protected override void InitializeComponents() { base.InitializeComponents(); this.Text = AppString.Dialog.NewOpenWithItem; btnBrowse.Click += (sender, e) => BrowseFile(); btnOk.Click += (sender, e) => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ItemText)) { MessageBoxEx.Show(AppString.MessageBox.TextCannotBeEmpty); return; } if (ItemCommand.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { MessageBoxEx.Show(AppString.MessageBox.TextCannotBeEmpty); return; } FilePath = ObjectPath.ExtractFilePath(ItemCommand); AppRegPath = $@"HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Applications\{Path.GetFileName(FilePath)}"; if (FilePath == null || RegistryEx.GetRegistryKey(AppRegPath) != null) { MessageBoxEx.Show(AppString.MessageBox.UnsupportedFilename); return; } AddNewItem(); this.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }; }
private void AddNewItem() { using (var shellKey = RegistryEx.GetRegistryKey(ShellPath, true, true)) { string keyName = ItemText.Replace("\\", "").Trim(); NewItemRegPath = ObjectPath.GetNewPathWithIndex($@"{ShellPath}\{keyName}", ObjectPath.PathType.Registry); keyName = RegistryEx.GetKeyName(NewItemRegPath); using (var key = shellKey.CreateSubKey(keyName, true)) { key.SetValue("MUIVerb", ItemText); if (rdoMulti.Checked) { key.SetValue("SubCommands", ""); } else { if (!ItemCommand.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { key.CreateSubKey("command", true).SetValue("", ItemCommand); } } } } }
public HttpResponseMessage MoveFolder(ItemCommand itemCommand) { try { string folderPath = PathUtils.Instance.FormatFolderPath(itemCommand.Path); string toPath = PathUtils.Instance.FormatFolderPath(itemCommand.ToPath); IFolderInfo folder = FolderManager.Instance.GetFolder(PortalSettings.PortalId, folderPath); if (folder == null) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, folderPath)); } IFolderInfo destination = FolderManager.Instance.GetFolder(PortalSettings.PortalId, toPath); if (destination == null) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, toPath)); } FolderManager.Instance.MoveFolder(folder, destination); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK)); } catch { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, LocalizeString("UnattentedError"))); } }
/// <summary> /// Handle request to invoke an item command /// </summary> /// <param name="itemCommand"></param> /// <param name="origin"></param> public CoreUseItemEvent HandleUseItemCommand(ItemCommand itemCommand, Item origin) { CoreUseItemEvent continueIfNull = null; if (itemCommand.Id == CommandTake) { var itemManager = ModuleManager.GetManager <IItemManager>(); var messageManager = ModuleManager.GetManager <IMessageManager>(); var item = itemManager.Read(itemCommand.ItemId.Value); itemManager.Move(item, origin, origin); continueIfNull = new CoreUseItemEvent() { Success = true, Used = item, Using = origin, Use = itemCommand }; } if (itemCommand.Id == CommandDrop) { var itemManager = ModuleManager.GetManager <IItemManager>(); var messageManager = ModuleManager.GetManager <IMessageManager>(); var item = itemManager.Read(itemCommand.ItemId.Value); var location = itemManager.Read(origin.ParentId.Value); itemManager.Move(item, location, origin); continueIfNull = new CoreUseItemEvent() { Success = true, Used = item, Using = origin, Use = itemCommand }; } return(continueIfNull); }
public HttpResponseMessage Pack(ItemCommand itemCommand) { string folderPath = PathUtils.Instance.FormatFolderPath(itemCommand.Path); IFolderInfo folder = FolderManager.Instance.GetFolder(PortalSettings.PortalId, folderPath); if (folder != null) { string fileName = itemCommand.ToPath; List <string> files = itemCommand.Files; if (files.Count > 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { if (!fileName.EndsWith(".zip", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { fileName += ".zip"; } string error = ZipFiles(files, folder, fileName); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK)); } return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, LocalizeString("UnattentedError"))); } } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound)); }
protected override void InitializeComponents() { base.InitializeComponents(); btnOK.Click += (sender, e) => { if (ItemText.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { AppMessageBox.Show(AppString.Message.TextCannotBeEmpty); return; } if (ItemCommand.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { AppMessageBox.Show(AppString.Message.CommandCannotBeEmpty); return; } AddNewItem(); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }; btnBrowse.Click += (sender, e) => { using (OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog()) { if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } this.ItemFilePath = dlg.FileName; this.ItemText = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dlg.FileName); } }; }
public HttpResponseMessage Files([FromUri] ItemCommand itemCommand) { try { string folderPath = PathUtils.Instance.FormatFolderPath(itemCommand.Path); IFolderInfo parent = FolderManager.Instance.GetFolder(PortalSettings.PortalId, folderPath); if (parent != null) { IEnumerable <FileDTO> files = FolderManager.Instance.GetFiles(parent).Select(f => new FileDTO { Icon = itemCommand.Flag ? GetFileIcon(f) : null, Name = f.FileName, Extension = f.Extension, Modified = f.LastModifiedOnDate, Size = f.Size }); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, files, GetFormatter())); } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, folderPath)); } catch { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, LocalizeString("UnattentedError"))); } }
public HttpResponseMessage Thumbnail([FromUri] ItemCommand itemCommand) { try { string folderPath = PathUtils.Instance.FormatFolderPath(itemCommand.Path); string filePath = folderPath + itemCommand.Files[0]; IFileInfo file = FileManager.Instance.GetFile(PortalSettings.PortalId, filePath); if (file != null) { DocumentSettings settings = new DocumentSettings(ActiveModule); int height = settings.ThumbnailHeight; int width = settings.ThumbnailWidth; string extension = "." + file.Extension; using (Stream content = FileManager.Instance.GetFileContent(file)) { using (Stream thumbnail = ImageUtils.CreateImage(content, height, width, extension)) { string img64 = string.Format("data:{0};base64,{1}", file.ContentType, ReadFullyAsBase64(thumbnail)); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, img64)); } } } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, filePath)); } catch { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, LocalizeString("UnattentedError"))); } }
/// <summary> /// Process an item command /// </summary> /// <param name="itemCommand"></param> private async Task OnItemCommand(ItemCommand itemCommand) { if (itemCommand.Id == new Guid("0db8f80d-0ea8-4cbf-80ba-b37cab739391")) { var jsonEditorPage = new JsonEditorPage(Container); jsonEditorPage.ViewModel.ItemId = itemCommand.ItemId.ToString(); jsonEditorPage.ViewModel.PreLoad = true; jsonEditorPage.Disappearing += (disSender, disE) => { MessageService.Send(new WorldReadLocationSummaryRequest() { }); }; await Page.Navigation.PushModalAsync(jsonEditorPage); } else { var useRequest = new CoreUseItemRequest() { ItemId = itemCommand.ItemId, Use = itemCommand }; var result = await MessageService.SendRequestAsync <CoreUseItemResponse>(useRequest); if (!result.IsSuccess()) { throw new BeforeOurTimeException(result._responseMessage); } } }
public void Initalize() { var tasksSection = new MenuSection <ItemCommand <ClientViewModel> >(); var tasksSubMenu = new NavigationalEntry <ItemCommand <ClientViewModel> > { Header = Tx.T("TasksInfrastructure:CreateTask.Commands", 2), IsOrdered = true, Icon = _icons.SelectCommandColumn }; InitializeCommands(tasksSubMenu); tasksSection.Add(tasksSubMenu); var createTaskCommand = new ItemCommand <ClientViewModel> { Header = Tx.T("TasksInfrastructure:CreateTask"), Icon = _icons.NewCatalog, Command = new DelegateCommand <ClientViewModel>(client => CreateTaskCommand(new List <ClientViewModel> { client })), MultipleCommand = new DelegateCommand <IList <ClientViewModel> >(CreateTaskCommand) }; tasksSection.Add(createTaskCommand); _clientsContextMenu.Add(tasksSection); }
private void AddNewItem() { using (var shellKey = RegistryEx.GetRegistryKey(ShellPath, true, true)) { string keyName = "Item"; NewItemRegPath = ObjectPath.GetNewPathWithIndex($@"{ShellPath}\{keyName}", ObjectPath.PathType.Registry, 0); keyName = RegistryEx.GetKeyName(NewItemRegPath); using (var key = shellKey.CreateSubKey(keyName, true)) { key.SetValue("MUIVerb", ItemText); if (rdoMulti.Checked) { key.SetValue("SubCommands", ""); } else { if (!ItemCommand.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { string command; if (!chkSE.Checked) { command = ItemCommand; } else { command = ShellExecuteDialog.GetCommand(ItemFilePath, Arguments, chkSE.Verb, chkSE.WindowStyle); } key.CreateSubKey("command", true).SetValue("", command); } } } } }
public void UpdateItemCommand(ItemCommand itemCommand, int pageIndex, int commandIndex, string rules, string comment) { itemCommand.PageIndex = pageIndex; itemCommand.CommandIndex = commandIndex; itemCommand.optionDialogInfo.Rules = rules; itemCommand.optionDialogInfo.TemplateId = comment; }
public void Kit(Player player, int kitId) { var inventory = player.Inventory; switch (kitId) { case 0: // Kit leather tier break; case 1: // Kit gold tier break; case 2: // Kit chain tier break; case 3: // Kit iron tier inventory.Boots = new ItemIronBoots(0); inventory.Leggings = new ItemIronLeggings(0); inventory.Chest = new ItemIronChestplate(0); inventory.Helmet = new ItemIronHelmet(0); break; case 4: // Kit diamond tier inventory.Boots = new ItemDiamondBoots(0); inventory.Leggings = new ItemDiamondLeggings(0); inventory.Chest = new ItemDiamondChestplate(0); inventory.Helmet = new ItemDiamondHelmet(0); break; } byte c = 0; var command = new ItemCommand(41, 0, delegate(ItemCommand itemCommand, Level level, Player arg3, BlockCoordinates arg4) { Log.Info("Clicked on command"); }); inventory.Slots[c++] = new ItemStack(command, 1); // Wooden Sword inventory.Slots[c++] = new ItemStack(268, 1); // Wooden Sword inventory.Slots[c++] = new ItemStack(283, 1); // Golden Sword inventory.Slots[c++] = new ItemStack(272, 1); // Stone Sword inventory.Slots[c++] = new ItemStack(267, 1); // Iron Sword inventory.Slots[c++] = new ItemStack(276, 1); // Diamond Sword inventory.Slots[c++] = new ItemStack(261, 1); // Bow inventory.Slots[c++] = new ItemStack(262, 64); // Arrows inventory.Slots[c++] = new ItemStack(344, 64); // Eggs inventory.Slots[c++] = new ItemStack(332, 64); // Snowballs inventory.Slots[c++] = new ItemStack(new ItemStoneAxe(0), 1); inventory.Slots[c++] = new ItemStack(new ItemWoodenPickaxe(0), 1); inventory.Slots[c++] = new ItemStack(new ItemBread(), 5); player.SendPlayerInventory(); SendEquipmentForPlayer(player); SendArmorForPlayer(player); player.Level.BroadcastMessage(string.Format("Player {0} changed kit.", player.Username), type: MessageType.Raw); }
/// <summary> /// Handle request to invoke an item command /// </summary> /// <param name="itemCommand"></param> /// <param name="origin"></param> public CoreUseItemEvent HandleUseItemCommand(ItemCommand itemCommand, Item origin) { CoreUseItemEvent continueIfNull = null; if (itemCommand.Id == CommandGo) { var itemManager = ModuleManager.GetManager <IItemManager>(); var messageManager = ModuleManager.GetManager <IMessageManager>(); var exitItem = itemManager.Read(itemCommand.ItemId.Value); var destinationItem = itemManager.Read(Guid.Parse(exitItem.GetProperty <ExitItemProperty>().DestinationId)); itemManager.Move(origin, destinationItem, exitItem); IResponse mockResponse = new Response(); var locationSummary = ModuleManager.GetManager <ILocationItemDataManager>() .HandleReadLocationSummaryRequest(new WorldReadLocationSummaryRequest() { }, origin, ModuleManager, mockResponse); messageManager.SendMessage(new List <IMessage>() { locationSummary }, new List <Item>() { origin }); continueIfNull = new CoreUseItemEvent() { Success = true, Used = exitItem, Using = origin, Use = itemCommand }; } return(continueIfNull); }
protected internal override bool HandleItemCommand(ItemCommand command) { if (focusMarkers.Count == 0) { return(false); } var marker = focusMarkers[focusedIndex] as MarginMarker; if (marker == null) { return(false); } switch (command) { case ItemCommand.ActivateCurrentItem: var lineNumber = marker.LineSegment.LineNumber; var y = editor.LineToY(lineNumber); MousePressed(new MarginMouseEventArgs(editor, EventType.ButtonPress, 1, 0, y, ModifierType.None)); if (focusedIndex >= focusMarkers.Count) { focusedIndex = focusMarkers.Count - 1; } editor.RedrawMargin(this); break; case ItemCommand.FocusNextItem: focusedIndex++; SanitizeFocusedIndex(); marker = focusMarkers[focusedIndex] as MarginMarker; editor.CenterTo(marker.LineSegment.LineNumber, 1); break; case ItemCommand.FocusPreviousItem: focusedIndex--; SanitizeFocusedIndex(); marker = focusMarkers[focusedIndex] as MarginMarker; editor.CenterTo(marker.LineSegment.LineNumber, 1); break; } if (marker != null && markerToAccessible != null) { var accessible = markerToAccessible[marker]; if (accessible != null) { AtkCocoaExtensions.SetCurrentFocus(accessible.Accessible); } } return(true); }
private void HohoemaListView_ItemClick(object sender, ItemClickEventArgs e) { if (ItemCommand != null) { if (ItemCommand.CanExecute(e.ClickedItem)) { ItemCommand.Execute(e.ClickedItem); } } }
public ItemDialog(OperateRecordManager operateRecordManager, int pageIndex, int commandIndex, string prevCommand, int preUniqueId) { InitializeComponent(); this.operateRecordManager = operateRecordManager; this.PageIndex = pageIndex; this.CommandIndex = commandIndex; this.prevCommand = prevCommand; this.PreUniqueId = preUniqueId; this.UniqueId = UniqueIdManager.Create(); ItemCommand = operateRecordManager.AddItemCommand(this.PageIndex, this.CommandIndex, this.Rule.Text, this.Comment.Text, prevCommand, preUniqueId, UniqueId); }
protected void ContextMenuClickHandler(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MenuItem m = (MenuItem)sender; if (!(m.Tag is CadObjTreeItem.ContextMenuTag)) { return; } CadObjTreeItem.ContextMenuTag tag = (CadObjTreeItem.ContextMenuTag)m.Tag; ItemCommand?.Invoke(tag.TreeItem, tag.Tag); }
// Command를 할수 있는지 없는지만 검사합니다. // 생성자대용으로 사용합니다. public static bool CreateCommand(Unit unit, Item item, List <Cube> useCubes, out ItemCommand itemCommand) { if (unit.itemBag.Contains(item)) { itemCommand = new ItemCommand(item, useCubes); return(true); } else { itemCommand = null; return(false); } }
public IEnumerator Item(ItemCommand itemCommand) { string itemName = itemCommand.item.itemName; string itemMessage = itemCommand.owner.CharacterName + "は" + itemName + "をつかった"; yield return(StartCoroutine(message.ShowAuto(itemMessage))); GameController.GetInventorySystem().UseItem(itemCommand.item); yield return(StartCoroutine(effectExecutor.Execution(itemCommand))); yield break; }
public HttpResponseMessage Delete(ItemCommand itemCommand) { try { string folderPath = PathUtils.Instance.FormatFolderPath(itemCommand.Path); if (itemCommand.Files == null) { IFolderInfo folder = FolderManager.Instance.GetFolder(PortalSettings.PortalId, folderPath); if (folder != null) { int fileCounter = FolderManager.Instance.GetFiles(folder).ToList().Count; if (folder.HasChildren || fileCounter > 0) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Conflict, LocalizeString("FolderNotEmpty"))); } FolderManager.Instance.DeleteFolder(folder); } else { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, folderPath)); } } else { foreach (string fileName in itemCommand.Files) { string filePath = folderPath + fileName; IFileInfo file = FileManager.Instance.GetFile(PortalSettings.PortalId, filePath); if (file != null) { FileManager.Instance.DeleteFile(file); } else { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, fileName)); } } } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK)); } catch { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, LocalizeString("UnattentedError"))); } }
public HttpResponseMessage CreateFolder(ItemCommand itemCommand) { try { string folderPath = PathUtils.Instance.FormatFolderPath(itemCommand.Path); string newFolder = folderPath + itemCommand.ToPath; FolderManager.Instance.AddFolder(PortalSettings.PortalId, newFolder); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK)); } catch { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, LocalizeString("UnattentedError"))); } }
public HttpResponseMessage Synchronize(ItemCommand itemCommand) { try { string folderPath = PathUtils.Instance.FormatFolderPath(itemCommand.Path); bool recursive = itemCommand.Flag; FolderManager.Instance.Synchronize(PortalSettings.PortalId, folderPath, recursive, true); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK)); } catch { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, LocalizeString("UnattentedError"))); } }
public ItemViewModel() { database = new DBContext(); item = new Item() { Description = "" }; itemsList = new ObservableCollection <Item>(); itemsHistoryList = new ObservableCollection <Item>(); initLists(); AddCommand = new ItemCommand(InsertItem); DelCommand = new ItemCommand(RemoveItem); DoneCommand = new ItemCommand(SetDoneItem); }
public void MSTest_ItemCommand() { Node node = new Node(); Item item = new HealingPotion("hpPotion"); Command itemCom = new ItemCommand(0, ""); uint healingpower = (item as HealingPotion).HPvalue; Assert.IsTrue(itemCom.ToString() == "use item " + 0 + " in player bag"); Player player = new Player(); player.location = node; player.bag.Add(item); player.HP -= 20; int pHP = player.HP; itemCom.ExecuteCommand(player); Assert.IsTrue(player.HP == pHP + healingpower); }
void UseItem(Item item) { turnMgr = gameMgr._turnMgr; TurnMgr_State_ nextState = new TurnMgr_PlayerBegin_(turnMgr, turnMgr.turns.Peek()); turnMgr.stateMachine.ChangeState( new TurnMgr_WaitSingleEvent_(turnMgr, turnMgr.turns.Peek(), EventMgr.Instance.onUnitIdleEnter, nextState), StateMachine <TurnMgr> .StateTransitionMethod.JustPush); ItemCommand itemCommand; if (ItemCommand.CreateCommand(turnMgr.turns.Peek(), item, out itemCommand)) { turnMgr.turns.Peek().EnqueueCommand(itemCommand); } }
public HttpResponseMessage PasteFiles(ItemCommand itemCommand) { try { string toPath = PathUtils.Instance.FormatFolderPath(itemCommand.ToPath); IFolderInfo destination = FolderManager.Instance.GetFolder(PortalSettings.PortalId, toPath); if (destination == null) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, toPath)); } string folderPath = PathUtils.Instance.FormatFolderPath(itemCommand.Path); bool moveFiles = itemCommand.Flag; foreach (string fileName in itemCommand.Files) { string filePath = folderPath + fileName; IFileInfo file = FileManager.Instance.GetFile(PortalSettings.PortalId, filePath); if (file != null) { if (moveFiles) { FileManager.Instance.MoveFile(file, destination); } else { FileManager.Instance.CopyFile(file, destination); } } else { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, fileName)); } } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK)); } catch { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, LocalizeString("UnattentedError"))); } }
public HttpResponseMessage Rename(ItemCommand itemCommand) { try { string folderPath = PathUtils.Instance.FormatFolderPath(itemCommand.Path); // Rename folder if (itemCommand.Files == null) { IFolderInfo folder = FolderManager.Instance.GetFolder(PortalSettings.PortalId, folderPath); if (folder != null) { FolderManager.Instance.RenameFolder(folder, itemCommand.ToPath); } else { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, folderPath)); } } else // Rename file { string fileName = itemCommand.Files[0]; string filePath = Path.Combine(folderPath, fileName); IFileInfo file = FileManager.Instance.GetFile(PortalSettings.PortalId, filePath); if (file != null) { FileManager.Instance.RenameFile(file, itemCommand.ToPath); } else { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, fileName)); } } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK)); } catch { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, LocalizeString("UnattentedError"))); } }
/// <summary> /// Handle request to invoke an item command /// </summary> /// <param name="itemCommand"></param> /// <param name="origin"></param> public CoreUseItemEvent HandleUseItemCommand(ItemCommand itemCommand, Item origin) { CoreUseItemEvent continueIfNull = null; if (itemCommand.Id == CommandJavascript) { var itemManager = ModuleManager.GetManager <IItemManager>(); var item = itemManager.Read(itemCommand.ItemId.Value); ExecuteFunction(item, "onUse", itemCommand, origin); continueIfNull = new CoreUseItemEvent() { Success = true, Used = item, Using = origin, Use = itemCommand }; } return(continueIfNull); }
protected override void InitializeComponents() { base.InitializeComponents(); this.Text = AppString.Dialog.NewSendToItem; this.Controls.AddRange(new[] { rdoFile, rdoFolder }); rdoFile.Top = rdoFolder.Top = btnOk.Top; rdoFile.Left = lblCommand.Left; rdoFolder.Left = rdoFile.Right + 20.DpiZoom(); btnBrowse.Click += (sender, e) => { if (rdoFile.Checked) { BrowseFile(); } else { BrowseFolder(); } }; btnOk.Click += (sender, e) => { if (ItemText.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { MessageBoxEx.Show(AppString.MessageBox.TextCannotBeEmpty); return; } if (ItemCommand.IsNullOrWhiteSpace()) { MessageBoxEx.Show(AppString.MessageBox.CommandCannotBeEmpty); return; } if (ObjectPath.ExtractFilePath(ItemCommand) == null && !Directory.Exists(ItemCommand)) { MessageBoxEx.Show(AppString.MessageBox.FileOrFolderNotExists); return; } AddNewItem(); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; }; }
public void Draw() { GUITool.DrawRect(controlArea, Color.gray); float rowWidth = controlArea.width - 20; float rowHeight = Constants.Instance.Font.Block * 2; Rect rowRect = new Rect(controlArea.x + 10, controlArea.y + 10, rowWidth, rowHeight); int j = 0; foreach (var type in buttonTypes) { string buttonName = type.ToString(); if (type is BlockEntity2) { BlockEntity2 blockEntity = type as BlockEntity2; int minCount = 3; int maxCount = 7; var counts = Enumerable.Range(minCount, maxCount - minCount + 1); Rect buttonRect = new Rect(rowRect.x, rowRect.y, rowRect.width / counts.Count(), rowRect.height); foreach (var count in counts) { if (GUITool.Button(buttonRect, Color.white, buttonName + count,, Constants.Instance.Font.Block, isEnable)) { bool isCharged = ((int)count == 7); blockQueue.TryAdd(new BlockCommand(blockEntity, count, isCharged, -1)); } buttonRect.x += buttonRect.width; } } else if (type as string == "damage") { /* if (GUITool.Button(rowRect, Color.white, "damage",, Constants.Instance.Font.Block, isEnable)) { int damage = 100; Command.FireCondition condition = delegate(Automaton firer) { return (firer as HeroCharacter).HP > damage; }; string actionPattern = string.Format("Action( Self; RecoverHP; -{0})", damage); //blockQueue.TryAdd(new Command(string.Empty, actionPattern, 0, 0, 0, false, condition)); heroCharacter.ApplyAction(ActionPattern.Create(actionPattern).Generate(heroCharacter.Stat) as ActionSingle, null); } */ } else if (type as string == "item") { var groupTypes = EnumTool.GetValues<ConsumableType>(); Rect buttonRect = new Rect(rowRect.x, rowRect.y, rowRect.width / groupTypes.Count(), rowRect.height); foreach(var entity in groupTypes) { string label = StringTool.SplitCamelNotation(entity.ToString())[0]; if (GUITool.Button(buttonRect, Color.white, label,, Constants.Instance.Font.Block, isEnable)) { //ItemCommand itemCommand = itemDropManager.DropItem(entity, itemDropTier); ItemCommand itemCommand = new ItemCommand(itemDropManager.Pick()); heroCharacter.TryAddItem(itemCommand); } buttonRect.x += buttonRect.width; } } rowRect.y += rowRect.height; j++; } }
public FieldItem(FieldInstance parent, ItemCommand item) : base(E_OverlapEvent.Trigger, 1, 1, WorldAnchor.BottomLeft) { this.item = item; }
static HeroCharacter CreateCharacter(FieldObjectEntity objectField, ClassLevelEntity levelEntity, TrainLevelEntity trainLevelEntity, SubClassEntity subClassEntity, InGameUser user, PuzzlePanel puzzlePanel, ConsumableSpawn itemDropManager, System.Action<StatusEffectEntity2> addBuffIcon, System.Action<StatusEffectEntity2> removeBuffIcon, FSM parentFsm) { Buff.Handle onBuff = delegate(Buff buff) { if (addBuffIcon != null) { addBuffIcon(buff.statusEffectEntity); } }; Buff.Handle onDeBuff = delegate(Buff buff) { if (removeBuffIcon != null) { removeBuffIcon(buff.statusEffectEntity); } }; HeroCharacter heroCharacter = new HeroCharacter(objectField, subClassEntity, levelEntity, trainLevelEntity, false, user, puzzlePanel, onBuff, onDeBuff, parentFsm); { Action action = ActionPattern.Create("Vector(Self; [HeroStatType.moveSpeed]; 0; 0; false)").Generate(heroCharacter.Stat); heroCharacter.Fire(action, null); heroCharacter.PauseMoving(); } for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { heroCharacter.AddItemSlot(i, user.commandQueue); } { heroCharacter.AddAction(Action.E_Type.Money, delegate(float value, GameInstance firer, string[] param) { Action action = ActionPattern.Create("Action(User; Money; {0})").Generate(heroCharacter.Stat, value); if (action != null) { heroCharacter.Fire(action, null); } return null; } ); heroCharacter.AddAction(Action.E_Type.Exp, delegate(float value, GameInstance firer, string[] param) { Action action = ActionPattern.Create("Action(User; Exp; {0})").Generate(heroCharacter.Stat, value); if (action != null) { heroCharacter.Fire(action, null); } return null; } ); heroCharacter.AddAction(Action.E_Type.GetConsumable, delegate(float value, GameInstance firer, string[] param) { if (RandomTool.IsIn(value)) { var itemCommand = new ItemCommand(itemDropManager.Pick()); if (itemCommand != null) { heroCharacter.TryAddItem(itemCommand); } } return null; } ); } return heroCharacter; }