private void CommandAdd(string suffix) { try { Ion ion = null; string[] parts = suffix.Split(' '); if (parts.Length == 3) { ion = new Ion(parts[0], double.Parse(parts[1]), double.Parse(parts[2])); ion = ionTable.Lookup(ion); } else if (parts.Length == 4) { ion = new Ion(parts[0], int.Parse(parts[1]), double.Parse(parts[2]), double.Parse(parts[3]), double.Parse(parts[4])); } if (ion is null) { throw new ArgumentException(); } Console.WriteLine($"Adding {ion}"); ionSet.Add(ion); } catch { CommandArgumentError(); } }
public static void Figure_EffectOfTemperature_Simple() { var ionTable = new IonTable(); double[] temps = ScottPlot.DataGen.Consecutive(50); double[] ljps = new double[temps.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < temps.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"Calculating for {temps[i]}C..."); var ionSet = new List <Ion> { new Ion("Zn", 9, 0.0284), new Ion("K", 0, 3), new Ion("Cl", 18, 3.0568) }; ljps[i] = Calculate.Ljp(ionTable.Lookup(ionSet), temps[i]).mV; } var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(800, 600); plt.PlotScatter(temps, ljps); plt.Title("JLJP Screenshot Ion Set"); plt.YLabel("LJP (mV)"); plt.XLabel("Temperature (C)"); string filePath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath("Figure_EffectOfTemperatureSimple.png"); plt.SaveFig(filePath); Console.WriteLine($"Saved: {filePath}"); }
public Ion GetIon(string name, double c0 = 0, double cL = 0) { var ion = Table.Lookup(name); ion.c0 = c0; ion.cL = cL; return(ion); }
private void IonTableListboxSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (IonTableListbox is null || ionTable is null || IonTableListbox.SelectedIndex < 0) { return; } string selectedIonName = IonTableListbox.SelectedItem.ToString(); Ion ion = ionTable.Lookup(selectedIonName); IonNameTextbox.Text =; IonChargeTextbox.Text = ion.charge.ToString(); IonConductivityTextbox.Text = (ion.conductivity * 1e4).ToString("0.000"); IonC0Textbox.Text = "0"; IonCLTextbox.Text = "0"; Message($"Loaded Ion: {ion.nameWithCharge}", ion.ToString()); ValidateIon(); }
public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_ExampleFromSourceCode() { /* From JLJP: */ Ion Zn = new Ion("Zn", MolsPerCubicMeter(9), MolsPerCubicMeter(0.0284)); Ion K = new Ion("K", MolsPerCubicMeter(0), MolsPerCubicMeter(3)); Ion Cl = new Ion("Cl", MolsPerCubicMeter(18), MolsPerCubicMeter(3.0568)); var ionSet = new List <Ion> { Zn, K, Cl }; var ionTable = new IonTable(); ionSet = ionTable.Lookup(ionSet); var ljp = Calculate.Ljp(ionSet); Assert.AreEqual(-20.79558643, ljp.mV, 1e-6); }
public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_Harper004() { // ion set from Harper (1985) Table I // var ionSet = new List <Ion> { new Ion("Zn", .4, .0186), new Ion("SO4", .4, .0186), }; var ionTable = new IonTable(); ionSet = ionTable.Lookup(ionSet); var ljp = Calculate.Ljp(ionSet); Assert.AreEqual(-8.1, ljp.mV, 0.5); }
public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_Harper003() { // ion set from Harper (1985) Table I // var ionSet = new List <Ion> { new Ion("Ca", .29, .00545), new Ion("Cl", .29 * 2, .00545 * 2) }; var ionTable = new IonTable(); ionSet = ionTable.Lookup(ionSet); var ljp = Calculate.Ljp(ionSet); Assert.AreEqual(-35, ljp.mV, 0.5); }
public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_ExampleFromScreenshot() { /* Test came from screenshot on original JLJP website */ var ionSet = new List <Ion> { new Ion("Zn", 9, 0.0284), new Ion("K", 0, 3), new Ion("Cl", 18, 3.0568) }; var ionTable = new IonTable(); ionSet = ionTable.Lookup(ionSet); var ljp = Calculate.Ljp(ionSet); Assert.AreEqual(-20.79558643, ljp.mV, 1e-6); }
public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_NgAndBarry001() { /* LJP for this test came from Ng and Barry (1994) Table 2 */ // 50 mM NaCl : 50 mM KCl var ionSet = new List <Ion> { new Ion("Na", 50, 0), new Ion("K", 0, 50), new Ion("Cl", 50, 50) }; var ionTable = new IonTable(); ionSet = ionTable.Lookup(ionSet); var ljp = Calculate.Ljp(ionSet); Assert.AreEqual(-4.3, ljp.mV, 0.5); }
public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_JPWin002() { // ion set shown in JPCalcWin manual (page 10) // var ionSet = new List <Ion> { new Ion("Cs", 145, 0), new Ion("Na", 0, 145), new Ion("F", 125, 0), new Ion("Cl", 20, 145) }; var ionTable = new IonTable(); ionSet = ionTable.Lookup(ionSet); var ljp = Calculate.Ljp(ionSet); Assert.AreEqual(+8.71, ljp.mV, 0.5); }
public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_NgAndBarry005() { /* LJP for this test came from Ng and Barry (1994) Table 2 */ // 100 CaCl2 : 100 MgCl2 // Ca (100), Cl (200) : Mg (100) Cl (200) var ionSet = new List <Ion> { new Ion("Ca", 100, 0), new Ion("Mg", 0, 100), new Ion("Cl", 200, 200) }; var ionTable = new IonTable(); ionSet = ionTable.Lookup(ionSet); var ljp = Calculate.Ljp(ionSet); Assert.AreEqual(+0.6, ljp.mV, 0.5); }
public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_NgAndBarry007() { /* LJP for this test came from Ng and Barry (1994) Table 2 */ // 50 CaCl2 + 50 MgCl2 : 100 LiCl // Ca (50), Cl (200), Mg (50) : Li (100), Cl (100) var ionSet = new List <Ion> { new Ion("Ca", 50, 0), new Ion("Cl", 200, 100), new Ion("Mg", 50, 0), new Ion("Li", 0, 100) }; var ionTable = new IonTable(); ionSet = ionTable.Lookup(ionSet); var ljp = Calculate.Ljp(ionSet); Assert.AreEqual(-8.2, ljp.mV, 0.5); }
public void Test_LjpCalculationMatches_NgAndBarry006() { /* LJP for this test came from Ng and Barry (1994) Table 2 */ // 100 KCl + 2 CaCl2 : 100 LiCl + 2 CaCl2 // K (100), Cl (104), Ca (2) : Li (100), Cl (104), Ca (2) var ionSet = new List <Ion> { new Ion("Ca", 2, 2), new Ion("K", 100, 0), new Ion("Li", 0, 100), new Ion("Cl", 104, 104) }; var ionTable = new IonTable(); ionSet = ionTable.Lookup(ionSet); var ljp = Calculate.Ljp(ionSet); Assert.AreEqual(+6.4, ljp.mV, 0.5); }
public static void Figure_EffectOfTemperature_SeveralSets() { /* this study calculates one of several known ionSets at every temperature between 0C and 50C */ var ionTable = new IonTable(); double[] temps = ScottPlot.DataGen.Consecutive(50); double[] jljpResults = new double[temps.Length]; double[] ngAndBarryResults = new double[temps.Length]; double[] HarperResults = new double[temps.Length]; double[] jpWinResults = new double[temps.Length]; List <Ion> ionSet; for (int i = 0; i < temps.Length; i++) { Console.WriteLine($"Calculating for {temps[i]}C..."); // see LjpCalculationTests.cs for ion set citations // create a new ion set for each iteration to prevent modifications due to solving from carrying to the next solve ionSet = new List <Ion> { new Ion("Zn", 9, 0.0284), new Ion("K", 0, 3), new Ion("Cl", 18, 3.0568) }; jljpResults[i] = Calculate.Ljp(ionTable.Lookup(ionSet), temps[i]).mV; ionSet = new List <Ion> { new Ion("Ca", 2, 2), new Ion("K", 100, 0), new Ion("Li", 0, 100), new Ion("Cl", 104, 104) }; ngAndBarryResults[i] = Calculate.Ljp(ionTable.Lookup(ionSet), temps[i]).mV; ionSet = new List <Ion> { new Ion("Ca", .29, .00545), new Ion("Cl", .29 * 2, .00545 * 2) }; HarperResults[i] = Calculate.Ljp(ionTable.Lookup(ionSet), temps[i]).mV; ionSet = new List <Ion> { new Ion("Na", 10, 145), new Ion("Cl", 10, 145), new Ion("Cs", 135, 0), new Ion("F", 135, 0) }; jpWinResults[i] = Calculate.Ljp(ionTable.Lookup(ionSet), temps[i]).mV; } var mplt = new ScottPlot.MultiPlot(800, 600, 2, 2); mplt.subplots[0].PlotScatter(temps, jljpResults); mplt.subplots[0].Title("JLJP screenshot"); mplt.subplots[1].PlotScatter(temps, ngAndBarryResults); mplt.subplots[1].Title("Ng and Barry (1994)"); mplt.subplots[2].PlotScatter(temps, HarperResults); mplt.subplots[2].Title("Harper (1985)"); mplt.subplots[3].PlotScatter(temps, jpWinResults); mplt.subplots[3].Title("JPWin screenshot"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { mplt.subplots[i].YLabel("LJP (mV)"); mplt.subplots[i].XLabel("Temperature (C)"); } string filePath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath("Figure_EffectOfTemperature.png"); mplt.SaveFig(filePath); Console.WriteLine($"Saved: {filePath}"); }