Example #1
 private void RemoveMetadataReservedProperties(RavenJObject metadata, InvokeSource source = InvokeSource.Default)
     if (source != InvokeSource.FromConflictAtReplication)
Example #2
 public InvokeResponse(InvokeSource source, InvokeProtocol protocol,
                       IntPtr waitHandle, int srcMsgId, AnyValue result)
     Source      = source;
     Protocol    = protocol;
     WaitHandle  = waitHandle;
     SourceMsgId = srcMsgId;
     Error       = InvokeResponseError.None;
     Result      = result;
Example #3
 public InvokeResponse(InvokeSource source, InvokeProtocol contentType,
                       IntPtr waitHandle, int srcMsgId,
                       InvokeResponseError error, string errorMsg)
     Source      = source;
     Protocol    = contentType;
     WaitHandle  = waitHandle;
     SourceMsgId = srcMsgId;
     Error       = error;
     Result      = AnyValue.From(errorMsg); //TODO:考虑AnyValue设置异常类型
Example #4
 public InvokeRequire(InvokeSource source, InvokeProtocol contentType,
                      IntPtr waitHandle, string service, InvokeArgs args, int sourceMsgId,
                      ISessionInfo session = null)
     Source      = source;
     ContentType = contentType;
     WaitHandle  = waitHandle;
     SourceMsgId = sourceMsgId;
     Service     = service;
     Args        = args;
     WaitHandle  = waitHandle;
     Session     = session;
        private bool WriteDocumentData(string key, string normalizedKey, Etag etag, RavenJObject data, RavenJObject metadata, InvokeSource source,
                                       out Etag newEtag, out Etag existingEtag, out DateTime savedAt)
            var normalizedKeySlice     = (Slice)normalizedKey;
            var keyByEtagDocumentIndex = tableStorage.Documents.GetIndex(Tables.Documents.Indices.KeyByEtag);

            var    isUpdate = tableStorage.Documents.Contains(Snapshot, normalizedKeySlice, writeBatch.Value, out existingVersion);

            existingEtag = null;

            if (isUpdate)
                existingEtag = EnsureDocumentEtagMatch(normalizedKey, etag, "PUT");
                keyByEtagDocumentIndex.Delete(writeBatch.Value, existingEtag);
            else if (etag != null && etag != Etag.Empty)
                throw new ConcurrencyException("PUT attempted on document '" + key + "' using a non current etag (document deleted)")
                          ExpectedETag = etag

            var dataStream = CreateStream();

            using (var finalDataStream = documentCodecs.Aggregate((Stream) new UndisposableStream(dataStream),
                                                                  (current, codec) => codec.Encode(normalizedKey, data, metadata, current)))

            dataStream.Position = 0;
            tableStorage.Documents.Add(writeBatch.Value, normalizedKeySlice, dataStream, existingVersion ?? 0);

            newEtag = uuidGenerator.CreateSequentialUuid(UuidType.Documents);
            var keepLastModified = source == InvokeSource.FromConflictAtReplication && metadata.ContainsKey(Constants.LastModified);

            savedAt = keepLastModified ? metadata.Value <DateTime>(Constants.LastModified) : SystemTime.UtcNow;

            var isUpdated = PutDocumentMetadataInternal(key, normalizedKeySlice, metadata, newEtag, savedAt);

            keyByEtagDocumentIndex.Add(writeBatch.Value, newEtag, normalizedKey);

        public AddDocumentResult AddDocument(string key, Etag etag, RavenJObject data, RavenJObject metadata, InvokeSource source = InvokeSource.Default)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("key");

            Etag existingEtag;
            Etag newEtag;

            DateTime savedAt;
            var      normalizedKey = CreateKey(key);
            var      isUpdate      = WriteDocumentData(key, normalizedKey, etag, data, metadata, source, out newEtag, out existingEtag, out savedAt);

            if (logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                logger.Debug("AddDocument() - {0} document with key = '{1}'", isUpdate ? "Updated" : "Added", key);

            if (existingEtag != null)
                documentCacher.RemoveCachedDocument(normalizedKey, existingEtag);

            return(new AddDocumentResult
                Etag = newEtag,
                PrevEtag = existingEtag,
                SavedAt = savedAt,
                Updated = isUpdate
Example #7
        public PutResult Put(string key, Etag etag, RavenJObject document, RavenJObject metadata, TransactionInformation transactionInformation,
                             IEnumerable <string> participatingIds = null, InvokeSource source = InvokeSource.Default)
            key = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key) ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString() : key.Trim();
            RemoveMetadataReservedProperties(metadata, source);
            var newEtag = Etag.Empty;

            using (Database.DocumentLock.Lock())
                TransactionalStorage.Batch(actions =>
                    if (key.EndsWith("/"))
                        key += GetNextIdentityValueWithoutOverwritingOnExistingDocuments(key, actions);
                    AssertPutOperationNotVetoed(key, metadata, document, transactionInformation);
                    if (transactionInformation == null)
                        if (Database.InFlightTransactionalState.IsModified(key))
                            throw new ConcurrencyException("PUT attempted on : " + key +
                                                           " while it is being locked by another transaction");

                        Database.PutTriggers.Apply(trigger => trigger.OnPut(key, document, metadata, null));

                        var addDocumentResult = actions.Documents.AddDocument(key, etag, document, metadata, source);
                        newEtag = addDocumentResult.Etag;

                        Database.Indexes.CheckReferenceBecauseOfDocumentUpdate(key, actions, participatingIds);

                        metadata[Constants.LastModified] = addDocumentResult.SavedAt;

                            "Metadata was written to the database, cannot modify the document after it was written (changes won't show up in the db). Did you forget to call CreateSnapshot() to get a clean copy?");
                            "Document was written to the database, cannot modify the document after it was written (changes won't show up in the db). Did you forget to call CreateSnapshot() to get a clean copy?");

                        actions.AfterStorageCommitBeforeWorkNotifications(new JsonDocument
                            Metadata            = metadata,
                            Key                 = key,
                            DataAsJson          = document,
                            Etag                = newEtag,
                            LastModified        = addDocumentResult.SavedAt,
                            SkipDeleteFromIndex = addDocumentResult.Updated == false
                        }, documents =>
                            if (Database.IndexDefinitionStorage.IndexesCount == 0 || Database.WorkContext.RunIndexing == false)

                            Database.Prefetcher.AfterStorageCommitBeforeWorkNotifications(PrefetchingUser.Indexer, documents);

                        Database.PutTriggers.Apply(trigger => trigger.AfterPut(key, document, metadata, newEtag, null));

                        .ExecuteImmediatelyOrRegisterForSynchronization(() =>
                            Database.PutTriggers.Apply(trigger => trigger.AfterCommit(key, document, metadata, newEtag));

                            var newDocumentChangeNotification =
                                new DocumentChangeNotification
                                Id             = key,
                                Type           = DocumentChangeTypes.Put,
                                TypeName       = metadata.Value <string>(Constants.RavenClrType),
                                CollectionName = metadata.Value <string>(Constants.RavenEntityName),
                                Etag           = newEtag
                            Database.Notifications.RaiseNotifications(newDocumentChangeNotification, metadata);

                        WorkContext.ShouldNotifyAboutWork(() => "PUT " + key);
                        var doc = actions.Documents.DocumentMetadataByKey(key);
                        newEtag = Database.InFlightTransactionalState.AddDocumentInTransaction(key, etag, document, metadata,
                                                                                               doc == null
                                ? Etag.Empty
                                : doc.Etag,
                if (Log.IsDebugEnabled)
                    Log.Debug("Put document {0} with etag {1}", key, newEtag);
                return(new PutResult
                    Key = key,
                    ETag = newEtag
Example #8
        public AddDocumentResult AddDocument(string key, Etag etag, RavenJObject data, RavenJObject metadata, InvokeSource source = InvokeSource.Default)
            if (key == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("key");
            var byteCount = Encoding.Unicode.GetByteCount(key);

            if (byteCount >= 2048)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The key must be a maximum of 2,048 bytes in Unicode, 1,024 characters, key is: '{0}'", key), "key");

                Api.JetSetCurrentIndex(session, Documents, "by_key");
                Api.MakeKey(session, Documents, key, Encoding.Unicode, MakeKeyGrbit.NewKey);
                var isUpdate = Api.TrySeek(session, Documents, SeekGrbit.SeekEQ);

                Etag existingEtag = null;
                if (isUpdate)
                    existingEtag = EnsureDocumentEtagMatch(key, etag, "PUT");
                    if (etag != null && etag != Etag.Empty) // expected something to be there.
                        throw new ConcurrencyException("PUT attempted on document '" + key +
                                                       "' using a non current etag (document deleted)")
                                  ExpectedETag = etag
                    if (Api.TryMoveFirst(session, Details))
                        Api.EscrowUpdate(session, Details, tableColumnsCache.DetailsColumns["document_count"], 1);
                Etag newEtag = uuidGenerator.CreateSequentialUuid(UuidType.Documents);

                DateTime savedAt;
                    using (var update = new Update(session, Documents, isUpdate ? JET_prep.Replace : JET_prep.Insert))
                        Api.SetColumn(session, Documents, tableColumnsCache.DocumentsColumns["key"], key, Encoding.Unicode);
                        using (var columnStream = new ColumnStream(session, Documents, tableColumnsCache.DocumentsColumns["data"]))
                            if (isUpdate)
                                columnStream.SetLength(0); // empty the existing value, since we are going to overwrite the entire thing
                            using (Stream stream = new BufferedStream(columnStream))
                                using (
                                    var finalStream = documentCodecs.Aggregate(stream, (current, codec) => codec.Encode(key, data, metadata, current))
                        Api.SetColumn(session, Documents, tableColumnsCache.DocumentsColumns["etag"],

                        var keepLastModified = source == InvokeSource.FromConflictAtReplication && metadata.ContainsKey(Constants.LastModified);
                        savedAt = keepLastModified ? metadata.Value <DateTime>(Constants.LastModified) : SystemTime.UtcNow;

                        Api.SetColumn(session, Documents, tableColumnsCache.DocumentsColumns["last_modified"], savedAt.ToBinary());

                        using (var columnStream = new ColumnStream(session, Documents, tableColumnsCache.DocumentsColumns["metadata"]))
                            if (isUpdate)
                            using (Stream stream = new BufferedStream(columnStream))

                catch (EsentErrorException e)
                    if (e.Error == JET_err.KeyDuplicate || e.Error == JET_err.WriteConflict)
                        throw new ConcurrencyException("PUT attempted on document '" + key + "' concurrently", e);

                if (logger.IsDebugEnabled)
                    logger.Debug("Inserted a new document with key '{0}', update: {1}, ",
                                 key, isUpdate);

                if (existingEtag != null)
                    cacher.RemoveCachedDocument(key, existingEtag);

                return(new AddDocumentResult
                    Etag = newEtag,
                    PrevEtag = existingEtag,
                    SavedAt = savedAt,
                    Updated = isUpdate
            catch (EsentKeyDuplicateException e)
                throw new ConcurrencyException("Illegal duplicate key " + key, e);