static void Ispc_SimpleExample() { //from: ispc-14-dev-windows\examples\simple string module = "simple"; //TODO: check if we need to rebuild or not bool rebuild = NeedRebuildIspc(module); if (rebuild) { IspcBuilder ispcBuilder = new IspcBuilder(); ispcBuilder.ProjectConfigKind = BridgeBuilder.Vcx.ProjectConfigKind.Debug; ispcBuilder.IspcFilename = module + ".ispc"; ispcBuilder.AutoCsTargetFile = $"..\\..\\AutoGenBinders\\{module}.cs"; ispcBuilder.RebuildLibraryAndAPI(); } string dllName = module + ".dll"; IntPtr dllPtr = LoadLibrary(dllName); if (dllPtr == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } IntPtr funct = GetProcAddress(dllPtr, "my_simple"); //test with raw name if (funct == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } //test1 int[] inputData = new int[] { 1 << 16, 2 << 16, 3 << 16, 4 << 16, 5 << 16, 6 << 16, 7 << 16, 8 << 16, 9 << 16, 10 << 16, 11 << 16, 12 << 16, }; //test2 int[] outputData = new int[inputData.Length]; unsafe { fixed(int *output_h = &outputData[0]) fixed(int *h = &inputData[0]) { simple_ispc.NativeMethods.flipY_and_swap(h, output_h, 4, 3); } } unsafe { fixed(int *h = &inputData[0]) { simple_ispc.NativeMethods.clear(h, 0, inputData.Length); } } }
static void Ispc_SortExample() { //from: ispc-14-dev-windows\examples\sort string module = "sort"; //TODO: check if we need to rebuild or not bool rebuild = NeedRebuildIspc(module); if (rebuild) { IspcBuilder ispcBuilder = new IspcBuilder(); ispcBuilder.ProjectConfigKind = BridgeBuilder.Vcx.ProjectConfigKind.Debug; ispcBuilder.IspcFilename = module + ".ispc"; ispcBuilder.AutoCsTargetFile = $"..\\..\\AutoGenBinders\\{module}.cs"; string currentDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); ispcBuilder.AdditionalInputItems = new string[] { currentDir + "\\tasksys.cpp" }; ispcBuilder.RebuildLibraryAndAPI(); } string dllName = module + ".dll"; IntPtr dllPtr = LoadLibrary(dllName); if (dllPtr == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } int m_round = 20; int elem_count = 10000; Random rand = new Random(20); uint[] code = new uint[elem_count]; for (int round = 0; round < m_round; round++) { for (int i = 0; i < elem_count; i++) { code[i] = (uint)rand.Next(0, elem_count); } unsafe { int[] ordered_output = new int[elem_count]; fixed(uint *code_ptr = &code[0]) fixed(int *ordered_output_ptr = &ordered_output[0]) { sort_ispc.NativeMethods.sort_ispc(elem_count, code_ptr, ordered_output_ptr, 0); } } } }
static void Ispc_MandlebrotTaskExample() { //from: ispc-14-dev-windows\examples\mandelbrot //TODO: check if we need to rebuild or not string module = "mandelbrot_task"; bool rebuild = NeedRebuildIspc(module); if (rebuild) { IspcBuilder ispcBuilder = new IspcBuilder(); ispcBuilder.ProjectConfigKind = BridgeBuilder.Vcx.ProjectConfigKind.Debug; ispcBuilder.IspcFilename = module + ".ispc"; ispcBuilder.AutoCsTargetFile = $"..\\..\\AutoGenBinders\\{module}.cs"; string currentDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); ispcBuilder.AdditionalInputItems = new string[] { currentDir + "\\tasksys.cpp" }; ispcBuilder.RebuildLibraryAndAPI(); } string dllName = module + ".dll"; IntPtr dllPtr = LoadLibrary(dllName); if (dllPtr == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } int width = 768; int height = 512; // float x0 = -2; float x1 = 1; float y0 = -1; float y1 = 1; int maxIterations = 256; int[] buffer = new int[width * height]; unsafe { fixed(int *output_h = &buffer[0]) { mandelbrot_task_ispc.NativeMethods.mandelbrot_ispc(x0, y0, x1, y1, width, height, maxIterations, output_h); } } SaveManelbrotImage(buffer, width, height, "test_mandelbrot_task.png"); }
static void Ispc_DeferredShading() { //from ispc-14-dev-windows\examples\deferred\kernels.ispc //TODO: check if we need to rebuild or not string module = "kernels"; bool rebuild = NeedRebuildIspc(module); if (rebuild) { IspcBuilder ispcBuilder = new IspcBuilder(); ispcBuilder.ProjectConfigKind = BridgeBuilder.Vcx.ProjectConfigKind.Debug; ispcBuilder.IspcFilename = module + ".ispc"; ispcBuilder.AutoCsTargetFile = $"..\\..\\AutoGenBinders\\{module}.cs"; string currentDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); ispcBuilder.AdditionalInputItems = new string[] { currentDir + "\\tasksys.cpp", currentDir + "\\deferred.h" }; ispcBuilder.RebuildLibraryAndAPI(); } string dllName = module + ".dll"; IntPtr dllPtr = LoadLibrary(dllName); if (dllPtr == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } unsafe { byte[] data_file = File.ReadAllBytes("Data/pp1280x720.bin"); kernels_ispc.NativeMethods.InputDataArrays array = new kernels_ispc.NativeMethods.InputDataArrays(); //TODO: //port ispc-14-dev-windows\examples\deferred\main.cpp } }
static void Ispc_AoBench() { string module = "ao"; bool rebuild = NeedRebuildIspc(module); if (rebuild) { IspcBuilder ispcBuilder = new IspcBuilder(); ispcBuilder.ProjectConfigKind = BridgeBuilder.Vcx.ProjectConfigKind.Debug; ispcBuilder.IspcFilename = module + ".ispc"; ispcBuilder.AutoCsTargetFile = $"..\\..\\AutoGenBinders\\{module}.cs"; string currentDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); ispcBuilder.AdditionalInputItems = new string[] { currentDir + "\\tasksys.cpp" }; ispcBuilder.RebuildLibraryAndAPI(); } string dllName = module + ".dll"; IntPtr dllPtr = LoadLibrary(dllName); if (dllPtr == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch sw = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch(); unsafe { sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); int w = 800; int h = 600; float[] imgBuffer = new float[w * h * 3];//3 channel fixed(float *img_h = &imgBuffer[0]) { ao_ispc.NativeMethods.ao_ispc(w, h, 2, img_h); } sw.Stop(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ao_ms:" + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString()); //conver float[] to img ConvertToBitmapAndSave(imgBuffer, w, h, "ao1.png"); } unsafe { sw.Reset(); sw.Start(); int w = 800; int h = 600; float[] imgBuffer = new float[w * h * 3];//3 channel fixed(float *img_h = &imgBuffer[0]) { ao_ispc.NativeMethods.ao_ispc_tasks(w, h, 2, img_h); } sw.Stop(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ao_task_ms:" + sw.ElapsedMilliseconds.ToString()); //conver float[] to img ConvertToBitmapAndSave(imgBuffer, w, h, "ao2.png"); } }
static void Ispc_TestCallback() { //read more about callback from ispc //on => section "Interoperability with The Application" string module = "callback_test"; bool rebuild = NeedRebuildIspc(module); if (rebuild) { IspcBuilder ispcBuilder = new IspcBuilder(); ispcBuilder.ProjectConfigKind = BridgeBuilder.Vcx.ProjectConfigKind.Debug; ispcBuilder.IspcFilename = module + ".ispc"; ispcBuilder.AutoCsTargetFile = $"..\\..\\AutoGenBinders\\{module}.cs"; string currentDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); ispcBuilder.AdditionalInputItems = new string[] { currentDir + "\\callback_test1.cpp" }; ispcBuilder.RebuildLibraryAndAPI(); } string dllName = module + ".dll"; IntPtr dllPtr = LoadLibrary(dllName); if (dllPtr == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } GetManagedDelegate(dllPtr, "set_managed_callback", out s_setManagedCallback); if (s_setManagedCallback == null) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } //----------- m_callback = (int a) => { #if DEBUG //System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("callback from ispc"); #endif }; m_callback_ptr = Marshal.GetFunctionPointerForDelegate(m_callback); s_setManagedCallback(m_callback_ptr); //----------- //test call to ispc //test1 int[] inputData = new int[] { 1 << 16, 2 << 16, 3 << 16, 4 << 16, 5 << 16, 6 << 16, 7 << 16, 8 << 16, 9 << 16, 10 << 16, 11 << 16, 12 << 16, }; unsafe { fixed(int *h = &inputData[0]) { callback_test_ispc.NativeMethods.clear(h, 0, inputData.Length); } } }
static bool NeedRebuildIspc(string moduleName) => IspcBuilder.NeedRebuildIspc(moduleName);
static void dbugParseHeader(string filename) { IspcBuilder builder = new IspcBuilder(); builder.ParseAutoGenHeaderFromFile(filename); }