Example #1
        public void RequestUriShouldBeBuiltCorrectly()
            var mockResponse = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
            mockResponse.Content = new StringContent(String.Empty);

            var mockHttpMessageHandler = new MockHttpMessageHandler(mockResponse);
            string mockAddress = "";
            string expectedRequestUri = String.Format("{0}/api/v0/commands", mockAddress);

            using (var client = new IpfsClient(new Uri(mockAddress), new HttpClient(mockHttpMessageHandler)))

            Assert.IsTrue(Equals(mockHttpMessageHandler.LastRequest.RequestUri, expectedRequestUri));
Example #2
        public void RequestUriShouldBeBuiltCorrectlyWithFlagsNoArgs()
            var mockResponse = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
            mockResponse.Content = new StringContent(String.Empty);

            var mockHttpMessageHandler = new MockHttpMessageHandler(mockResponse);

            string mockAddress = "";
            string mockFileLocation = @"MyFilePath.txt";
            string expectedRequestUri = String.Format("{0}/api/v0/diag/net?timeout=1&vis=d3", mockAddress, mockFileLocation);

            using (var client = new IpfsClient(new Uri(mockAddress), new HttpClient(mockHttpMessageHandler)))
                client.Diag.Net("1", IpfsVis.D3).Wait();

            Assert.IsTrue(Equals(mockHttpMessageHandler.LastRequest.RequestUri, expectedRequestUri));
Example #3
        public void RequestUriShouldBeBuiltCorrectlyWithArgs()
            var mockResponse = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
            mockResponse.Content = new StringContent("{\"Objects\":[{\"Hash\":\"QmXarR6rgkQ2fDSHjSY5nM2kuCXKYGViky5nohtwgF65Ec\",\"Links\":[{\"Name\":\"about\",\"Hash\":\"QmZTR5bcpQD7cFgTorqxZDYaew1Wqgfbd2ud9QqGPAkK2V\",\"Size\":1688,\"Type\":2},{\"Name\":\"contact\",\"Hash\":\"QmYCvbfNbCwFR45HiNP45rwJgvatpiW38D961L5qAhUM5Y\",\"Size\":200,\"Type\":2},{\"Name\":\"help\",\"Hash\":\"QmY5heUM5qgRubMDD1og9fhCPA6QdkMp3QCwd4s7gJsyE7\",\"Size\":322,\"Type\":2},{\"Name\":\"quick-start\",\"Hash\":\"QmXifYTiYxz8Nxt3LmjaxtQNLYkjdh324L4r81nZSadoST\",\"Size\":1707,\"Type\":2},{\"Name\":\"readme\",\"Hash\":\"QmPZ9gcCEpqKTo6aq61g2nXGUhM4iCL3ewB6LDXZCtioEB\",\"Size\":1102,\"Type\":2},{\"Name\":\"security-notes\",\"Hash\":\"QmTumTjvcYCAvRRwQ8sDRxh8ezmrcr88YFU7iYNroGGTBZ\",\"Size\":1027,\"Type\":2}]}]}\n");

            var mockHttpMessageHandler = new MockHttpMessageHandler(mockResponse);

            string mockAddress = "";
            string mockHash = "QmXarR6rgkQ2fDSHjSY5nM2kuCXKYGViky5nohtwgF65Ec";
            string expectedRequestUri = String.Format("{0}/api/v0/ls?arg={1}", mockAddress, mockHash);

            using (var client = new IpfsClient(new Uri(mockAddress), new HttpClient(mockHttpMessageHandler)))

            Assert.IsTrue(Equals(mockHttpMessageHandler.LastRequest.RequestUri, expectedRequestUri));
Example #4
        public void ClientShouldThrowIfMethodCalledAfterBeingDisposed()
            var mockResponse = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
            mockResponse.Content = new StringContent(String.Empty);

            var mockHttpMessageHandler = new MockHttpMessageHandler(mockResponse);
            string mockAddress = "";
            var client = new IpfsClient(new Uri(mockAddress), new HttpClient(mockHttpMessageHandler));


            catch (AggregateException ex)
                throw ex.InnerException;
Example #5
 public IpfsService()
     ipfs = new IpfsClient(Constants.IpfsHost);
Example #6
 public IpfsProviderService(IpfsClient ipfsClient)
     _ipfsClient = ipfsClient;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new instance of a <see cref="BaseApi"/>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="client"></param>
 protected BaseApi(IpfsClient client)
 => Client = client;
 public IpfsHashResolver(IpfsClient ipfs)
     _ipfs = ipfs;
Example #9
        public void AccessingIPFS()
            IpfsClient ipfs = new IpfsClient("https://ipfs.infura.io:5001/api/");

            file_hash = ipfs.FileSystem.AddFileAsync(file_path).Result.Id.Hash.ToString();
Example #10
        public static async System.Threading.Tasks.Task CheckMailAsync()//string toemail, string username, string password)
                MailServer oServer = new MailServer("imap.asia.secureserver.net",

                // Enable SSL connection.
                oServer.SSLConnection = true;

                // Set 993 SSL port
                oServer.Port = 993;

                MailClient oClient = new MailClient("TryIt");
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Total {0} unread email(s)\r\n", e.Message);
                MongoDbRepository <MailInvoice> mi = new MongoDbRepository <MailInvoice>();// retrieve unread/new email only
                oClient.GetMailInfosParam.GetMailInfosOptions = GetMailInfosOptionType.NewOnly;
                //oClient.GetMailInfosParam.GetMailInfosOptions = GetMailInfosOptionType.;

                MailInfo[] infos = oClient.GetMailInfos();
                Console.WriteLine("Total {0} unread email(s)\r\n", infos.Length);
                for (int i = 0; i < infos.Length; i++)
                    MailInfo info = infos[i];
                    Console.WriteLine("Index: {0}; Size: {1}; UIDL: {2}",
                                      info.Index, info.Size, info.UIDL);

                    // Receive email from IMAP4 server
                    Mail oMail = oClient.GetMail(info);
                    if (oMail.Attachments.Length > 0)
                        foreach (var attachment in oMail.Attachments)
                            if (attachment.ContentType == "application/json")
                                var       stream   = new MemoryStream(attachment.Content);
                                IFormFile file     = new FormFile(stream, 0, attachment.Content.Length, "name", "Invoice.json");
                                var       filePath = Path.GetTempFileName();
                                using (var streamfile = System.IO.File.Create(filePath))
                                    await file.CopyToAsync(streamfile);
                                IpfsClient ipfs   = new IpfsClient("https://ipfs.infura.io:5001");
                                var        result = ipfs.FileSystem.AddFileAsync(filePath).Result;
                                var        url    = "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/" + result.Id.Hash.ToString() + "?filename=" + "Invoice.json";

                                using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(attachment.Content)))
                                    var         json        = r.ReadToEnd();
                                    var         invoiceJSON = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <InvoiceJSON>(json);
                                    MailInvoice mailInvoice = new MailInvoice();
                                    mailInvoice.ToEmail                 = oMail.From.Address;
                                    mailInvoice.invoiceJSON             = invoiceJSON;
                                    mailInvoice.CreatedOn               = DateTime.Now;
                                    mailInvoice.InvoiceStatus           = MailInvoiceStatus.Created;
                                    mailInvoice.IsSend                  = false;
                                    mailInvoice.HashUrl                 = url;
                                    mailInvoice.mailInvoiceCreationType = MailInvoiceCreationType.SMTP;

                    Console.WriteLine("From: {0}", oMail.From.ToString());
                    Console.WriteLine("Subject: {0}\r\n", oMail.Subject);
                    if (!info.Read)
                        oClient.MarkAsRead(info, true);

                // Quit and expunge emails marked as deleted from IMAP4 server.
            catch (Exception ep)
Example #11
        public async Task <ActionResult> UploadInvoice(List <Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.IFormFile> file, string toemail)
                var formFile = file[0];
                if (formFile.Length > 0)
                    var filePath = Path.GetTempFileName();

                    using (var stream = System.IO.File.Create(filePath))
                        await formFile.CopyToAsync(stream);
                    StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(filePath);// Server.MapPath("~/FileUpload/" + Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)));
                    string       data         = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

                    InvoiceJSON invoiceJSON = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <InvoiceJSON>(data);
                    IpfsClient  ipfs        = new IpfsClient("https://ipfs.infura.io:5001");
                    var         result      = ipfs.FileSystem.AddFileAsync(filePath).Result;
                    var         url         = "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/" + result.Id.Hash.ToString() + "?filename=" + formFile.FileName.Replace(" ", "%20");

                    MailInvoice mailInvoice = new MailInvoice();
                    mailInvoice.ToEmail                 = toemail;
                    mailInvoice.invoiceJSON             = invoiceJSON;
                    mailInvoice.CreatedOn               = DateTime.Now;
                    mailInvoice.InvoiceStatus           = MailInvoiceStatus.Created;
                    mailInvoice.FromEmail               = User.Identity.Name.ToString();
                    mailInvoice.mailInvoiceCreationType = MailInvoiceCreationType.Uploaded;
                    mailInvoice.HashUrl                 = url;
                    //mailInvoice.Hash = Hash;
                    MongoDbRepository <MailInvoice> mi = new MongoDbRepository <MailInvoice>();
                    //  var a = collection.Save(mailInvoice);
                    var id = mailInvoice.Id.ToString();
                    //string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(invoicejson, Formatting.Indented);
                    var menstream   = formFile.OpenReadStream();// new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(json));
                    var fromAddress = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "From Name");
                    var toAddress   = new MailAddress(toemail, "To Name");

                    const string fromPassword = "******";
                    const string subject      = "Invoice";
                    ///const string body = "Body";
                    Attachment attachment = new Attachment(menstream, new ContentType("application/json"));

                    attachment.ContentDisposition.FileName = "Invoice.json";

                    // attachment.ContentType= "application/json";

                    string authorityAccept = "http://" + HttpContext.Request.Host.Value + "/TaxInvoice/Accept?id=" + id;
                    string authorityReject = "http://" + HttpContext.Request.Host.Value + "/TaxInvoice/Reject?id=" + id;
                    //string a1= "<html>You have received an Invoice. Please do check the invoice and conform <a href=\'";

                    var html = "<html> You have received an Invoice. Please do check the invoice and conform<br /><a href='" + authorityAccept + "' style= \"background-color: #90EE90\" > Accept </a>&nbsp &nbsp<a href='" + authorityReject + "' style= \"background-color: #FFFF00\" > Reject </a></ html >";

                    var smtp = new SmtpClient
                        Host                  = "smtp.gmail.com",
                        Port                  = 587,
                        EnableSsl             = true,
                        DeliveryMethod        = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
                        UseDefaultCredentials = false,
                        Credentials           = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress.Address, fromPassword)
                    using (var message = new MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress)
                        Subject = subject,
                        Body = html,
                        IsBodyHtml = true

                //ViewBag.Message = "File Uploaded Successfully!!";
                // ViewBag.Message = "File upload failed!!";
Example #12
 public IpfsService(string host)
     ipfsClient = new IpfsClient(host);
     getUrl     = $"{ipfsClient.ApiUri.Scheme}://{ipfsClient.ApiUri.Host}/ipfs/".ToString();
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Recover the files from the list of string: filename and CIDs: download, merge and decrypt
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cidArray"></param>
        public async void RecoverFilesMergeDecrypt(List <string> cidArray)
            //We connect
            var ipfs = new IpfsClient(ipfsServer);

            if (cidArray.Count >= 0)
                // First need to get the right folder. For ease of test, the part of the file are downloaded
                // on a folder filename-extension, i.e. test.txt to blockget/test-txt
                string fileName    = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(cidArray[0]);
                string extensionPt = Path.GetExtension(cidArray[0]);
                //string extension = extensionPt.Skip(1).ToArray();
                string extension = extensionPt.Remove(0, 1);
                //string inputFolder = Globals.BLOCKGET_FILE_FOLDER + fileName + "-" + extension + "\\";
                string   inputFolder        = Globals.OPERATION_FOLDER + fileName + "-" + extension + "\\";
                string[] SplittedFilesArray = new string[Globals.SPLIT_NB];
                string   baseFileName       = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(cidArray[0]);
                int      i = 0;
                //Create input forlder for download and merge
                foreach (string s in cidArray.Skip(1)) // We want to skip the first (contre intuitive, not 0)
                        //SplittedFilesArray[i] = inputFolder + baseFileName + "." +
                        //        i.ToString().PadLeft(5, Convert.ToChar("0")) + extensionPt + ".tmp";
                        SplittedFilesArray[i] = inputFolder + baseFileName + extensionPt + ".aes." +
                                                i.ToString().PadLeft(5, Convert.ToChar("0")) + ".tmp";
                        //We download bytes => File
                        Stream result = await ipfs.FileSystem.ReadFileAsync(s);

                        //We want to save them in the SaveFolder + cidArray folder
                        //Could also try: Stream result = await ipfs.FileSystem.ReadFileAsync(s).Result;
                        using (FileStream DestinationStream = File.Create(SplittedFilesArray[i])) //TODO ERROR: System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: 'Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Blockget\ifmalesuperfherodresedlikewomen-jpg\ifmalesuperfherodresedlikewomen.jpg.aes.00000.tmp'.'
                            await result.CopyToAsync(DestinationStream);
                    } //System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: 'invalid path "": path does not begin with '/''
                    catch (HttpRequestException e)
                        Console.WriteLine("FAIL! Don't forget to run IPFS on your computer");
                // We merge
                string pathEncryptedFile = Split.MergeFile(inputFolder);
                //We decrypt
                //string pathEncryptedFile = inputFolder + fileName + ".aes"; //Globals.BLOCKGET_FILE_FOLDER + "\\" + cidArray[0];
                //string pathEncryptedFile = inputFolder + baseFileName + extensionPt + ".aes";
                string outputPath = Encryption.DecryptFile(pathEncryptedFile);
                // Test if the file downloaded is the same as the one already present
                if (File.Exists(cidArray[0]) && Filesys.compare2FilesByBlocks(outputPath, cidArray[0]))
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} and {1} have been compared bit by bit and are the same", outputPath, cidArray[0]);
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} and {1} have been compared bit by bit and are different, we download and store the file in the Blockget Folder", outputPath, cidArray[0]);
                    // Could use the Path.Combine method to safely append the file name to the path.
                    // Will overwrite if the destination file already exists.
                    File.Copy(outputPath, cidArray[0], true);
                //We delete folder and file downloaded
                Console.WriteLine("Problem this entry is empty");
Example #14
        public static async Task  CreateInvoiceWithMailSending(CreateTaxInvoice invoice, string fromEmail, string path, ApplicationUser au)
            int counter = 0;

                //var collectionmr = db.GetCollection<MerchantRegistration>("MerchantRegistration");
                // var mr = collectionmr.FindAll().ToList<MerchantRegistration>().FirstOrDefault();
                InvoiceJSON invoicejson = new InvoiceJSON();
                invoicejson.version = "1.0.1118";
                billLists[] billListarray = new billLists[1];
                billLists   billlist      = new billLists();
                billlist.userGstin     = au.GstId;
                billlist.supplyType    = "O";
                billlist.subSupplyType = 1;
                billlist.docType       = "INV";
                billlist.docNo         = "20";
                billlist.docDate     = invoice.DateIssue;
                billlist.transType   = 1;
                billlist.fromGstin   = invoice.GSTIDSeller;
                billlist.fromTrdName = invoice.NameoFSeller;
                // billlist.fromAddr1 = mr.Address1;
                // billlist.fromAddr2 = mr.Address2;
                // billlist.fromPlace = mr.City;
                billlist.fromStateCode       = 27;
                billlist.actualFromStateCode = 27;
                billlist.toGstin           = invoice.GSTIdBuyer;
                billlist.toTrdName         = invoice.NameBuyer;
                billlist.toAddr1           = "1st floor, Jain Complex, opp.Bhoot Nath Mandir, Indra Nagar";
                billlist.toAddr2           = "";
                billlist.toPlace           = "Pune";
                billlist.toStateCode       = 27;
                billlist.actualToStateCode = 27;
                billlist.totalValue     = invoice.TotalAmount;// 121.00;
                billlist.cgstValue      = invoice.GSTAmount / 2;
                billlist.sgstValue      = invoice.GSTAmount / 2;
                billlist.igstValue      = 0.00;
                billlist.cessValue      = 0.00;
                billlist.TotNonAdvolVal = 0.00;
                billlist.OthValue       = 0.0000;
                billlist.totInvValue    = invoice.TotalAmount;
                billlist.transMode      = 1;
                billlist.transDistance  = 60;
                billlist.transporterName = "";
                billlist.transporterId   = "";
                billlist.transDocNo      = "";
                billlist.transDocDate    = invoice.DateIssue;
                billlist.vehicleNo       = "";
                billlist.vehicleType     = "R";
                ItemLists[] itemlistarray = new ItemLists[invoice.itemDetails.Count];
                for (int count = 0; count < invoice.itemDetails.Count; count++)
                    ItemLists itemlist = new ItemLists();
                    itemlist.itemNo      = count + 1;
                    itemlist.productName = invoice.itemDetails[count].Product;
                    itemlist.productDesc = invoice.itemDetails[count].Product;
                    itemlist.quantity    = invoice.itemDetails[count].Quantity;
                    //il.qtyUnit = invoice.itemDetails[count].Q;
                    itemlist.qtyUnit       = "Qty";
                    itemlist.taxableAmount = invoice.itemDetails[count].Amount;// (invoice.itemDetails[count].GST / 100) * invoice.itemDetails[count].Amount;
                    itemlist.sgstRate      = Convert.ToInt32(itemlist.taxableAmount / 2);
                    itemlist.cgstRate      = Convert.ToInt32(itemlist.taxableAmount / 2);
                    itemlist.igstRate      = 0;
                    itemlist.cessRate      = 0;
                    itemlist.cessNonAdvol  = 0;
                    itemlistarray[count]   = itemlist;

                billlist.itemList     = itemlistarray;
                billListarray[0]      = billlist;
                invoicejson.billLists = billListarray;
                string json      = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(invoicejson, Formatting.Indented);
                var    menstream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(json));
                // var filePath = Path.GetTempFileName();
                //File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, menstream.ToArray());
                var       stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.Default.GetBytes(json));
                IFormFile file   = new FormFile(stream, 0, (Encoding.Default.GetBytes(json)).Length, "name", "Invoice.json");

                // var filePath = Path.GetTempFileName();
                var filePath = Path.GetTempFileName();

                using (var streamfile = System.IO.File.Create(filePath))
                    await file.CopyToAsync(streamfile);
                //File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, attachment.Content);

                //using (var streamcreate = System.IO.File.Create(filePath))


                //StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(new MemoryStream
                //  using (var stream = System.IO.File.Create(filePath))
                    //File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, menstream.ToArray());

                    //await filePath.CopyToAsync(menstream);
                StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(filePath);// Server.MapPath("~/FileUpload/" + Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)));
                string       data         = streamReader.ReadToEnd();

                //InvoiceJSON invoiceJSON = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<InvoiceJSON>(data);
                IpfsClient ipfs   = new IpfsClient("https://ipfs.infura.io:5001");
                var        result = ipfs.FileSystem.AddFileAsync(filePath).Result;
                var        url    = "https://ipfs.io/ipfs/" + result.Id.Hash.ToString() + "?filename=" + "Invoice.json";

                MongoDbRepository <MailInvoice> mdr = new MongoDbRepository <MailInvoice>();

                MailInvoice mi = new MailInvoice();
                mi.invoiceJSON             = invoicejson;
                mi.FromEmail               = fromEmail;
                mi.ToEmail                 = invoice.EmailBuyer;
                mi.InvoiceStatus           = MailInvoiceStatus.Created;
                mi.mailInvoiceCreationType = MailInvoiceCreationType.Created;
                mi.HashUrl                 = url;
                // mi.Hash = Hash;
                var id = mi.Id.ToString();

                var fromAddress = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**", "From Name");
                var toAddress   = new MailAddress(invoice.EmailBuyer, "To Name");
                const string fromPassword = "******";
                const string subject      = "Invoice";
                ///const string body = "Body";
                Attachment attachment = new Attachment(menstream, new ContentType("application/json"));

                attachment.ContentDisposition.FileName = "Invoice.json";

                // attachment.ContentType= "application/json";

                string authorityAccept = "http://" + path + "/TaxInvoice/Accept?id=" + id;
                string authorityReject = "http://" + path + "/TaxInvoice/Reject?id=" + id;
                //string a1= "<html>You have received an Invoice. Please do check the invoice and conform <a href=\'";

                var html = "<html> You have received an Invoice. Please do check the invoice and conform<br /><a href='" + authorityAccept + "' style= \"background-color: #90EE90\" > Accept </a>&nbsp &nbsp<a href='" + authorityReject + "' style= \"background-color: #FFFF00\" > Reject </a></ html >";

                var smtp = new SmtpClient
                    Host                  = "smtp.gmail.com",
                    Port                  = 587,
                    EnableSsl             = true,
                    DeliveryMethod        = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network,
                    UseDefaultCredentials = false,
                    Credentials           = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress.Address, fromPassword)
                using (var message = new MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress)
                    Subject = subject,
                    Body = html,
                    IsBodyHtml = true

                // return invoicejson;
            catch (Exception e)
                // return invoicejson;
Example #15
 public IpfsHelpers(IpfsDaemonBase daemon)
     _daemon = daemon;
     _client = new IpfsClient();
Example #16
 public IpfsDeployment(IpFsDaemon daemon)
     _daemon = daemon;
     _client = daemon.Client;
     L       = daemon.L;