public unsafe static void FftFwd(double[] x, int order, out double[] re, out double[] im) { IppStatus st; int sz = 1 << order; if (sz > 1 << 23 || sz < 4) { throw new Exception("Invalid FftFwd order"); } double[] rw = new double[sz]; double[] iw = new double[sz]; double[] frw = new double[sz]; double[] fiw = new double[sz]; Array.Copy(x, rw, Math.Min(x.Length, rw.Length)); int specSz = 0; int specBufSz = 0; int bufSz = 0; st = Ipps.ippsFFTGetSize_C_64f(order, Ipps.IppFftFlag.IPP_FFT_DIV_FWD_BY_N, IppHintAlgorithm.ippAlgHintNone, ref specSz, ref specBufSz, ref bufSz); if (st != IppStatus.ippStsNoErr) { throw new Exception(string.Format("FFTGetSize returned error {0}", st)); } byte[] spec = new byte[specSz]; byte[] specBuf = new byte[specBufSz]; byte[] buf = new byte[bufSz]; IntPtr pspec = IntPtr.Zero; fixed(byte *ps = &spec[0]) { //Spec needs to be fixed as used between ipp calls st = Ipps.ippsFFTInit_C_64f(ref pspec, order, Ipps.IppFftFlag.IPP_FFT_DIV_FWD_BY_N, IppHintAlgorithm.ippAlgHintNone, ps, specBuf); if (st != IppStatus.ippStsNoErr) { throw new Exception(string.Format("FFTInit returned error {0}", st)); } st = Ipps.ippsFFTFwd_CToC_64f(rw, iw, frw, fiw, pspec, buf); if (st != IppStatus.ippStsNoErr) { throw new Exception(string.Format("FFTFwd returned error {0}", st)); } re = frw; im = fiw; } }
public unsafe static double[] SpectrumBlockAverage(double[] x, int order, double percOverlap, bool power, bool zeroMean, double windowCorrection) { IppStatus st; int sz = 1 << order; if (sz > 1 << 23 || sz < 4) { throw new Exception("Invalid SpectrumBlockAverage order"); } if (percOverlap < 0 || percOverlap >= 100) { throw new Exception("Invalid SpectrumBlockAverage percOverlap"); } if (x == null || x.Length < 5) { throw new Exception("Invalid SpectrumBlockAverage data length"); } double[] rw = new double[sz]; double[] iw = new double[sz]; double[] frw = new double[sz]; double[] fiw = new double[sz]; double[] psp = new double[sz]; double[] sum = new double[sz]; double[] res = new double[sz / 2]; int specSz = 0; int specBufSz = 0; int bufSz = 0; st = Ipps.ippsFFTGetSize_C_64f(order, Ipps.IppFftFlag.IPP_FFT_DIV_FWD_BY_N, IppHintAlgorithm.ippAlgHintNone, ref specSz, ref specBufSz, ref bufSz); if (st != IppStatus.ippStsNoErr) { throw new Exception(string.Format("FFTGetSize returned error {0}", st)); } byte[] spec = new byte[specSz]; byte[] specBuf = new byte[specBufSz]; byte[] buf = new byte[bufSz]; IntPtr pspec = IntPtr.Zero; fixed(byte *ps = &spec[0]) { //Spec needs to be fixed as used between ipp calls st = Ipps.ippsFFTInit_C_64f(ref pspec, order, Ipps.IppFftFlag.IPP_FFT_DIV_FWD_BY_N, IppHintAlgorithm.ippAlgHintNone, ps, specBuf); if (st != IppStatus.ippStsNoErr) { throw new Exception(string.Format("FFTInit returned error {0}", st)); } int count = 0; int step = (int)(0.01 * (100.0 - percOverlap) * sz); double[] win = HanningWindow(sz); for (int ix = 0; ix < x.Length - sz; ix += step, ++count) { //Prepare input block st = Ipps.ippsZero_64f(iw, iw.Length); if (st != IppStatus.ippStsNoErr) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Zero returned error {0}", st)); } //Window block Array.Copy(x, ix, rw, 0, sz); if (zeroMean) { //Subtract mean from block double m; st = Ipps.ippsMean_64f(rw, rw.Length, out m); if (st != IppStatus.ippStsNoErr) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Mean returned error {0}", st)); } st = Ipps.ippsAddC_64f_I(-m, rw, rw.Length); if (st != IppStatus.ippStsNoErr) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Mean returned error {0}", st)); } } st = Ipps.ippsMul_64f(rw, win, rw, sz); if (st != IppStatus.ippStsNoErr) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Mul returned error {0}", st)); } //Correct for window st = Ipps.ippsMulC_64f_I(windowCorrection, rw, sz); if (st != IppStatus.ippStsNoErr) { throw new Exception(string.Format("MulC returned error {0}", st)); } //Calculate FFT st = Ipps.ippsFFTFwd_CToC_64f(rw, iw, frw, fiw, pspec, buf); if (st != IppStatus.ippStsNoErr) { throw new Exception(string.Format("FFTFwd returned error {0}", st)); } if (power) { //Calc power spectrum st = Ipps.ippsPowerSpectr_64f(frw, fiw, psp, sz); if (st != IppStatus.ippStsNoErr) { throw new Exception(string.Format("PowerSpectr returned error {0}", st)); } } else { //Calculate magnitude st = Ipps.ippsMagnitude_64f(frw, fiw, psp, psp.Length); if (st != IppStatus.ippStsNoErr) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Mag returned error {0}", st)); } } //Add result st = Ipps.ippsAdd_64f(psp, sum, sum, psp.Length); if (st != IppStatus.ippStsNoErr) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Add returned error {0}", st)); } } if (count > 0) { //Scale average st = Ipps.ippsMulC_64f_I(1.0 / count, sum, sum.Length); if (st != IppStatus.ippStsNoErr) { throw new Exception(string.Format("MulC returned error {0}", st)); } //Calc result discarding upper half samples res[0] = sum[0]; for (int i = 1; i < sum.Length / 2; ++i) { res[i] = 2 * sum[i]; } } return(res); } }