Example #1
        public InvoiceServiceTest()
            this.service = new InvoiceService();

            this.createOptions = new InvoiceCreateOptions
                CustomerId = "cus_123",
                TaxPercent = 12.5m,

            this.updateOptions = new InvoiceUpdateOptions
                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "key", "value" },

            this.payOptions = new InvoicePayOptions
                Forgive  = true,
                SourceId = "src_123",

            this.listOptions = new InvoiceListOptions
                Limit = 1,

            this.listLineItemsOptions = new InvoiceListLineItemsOptions
                Limit = 1,

            this.upcomingOptions = new UpcomingInvoiceOptions
                CustomerId     = "cus_123",
                SubscriptionId = "sub_123",

            this.finalizeOptions = new InvoiceFinalizeOptions

            this.markUncollectibleOptions = new InvoiceMarkUncollectibleOptions

            this.sendOptions = new InvoiceSendOptions

            this.voidOptions = new InvoiceVoidOptions
Example #2
        public InvoiceServiceTest()
            this.service = new InvoiceService();

            this.createOptions = new InvoiceCreateOptions()
                CustomerId = "cus_123",
                TaxPercent = 12.5m,

            this.updateOptions = new InvoiceUpdateOptions()
                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "key", "value" },

            this.payOptions = new InvoicePayOptions()
                Forgive  = true,
                SourceId = "src_123",

            this.listOptions = new InvoiceListOptions()
                Limit = 1,

            this.listLineItemsOptions = new InvoiceListLineItemsOptions()
                Limit = 1,

            this.upcomingOptions = new UpcomingInvoiceOptions()
                CustomerId     = "cus_123",
                SubscriptionId = "sub_123",
Example #3
        public InvoiceServiceTest(
            StripeMockFixture stripeMockFixture,
            MockHttpClientFixture mockHttpClientFixture)
            : base(stripeMockFixture, mockHttpClientFixture)
            this.service = new InvoiceService(this.StripeClient);

            this.createOptions = new InvoiceCreateOptions
                Customer   = "cus_123",
                TaxPercent = 12.5m,

            this.updateOptions = new InvoiceUpdateOptions
                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string>
                    { "key", "value" },

            this.payOptions = new InvoicePayOptions
                Forgive = true,
                Source  = "src_123",

            this.listOptions = new InvoiceListOptions
                Limit = 1,

            this.listLineItemsOptions = new InvoiceListLineItemsOptions
                Limit = 1,

            this.upcomingOptions = new UpcomingInvoiceOptions
                Customer     = "cus_123",
                Subscription = "sub_123",

            this.upcomingListLineItemsOptions = new UpcomingInvoiceListLineItemsOptions
                Limit        = 1,
                Customer     = "cus_123",
                Subscription = "sub_123",

            this.finalizeOptions = new InvoiceFinalizeOptions

            this.markUncollectibleOptions = new InvoiceMarkUncollectibleOptions

            this.sendOptions = new InvoiceSendOptions

            this.voidOptions = new InvoiceVoidOptions
Example #4
        public async Task <bool> PreviewUpcomingInvoiceAndPayAsync(ISubscriber subscriber, string planId,
                                                                   List <InvoiceSubscriptionItemOptions> subItemOptions, int prorateThreshold = 500)
            var invoiceService     = new InvoiceService();
            var invoiceItemService = new InvoiceItemService();

            var pendingInvoiceItems = invoiceItemService.ListAutoPaging(new InvoiceItemListOptions
                CustomerId = subscriber.GatewayCustomerId
            }).ToList().Where(i => i.InvoiceId == null);
            var pendingInvoiceItemsDict = pendingInvoiceItems.ToDictionary(pii => pii.Id);

            var upcomingPreview = await invoiceService.UpcomingAsync(new UpcomingInvoiceOptions
                CustomerId        = subscriber.GatewayCustomerId,
                SubscriptionId    = subscriber.GatewaySubscriptionId,
                SubscriptionItems = subItemOptions

            var itemsForInvoice = upcomingPreview.Lines?.Data?
                                  .Where(i => pendingInvoiceItemsDict.ContainsKey(i.Id) || (i.Plan.Id == planId && i.Proration));
            var invoiceAmount = itemsForInvoice?.Sum(i => i.Amount) ?? 0;
            var invoiceNow    = invoiceAmount >= prorateThreshold;

            if (invoiceNow)
                // Owes more than prorateThreshold on next invoice.
                // Invoice them and pay now instead of waiting until next billing cycle.

                Invoice invoice             = null;
                var     createdInvoiceItems = new List <InvoiceItem>();
                Braintree.Transaction braintreeTransaction = null;
                    foreach (var ii in itemsForInvoice)
                        if (pendingInvoiceItemsDict.ContainsKey(ii.Id))
                        var invoiceItem = await invoiceItemService.CreateAsync(new InvoiceItemCreateOptions
                            Currency       = ii.Currency,
                            Description    = ii.Description,
                            CustomerId     = subscriber.GatewayCustomerId,
                            SubscriptionId = ii.SubscriptionId,
                            Discountable   = ii.Discountable,
                            Amount         = ii.Amount


                    invoice = await invoiceService.CreateAsync(new InvoiceCreateOptions
                        Billing        = Billing.SendInvoice,
                        DaysUntilDue   = 1,
                        CustomerId     = subscriber.GatewayCustomerId,
                        SubscriptionId = subscriber.GatewaySubscriptionId

                    var invoicePayOptions = new InvoicePayOptions();
                    var customerService   = new CustomerService();
                    var customer          = await customerService.GetAsync(subscriber.GatewayCustomerId);

                    if (customer != null)
                        if (customer.Metadata.ContainsKey("btCustomerId"))
                            invoicePayOptions.PaidOutOfBand = true;
                            var btInvoiceAmount   = (invoiceAmount / 100M);
                            var transactionResult = await _btGateway.Transaction.SaleAsync(
                                new Braintree.TransactionRequest
                                Amount     = btInvoiceAmount,
                                CustomerId = customer.Metadata["btCustomerId"],
                                Options    = new Braintree.TransactionOptionsRequest
                                    SubmitForSettlement = true,
                                    PayPal = new Braintree.TransactionOptionsPayPalRequest
                                        CustomField = $"{subscriber.BraintreeIdField()}:{subscriber.Id}"
                                CustomFields = new Dictionary <string, string>
                                    [subscriber.BraintreeIdField()] = subscriber.Id.ToString()

                            if (!transactionResult.IsSuccess())
                                throw new GatewayException("Failed to charge PayPal customer.");

                            braintreeTransaction = transactionResult.Target;
                            await invoiceService.UpdateAsync(invoice.Id, new InvoiceUpdateOptions
                                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string>
                                    ["btTransactionId"]       = braintreeTransaction.Id,
                                    ["btPayPalTransactionId"] =

                    await invoiceService.PayAsync(invoice.Id, invoicePayOptions);
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (braintreeTransaction != null)
                        await _btGateway.Transaction.RefundAsync(braintreeTransaction.Id);
                    if (invoice != null)
                        await invoiceService.DeleteAsync(invoice.Id);

                        // Restore invoice items that were brought in
                        foreach (var item in pendingInvoiceItems)
                            var i = new InvoiceItemCreateOptions
                                Currency       = item.Currency,
                                Description    = item.Description,
                                CustomerId     = item.CustomerId,
                                SubscriptionId = item.SubscriptionId,
                                Discountable   = item.Discountable,
                                Metadata       = item.Metadata,
                                Quantity       = item.Quantity,
                                UnitAmount     = item.UnitAmount
                            await invoiceItemService.CreateAsync(i);
                        foreach (var ii in createdInvoiceItems)
                            await invoiceItemService.DeleteAsync(ii.Id);
                    throw e;