public async Task <ItemGetDto> AddUserAsync(ItemAddDto itemAddDto) { var item = _mapper.Map <Item>(itemAddDto); var createdItem = await _itemRepository.AddItemAsync(item); throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public async Task <DResult <int> > AddItem([FromBody] ItemAddDto addItem) { try { return(DResult.Succ(businessItem.AddItem(addItem))); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Error(ex.ToString()); return(DResult.Error <int>(ex.Message, 500)); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="itemAdd"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int AddItem(ItemAddDto itemAdd) { TItem item = new TItem { Id = IdentityHelper.NewSequentialGuid().ToString("N"), Name = itemAdd.Name, SystemId = itemAdd.SystemId, CreateTime = DateTime.Now, SystemJsonItem = "{}", Status = true, FrontSystemName = itemAdd.FrontSystemName, FrontSystemCode = itemAdd.FrontSystemCode }; return(IocUnity.Get <RepositoryItem>().Insert(item)); }
public IHttpActionResult AddItem([FromBody] ItemAddDto model) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest("Invalid Model")); } if (model.Alternatives.Count != 0) { var correct = model.Alternatives.Where(a => a.Correct == true).ToList(); if (!correct.Any()) { return(BadRequest("Please check at leastes on correct answer")); } } var result = new ItemService().AddItem(model); return(Ok(result)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> AddItem(ItemAddDto itemAddDto) { try { var item = _mapper.Map <Item>(itemAddDto); if (item == null) { return(BadRequest()); } var createdUser = await _itemRepository.AddItemAsync(item); return(CreatedAtAction(nameof(GetItem), new { Id = createdUser.Id }, createdUser)); } catch (Exception e) { return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, "Erorr adding data to the database")); } }
public async Task <ActionResult <Item> > UpdateItem(int Id, ItemAddDto itemAddDto) { try { var itemToUpdate = await _itemRepository.GetItemAsync(Id); if (itemToUpdate == null) { return(NotFound($"User with Id={Id} not found")); } _mapper.Map(itemAddDto, itemToUpdate); await _itemRepository.UpdateItemAsync(itemToUpdate); return(NoContent()); } catch (Exception) { return(StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status500InternalServerError, "Erorr updating data")); } }
public ReturnMessage AddItem(ItemAddDto model) { string iquery = ""; if (model.Question.Ilo != "") { iquery = $"EXECUTE SP_CreateCLassifiedItem N'{model.Question.Item}','{model.Question.Type.Id}','{model.Question.Duration}','{model.Question.UserId}','{model.Question.level}','{model.Question.Ilo}'"; } else { iquery = $"EXECUTE SP_CreateUnCLassifiedItem N'{model.Question.Item}','{model.Question.Type.Id}','{model.Question.Duration}','{model.Question.UserId}','{model.Question.level}'"; } var item = _db.Database.SqlQuery <string>(iquery).FirstOrDefault(); ReturnMessage ans = new ReturnMessage(); if (model.Alternatives.Count == 0) { string aquery = $"EXECUTE SP_CreateTFAlternative N'{item}','{model.Question.TFStatus}'"; ans = _db.Database.SqlQuery <ReturnMessage>(aquery).FirstOrDefault(); } else { foreach (var val in model.Alternatives) { string aquery = $"EXECUTE SP_CreateAnswerAlternative N'{item}','{val.Text}','{val.Correct}'"; ans = _db.Database.SqlQuery <ReturnMessage>(aquery).FirstOrDefault(); } } return(ans); }
public IHttpActionResult TFUpload() { string[] Levels = new string[] { "Mild", "Normal", "Strong" }; var httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request; var form = httpRequest.Form; string CreatedBy = ""; string QuestionType = ""; try { if (httpRequest.Files.Count > 0) { foreach (string file in httpRequest.Files) { var postedFileBase = httpRequest.Files[file]; if (postedFileBase != null) { foreach (string key in form.AllKeys) { CreatedBy = form["CreatedBy"]; QuestionType = form["qType"]; } string todaysDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-mm-yyyy-hh-mm-ss"); string fileName = postedFileBase.FileName; string fileExtension = fileName.Substring(fileName.LastIndexOf('.') + 1).ToLower(); fileName = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(string.Format("~/Uploads/{0}.{1}", "Import_" + todaysDate, fileExtension)); postedFileBase.SaveAs(fileName); byte[] byteArray = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName); using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream()) { mem.Write(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length); using (WordprocessingDocument doc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(mem, true)) { MainDocumentPart mainPart = doc.MainDocumentPart; IEnumerable <Table> tables = mainPart.Document.Descendants <Table>(); var index = 0; string message = ""; StringBuilder errorBuilder = new StringBuilder(); errorBuilder.AppendLine("<div class='alert alert-danger' role='alert'>"); bool flag = false; foreach (var table in tables) { index++; IEnumerable <TableRow> rows = table.Descendants <TableRow>(); TableRow QuestionTheme = rows.First(); TableRow ILOS = rows.ElementAt(1); TableRow Level = rows.ElementAt(2); TableRow Duration = rows.ElementAt(3); List <string> correctIlos = new List <string>(); TableCell QuestionThemeCell = QuestionTheme.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(1); TableCell ILOSCell = ILOS.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(1); TableCell difficuiltyLevelCell = Level.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(1); TableCell TimeCell = Duration.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(1); TableRow ET = rows.ElementAt(4); TableCell ETCell = ET.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(1); double expectedTime = 0; double.TryParse(ETCell.InnerText.Trim(), out expectedTime); TableRow ShuffleT = rows.ElementAt(5); TableCell ShuffleTCell = ShuffleT.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(1); bool shuffle = ShuffleTCell.InnerText.Trim().Equals("True", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? true : false; string Question = QuestionThemeCell.InnerText.Trim(); string DiffLevel = difficuiltyLevelCell.InnerText.Trim(); string Time = TimeCell.InnerText.Trim(); List <string> ilos = new ItemService().StringToList(ILOSCell.InnerText.Trim(), ','); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Question)) { flag = true; errorBuilder.AppendLine("<p>Question in Table No <b>(" + index + ")</b> is empty</p>"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(DiffLevel)) { flag = true; errorBuilder.AppendLine("<p>Question in Table No <b>(" + index + ")</b> is has no Difficulty Level</p>"); } if (!Levels.Contains(DiffLevel)) { flag = true; errorBuilder.AppendLine("<p>Question in Table No <b>(" + index + ")</b> difficulty level [" + DiffLevel + "] is wrong</p>"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Time)) { flag = true; errorBuilder.AppendLine("<p>Question in Table No <b>(" + index + ")</b> is has no Time</p>"); } if (!ilos.Any()) { flag = true; errorBuilder.AppendLine("<p>Question in Table No <b>(" + index + ")</b> is has no ILOS</p>"); } else { flag = false; foreach (var ilo in ilos) { ReturnMessage check = new ItemService().CheckILO(ilo); if (check.Key == 1) { correctIlos.Add(check.ReturnId); } else { errorBuilder.AppendLine("<p>Question in Table No <b>(" + index + ")</b> , " + check + " </p>"); } } } List <KeyValuePair <string, bool> > fileAnswers = new List <KeyValuePair <string, bool> >(); List <AlternativesDto> answers = new List <AlternativesDto>(); for (int i = 4; i < rows.Count(); i++) { TableRow row = rows.ElementAt(i); string converter = row.Descendants <TableCell>().First().InnerText; if (converter.Contains("MACROBUTTON")) { converter = converter.Replace("MACROBUTTON", "").Trim(); } if (converter.Contains("ProtectForm")) { converter = converter.Replace("ProtectForm", "").Trim(); } fileAnswers.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, bool>(row.Descendants <TableCell>().ElementAt(2).InnerText.Trim(), converter.Equals("T", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || converter.Equals("True", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) )); } foreach (var ans in fileAnswers) { answers.Add(new AlternativesDto { Text = ans.Key, Correct = ans.Value }); } if (!answers.Where(a => a.Correct == true).Any()) { flag = true; errorBuilder.AppendLine("<p>Question in Table No <b>(" + index + ")</b> is has no correct answers<p>"); } message = errorBuilder.ToString(); if (flag == false) { ItemTypeDto Qtype = new ItemTypeDto { Id = QuestionType, Type = "" }; foreach (var ilo in correctIlos) { QuestionDto qDto = new QuestionDto { Item = Question, Ilo = ilo, UserId = CreatedBy, Duration = Time, level = DiffLevel, Type = Qtype, TFStatus = answers.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Correct == true).Text }; ItemAddDto ido = new ItemAddDto() { Question = qDto, Alternatives = new List <AlternativesDto>() }; new ItemService().AddItem(ido); } } errorBuilder.AppendLine("</hr>"); } errorBuilder.AppendLine("</div>"); if (flag == true) { return(BadRequest(message)); } return(Ok()); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw; } return(Ok()); }