Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs cleanup for shorten folders which referenced link items were already deleted.
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void CleanupObsoleteShortens()
            foreach (string directory in Directory.GetDirectories(_rootPath))
                string path = FileUtil.MakePath(directory, "link");
                if (File.Exists(path))
                    string linkContents = File.ReadAllText(path);

                    ItemReference itemReference = ItemReference.Parse(linkContents.Replace('\\', '/'));
                    if (itemReference != null && itemReference.GetItem() == null)
                        FileUtil.DeleteDirectory(directory, true);
                        // clean directories with only the link file, even if the link is valid (no items exist under the link)
                        // (if the children length is 1 and we got here we know the link file exists and thus it MUST be the 1 item)
                        if (Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(directory).Length == 1)
                            Directory.Delete(directory, true);
                    // clean empty directories
                    if (Directory.GetFileSystemEntries(directory).Length == 0)
        private static string GetTargetDatabase(string path, LoadOptions options)
            if (options.Database != null)
            string        path2         = PathUtils.UnmapItemPath(path, PathUtils.Root);
            ItemReference itemReference = ItemReference.Parse(path2);

Example #3
        private void LoadItemPath()
            var itemPath = PathUtils.MakeItemPath(ProviderId, _sourceProvider.SerializationRoot);

            // this will result in a path that includes the db as its first node, e.g.
            // /master/sitecore/content/Home
            // we can use an ItemReference to extract this info.

            var reference = ItemReference.Parse(itemPath);

            _itemPath     = reference.Path.TrimEnd('/');
            _databaseName = reference.Database;
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads a set of children from a serialized path
        /// </summary>
        private void LoadOneLevel(string path, AdvancedLoadOptions options, List <Failure> retryList)
            Assert.ArgumentNotNullOrEmpty(path, "path");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(options, "options");
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(retryList, "retryList");

            var deleteCandidates = new Dictionary <ID, Item>();

            // look for a serialized file for the root item
            if (File.Exists(path + PathUtils.Extension))
                var itemReference = ItemReference.Parse(PathUtils.MakeItemPath(path, options.Root));
                if (itemReference != null)
                    // get the corresponding item from Sitecore
                    Item rootItem = options.Database != null
                                                                                ? itemReference.GetItemInDatabase(options.Database)
                                                                                : itemReference.GetItem();

                    // if we're reverting, we add all of the root item's direct children to the "to-delete" list (we'll remove them as we find matching serialized children)
                    if (rootItem != null && (options.ForceUpdate || options.DeleteOrphans))
                        foreach (Item child in rootItem.Children)
                            // if the preset includes the child add it to the delete-candidate list (if we don't deserialize it below, it will be deleted if the right options are present)
                            if (options.Preset.Includes(child))
                                deleteCandidates[child.ID] = child;
                                options.Progress.ReportStatus(string.Format("[SKIPPED] {0}:{1} (and children) because it was excluded by the preset.", child.Database.Name, child.Paths.FullPath), MessageType.Debug);

            // check for a directory containing children of the target path
            if (Directory.Exists(path))
                string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(path, "*" + PathUtils.Extension);
                foreach (string fileName in files)
                        ID itemId;
                        if (IsStandardValuesItem(fileName, out itemId))
                            deleteCandidates.Remove(itemId);                             // avoid deleting standard values items when forcing an update
                            retryList.Add(new Failure(fileName, new StandardValuesException(fileName)));
                            // load a child item
                            ItemLoadResult result;
                            Item           loadedItem = DoLoadItem(fileName, options, out result);
                            if (loadedItem != null)

                                // check if we have any child directories under this loaded child item (existing children) -
                                // if we do not, we can nuke any children of the loaded item as well
                                if ((options.ForceUpdate || options.DeleteOrphans) && !Directory.Exists(PathUtils.StripPath(fileName)))
                                    foreach (Item child in loadedItem.Children)
                                        deleteCandidates.Add(child.ID, child);
                            else if (result == ItemLoadResult.Skipped)                             // if the item got skipped we'll prevent it from being deleted
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // if a problem occurs we attempt to retry later
                        retryList.Add(new Failure(path, ex));

            // if we're forcing an update (ie deleting stuff not on disk) we send the items that we found that weren't on disk off to get deleted from Sitecore
            if ((options.ForceUpdate || options.DeleteOrphans) && deleteCandidates.Count > 0)
                Database db = deleteCandidates.Values.First().Database;

                bool reset = DeleteItems(deleteCandidates.Values, options.Progress);

                if (reset)
Example #5
        private void OnFileChanged(string path, WatcherChangeTypes changeType)
            if (changeType == WatcherChangeTypes.Created || changeType == WatcherChangeTypes.Changed || changeType == WatcherChangeTypes.Renamed)
                Log.Info(string.Format("Serialized item {0} changed ({1}), reloading caches.", path, changeType), this);

                const int retries = 5;
                for (int i = 0; i < retries; i++)
                        var syncItem = LoadItem(path);
                        if (syncItem != null)

                            // TODO: nuclear bomb when all we need is a nerf gun
                    catch (IOException iex)
                        // this is here because FSW can tell us the file has changed
                        // BEFORE it's done with writing. So if we get access denied,
                        // we wait 500ms and retry up to 5x before rethrowing
                        if (i < retries - 1)

                        Log.Error("Failed to read serialization file", iex, this);


            if (changeType == WatcherChangeTypes.Deleted)
                Log.Info(string.Format("Serialized item {0} deleted, reloading caches.", path), this);

                var root = _serializationPath;
                // if the path does not end with a backslash (\) MakeItemPath won't generate a proper ItemReference (//master vs /master)
                if (!root.EndsWith(@"\"))
                    root += @"\";

                var itemPath = ItemReference.Parse(PathUtils.MakeItemPath(path, root));

                var item = _index.GetItem(itemPath.Path);

                if (item != null)

                    // TODO: nuclear bomb when all we need is a nerf gun