public async Task <IActionResult> Put(int id, [FromBody] IssueUpdateDto item, CancellationToken ct)
                // return non content response if item is null
                if (item == null)

                // retrieve the issue that is going to be updated
                var original = await _issueRepository.GetBugSingle(id, ct);

                // return not found response if existing item cannot be found
                if (original == null)

                var originalStatus = original.Status;

                // map the update dto to model
                Issue toUpdate = Mapper.Map(item, original);

                // add closed datetime is issue transitions from open to closed
                if (originalStatus == IssueStatus.Open && item.Status == IssueStatus.Closed)
                    toUpdate.DateTimeClosed = DateTime.UtcNow;

                // remove closed datetime is issue transitions from open to closed
                if (originalStatus == IssueStatus.Closed && item.Status == IssueStatus.Open)
                    toUpdate.DateTimeClosed = null;

                // update the issue
                await _issueRepository.UpdateBug(toUpdate, ct);

                // map to dto
                var result = Mapper.Map <IssueDto>(toUpdate);

                // return successful response
                return(Ok(new SuccessResult {
                    Results = new[] { result }, Status = "Successful"
            catch (ArgumentException ex)
        public ActionResult UpdateIssue(int id, IssueUpdateDto issueUpdateDto)
            var issueModelFromRepo = _repository.GetIssueById(id);

            if (issueModelFromRepo == null)

            _mapper.Map(issueUpdateDto, issueModelFromRepo);



        public async Task <IActionResult> Update([FromRoute] string id, [FromBody] IssueUpdateDto dto)
            var issue = await _repo.GetIssue(id);

            if (dto.Labels != null)
                issue.IssueLabels = new List <IssueLabel>();
                foreach (var labelId in dto.Labels)
                    var label = await _repo.GetLabel(labelId);

                    issue.IssueLabels.Add(new IssueLabel
                        IssueId = id,
                        LabelId = labelId,
                        Label   = label

            var phase = await _repo.GetPhase(dto.PhaseId);

            if (phase == null)

            issue.Name        = dto.Name;
            issue.Description = dto.Description;
            issue.IssueType   = dto.IssueType;
            issue.DueDate     = dto.DueDate;
            issue.PhaseId     = dto.PhaseId;

            if (await _repo.SaveAll())

            return(BadRequest(new { message = "Error updating the issue." }));