Example #1
        private static void SetupRecipes()                               // Sets up recipes, what were you expecting?
            _loadProgressText.Invoke("tConfig Wrapper: Adding Recipes"); // Ah yes, more reflection
            int  progressCount = 0;
            bool initialized   = (bool)Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(Mod)).GetType("Terraria.ModLoader.MapLoader").GetField("initialized", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(null); // Check if the map is already initialized

            foreach (var iniFileSection in recipeDict)                                                                                                                                                 // Load every recipe in the recipe dict
                progressCount++;                                                                                                                                                                       // Count the number of recipes, still broken somehow :(
                string    modName = iniFileSection.Key.Split(':')[0];
                ModRecipe recipe  = null;
                if (initialized)                 // Only make the recipe if the maps have already been initialized. The checks for initialized are because this method is run in GetTileMapEntires() to see what tiles are used in recipes and need to have a name in their map entry
                    recipe = new ModRecipe(Mod);
                foreach (var element in iniFileSection.Value.elements)                   // ini recipe loading, code is barely readable enough.
                    string[] splitElement = element.Content.Split('=');
                    string   key          = splitElement[0];
                    string   value        = splitElement[1];
                    switch (key)
                    case "Amount" when initialized: {
                        int      id;
                        string[] splitKey = iniFileSection.Key.Split(':');
                        string   itemName = splitKey.Length == 1 ? splitKey[0] : splitKey[1];
                        if ((id = ItemID.FromLegacyName(itemName, 4)) != 0)
                            recipe?.SetResult(id, int.Parse(value));
                            recipe?.SetResult(Mod, iniFileSection.Key, int.Parse(value));

                    case "needWater" when initialized:
                        recipe.needWater = bool.Parse(value);

                    case "Items" when initialized: {
                        foreach (string recipeItem in value.Split(','))
                            var recipeItemInfo = recipeItem.Split(null, 2);
                            int amount         = int.Parse(recipeItemInfo[0]);

                            int itemID = Mod.ItemType($"{modName}:{recipeItemInfo[1].RemoveIllegalCharacters()}");
                            if (itemID == 0)
                                itemID = ItemID.FromLegacyName(recipeItemInfo[1], 4);

                            var numberIngredients =
                                recipe?.requiredItem.Count(i => i != null & i.type != ItemID.None);
                            if (numberIngredients < 14)
                                recipe?.AddIngredient(itemID, amount);
                                Mod.Logger.Debug($"The following item has exceeded the max ingredient limit! -> {iniFileSection.Key}");
                                tConfigWrapper.ReportErrors = true;

                    case "Tiles": {                             // Does stuff to check for modtiles and vanilla tiles that have changed their name since 1.1.2
                        foreach (string recipeTile in value.Split(','))
                            string recipeTileIR = recipeTile.RemoveIllegalCharacters();
                            int    tileInt      = Mod.TileType($"{modName}:{recipeTileIR}");
                            var    tileModTile  = Mod.GetTile($"{modName}:{recipeTileIR}");
                            if (!TileID.Search.ContainsName(recipeTileIR) && !CheckIDConversion(recipeTileIR) && tileInt == 0 && tileModTile == null)                                       // Would love to replace this with Utilities.StringToContent() but this one is special and needs to add stuff to a dictionary so I can't
                                if (initialized)
                                    Mod.Logger.Debug($"TileID {modName}:{recipeTileIR} does not exist");                                             // We will have to manually convert anything that breaks lmao
                                    tConfigWrapper.ReportErrors = true;
                            else if (CheckIDConversion(recipeTileIR) || TileID.Search.ContainsName(recipeTileIR))
                                string converted = ConvertIDTo13(recipeTileIR);
                                if (initialized)
                            else if (tileInt != 0)
                                if (initialized)
                                    Mod.Logger.Debug($"{modName}:{recipeTileIR} added to recipe through mod.TileType!");
                                //else {
                                //	tileMapData[tileModTile] = (true, tileMapData[tileModTile].Item2); // I do this because either I can't just change Item1 directly to true OR because I am very not smart and couldn't figure out how to set it individually.

                if (recipe?.createItem != null && recipe?.createItem.type != ItemID.None && initialized)
                if (initialized)
                    _loadProgress.Invoke(progressCount / recipeDict.Count);
Example #2
        protected override void HandleFile(string file)
            MemoryStream iniStream = fileStreams[file];

            IniFileReader reader  = new IniFileReader(iniStream);
            IniFile       iniFile = IniFile.FromStream(reader);

            object        info        = new ItemInfo();
            List <string> toolTipList = new List <string>();

            // Get the mod name
            string itemName     = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file);
            string internalName = $"{modName}:{itemName.RemoveIllegalCharacters()}";

            // TODO: If the item is from Terraria, make it a GlobalItem
            if (ItemID.FromLegacyName(itemName, 4) != 0)
                internalName = itemName;
            bool   logItemAndModName = false;
            string createWall        = null;
            string createTile        = null;
            string shoot             = null;

            foreach (IniFileSection section in iniFile.sections)
                foreach (IniFileElement element in section.elements)
                    switch (section.Name)
                    case "Stats": {
                        var splitElement = element.Content.Split('=');

                        var statField = typeof(ItemInfo).GetField(splitElement[0]);

                        switch (splitElement[0])
                        // Set the tooltip, has to be done manually since the toolTip field doesn't exist in 1.3
                        case "toolTip":
                        case "toolTip1":
                        case "toolTip2":
                        case "toolTip3":
                        case "toolTip4":
                        case "toolTip5":
                        case "toolTip6":
                        case "toolTip7": {

                        case "useSound": {
                            var soundStyleId = int.Parse(splitElement[1]);
                            var soundStyle   = new LegacySoundStyle(2, soundStyleId);                                                           // All items use the second sound ID
                            statField = typeof(ItemInfo).GetField("UseSound");
                            statField.SetValue(info, soundStyle);

                        case "createTileName": {
                            createTile = $"{modName}:{splitElement[1]}";

                        case "projectile": {
                            shoot = $"{modName}:{splitElement[1]}";

                        case "createWallName": {
                            createWall = $"{modName}:{splitElement[1]}";

                        case "type":

                        default: {
                            if (statField == null)
                                Mod.Logger.Debug($"Item field not found or invalid field! -> {splitElement[0]}");
                                logItemAndModName           = true;
                                tConfigWrapper.ReportErrors = true;

                        // Convert the value to an object of type statField.FieldType
                        TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(statField.FieldType);
                        object        realValue = converter.ConvertFromString(splitElement[1]);
                        statField.SetValue(info, realValue);

                    case "Recipe": {
                        if (!LoadStep.recipeDict.ContainsKey(internalName))
                            LoadStep.recipeDict.TryAdd(internalName, section);

            if (logItemAndModName)
                Mod.Logger.Debug($"{internalName}");                 //Logs the item and mod name if "Field not found or invalid field". Mod and item name show up below the other log line
            string toolTip = string.Join("\n", toolTipList);

            // Check if a texture for the .ini file exists
            string    texturePath = Path.ChangeExtension(file, "png");
            Texture2D itemTexture = null;

            if (!Main.dedServ && fileStreams.TryGetValue(texturePath, out MemoryStream textureStream))
                itemTexture = Texture2D.FromStream(Main.instance.GraphicsDevice, textureStream);                 // Load a Texture2D from the stream

            int id = ItemID.FromLegacyName(itemName, 4);

            if (id != 0)
                if (!LoadStep.globalItemInfos.ContainsKey(id))
                    LoadStep.globalItemInfos.TryAdd(id, (ItemInfo)info);
                    LoadStep.globalItemInfos[id] = (ItemInfo)info;


            _itemsToLoad.Add(internalName, new BaseItem((ItemInfo)info, internalName, itemName, createTile, shoot, createWall, toolTip, itemTexture));