public void AddItem(ItemIndex itemIndex, uint amount) { for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { itemIndices.Add(itemIndex); } }
private void Run_Update(On.RoR2.Run.orig_Update orig, Run self) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F5)) { Debug.Log("Spawn DIO"); LocalUser localUser = LocalUserManager.GetFirstLocalUser(); Transform transform = localUser.cachedBodyObject.transform; PickupIndex dio = new PickupIndex(ItemIndex.ExtraLife); PickupDropletController.CreatePickupDroplet(dio, transform.position, Vector3.up * 5f); } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.F6)) { Debug.Log("Spawn Random"); LocalUser localUser = LocalUserManager.GetFirstLocalUser(); Transform transform = localUser.cachedBodyObject.transform; List <PickupIndex> tier3Items = Run.instance.availableTier3DropList; int rng = random.Next(0, tier3Items.Count); ItemIndex rngItem = tier3Items[rng].itemIndex; PickupIndex dio = new PickupIndex(rngItem); PickupDropletController.CreatePickupDroplet(dio, transform.position, Vector3.up * 5f); } }
private static void TargetCheckItems(ConCommandArgs args) { var localMaster = PlayerCharacterMasterController.instances[0].master; var component = HasComponent(localMaster); if (component && component.HasBody()) { var inventory = component.targetedBody.inventory; if (inventory) { // var ChatQueue = component.targetedBody.GetDisplayName() + "'s inventory:\n"; ItemIndex itemIndexIterate = ItemIndex.Syringe; ItemIndex itemCountIterate = (ItemIndex)ItemCatalog.itemCount; while (itemIndexIterate < itemCountIterate) { var itemCount = inventory.GetItemCount(itemIndexIterate); if (itemCount > 0) { ChatQueue += itemIndexIterate + " x" + itemCount + "\n"; } itemIndexIterate++; } Debug.Log(ChatQueue); } } }
void DropItemIndex(Vector3 position, ItemIndex itemIndex, int count) { for (uint i = 0; i < count; i++) { PickupDropletController.CreatePickupDroplet(PickupCatalog.FindPickupIndex(itemIndex), position, Vector3.up * 5f); } }
public static void customItemCap(CharacterMaster cm) { // Custom item caps string[] customItemCaps = DII.CustomItemCapsAll.Value.Split(new[] { ',', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string item in customItemCaps) { string[] temp = item.Split(new[] { '-' }); if (temp.Length == 2) { if (Int32.TryParse(temp[0], out int itemId) && Int32.TryParse(temp[1], out int cap)) { if (cm.inventory.GetItemCount((ItemIndex)itemId) > cap) { cm.inventory.ResetItem((ItemIndex)itemId); cm.inventory.GiveItem((ItemIndex)itemId, cap); } } else if (Int32.TryParse(temp[1], out cap)) { ItemIndex index = ItemCatalog.FindItemIndex(temp[0]); if (index != ItemIndex.None) { if (cm.inventory.GetItemCount(index) > cap) { cm.inventory.ResetItem(index); cm.inventory.GiveItem(index, cap); } } } } } }
public override void SetupAttributes() { if (ItemBodyModelPrefab == null) { ItemBodyModelPrefab = Resources.Load <GameObject>(modelResourcePath); displayRules = GenerateItemDisplayRules(); } base.SetupAttributes(); var shellStackMax = new R2API.CustomBuff( new BuffDef { canStack = false, isDebuff = false, name = "ShellStackMax", iconPath = "@SupplyDrop:Assets/Main/Textures/Icons/ShellBuffIcon.png" }); ShellStackMax = R2API.BuffAPI.Add(shellStackMax); var shellStackDef = new CustomItem(new ItemDef { hidden = true, name = "INTERNALShell", tier = ItemTier.NoTier, canRemove = false }, new ItemDisplayRuleDict(null)); shellStack = ItemAPI.Add(shellStackDef); }
private static void VialAsItem() { LanguageAPI.Add("VIAL_NAME_TOKEN", "Mysterious Vial"); LanguageAPI.Add("VIAL_PICKUP_TOKEN", "Increased health regeneration."); LanguageAPI.Add("VIAL_DESCRIPTION_TOKEN", "Gain <style=cIsHealing>1.2</style> <style=cStack>(+1.2 per stack)</style>HP regen/s."); LanguageAPI.Add("VIAL_LORE_TOKEN", "Apply to skin for a rapidly acting gel that contains both antiseptics and an agent to encourage protein synthesis!"); LanguageAPI.Add("VIAL_NAME_TOKEN", "神秘药剂", "zh-CN"); LanguageAPI.Add("VIAL_PICKUP_TOKEN", "增加生命值再生速度", "zh-CN"); LanguageAPI.Add("VIAL_DESCRIPTION_TOKEN", "使<style=cIsHealing>基础生命值再生速度</style>提高<style=cIsHealing>1.2hp/s</style><style=cStack>(每层增加1.2hp/s)</style>。", "zh-CN"); LanguageAPI.Add("VIAL_LORE_TOKEN", "涂在皮肤上,可快速作用,同时含有防腐剂和促进蛋白质合成的物质!", "zh-CN"); ItemDef VialDef = new ItemDef { name = "VIAL_NAME_TOKEN", pickupIconPath = IconPath, pickupModelPath = PrefabPath, nameToken = "VIAL_NAME_TOKEN", pickupToken = "VIAL_PICKUP_TOKEN", descriptionToken = "VIAL_DESCRIPTION_TOKEN", loreToken = "VIAL_LORE_TOKEN", tier = ItemTier.Tier1, tags = new ItemTag[] { ItemTag.Healing } }; ItemDisplayRule[] DisplayRules = null; CustomItem VialItem = new CustomItem(VialDef, DisplayRules); VialItemIndex = ItemAPI.Add(VialItem); }
// Token: 0x06001787 RID: 6023 RVA: 0x0006F864 File Offset: 0x0006DA64 public override void OverrideRuleChoices(RuleChoiceMask mustInclude, RuleChoiceMask mustExclude) { base.OverrideRuleChoices(mustInclude, mustExclude); base.ForceChoice(mustInclude, mustExclude, "Difficulty.Normal"); base.ForceChoice(mustInclude, mustExclude, "Misc.StartingMoney.50"); base.ForceChoice(mustInclude, mustExclude, "Misc.StageOrder.Random"); base.ForceChoice(mustInclude, mustExclude, "Misc.KeepMoneyBetweenStages.Off"); for (ArtifactIndex artifactIndex = ArtifactIndex.Command; artifactIndex < ArtifactIndex.Count; artifactIndex++) { RuleDef ruleDef = RuleCatalog.FindRuleDef(artifactIndex.ToString()); RuleChoiceDef ruleChoiceDef = (ruleDef != null) ? ruleDef.FindChoice("Off") : null; if (ruleChoiceDef != null) { base.ForceChoice(mustInclude, mustExclude, ruleChoiceDef); } } for (ItemIndex itemIndex = ItemIndex.Syringe; itemIndex < ItemIndex.Count; itemIndex++) { RuleDef ruleDef2 = RuleCatalog.FindRuleDef("Items." + itemIndex.ToString()); RuleChoiceDef ruleChoiceDef2 = (ruleDef2 != null) ? ruleDef2.FindChoice("On") : null; if (ruleChoiceDef2 != null) { base.ForceChoice(mustInclude, mustExclude, ruleChoiceDef2); } } for (EquipmentIndex equipmentIndex = EquipmentIndex.CommandMissile; equipmentIndex < EquipmentIndex.Count; equipmentIndex++) { RuleDef ruleDef3 = RuleCatalog.FindRuleDef("Equipment." + equipmentIndex.ToString()); RuleChoiceDef ruleChoiceDef3 = (ruleDef3 != null) ? ruleDef3.FindChoice("On") : null; if (ruleChoiceDef3 != null) { base.ForceChoice(mustInclude, mustExclude, ruleChoiceDef3); } } }
private static void ThalliumAsItem() { LanguageAPI.Add("THALLIUM_NAME_TOKEN", "Thallium"); LanguageAPI.Add("THALLIUM_PICKUP_TOKEN", "Chance to slow and damage enemies over time."); LanguageAPI.Add("THALLIUM_DESCRIPTION_TOKEN", "<style=cIsDamage>10%</style> chance on hit to slow an enemy with a <style=cIsDamage>metal poisoning</style>, <style=cIsUtility>slowing</style> them by <style=cIsUtility>100%</style> and dealing <style=cIsDamage>600%</style> <style=cStack>(+600% per stack)</style> TOTAL damage."); LanguageAPI.Add("THALLIUM_LORE_TOKEN", "Shipping Method: High Priority / Fragile\r\nOrder Details: She shouldn't notice."); LanguageAPI.Add("THALLIUM_NAME_TOKEN", "铊", "zh-CN"); LanguageAPI.Add("THALLIUM_PICKUP_TOKEN", "几率减速敌人,并且使敌人中毒。", "zh-CN"); LanguageAPI.Add("THALLIUM_DESCRIPTION_TOKEN", "有<style=cIsDamage>10%</style> 几率使得敌人<style=cIsDamage>金属中毒</style>,并<style=cIsUtility>减速</style>其<style=cIsUtility>100%</style>,造成<style=cIsDamage>600%</style> <style=cStack>(每层增加600%)</style> 总伤害。", "zh-CN"); LanguageAPI.Add("THALLIUM_LORE_TOKEN", "运输方式:高优先级 / 脆弱\r\n商品细节:她不会注意到的。", "zh-CN"); ItemDef ThalliumDef = new ItemDef { name = "THALLIUM_NAME_TOKEN", pickupIconPath = IconPath, pickupModelPath = PrefabPath, nameToken = "THALLIUM_NAME_TOKEN", pickupToken = "THALLIUM_PICKUP_TOKEN", descriptionToken = "THALLIUM_DESCRIPTION_TOKEN", loreToken = "THALLIUM_LORE_TOKEN", tier = ItemTier.Tier3, tags = new ItemTag[] { ItemTag.Damage } }; ItemDisplayRule[] DisplayRules = null; CustomItem ThalliumItem = new CustomItem(ThalliumDef, DisplayRules); ThalliumItemIndex = ItemAPI.Add(ThalliumItem); }
// Token: 0x060019D1 RID: 6609 RVA: 0x0007B5B0 File Offset: 0x000797B0 public static RunReport.PlayerInfo Generate(PlayerCharacterMasterController playerCharacterMasterController) { CharacterMaster characterMaster = playerCharacterMasterController.master; Inventory inventory = characterMaster.inventory; PlayerStatsComponent component = playerCharacterMasterController.GetComponent <PlayerStatsComponent>(); RunReport.PlayerInfo playerInfo = new RunReport.PlayerInfo(); playerInfo.networkUser = playerCharacterMasterController.networkUser; playerInfo.master = characterMaster; playerInfo.bodyIndex = BodyCatalog.FindBodyIndex(characterMaster.bodyPrefab); playerInfo.killerBodyIndex = characterMaster.GetKillerBodyIndex(); StatSheet.Copy(component.currentStats, playerInfo.statSheet); playerInfo.itemAcquisitionOrder = inventory.itemAcquisitionOrder.ToArray(); for (ItemIndex itemIndex = ItemIndex.Syringe; itemIndex < ItemIndex.Count; itemIndex++) { playerInfo.itemStacks[(int)itemIndex] = inventory.GetItemCount(itemIndex); } = new EquipmentIndex[inventory.GetEquipmentSlotCount()]; uint num = 0u; while ((ulong)num < (ulong)((long) {[(int)num] = inventory.GetEquipment(num).equipmentIndex; num += 1u; } return(playerInfo); }
public void GiveItem(ItemIndex itemIndex, int count = 1) { if (! { Debug.LogWarning("[Server] function 'System.Void RoR2.Inventory::GiveItem(RoR2.ItemIndex,System.Int32)' called on client"); return; } if (count <= 0) { if (count < 0) { this.RemoveItem(itemIndex, -count); } return; } base.SetDirtyBit(1u); if ((this.itemStacks[(int)itemIndex] += count) == count) { this.itemAcquisitionOrder.Add(itemIndex); base.SetDirtyBit(8u); } Action action = this.onInventoryChanged; if (action != null) { action(); } Action <Inventory, ItemIndex, int> action2 = Inventory.onServerItemGiven; if (action2 != null) { action2(this, itemIndex, count); } this.CallRpcItemAdded(itemIndex); }
// Token: 0x060019CF RID: 6607 RVA: 0x0007B424 File Offset: 0x00079624 public void Read(NetworkReader reader) { this.bodyIndex = reader.ReadBodyIndex(); this.killerBodyIndex = reader.ReadBodyIndex(); GameObject gameObject = reader.ReadGameObject(); this.master = (gameObject ? gameObject.GetComponent <CharacterMaster>() : null); this.statSheet.Read(reader); int newSize = (int)reader.ReadPackedUInt32(); Array.Resize <ItemIndex>(ref this.itemAcquisitionOrder, newSize); for (int i = 0; i < this.itemAcquisitionOrder.Length; i++) { ItemIndex itemIndex = reader.ReadItemIndex(); this.itemAcquisitionOrder[i] = itemIndex; } reader.ReadItemStacks(this.itemStacks); int newSize2 = (int)reader.ReadPackedUInt32(); Array.Resize <EquipmentIndex>(ref, newSize2); for (int j = 0; j <; j++) { EquipmentIndex equipmentIndex = reader.ReadEquipmentIndex();[j] = equipmentIndex; } this.ResolveLocalInformation(); }
public static int GiveItemIfLess(CharacterMaster characterMaster, ItemIndex itemIndex, bool showInChat = true, CharacterBody characterBody = null, int amount = 1, int max = 1) { var self = characterMaster.inventory; var InventoryCount = self.GetItemCount(itemIndex); //var pickupindex = PickupCatalog.FindPickupIndex(itemIndex); //var pickupDef = PickupCatalog.GetPickupDef(pickupindex); if (InventoryCount < max) { if (InventoryCount + amount > max) { amount = max - InventoryCount; } if (!showInChat) { _logger.LogDebug("HelperUtil: GiveItemIfLess: ShowInChat was false, so we gave the item."); self.GiveItem(itemIndex, amount); } else { _logger.LogDebug("HelperUtil: GiveItemIfLess: ShowInChat was true, so we called SimulatePickup()"); SimulatePickup(characterMaster, itemIndex, amount); } } return(amount); }
public static void GiveItemToPlayers(ItemIndex itemIndex, bool showInChat = true, int amount = 1) { var instances = PlayerCharacterMasterController.instances; foreach (PlayerCharacterMasterController playerCharacterMaster in instances) { var master = playerCharacterMaster.master; if (master) { var body = playerCharacterMaster.body; if (body) { var inventory = master.inventory; if (inventory) { if (showInChat) { SimulatePickup(master, itemIndex, amount); } else { inventory.GiveItem(itemIndex, amount); } } } } } }
public ItemList() : base(itemsList) { if (UmbraMenu.characterCollected) { int buttonPlacement = 1; List <Button> buttons = new List <Button>(); for (int i = 0; i < UmbraMenu.items.Count; i++) { ItemIndex itemIndex = UmbraMenu.items[i]; void ButtonAction() => GiveItem(itemIndex); Color32 itemColor = ColorCatalog.GetColor(ItemCatalog.GetItemDef(itemIndex).colorIndex); if (itemColor.r <= 105 && itemColor.g <= 105 && itemColor.b <= 105) { string itemName = Util.GenerateColoredString(Language.GetString(ItemCatalog.GetItemDef(itemIndex).nameToken), new Color32(255, 255, 255, 255)); Button button = new Button(new NormalButton(this, buttonPlacement, itemName, ButtonAction)); buttons.Add(button); buttonPlacement++; } else { string itemName = Util.GenerateColoredString(Language.GetString(ItemCatalog.GetItemDef(itemIndex).nameToken), itemColor); Button button = new Button(new NormalButton(this, buttonPlacement, itemName, ButtonAction)); buttons.Add(button); buttonPlacement++; } } AddButtons(buttons); SetActivatingButton(Utility.FindButtonById(3, 3)); SetPrevMenuId(3); } }
private static void BiscoLeashAsRedTierItem() { var biscoLeashItemDef = new ItemDef { name = "BiscosLeash", // its the internal name, no spaces, apostrophes and stuff like that tier = ItemTier.Tier3, pickupModelPath = PrefabPath, pickupIconPath = IconPath, nameToken = "BISCOLEASH_NAME", // stylised name pickupToken = "BISCOLEASH_PICKUP", descriptionToken = "BISCOLEASH_DESC", loreToken = "BISCOLEASH_LORE", tags = new[] { ItemTag.Utility, ItemTag.Damage } }; var itemDisplayRules = new ItemDisplayRule[1]; // keep this null if you don't want the item to show up on the survivor 3d model. You can also have multiple rules ! itemDisplayRules[0].followerPrefab = BiscoLeashPrefab; // the prefab that will show up on the survivor itemDisplayRules[0].childName = "Chest"; // this will define the starting point for the position of the 3d model, you can see what are the differents name available in the prefab model of the survivors itemDisplayRules[0].localScale = new Vector3(0.15f, 0.15f, 0.15f); // scale the model itemDisplayRules[0].localAngles = new Vector3(0f, 180f, 0f); // rotate the model itemDisplayRules[0].localPos = new Vector3(-0.35f, -0.1f, 0f); // position offset relative to the childName, here the survivor Chest var biscoLeash = new R2API.CustomItem(biscoLeashItemDef, itemDisplayRules); BiscoLeashItemIndex = ItemAPI.Add(biscoLeash); // ItemAPI sends back the ItemIndex of your item }
public static void GiveItem(ItemIndex itemIndex) { var localUser = LocalUserManager.GetFirstLocalUser(); if (localUser.cachedMasterController && localUser.cachedMasterController.master) { if (Items.isDropItemForAll) { Items.DropItemMethod(itemIndex); } else if (Items.isDropItemFromInventory) { if (Items.CurrentInventory().Contains(itemIndex)) { UmbraMenu.LocalPlayerInv.RemoveItem(itemIndex, 1); Items.DropItemMethod(itemIndex); } else { Chat.AddMessage($"<color=yellow> You do not have that item and therefore cannot drop it from your inventory.</color>"); Chat.AddMessage($" "); } } else { UmbraMenu.LocalPlayerInv.GiveItem(itemIndex, 1); } } }
// Token: 0x06002362 RID: 9058 RVA: 0x0009AB3C File Offset: 0x00098D3C public void UpdateDisplay() { this.updateRequestPending = false; if (!this || !base.isActiveAndEnabled) { return; } ItemIndex[] array = ItemCatalog.RequestItemOrderBuffer(); int num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.itemOrderCount; i++) { if (ItemInventoryDisplay.ItemIsVisible(this.itemOrder[i])) { array[num++] = this.itemOrder[i]; } } this.AllocateIcons(num); for (int j = 0; j < num; j++) { ItemIndex itemIndex = array[j]; this.itemIcons[j].SetItemIndex(itemIndex, this.itemStacks[(int)itemIndex]); } ItemCatalog.ReturnItemOrderBuffer(array); }
public override void RegisterHooks(ItemIndex itemIndex) { On.RoR2.HealthComponent.TakeDamage += (orig, self, damageInfo) => { if ((self.body.isElite || self.body.isBoss) && damageInfo.attacker) { var attackerBody = damageInfo.attacker.GetComponent <CharacterBody>(); if (attackerBody != null && attackerBody && attackerBody.master && attackerBody.master.inventory) { int itemCount = attackerBody.master.inventory.GetItemCount(itemIndex); if (itemCount > 0) { if (self.body.isElite) { damageInfo.damage *= 1 + StackUtils.LinearStack(itemCount, ELITE_DMG_BASE, ELITE_DMG_STACK); } else if (self.body.isBoss) { damageInfo.damage *= StackUtils.ExponentialStack(itemCount, BOSS_DMG_BASE, BOSS_DMG_STACK); } } } } orig(self, damageInfo); }; }
private void CreateItemIndex() { _data = new ItemIndex { ItemCategories = new Dictionary <string, List <ItemInfo> >() }; // Create categories foreach (string category in Enum.GetNames(typeof(ItemCategory))) { _data.ItemCategories.Add(category, new List <ItemInfo>()); } // Iterate and categorize items foreach (ItemDefinition itemDefinition in ItemManager.GetItemDefinitions()) { _data.ItemCategories[itemDefinition.category.ToString()].Add( new ItemInfo { ItemId = itemDefinition.itemid, Shortname = itemDefinition.shortname, HasDurability = itemDefinition.condition.enabled, VanillaStackSize = GetVanillaStackSize(itemDefinition), CustomStackSize = 0 }); } _data.VersionNumber = Version; SaveData(); }
public static bool IsBossItem(ItemIndex index) { return(index == ItemIndex.Knurl || index == ItemIndex.SprintWisp || index == ItemIndex.TitanGoldDuringTP || index == ItemIndex.BeetleGland); }
public static string ProvideStatsForItem(ItemIndex itemIndex, int itemCount) { var itemStatList = testDefs.ContainsKey(itemIndex) ? testDefs[itemIndex] : null; if (itemStatList == null) { return("NOT IMPL"); } var fullStatText = string.Empty; foreach (Test subItemStat in itemStatList) { float statValue = subItemStat.CalculateStat(itemCount); var statValueStr = subItemStat.Formatter.Format(statValue); if (itemStatList.IndexOf(subItemStat) == itemStatList.Count - 1) { // this is the last line // TextMeshPro richtext modifier that allows me to align the stack counter on the right // also TODO: implement WrapIn string extension fullStatText += $"<align=left>{subItemStat.StatText}: {statValueStr}<line-height=0>"; } else { fullStatText += $"{subItemStat.StatText}: {statValueStr}\n"; } } return($"{fullStatText}\n<align=right>({itemCount} stacks)<line-height=1em>"); }
// Token: 0x06000D6F RID: 3439 RVA: 0x0003C4CB File Offset: 0x0003A6CB private IEnumerator HighlightNewItem(ItemIndex itemIndex) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.05f)); CharacterMaster component = base.GetComponent <CharacterMaster>(); if (component) { GameObject bodyObject = component.GetBodyObject(); if (bodyObject) { ModelLocator component2 = bodyObject.GetComponent <ModelLocator>(); if (component2) { Transform modelTransform = component2.modelTransform; if (modelTransform) { CharacterModel component3 = modelTransform.GetComponent <CharacterModel>(); if (component3) { component3.HighlightItemDisplay(itemIndex); } } } } } yield break; }
public void ServerRemoveItem(ItemIndex ind) { if (! { return; } if (!itemcounts.ContainsKey(ind)) { return; } else { itemcounts[ind]--; } if (itemcounts[ind] == 0) { itemcounts.Remove(ind); } new MsgDeltaDisplay(GetComponent <NetworkIdentity>().netId, ind, false).Send(R2API.Networking.NetworkDestination.Clients); trackedInventories.RemoveAll(x => !x || !x.gameObject); foreach (var inv in trackedInventories) { var fakeInv = inv.gameObject.GetComponent <FakeInventory>(); fakeInv.RemoveItem(ind); } }
private GameObject PickupIndex_GetPickupDisplayPrefab(On.RoR2.PickupIndex.orig_GetPickupDisplayPrefab orig, ref PickupIndex self) { PickupIndex dio = new PickupIndex(ItemIndex.ExtraLife); if (self != dio) { return(orig.Invoke(ref self)); } else { List <PickupIndex> tier3Items = Run.instance.availableTier3DropList; if (!tier3Items.Contains(self)) { return(orig.Invoke(ref self)); } int rng = random.Next(0, tier3Items.Count); if (tier3Items[rng] == dio) { rng++; } ItemIndex rngItem = tier3Items[rng].itemIndex; GameObject gameObject = Resources.Load <GameObject>(ItemCatalog.GetItemDef(rngItem).pickupModelPath); return(gameObject); } }
// Token: 0x06000B4B RID: 2891 RVA: 0x00031D04 File Offset: 0x0002FF04 private void OnTriggerStay(Collider other) { if ( && this.waitStartTime.timeSince >= this.waitDuration && !this.consumed) { CharacterBody component = other.GetComponent <CharacterBody>(); if (component) { ItemIndex itemIndex = this.pickupIndex.itemIndex; if (itemIndex != ItemIndex.None && ItemCatalog.GetItemDef(itemIndex).tier == ItemTier.Lunar) { return; } EquipmentIndex equipmentIndex = this.pickupIndex.equipmentIndex; if (equipmentIndex != EquipmentIndex.None) { if (EquipmentCatalog.GetEquipmentDef(equipmentIndex).isLunar) { return; } if (component.inventory && component.inventory.currentEquipmentIndex != EquipmentIndex.None) { return; } } if (this.pickupIndex.coinValue != 0U) { return; } if (GenericPickupController.BodyHasPickupPermission(component)) { this.AttemptGrant(component); } } } }
private static void TargetRemoveItem(ConCommandArgs args) { var localMaster = PlayerCharacterMasterController.instances[0].master; var component = HasComponent(localMaster); if (component && component.HasBody()) { var inventory = component.targetedBody.inventory; if (inventory) { // ItemIndex itemIndex = (ItemIndex)args.GetArgInt(0); var targetItemCount = inventory.GetItemCount(itemIndex); int itemCount = args.GetArgInt(1); if (itemCount < 0) { inventory.RemoveItem(itemIndex, targetItemCount); Chat.AddMessage("Removed " + itemIndex + " x" + itemCount + " from " + component.targetedBody.GetDisplayName()); } else { var amountToRemove = Mathf.Max(itemCount, targetItemCount); inventory.RemoveItem(itemIndex, amountToRemove); Chat.AddMessage("Removed " + itemIndex + " x" + amountToRemove + " from " + component.targetedBody.GetDisplayName()); } } } }
private static void SendPickupMessage(CharacterMaster master, PickupIndex pickupIndex) { if (! { Debug.LogWarning("[Server] function 'System.Void RoR2.GenericPickupController::SendPickupMessage(RoR2.CharacterMaster,RoR2.PickupIndex)' called on client"); return; } uint pickupQuantity = 1U; if (master.inventory) { ItemIndex itemIndex = pickupIndex.itemIndex; if (itemIndex != ItemIndex.None) { pickupQuantity = (uint)master.inventory.GetItemCount(itemIndex); } } GenericPickupController.PickupMessage msg = new GenericPickupController.PickupMessage { masterGameObject = master.gameObject, pickupIndex = pickupIndex, pickupQuantity = pickupQuantity }; NetworkServer.SendByChannelToAll(57, msg,; }
private static void HandleAspectDisplay(CharacterModel model, EquipmentDef display, EquipmentDef target, ItemDef item) { ItemMask list = model.enabledItemDisplays; ItemIndex index = item.itemIndex; if (!target) { return; } if (display == target) { if (!list.Contains(index)) { list.Add(index); DisplayRuleGroup drg = model.itemDisplayRuleSet.GetEquipmentDisplayRuleGroup(target.equipmentIndex); model.InstantiateDisplayRuleGroup(drg, index, EquipmentIndex.None); } } else { if (list.Contains(index)) { list.Remove(index); RemoveAspectDisplay(model, index); } } }
/*public void shift_up() { * vertical_tile_offset++; * Debug.Log(vertical_tile_offset); * } * public void shift_down() { * vertical_tile_offset--; * Debug.Log(vertical_tile_offset); * } * public void shift_left() { * tile_size -= 0.5f; * Debug.Log(tile_size); * } * public void shift_right() { * tile_size += 0.5f; * Debug.Log(tile_size); * }*/ public void RegisterOffer(int ItemListLocation, CharacterBody CB) { // LocalUser User = LocalUserManager.GetFirstLocalUser(); // Chat.AddMessage($"Item Loc: {ItemListLocation}, Item List: {InvData.Count}, {InvData[ItemListLocation].item_index}"); ItemIndex item = InvData[ItemListLocation].item_index; Transform UserTransform = CB.transform; // Debug.Log(; CB.inventory.RemoveItem(item, 1); float player_rot = 0; Vector3 mod_rot = new Vector3((float)(Math.Cos(player_rot)) * 10, 20, (float)(Math.Sin(player_rot)) * 10); PickupDropletController.CreatePickupDroplet( new PickupIndex(item), UserTransform.position, mod_rot); string color_tag = "#" + ColorCatalog.GetColorHexString(ItemCatalog.GetItemDef(item).colorIndex); // Chat.AddMessage($"{} has dropped <color={color_tag}> {Language.GetString(ItemCatalog.GetItemDef(item).nameToken)} </color>"); sendChatMessage($"{CB.GetUserName()} has dropped <color={color_tag}> {Language.GetString(ItemCatalog.GetItemDef(item).nameToken)} </color>"); InvData[ItemListLocation].count -= 1; if (InvData[ItemListLocation].count <= 0) { InvData.RemoveAt(ItemListLocation); Destroy(TileList[TileList.Count - 1]); TileList.RemoveAt(TileList.Count - 1); } }