Example #1
        public void MutationNotAllowedViaDeviceID()
            byte[] addr = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
            String name = "abcdef";

            byte[] hints   = new byte[] { 5, 6 };
            byte   charset = 0x01;

            charset = 0x00; // Latin-1 not supported on CF(?).
            IrDADeviceInfo Device1 = Factory_IrDADeviceInfo(addr, name, hints, charset);
            Assert.AreEqual(new IrDAAddress(addr), Device1.DeviceAddress);
#if FX1_1
             #pragma warning disable 618
             #if FX1_1
            byte[] internalBytes = Device1.DeviceID; // Don't fix the 'Obsolete' warning!
#if FX1_1
             #pragma warning restore 618
             #if FX1_1
            Assert.AreEqual(addr, internalBytes);
            internalBytes[1] = 0xFF;    // Attempt to mutate the Address!!!
            Assert.AreEqual(new IrDAAddress(addr), Device1.DeviceAddress);
Example #2
        private void btnBeam_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            if (cbDevices.SelectedIndex > -1)
                IrDADeviceInfo idi = (IrDADeviceInfo)cbDevices.SelectedItem;

                if (ofdFileToBeam.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
                    System.Uri     uri           = new Uri("obex://" + idi.DeviceAddress.ToString() + "/" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(ofdFileToBeam.FileName));
                    ObexWebRequest request       = new ObexWebRequest(uri);
                    Stream         requestStream = request.GetRequestStream();
                    FileStream     fs            = File.OpenRead(ofdFileToBeam.FileName);
                    byte[]         buffer        = new byte[1024];
                    int            readBytes     = 1;
                    while (readBytes != 0)
                        readBytes = fs.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                        requestStream.Write(buffer, 0, readBytes);
                    ObexWebResponse response = (ObexWebResponse)request.GetResponse();

                    Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
Example #3
    // Function with recieve/send string endless loop on client socket
    void ClientFn()
        Socket socket = null;

            IrDADeviceInfo dev = selectedDevice;
            if (dev == null)
                Log("Device not selected");

            IrDAEndPoint ep = new IrDAEndPoint
                                  (new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, "Pop");
            Socket socket = new Socket
                                (AddressFamily.Irda, SocketType.Stream, 0);
            IrDAEndPoint ep2 = new IrDAEndPoint(dev.DeviceID, ep.ServiceName);

            NetworkStream stream = new NetworkStream(socket, true);
            BinaryWriter  bw     = new BinaryWriter(stream);
            BinaryReader  br     = new BinaryReader(stream);

            int no = 0;
            while (true)

                bw.Write("hello no. " + (++no) + " from client");
        catch (Exception ex)
            Log("Error while running client");
            if (socket != null)
Example #4
        public void EqualsDifferentInstancesAllSameFields()
            byte[] addr = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
            String name = "abcdef";

            byte[] hints   = new byte[] { 5, 6 };
            byte   charset = 0x01;

            charset = 0x00; // Latin-1 not supported on CF(?).
            IrDADeviceInfo Device1 = Factory_IrDADeviceInfo(addr, name, hints, charset);
            IrDADeviceInfo Device2 = Factory_IrDADeviceInfo(addr, name, hints, charset);
            Assert.AreNotSame(Device1, Device2);
            Assert.AreEqual(Device1, Device2);
Example #5
    private void bConnect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        DevItem item = lbDevices.SelectedItem as DevItem;

        if (item == null)
            MessageBox.Show("Discover and select device first!");
        selectedDevice = item.Device;

        tbLog.Text = "";
        Log("Connecting to " + item.ToString());
        Thread thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ClientFn));

Example #6
        public void EqualsDifferentInstancesOnlyAddressSame()
            byte[] addr  = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
            String name1 = "abcdef";
            String name2 = "zzzzzz";

            byte[] hints1   = new byte[] { 15, 16 };
            byte[] hints2   = new byte[] { 12, 2 };
            byte   charset1 = 0x00;
            byte   charset2 = 0x01;

            charset2 = 0x00; // Latin-1 not supported on CF(?).
            IrDADeviceInfo Device1 = Factory_IrDADeviceInfo(addr, name1, hints1, charset1);
            IrDADeviceInfo Device2 = Factory_IrDADeviceInfo(addr, name2, hints2, charset2);
            Assert.AreNotSame(Device1, Device2);
            Assert.AreEqual(Device1, Device2);
Example #7
        public void MutationNotAllowedViaDeviceAddressToByteArray()
            byte[] addr = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
            String name = "abcdef";

            byte[] hints   = new byte[] { 5, 6 };
            byte   charset = 0x01;

            charset = 0x00; // Latin-1 not supported on CF(?).
            IrDADeviceInfo Device1 = Factory_IrDADeviceInfo(addr, name, hints, charset);
            Assert.AreEqual(new IrDAAddress(addr), Device1.DeviceAddress);
            byte[] internalBytes = Device1.DeviceAddress.ToByteArray();
            Assert.AreEqual(addr, internalBytes);
            internalBytes[1] = 0xFF;    // Attempt to mutate the Address!!!
            Assert.AreEqual(new IrDAAddress(addr), Device1.DeviceAddress);
Example #8
        public void AssertAreEqualIrDADeviceInfoEveryField(IrDADeviceInfo x, IrDADeviceInfo y)
            Assert.AreEqual(x.DeviceName, y.DeviceName);
            Assert.AreEqual(x.DeviceAddress, y.DeviceAddress);
            // Check the byte array version too, so not depending on IrDAAddress.Equals.
#if FX1_1
             #pragma warning disable 618
             #if FX1_1
            Assert.AreEqual(x.DeviceID, y.DeviceID); // Don't fix the 'Obsolete' warning!
#if FX1_1
             #pragma warning restore 618
             #if FX1_1
            Assert.AreEqual(x.Hints, y.Hints);
            Assert.AreEqual(x.CharacterSet, y.CharacterSet);
Example #9
        public static IrDADeviceInfo Factory_IrDADeviceInfo(byte[] address, String name, byte[] hints, byte charset)
            IrDADeviceInfo item = TestHolderIrDADeviceInfo.CreateDeviceListInfo(address, name, hints, charset);

Example #10
 public DevItem(IrDADeviceInfo device)
     this.Device = device;
Example #11
        public static IrDADeviceInfo[] ParseDeviceList(byte[] buffer)
            if (buffer == null) {
                throw new ArgumentNullException("buffer");
            const int BytesInAnInt32 = 4;
            if (buffer.Length < BytesInAnInt32) {
                throw new ArgumentException("DEVICE_LIST buffer must be at least four bytes long.");
			int count = BitConverter.ToInt32(buffer, 0);

			//create array for results
			IrDADeviceInfo[] idia = new IrDADeviceInfo[count];
            const int devInfoLen = 29;

            //We could check that the buffer is big enough to suit its 'count' value.
            //If this ever happened currently we would just fail with IndexOutOfRangeException
            //int expectedLength = BytesInAnInt32 + count * devInfoLen;
            //if (expectedLength > buffer.Length) {
            //    throw new ArgumentException("Buffer is smaller than the count of items requires.");
			for(int iDev = 0; iDev < count; iDev++)
				byte[] id = new byte[4];
				Buffer.BlockCopy(buffer, 4 + (iDev*devInfoLen), id, 0, 4);
				IrDAAddress devid = new IrDAAddress(id);

                IrDAHints hints = (IrDAHints)BitConverter.ToInt16(buffer, 30 + (iDev * devInfoLen));
                IrDACharacterSet charset = (IrDACharacterSet)buffer[32 + (iDev * devInfoLen)];
                Encoding e = null;
                switch (charset)
                    case IrDACharacterSet.ASCII:
                        e = Encoding.ASCII;
                    case IrDACharacterSet.Unicode:
                        e = Encoding.Unicode;
                        e = Encoding.GetEncoding(28590 + (int)charset);
				string name = e.GetString(buffer, 8 + (iDev*devInfoLen), 22);
                int nullIndex = name.IndexOf('\0');
				//trim nulls
				if(nullIndex > -1)
					name = name.Substring(0, nullIndex);
#if PocketPC
                // PPC doesn't fill the charset field! :-(  We'll attempt
                // to detect the Unicode encoding, but not the ISO-8859-X ones:
                // as their strings will display at least partially -- dropping
                // the high chars, but also because those encodings are not
                // really supported by CF anyway.
                if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.WinCE) {
                    // This assert is valid, but very annoying when running the 
                    // unit-tests so we'll remove it for now.
                    // System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(charset == 0, "should charset==0 as field unset on CE");
                    try {
                        e = Encoding.Unicode;
                        string nameGuessUnicode = e.GetString(buffer, 8 + (iDev * devInfoLen), 22);
                        //trim nulls
                        int nullIndexGU = nameGuessUnicode.IndexOf('\0');
                        if (nullIndexGU > -1) {
                            nameGuessUnicode = nameGuessUnicode.Substring(0, nullIndexGU);
                        // If more sense was made of the bytes as Unicode, then return
                        // that string.
                        // e.g. a unicode string "abc" is 61-00-62-00-63-00 which
                        // ASCII will see as "A" and Unicode as "ABC"
                        if (nameGuessUnicode.Length > name.Length) {
                            name = nameGuessUnicode;
                    } catch { }

                idia[iDev] = new IrDADeviceInfo(devid, name, hints, charset);			

			return idia;