Example #1
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ErrorMessageLabel.Visible = false;

        // Get the query string values.
        NameValueCollection coll = Request.QueryString;

        int       id         = Convert.ToInt32(coll.Get("id"));
        int       scheduleId = Convert.ToInt32(coll.Get("sId"));
        EventType eventType  = EventType.Future;

        if (coll.Get("et") != "" && coll.Get("et") != null)
            eventType = (EventType)Convert.ToInt32(coll.Get("et"));
        int    agentId    = Convert.ToInt32(coll.Get("aId"));
        string agentName  = coll.Get("aName");
        int    planType   = Convert.ToInt32(coll.Get("ptype"));
        int    pageNumber = Convert.ToInt32(coll.Get("pg"));

        // Display the agent name if one exists.
        if (agentName != "")
            AgentNameLabel.Text = "Agent Name: " + agentName + " ";

        if (!IsPostBack)
            // Set the required query string varables into hidden fields.
            IdHiddenField.Value         = id.ToString();
            ScheduleIdHiddenField.Value = scheduleId.ToString();
            EventTypeHiddenField.Value  = Convert.ToInt32(eventType).ToString();
            AgentIdHiddenField.Value    = agentId.ToString();
            AgentNameHiddenField.Value  = agentName;
            PlanTypeHiddenField.Value   = planType.ToString();
            PageNumberHiddenField.Value = pageNumber.ToString();

            // Get the schedule event contacts and display.
                ScheduleService.ScheduleService scheduleService =
                IList <ScheduleService.ScheduleEventContactInfo> contacts =

                EventNumberLabel.Text = contacts[0].EventNumber.ToString();
                EventDateLabel.Text   = contacts[0].EventDate;
                FarmLabel.Text        = contacts[0].FarmName;
                MailingPlanLabel.Text = contacts[0].PlanName;
                StartDateLabel.Text   = contacts[0].StartDate;
                EndDateLabel.Text     = contacts[0].EndDate;

                ContactsGrid.DataSource = contacts;

                Session["SCHEDULE_EVENT_CONTACTS"] = contacts;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ErrorMessageLabel.Text    = "Unable to process the request. Please contact your administrator.";
                ErrorMessageLabel.Visible = true;

                log.Error("Unknown Error", ex);
Example #2
    protected void ExportButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get the event identifier.
            int eventId = Convert.ToInt32(IdHiddenField.Value);

            // Get the list of contacts of the event.
            ScheduleService.ScheduleService scheduleService =
            IList <ScheduleService.ScheduleEventContactInfo> contacts =

            // Specify the source and desitination files.
            string path           = Server.MapPath("~/Members/UserData/");
            string sourceFileName = path + "Templates\\EventContactListTemplate.xls";
            string destFileName   = path + Util.GetFileName(contacts[0].FarmName) + "_Contacts.xls";

            // Create the target file by coping the template file.
            File.Copy(sourceFileName, destFileName, true);

            // Open a connection with the property settings specified.
            string connectionString = "Data Source=" + destFileName + ";" +
                                      "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +
                                      "Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;";

            using (OleDbConnection connection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString))

                // Get schema information from the data source.
                DataTable schemaTable = connection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(
                    new object[] { null, null, null, "TABLE" });
                string sheet = schemaTable.Rows[0]["Table_Name"].ToString();

                // Fill the [Event Details] sheet.
                string queryString = "INSERT INTO [" + sheet + "] ([Event Number], " +
                                     "[Event Date], [Farm], " +
                                     "[Mailing Plan], [Start Date], " +
                                     "[End Date]) " +
                                     "VALUES ('" + contacts[0].EventNumber.ToString() + "', " +
                                     "'" + contacts[0].EventDate + "', '" + contacts[0].FarmName.Replace("'", "''") + "', " +
                                     "'" + contacts[0].PlanName + "', '" + contacts[0].StartDate + "', " +
                                     "'" + contacts[0].EndDate + "')";

                OleDbCommand command = new OleDbCommand(queryString, connection);

                // Fill the contacts in the respective [Plot #] sheets.
                int plotId      = 0;
                int plotCounter = 0;

                foreach (ScheduleService.ScheduleEventContactInfo entry in contacts)
                    if (entry.PlotId != plotId)

                        plotId = entry.PlotId;
                        sheet  = Util.GetExcelSheetName(plotCounter.ToString() + "_" + entry.PlotName);

                        queryString = "CREATE TABLE [" + sheet + "] " +
                                      "([Contact ID] TEXT(255), [First Name] TEXT(255), " +
                                      "[Last Name] TEXT(255), [Address 1] TEXT(255), " +
                                      "[Address 2] TEXT(255), [City] TEXT(255), " +
                                      "[State] TEXT(255), [Zip] TEXT(255), " +
                                      "[Country] TEXT(255))";

                        command = new OleDbCommand(queryString, connection);

                    // Create an SQL statement to execute against the data source.
                    queryString = "INSERT INTO [" + sheet + "$] ([Contact ID], " +
                                  "[First Name], [Last Name], " +
                                  "[Address 1], [Address 2], " +
                                  "[City], [State], " +
                                  "[Zip], [Country]) " +
                                  "VALUES ('" + entry.ContactId.ToString() + "', " +
                                  "'" + entry.FirstName + "', '" + entry.LastName + "', " +
                                  "'" + entry.Address1 + "', '" + entry.Address2 + "', " +
                                  "'" + entry.City + "', '" + entry.State + "', " +
                                  "'" + entry.Zip + "', '" + entry.Country + "')";

                    command = new OleDbCommand(queryString, connection);

            // Open the target file.
            string fileLocation = destFileName.Substring(
                destFileName.IndexOf("Members\\UserData\\")).Replace("\\", "/");

            if (!ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered(this.GetType(), "Startup"))
                String script = "<script language=\"javascript\">";
                script += "window.open('../" + fileLocation + "');";
                script += "</script>";

                ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "Startup", script);
        catch (Exception ex)
            ErrorMessageLabel.Text    = "Unable to process the request. Please contact your administrator.";
            ErrorMessageLabel.Visible = true;

            log.Error("Unknown Error", ex);