private void CreateTestSaleInvoices() { var accountProxy = new AccountsProxy(); var accountResponse = accountProxy.GetAccounts(accountType: "Income"); var incomeAccountId = accountResponse.DataObject.Accounts.Where(a => a.AccountType == "Income").Take(1).SingleOrDefault().Id; var invoice = new InvoiceTransactionDetail { LineItems = new List <InvoiceTransactionLineItem> { new InvoiceTransactionLineItem { Description = "line item 1", AccountId = incomeAccountId, TotalAmount = new decimal(10.00) } }, Currency = "AUD", InvoiceType = "Tax Invoice", TransactionType = "S", Layout = "S", TotalAmount = 10.00M, IsTaxInc = true, TransactionDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10), Tags = new List <string> { _testTag } }; var invoiceProxy = new InvoiceProxy(); var result = invoiceProxy.InsertInvoice(invoice); _saleInvoiceTranId = result.DataObject.InsertedEntityId; var invoice2 = new InvoiceTransactionDetail { LineItems = new List <InvoiceTransactionLineItem> { new InvoiceTransactionLineItem { Description = "line item 1", AccountId = incomeAccountId, TotalAmount = new decimal(10.00) } }, Currency = "AUD", InvoiceType = "Tax Invoice", TransactionType = "S", Layout = "S", TotalAmount = 10.00M, IsTaxInc = true, TransactionDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10), Tags = new List <string> { _testTag } }; result = invoiceProxy.InsertInvoice(invoice2); _saleInvoiceTranId2 = result.DataObject.InsertedEntityId; }
public void ShouldReturnPurchasesOnlyWhenTransactionEntityTypeSpecified() { var invoiceProxy = new InvoiceProxy(); var saleInfo = _searchHelper.GetSaleInvoiceFaker().Generate(); var saleResponse = invoiceProxy.InsertInvoice(saleInfo); Assert.True(saleResponse != null && saleResponse.IsSuccessfull); var purchaseInfo = _searchHelper.GetPurchaseInvoiceFaker(saleInfo.Summary).Generate(); var purchaseResponse = invoiceProxy.InsertInvoice(purchaseInfo); Assert.True(purchaseResponse != null && purchaseResponse.IsSuccessfull); Thread.Sleep(5000); // Need to wait for entities to be indexed var searchProxy = new SearchProxy(); var results = searchProxy.Search(purchaseInfo.Summary, SearchScope.Transactions, 1, 25, "transactions.purchase"); Assert.NotNull(results); Assert.NotNull(results.DataObject); Assert.True(results.DataObject.Transactions.TrueForAll(x => x.Type == "P")); }