMP.MDL.jmp_platform>(dt); ViewBag.glptdt = yypt; #endregion #region ========获取应用类型在用信息====== JMP.BLL.jmp_apptype yybll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_apptype(); string where = " t_id in (select DISTINCT(t_topid) from jmp_apptype where t_topid in( select t_id from jmp_apptype where t_topid='0' )) and t_state='1' order by t_sort desc"; DataTable yydt = yybll.GetList(where).Tables[0];//获取应用类型在用信息 List <JMP.MDL.jmp_apptype> yylist = JMP.TOOL.MdlList.ToList <JMP.MDL.jmp_apptype>(yydt); ViewBag.yylist = yylist; #endregion int userid = UserInfo.UserId; var userlist = _UserService.FindListBySql("relation_type=2 and relation_person_id='" + userid + "' and u_state=1", ""); JMP.BLL.jmp_user userbll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_user(); ViewBag.userlist = userlist; int appid = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["appid"]) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Request["appid"]); #region 获取所有支付方式 JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode zfbll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode(); DataTable zfdt = new DataTable(); List <JMP.MDL.jmp_paymode> zflist = new List <JMP.MDL.jmp_paymode>(); zfdt = zfbll.GetList(" 1=1 and p_state='1' ").Tables[0];//获取支付类型在用信息 zflist = JMP.TOOL.MdlList.ToList <JMP.MDL.jmp_paymode>(zfdt); ViewBag.appid = appid; ViewBag.list = zflist; #endregion return(View()); }
public JsonResult UpdatePayRart() { JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode bll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode(); JMP.MDL.jmp_paymode model = new JMP.MDL.jmp_paymode(); object retJson = new { success = 0, msg = "操作失败" }; int pid = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["pid"]) ? 0 : int.Parse(Request["pid"]); string p_rate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["p_rate"]) ? "0" : Request["p_rate"]; //获取一个实体对象 model = bll.GetModel(pid); if (bll.Update_rate(pid, p_rate)) { //记录日志(会定期清理) Logger.OperateLog("修改接口费率", "操作数据ID:" + pid + ",接口费率由:" + model.p_rate + ",改为:" + p_rate + "。"); //记录日志(不会清理) RateLogger.OperateLog("修改接口费率", "操作数据ID:" + pid + ",接口费率由:" + model.p_rate + ",改为:" + p_rate + "。"); retJson = new { success = 1, msg = "设置接口费率成功" }; } else { retJson = new { success = 0, msg = "设置接口费率失败" }; } return(Json(retJson)); }
public ActionResult PaymodeAddOrUpdate() { int p_id = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["p_id"]) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Request["p_id"]); JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode bll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode(); JMP.MDL.jmp_paymode mode = new JMP.MDL.jmp_paymode(); if (p_id > 0) { mode = bll.GetModel(p_id); } ViewBag.mode = mode; return(View()); }
/// <summary> /// 设置接口费率 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult PaymodeRartAdd() { int id = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["pid"]) ? 0 : int.Parse(Request["pid"]); JMP.MDL.jmp_paymode model = new JMP.MDL.jmp_paymode(); JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode bll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode(); //查询 model = bll.GetModel(id); ViewBag.model = model; return(View()); }
/// <summary> /// 添加应用基本 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult AppAdd() { #region 获取用户实名认证状态信息 JMP.BLL.jmp_user sm_bll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_user(); JMP.MDL.jmp_user sm_model = new JMP.MDL.jmp_user(); int u_ids = UserInfo.Uid; //查询登录信息 sm_model = sm_bll.GetModel(u_ids); ViewBag.auditstate = sm_model.u_auditstate; ViewBag.linkEmail = sm_model.u_email; #endregion #region =========获取应用平台在用信息========= JMP.BLL.jmp_platform bll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_platform(); DataTable dt = bll.GetList(" 1=1 and p_state='1' ").Tables[0];//获取应用平台在用信息 List <JMP.MDL.jmp_platform> yypt = JMP.TOOL.MdlList.ToList <JMP.MDL.jmp_platform>(dt); ViewBag.glptdt = yypt; #endregion #region ========获取应用类型在用信息====== JMP.BLL.jmp_apptype yybll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_apptype(); string where = " t_id in (select DISTINCT(t_topid) from jmp_apptype where t_topid in( select t_id from jmp_apptype where t_topid='0' )) and t_state='1' order by t_sort desc"; DataTable yydt = yybll.GetList(where).Tables[0];//获取应用类型在用信息 List <JMP.MDL.jmp_apptype> yylist = JMP.TOOL.MdlList.ToList <JMP.MDL.jmp_apptype>(yydt); ViewBag.yylist = yylist; #endregion int appid = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["appid"]) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Request["appid"]); #region 获取所有支付方式 JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode zfbll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode(); DataTable zfdt = new DataTable(); List <JMP.MDL.jmp_paymode> zflist = new List <JMP.MDL.jmp_paymode>(); zfdt = zfbll.GetList(" 1=1 and p_state='1' ").Tables[0];//获取支付类型在用信息 zflist = JMP.TOOL.MdlList.ToList <JMP.MDL.jmp_paymode>(zfdt); ViewBag.appid = appid; ViewBag.list = zflist; #endregion return(View()); }
/// <summary> /// 一键启用或禁用支付类型状态 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public JsonResult UpdatePaymodeState() { object retJson = new { success = 0, msg = "操作失败" }; int state = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["state"]) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Request["state"].ToString()); string str = Request["ids"]; string xgzfc = ""; //组装说明 string tsmsg = ""; //提示 JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode bll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode(); if (str.CompareTo("On") > 0) { str = str.Substring(3); } if (bll.UpdateLocUserState(str, state)) { if (state == 1) { xgzfc = "一键启用ID为:" + str; tsmsg = "启用成功"; } else { tsmsg = "禁用成功"; xgzfc = "一键禁用ID为:" + str; } Logger.OperateLog("一键启用或禁用支付类型状态", xgzfc); retJson = new { success = 1, msg = tsmsg }; } else { if (state == 1) { tsmsg = "启用失败"; } else { tsmsg = "禁用失败"; } retJson = new { success = 0, msg = tsmsg }; } return(Json(retJson)); }
public static string SelectPay(string pid) { string paystr = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pid.ToString())) { JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode zfbll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode(); DataTable zfdt = new DataTable(); zfdt = zfbll.GetList(" 1=1 and p_state='1' and p_id in(" + pid + ") ").Tables[0];//获取支付类型在用信息 if (zfdt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < zfdt.Rows.Count; i++) { paystr += zfdt.Rows[i]["p_name"] + ","; } } } return(paystr); }
/// <summary> /// 订单列表 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult OrderList() { #region 获取信息 JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode paymodebll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode(); List <JMP.MDL.jmp_paymode> paymodeList = paymodebll.GetModelList("1=1 and p_state='1' ");//支付类型 ViewBag.paymodeList = paymodeList; #endregion #region 查询 int pageIndexs = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["pageIndexs"]) ? 1 : Int32.Parse(Request["pageIndexs"]); //当前页 int PageSize = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["PageSize"]) ? 20 : Int32.Parse(Request["PageSize"]); //每页显示数量 int searchType = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["searchType"]) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Request["searchType"]); //查询条件选择 string searchname = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["searchname"]) ? "" : Request["searchname"]; //查询类容 string stime = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["stime"]) ? DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : Request["stime"]; //开始时间 string etime = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["etime"]) ? DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : Request["etime"]; //结束时间 int paymode = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["paymode"]) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Request["paymode"]); //支付类型 string paymentstate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["paymentstate"]) ? "1" : Request["paymentstate"]; //支付状态 string noticestate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["noticestate"]) ? "" : Request["noticestate"]; //通知状态 int relationtype = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["relationtype"]) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Request["relationtype"]); //商户类型 int userid = UserInfo.UserId; var list = _OrderService.FindPagedListByBP(userid, relationtype, "", searchType, searchname, stime, etime, paymode, paymentstate, noticestate, null, pageIndexs, PageSize); var gridModel = new DataSource <jmp_order>(list) { Data = list.Select(x => x).ToList() }; ViewBag.searchname = searchname; ViewBag.searchType = searchType; ViewBag.stime = stime; ViewBag.etime = etime; ViewBag.relationtype = relationtype; ViewBag.paymode = paymode; ViewBag.paymentstate = paymentstate; ViewBag.noticestate = noticestate; ViewBag.pageIndexs = pageIndexs; ViewBag.PageSize = PageSize; ViewBag.list = gridModel.Data; ViewBag.pageCount = gridModel.Pagination.TotalCount; #endregion return(View()); }
public ActionResult PaymodeList() { #region 权限查询 string locUrl = ""; bool getUidT = bll_limit.GetLocUserLimitVoids("/System/UpdatePaymodeState", UserInfo.UserId.ToString(), int.Parse(UserInfo.UserRoleId.ToString()));//一键启用支付类型 if (getUidT) { locUrl += "<li onclick=\"UpdatePaymodeState(1)\"><i class='fa fa-check-square-o'></i>一键解锁</li>"; } bool getUidF = bll_limit.GetLocUserLimitVoids("/System/UpdatePaymodeState", UserInfo.UserId.ToString(), int.Parse(UserInfo.UserRoleId.ToString()));//一键禁用支付类型 if (getUidF) { locUrl += "<li onclick=\"UpdatePaymodeState(0)\"><i class='fa fa-check-square-o'></i>一键锁定</li>"; } ViewBag.locUrl = locUrl; #endregion #region 查询信息 int pageCount = 0; int pageIndexs = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["pageIndexs"]) ? 1 : Int32.Parse(Request["pageIndexs"]); //当前页 int PageSize = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["PageSize"]) ? 20 : Int32.Parse(Request["PageSize"]); //每页显示数量 string sql = "select * from jmp_paymode where 1=1 "; JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode bll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode(); int searchDesc = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["searchDesc"]) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Request["searchDesc"]); //排序方式 ViewBag.searchDesc = searchDesc; int SelectState = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["SelectState"]) ? -1 : Int32.Parse(Request["SelectState"]); //状态 ViewBag.SelectState = SelectState; int searchType = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["searchType"]) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Request["searchType"]); //查询条件选择 ViewBag.searchType = searchType; string sea_name = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["sea_name"]) ? "" : Request["sea_name"]; //查询条件内容 ViewBag.sea_name = sea_name; if (searchType > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sea_name)) { switch (searchType) { case 1: sql += " and p_id='" + sea_name + "' "; break; case 2: sql += " and p_name='" + sea_name + "' "; break; } } if (SelectState > -1) { sql += " and p_state='" + SelectState + "' "; } string Order = " order by p_id desc "; if (searchDesc == 1) { Order = " order by p_id "; } else { Order = " order by p_id desc "; } List <JMP.MDL.jmp_paymode> list = bll.SelectList(sql, Order, pageIndexs, PageSize, out pageCount); ViewBag.pageCount = pageCount; ViewBag.pageIndexs = pageIndexs; ViewBag.PageSize = PageSize; ViewBag.list = list; #endregion return(View()); }
public ActionResult OrderList() { #region 获取信息 JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode paymodebll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode(); List <JMP.MDL.jmp_paymode> paymodeList = paymodebll.GetModelList("1=1 and p_state='1' ");//支付类型 ViewBag.paymodeList = paymodeList; #endregion #region 查询 string sql = ""; string sql1 = ""; //组装查询条件 string TableName = ""; //表名 string order = "o_ptime "; //排序字段 int pageCount = 0; int pageIndexs = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["pageIndexs"]) ? 1 : Int32.Parse(Request["pageIndexs"]); //当前页 int PageSize = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["PageSize"]) ? 20 : Int32.Parse(Request["PageSize"]); //每页显示数量 int searchType = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["searchType"]) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Request["searchType"]); //查询条件选择 string searchname = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["searchname"]) ? "" : Request["searchname"]; //查询类容 string stime = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["stime"]) ? DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : Request["stime"]; //开始时间 string etime = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["etime"]) ? DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : Request["etime"]; //结束时间 int paymode = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["paymode"]) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Request["paymode"]); //支付类型 string paymentstate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["paymentstate"]) ? "1" : Request["paymentstate"]; //支付状态 string noticestate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["noticestate"]) ? "" : Request["noticestate"]; //通知状态 int platformid = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["platformid"]) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Request["platformid"]); //关联平台 int relationtype = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["relationtype"]) ? -1 : Int32.Parse(Request["relationtype"]); //商户类型 ViewBag.platformid = platformid; ArrayList sjfw = JMP.TOOL.WeekDateTime.WeekMonday(DateTime.Parse(stime), DateTime.Parse(etime));//根据时间返回获取每周周一组装查询语句 for (int i = 0; i < sjfw.Count; i++) { TableName = "jmp_order_" + DateTime.Parse(sjfw[i].ToString()).ToString("yyyyMMdd"); // TableName = "jmp_order_20161107"; sql += " SELECT o_id,o_code,o_bizcode,o_tradeno,o_paymode_id,o_app_id,o_goodsname,o_term_key,o_price,o_payuser,o_ctime,o_ptime,o_state,o_times,o_address,o_noticestate,o_noticetimes,o_privateinfo,o_interface_id, o_showaddress FROM " + TableName + " where 1=1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stime) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(etime)) { sql += " and convert(varchar(10),o_ptime,120)>='" + stime + "' and convert(varchar(10),o_ptime,120)<='" + etime + "' "; } if (paymode > 0) { sql += " and o_paymode_id='" + paymode + "' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paymentstate)) { sql += " and o_state='" + paymentstate + "' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(noticestate)) { sql += " and o_noticestate='" + noticestate + "' "; } sql += " UNION ALL "; } string where = "where 1=1";//组装查询条件 if (searchType > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchname)) { switch (searchType) { case 1: where += " and a.o_code='" + searchname + "' "; break; case 2: where += " and b.a_name='" + searchname + "' "; break; case 3: where += " and a.o_goodsname='" + searchname + "' "; break; case 4: where += " and e.u_realname like '%" + searchname + "%' "; break; case 5: where += " and a.o_tradeno= '" + searchname + "' "; break; case 6: where += " and a.o_bizcode= '" + searchname + "' "; break; case 7: where += " and inn.l_corporatename like '%" + searchname + "%' "; break; } } if (platformid > 0) { where += " and b.a_platform_id=" + platformid; } if (relationtype > -1) { where += " and e.relation_type=" + relationtype; } //组装时时表数据 sql1 = "SELECT o_id,o_code,o_bizcode,o_tradeno,o_paymode_id,o_app_id,o_goodsname,o_term_key,o_price,o_payuser,o_ctime,o_ptime,o_state,o_times,o_address,o_noticestate,o_noticetimes,o_privateinfo,o_interface_id, o_showaddress FROM jmp_order where 1=1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stime) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(etime)) { sql1 += " and convert(varchar(10),o_ptime,120)>='" + stime + "' and convert(varchar(10),o_ptime,120)<='" + etime + "' "; } if (paymode > 0) { sql1 += " and o_paymode_id='" + paymode + "' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paymentstate)) { sql1 += " and o_state='" + paymentstate + "' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(noticestate)) { sql1 += " and o_noticestate='" + noticestate + "' "; } sql = sql + sql1; ViewBag.searchname = searchname; ViewBag.searchType = searchType; ViewBag.stime = stime; ViewBag.etime = etime; ViewBag.paymode = paymode; ViewBag.paymentstate = paymentstate; ViewBag.noticestate = noticestate; List <JMP.MDL.jmp_order> list = new List <JMP.MDL.jmp_order>(); JMP.BLL.jmp_order orderbll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_order(); list = orderbll.SelectPager(where, sql, order, pageIndexs, PageSize, out pageCount); ViewBag.pageIndexs = pageIndexs; ViewBag.PageSize = PageSize; ViewBag.pageCount = pageCount; ViewBag.list = list; ViewBag.relationtype = relationtype; #endregion return(View()); }
public ActionResult UpdateApp() { int appid = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["appid"]) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Request["appid"]); JMP.BLL.jmp_app appbll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_app(); JMP.MDL.jmp_app model = new JMP.MDL.jmp_app(); string yy = ""; if (appid > 0) { model = appbll.SelectId(appid); #region =========获取应用平台在用信息========= JMP.BLL.jmp_platform bll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_platform(); DataTable dt = bll.GetList(" 1=1 and p_state='1' ").Tables[0];//获取应用平台在用信息 List <JMP.MDL.jmp_platform> yypt = JMP.TOOL.MdlList.ToList <JMP.MDL.jmp_platform>(dt); ViewBag.glptdt = yypt; #endregion #region ========获取应用类型在用信息====== JMP.BLL.jmp_apptype yybll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_apptype(); string where = " t_id in (select DISTINCT(t_topid) from jmp_apptype where t_topid in( select t_id from jmp_apptype where t_topid='0' )) and t_state='1' order by t_sort desc"; DataTable yydt = yybll.GetList(where).Tables[0];//获取应用类型在用信息 JMP.MDL.jmp_apptype models = new JMP.MDL.jmp_apptype(); int t_topid = 0; if (model.a_apptype_id > 0) { models = yybll.GetModel(model.a_apptype_id);//查询单条信息 t_topid = models.t_topid; } string yyid = ""; if (model.a_auditstate == 1) { yy += "<select id='xzyylx' disabled ='disabled' > "; } else { yy += "<select id='xzyylx' onclick='xzyylx()'> "; } for (int j = 0; j < yydt.Rows.Count; j++) { yyid = yydt.Rows[j]["t_id"].ToString(); if (t_topid > 0) { if (Int32.Parse(yydt.Rows[j]["t_id"].ToString()) == models.t_topid) { yy += "<option value='" + yyid + "' selected=selected >" + yydt.Rows[j]["t_name"] + "</option>"; } else { yy += "<option value='" + yyid + "' >" + yydt.Rows[j]["t_name"] + "</option>"; } } else { yy += "<option value='" + yyid + "' >" + yydt.Rows[j]["t_name"] + "</option>"; } } yy += "</select>"; #endregion } int userid = UserInfo.UserId; var userlist = _UserService.FindListBySql("relation_type='" + (int)Relationtype.Agent + "' and relation_person_id='" + userid + "' and u_state=1", ""); ViewBag.userlist = userlist; #region 获取所有支付方式 JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode zfbll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode(); DataTable zfdt = new DataTable(); List <JMP.MDL.jmp_paymode> zflist = new List <JMP.MDL.jmp_paymode>(); zfdt = zfbll.GetList(" 1=1 and p_state='1' ").Tables[0];//获取支付类型在用信息 zflist = JMP.TOOL.MdlList.ToList <JMP.MDL.jmp_paymode>(zfdt); ViewBag.appid = appid; ViewBag.list = zflist; #endregion ViewBag.yy = yy; ViewBag.model = model; //支付方式 string[] zffs = model.a_paymode_id.Split(','); ViewBag.zffs = zffs; return(View()); }
/// <summary> /// 订单列表 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult OrderList() { #region 获取用户实名认证状态信息 JMP.BLL.jmp_user sm_bll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_user(); JMP.MDL.jmp_user sm_model = new JMP.MDL.jmp_user(); int u_ids = UserInfo.Uid; //查询登录信息 sm_model = sm_bll.GetModel(u_ids); ViewBag.auditstate = sm_model.u_auditstate; ViewBag.linkEmail = sm_model.u_email; #endregion #region 获取信息 JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode paymodebll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_paymode(); List <JMP.MDL.jmp_paymode> paymodeList = paymodebll.GetModelList("1=1 and p_state='1' ");//支付类型 ViewBag.paymodeList = paymodeList; #endregion #region 查询 //string sql = " select o_id,o_code,o_bizcode,o_tradeno,o_paymode_id,o_app_id,o_goods_id,o_term_key,o_price,o_payuser,o_ctime,o_ptime,o_state,o_times,o_address,o_noticestate,o_noticetimes,o_privateinfo,o_interface_id,o_showaddress,b.a_key,b.a_name,c.p_name,d.g_name from ( ";//组装查询条件 string sql = ""; string sql1 = ""; string TableName = ""; //表名 string order = "o_ptime"; //排序字段 int pageCount = 0; int pageIndexs = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["pageIndexs"]) ? 1 : Int32.Parse(Request["pageIndexs"]); //当前页 int PageSize = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["PageSize"]) ? 20 : Int32.Parse(Request["PageSize"]); //每页显示数量 int searchType = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["searchType"]) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Request["searchType"]); //查询条件选择 string searchname = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["searchname"]) ? "" : Request["searchname"]; //查询类容 string stime = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["stime"]) ? DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : Request["stime"]; //开始时间 string etime = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["etime"]) ? DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") : Request["etime"]; //结束时间 int paymode = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["paymode"]) ? 0 : Int32.Parse(Request["paymode"]); //支付类型 string paymentstate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["paymentstate"]) ? "1" : Request["paymentstate"]; //支付状态 string noticestate = string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request["noticestate"]) ? "" : Request["noticestate"]; //通知状态 ArrayList sjfw = JMP.TOOL.WeekDateTime.WeekMonday(DateTime.Parse(stime), DateTime.Parse(etime)); //根据时间返回获取每周周一组装查询语句 string where = "where 1=1"; for (int i = 0; i < sjfw.Count; i++) { TableName = "jmp_order_" + DateTime.Parse(sjfw[i].ToString()).ToString("yyyyMMdd"); // TableName = "jmp_order_20161107"; sql += " SELECT o_id,o_code,o_bizcode,o_tradeno,o_paymode_id,o_app_id,o_goodsname,o_term_key,o_price,o_payuser,o_ctime,o_ptime,o_state,o_times,o_address,o_noticestate,o_noticetimes,o_privateinfo,o_interface_id,o_showaddress FROM " + TableName + " where 1=1 "; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stime) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(etime)) { sql += " and convert(varchar(10),o_ptime,120)>='" + stime + "' and convert(varchar(10),o_ptime,120)<='" + etime + "' "; } if (paymode > 0) { sql += " and o_paymode_id='" + paymode + "' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paymentstate)) { sql += " and o_state='" + paymentstate + "' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(noticestate)) { sql += " and o_noticestate='" + noticestate + "' "; } sql += " UNION ALL "; } if (searchType > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(searchname)) { switch (searchType) { case 1: where += " and a.o_code='" + searchname + "' "; break; case 2: where += " and b.a_name='" + searchname + "' "; break; case 3: where += " and a.o_goodsname='" + searchname + "' "; break; case 4: where += " and a.o_tradeno= '" + searchname + "' "; break; case 5: where += " and a.o_bizcode like '%" + searchname + "%' "; break; } } where += "and b.a_user_id='" + UserInfo.UserId + "'"; //sql = sql.Remove(sql.Length - 10);//去掉最后一个UNION ALL //sql += " ) a left join jmp_app b on a.o_app_id=b.a_id left join jmp_paymode c on c.p_id=a.o_paymode_id left join jmp_goods d on d.g_id=a.o_goods_id and d.g_app_id=b.a_id and d.g_app_id=a.o_app_id where 1=1 and " + where; //组装时时表数据 sql1 = "SELECT o_id,o_code,o_bizcode,o_tradeno,o_paymode_id,o_app_id,o_goodsname,o_term_key,o_price,o_payuser,o_ctime,o_ptime,o_state,o_times,o_address,o_noticestate,o_noticetimes,o_privateinfo,o_interface_id, o_showaddress FROM jmp_order where 1=1"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(stime) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(etime)) { sql1 += " and convert(varchar(10),o_ptime,120)>='" + stime + "' and convert(varchar(10),o_ptime,120)<='" + etime + "' "; } if (paymode > 0) { sql1 += " and o_paymode_id='" + paymode + "' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(paymentstate)) { sql1 += " and o_state='" + paymentstate + "' "; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(noticestate)) { sql1 += " and o_noticestate='" + noticestate + "' "; } sql = sql + sql1; ViewBag.searchname = searchname; ViewBag.searchType = searchType; ViewBag.stime = stime; ViewBag.etime = etime; ViewBag.paymode = paymode; ViewBag.paymentstate = paymentstate; ViewBag.noticestate = noticestate; List <JMP.MDL.jmp_order> list = new List <JMP.MDL.jmp_order>(); JMP.BLL.jmp_order orderbll = new JMP.BLL.jmp_order(); list = orderbll.SelectPager(where, sql, order, pageIndexs, PageSize, out pageCount); ViewBag.pageIndexs = pageIndexs; ViewBag.PageSize = PageSize; ViewBag.pageCount = pageCount; ViewBag.list = list; #endregion return(View()); }