Example #1
        private AvifItemData ReadDataFromMultipleExtents(ItemLocationEntry entry)
            AvifItemData data;

            IReadOnlyList <ItemLocationExtent> extents = entry.Extents;
            ulong totalItemSize = entry.TotalItemSize;

            if (totalItemSize <= ManagedAvifItemDataMaxSize)
                ManagedAvifItemData managedItemData = new ManagedAvifItemData((int)totalItemSize, this.arrayPool);

                int    offset         = 0;
                int    remainingBytes = (int)managedItemData.Length;
                byte[] bytes          = managedItemData.GetBuffer();

                for (int i = 0; i < extents.Count; i++)
                    ItemLocationExtent extent = extents[i];

                    long itemOffset = CalculateExtentOffset(entry.BaseOffset, entry.ConstructionMethod, extent);

                    int length = (int)extent.Length;

                    if (length > remainingBytes)
                        throw new FormatException("The extent length is greater than the number of bytes remaining for the item.");

                    this.reader.Position = itemOffset;
                    this.reader.ProperRead(bytes, offset, length);

                    offset         += length;
                    remainingBytes -= length;

                if (remainingBytes > 0)
                    // This should never happen, the total item size is the sum of all the extent sizes.
                    throw new FormatException("The item has more data than was read from the extents.");

                data = managedItemData;
                UnmanagedAvifItemData unmanagedItemData = new UnmanagedAvifItemData(totalItemSize);

                    ulong offset         = 0;
                    ulong remainingBytes = totalItemSize;

                    for (int i = 0; i < extents.Count; i++)
                        ItemLocationExtent extent = extents[i];

                        long itemOffset = CalculateExtentOffset(entry.BaseOffset, entry.ConstructionMethod, extent);

                        ulong length = extent.Length;

                        if (length > remainingBytes)
                            throw new FormatException("The extent length is greater than the number of bytes remaining for the item.");

                        this.reader.Position = itemOffset;
                        this.reader.ProperRead(unmanagedItemData.UnmanagedBuffer, offset, length);

                        offset         += length;
                        remainingBytes -= length;

                    if (remainingBytes > 0)
                        // This should never happen, the total item size is the sum of all the extent sizes.
                        throw new FormatException("The item has more data than was read from the extents.");

                    data = unmanagedItemData;
                    unmanagedItemData = null;

Example #2
        private long CalculateExtentOffset(ulong baseOffset, ConstructionMethod constructionMethod, ItemLocationExtent extent)
            if (extent is null)

            ulong offset;

                if (constructionMethod == ConstructionMethod.FileOffset)
                        offset = baseOffset + extent.Offset;

                        if ((offset + extent.Length) > this.fileLength)
                            throw new FormatException("The item has an invalid file offset.");
                else if (constructionMethod == ConstructionMethod.IDatBoxOffset)
                    ItemDataBox dataBox = this.metaBox.ItemData;

                    if (dataBox is null)
                        throw new FormatException("The file does not have an item data box.");

                        if ((extent.Offset + extent.Length) > (ulong)dataBox.Length)
                            throw new FormatException("The item has an invalid data box offset.");

                        offset = (ulong)dataBox.Offset + extent.Offset;

                        if ((offset + extent.Length) > this.fileLength)
                            throw new FormatException("The item has an invalid file offset.");
                    throw new FormatException($"ItemLocationEntry construction method { constructionMethod } is not supported.");
            catch (OverflowException ex)
                throw new FormatException("Overflow when attempting to calculate the item file offset.", ex);

            if (offset > long.MaxValue)
                throw new FormatException($"The item file offset exceeds {long.MaxValue:F0} bytes.");
