public bool HasSlotsFreeForItem(int itemid, short amount, bool stackable)
            short slotsRequired = 0;
            byte  inventory     = Constants.getInventory(itemid);

            if (!Constants.isStackable(itemid) && !Constants.isStar(itemid))
                slotsRequired = amount;
            else if (Constants.isStar(itemid))
                slotsRequired = 1;
                short maxPerSlot = (short)DataProvider.Items[itemid].MaxSlot;
                if (maxPerSlot == 0)
                    maxPerSlot = 100;                  // default 100 O.o >_>
                short amountAlready = (short)(ItemAmounts.ContainsKey(itemid) ? ItemAmounts[itemid] : 0);
                if (stackable && amountAlready > 0)
                    // We should try to see which slots we can fill, and determine how much new slots are left

                    short amountLeft = amount;
                    byte  inv        = Constants.getInventory(itemid);
                    inv -= 1;
                    foreach (var item in Items[inv].ToList().FindAll(x => x != null && x.ItemID == itemid && x.Amount < maxPerSlot))
                        amountLeft -= (short)(maxPerSlot - item.Amount); // Substract the amount of 'slots' left for this slot
                        if (amountLeft <= 0)
                            amountLeft = 0;

                    // Okay, so we need to figure out where to keep these stackable items.

                    // Apparently we've got space left on slots
                    if (amountLeft == 0)

                    // Hmm, still need to get more slots
                    amount = amountLeft;

                slotsRequired = (short)(amount / maxPerSlot);
                // Leftover slots to handle
                if ((amount % maxPerSlot) > 0)
            return(GetOpenSlotsInInventory(inventory) >= slotsRequired);
Example #2
        private ModificationInvoice CreateModificationInvoice(InvoiceNumber originalDocumentNumber, Receiver receiver)
            var nowUtc      = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;
            var item1Amount = new Amount(net: new AmountValue(-1694.92m), gross: new AmountValue(-2000), tax: new AmountValue(-305.08m));
            var item2Amount = new Amount(new AmountValue(-2362.20m), new AmountValue(-3000), new AmountValue(-637.8m));
            var item3Amount = new Amount(new AmountValue(-952.38m), new AmountValue(-1000), new AmountValue(-47.62m));
            var unitAmount1 = new ItemAmounts(item1Amount, item1Amount, 0.18m);
            var unitAmount2 = new ItemAmounts(item2Amount, item2Amount, 0.27m);
            var unitAmount3 = new ItemAmounts(item3Amount, item3Amount, 0.05m);
            var items       = new[]
                new InvoiceItem(
                    consumptionDate: nowUtc,
                    totalAmounts: new ItemAmounts(item1Amount, item1Amount, 0.18m),
                    description: Description.Create("Item 1 description").Success.Get(),
                    measurementUnit: MeasurementUnit.Night,
                    quantity: -1,
                    unitAmounts: unitAmount1,
                    exchangeRate: ExchangeRate.Create(1).Success.Get()
                new InvoiceItem(
                    consumptionDate: nowUtc,
                    totalAmounts: new ItemAmounts(item2Amount, item2Amount, 0.27m),
                    description: Description.Create("Item 2 description").Success.Get(),
                    measurementUnit: MeasurementUnit.Night,
                    quantity: -1,
                    unitAmounts: unitAmount2,
                    exchangeRate: ExchangeRate.Create(1).Success.Get()
                new InvoiceItem(
                    consumptionDate: nowUtc,
                    totalAmounts: new ItemAmounts(item3Amount, item3Amount, 0.05m),
                    description: Description.Create("Item 3 description").Success.Get(),
                    measurementUnit: MeasurementUnit.Night,
                    quantity: -1,
                    unitAmounts: unitAmount3,
                    exchangeRate: ExchangeRate.Create(1).Success.Get()

            return(new ModificationInvoice(
                       number: InvoiceNumber.Create($"REBATE-{Guid.NewGuid()}").Success.Get(),
                       supplierInfo: CreateSupplierInfo(),
                       receiver: receiver,
                       items: Sequence.FromPreordered(items, startIndex: 1).Get(),
                       currencyCode: CurrencyCode.Create("EUR").Success.Get(),
                       issueDate: nowUtc,
                       paymentDate: nowUtc,
                       itemIndexOffset: 3,
                       modificationIndex: 1,
                       modifyWithoutMaster: false,
                       originalDocumentNumber: originalDocumentNumber,
                       paymentMethod: PaymentMethod.Cash
Example #3
        public virtual void AddItem(byte inventory, short slot, BaseItem item, bool isLoading)
            if (slot == 0)
                // Would bug the client, so ignore
                Trace.WriteLine($"Ignoring item {item.ItemID} because its in the wrong slot (0)");

            int itemid = item.ItemID;

            if (Constants.getInventory(itemid) != inventory)
                Trace.WriteLine($"Ignoring item {item.ItemID} because its in the wrong inventory ({inventory} vs {Constants.getInventory(itemid)})");

            item.InventorySlot = slot;

            short amount;

            if (!ItemAmounts.TryGetValue(itemid, out amount))
                amount = 0;
            amount += item.Amount;
            ItemAmounts[itemid] = amount;

            if (slot < 0)
                if (item is EquipItem equipItem)
                    slot = Math.Abs(slot);
                    if (slot > 100)
                        Equips[1][(byte)(slot - 100)] = equipItem;
                        Equips[0][(byte)slot] = equipItem;
                    throw new Exception("Tried to AddItem on an equip slot but its not an equip! " + item);
                Items[inventory - 1][slot] = item;
Example #4
        private Invoice CreateInvoice(Receiver receiver, InvoiceNumber invoiceNumber = null)
            var nowUtc      = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;
            var item1Amount = new Amount(net: new AmountValue(1694.92m), gross: new AmountValue(2000), tax: new AmountValue(305.08m));
            var item2Amount = new Amount(new AmountValue(2362.20m), new AmountValue(3000), new AmountValue(637.8m));
            var item3Amount = new Amount(new AmountValue(952.38m), new AmountValue(1000), new AmountValue(47.62m));
            var unitAmount1 = new ItemAmounts(item1Amount, item1Amount, 0.18m);
            var unitAmount2 = new ItemAmounts(item2Amount, item2Amount, 0.27m);
            var unitAmount3 = new ItemAmounts(item3Amount, item3Amount, 0.05m);
            var items       = new[]
                new InvoiceItem(
                    consumptionDate: nowUtc,
                    totalAmounts: new ItemAmounts(item1Amount, item1Amount, 0.18m),
                    description: Description.Create("Item 1 description").Success.Get(),
                    measurementUnit: MeasurementUnit.Night,
                    quantity: 1,
                    unitAmounts: unitAmount1,
                    exchangeRate: ExchangeRate.Create(1).Success.Get()
                new InvoiceItem(
                    consumptionDate: nowUtc,
                    totalAmounts: new ItemAmounts(item2Amount, item2Amount, 0.27m),
                    description: Description.Create("Item 2 description").Success.Get(),
                    measurementUnit: MeasurementUnit.Night,
                    quantity: 1,
                    unitAmounts: unitAmount2,
                    exchangeRate: ExchangeRate.Create(1).Success.Get()
                new InvoiceItem(
                    consumptionDate: nowUtc,
                    totalAmounts: new ItemAmounts(item3Amount, item3Amount, 0.05m),
                    description: Description.Create("Item 3 description").Success.Get(),
                    measurementUnit: MeasurementUnit.Night,
                    quantity: 1,
                    unitAmounts: unitAmount3,
                    exchangeRate: ExchangeRate.Create(1).Success.Get()

            return(new Invoice(
                       number: invoiceNumber ?? InvoiceNumber.Create($"INVOICE-{Guid.NewGuid()}").Success.Get(),
                       issueDate: nowUtc,
                       supplierInfo: CreateSupplierInfo(),
                       receiver: receiver,
                       items: Sequence.FromPreordered(items, startIndex: 1).Get(),
                       paymentDate: nowUtc,
                       currencyCode: CurrencyCode.Create("EUR").Success.Get(),
                       paymentMethod: PaymentMethod.Card
Example #5
        public virtual void RemoveItem(BaseItem item)
            var inventory = Constants.getInventory(item.ItemID);
            var slot      = item.InventorySlot;
            int itemid    = item.ItemID;

            if (slot == 0)
                // Would bug the client, so ignore
                Trace.WriteLine($"Ignoring item {itemid} because its in the wrong slot (0)");

            if (ItemAmounts.TryGetValue(itemid, out var amount))
                if (amount - item.Amount <= 0)
                    ItemAmounts[itemid] -= item.Amount;

            if (slot < 0)
                if (item is EquipItem)
                    slot = Math.Abs(slot);
                    if (slot > 100)
                        Equips[1][(byte)(slot - 100)] = null;
                        Equips[0][(byte)slot] = null;
                    throw new Exception("Tried to RemoveItem on an equip slot but its not an equip! " + item);
                Items[inventory - 1][slot] = null;
        private Invoice GetInvoice()
            var item1Amount = new Amount(new AmountValue(1), new AmountValue(1), new AmountValue(0));
            var item2Amount = new Amount(new AmountValue(20m), new AmountValue(16.81m), new AmountValue(3.19m));
            var unitAmount1 = new ItemAmounts(item1Amount, item2Amount, 0.05m);
            var items       = new[]
                new InvoiceItem(
                    consumptionDate: new DateTime(2020, 06, 30),
                    totalAmounts: new ItemAmounts(item1Amount, item1Amount, 0.05m),
                    description: Description.Create("Httt hzi serts (fl)").Success.Get(),
                    measurementUnit: MeasurementUnit.Night,
                    quantity: 15,
                    unitAmounts: unitAmount1,
                    exchangeRate: ExchangeRate.Create(1).Success.Get()
                new InvoiceItem(
                    consumptionDate: new DateTime(2020, 06, 30),
                    totalAmounts: new ItemAmounts(item2Amount, item2Amount, 0.05m),
                    description: Description.Create("Httt hzi serts (fl)").Success.Get(),
                    measurementUnit: MeasurementUnit.Night,
                    quantity: -15,
                    unitAmounts: unitAmount1,
                    exchangeRate: ExchangeRate.Create(1).Success.Get()

            var address = GetAddress();

            return(new Invoice(
                       number: InvoiceNumber.Create("ABC-18a").Success.Get(),
                       issueDate: new DateTime(2020, 06, 30),
                       supplierInfo: GetSupplierInfo(),
                       customerInfo: GetCustomerInfo(),
                       items: Sequence.FromPreordered(items, startIndex: 1).Get(),
                       paymentDate: new DateTime(2020, 06, 14),
                       currencyCode: CurrencyCode.Create("EUR").Success.Get()