private void btnGenerateInvoice_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string result = MyMessageBoxYesorNo.ShowBox("Please verify the margin price for Vehicle, Extra Fittings and Customer Credit???"); if (result == "1") { if (invMargin.Text == "0" || invMargin.Text == "") { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Invoice Margin Cannot be Empty!!!"); return; } if (lblWarrantyMargin.Text == "0" || lblWarrantyMargin.Text == "") { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Warranty Margin Price Cannot be Empty!!!"); return; } if ((fMargin1.Visible && (fMargin1.Text == "0" || fMargin1.Text == "")) || (fMargin2.Visible && (fMargin2.Text == "0" || fMargin2.Text == "")) || (fMargin3.Visible && (fMargin3.Text == "0" || fMargin3.Text == "")) || (fMargin4.Visible && (fMargin4.Text == "0" || fMargin4.Text == "")) || (fMargin5.Visible && (fMargin5.Text == "0" || fMargin5.Text == "")) || (fMargin6.Visible && (fMargin6.Text == "0" || fMargin6.Text == "")) || (fMargin7.Visible && (fMargin7.Text == "0" || fMargin7.Text == "")) || (fMargin8.Visible && (fMargin8.Text == "0" || fMargin8.Text == "")) || (fMargin9.Visible && (fMargin9.Text == "0" || fMargin9.Text == "")) || (fMargin10.Visible && (fMargin10.Text == "0" || fMargin10.Text == ""))) { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Extra Fitting Margin Price Cannot be Empty!!!"); return; } if (txtDiscount.Text != "" && txtRemarks.Text == "") { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Discount Remarks Cannot be Empty for Discount Offer!!!"); return; } if (txtDiscount.Text != "") { var discountAmt = Convert.ToInt32(txtDiscount.Text); //Add Discount margin var sp = new InvoiceMarginDTO() { InvoiceID = _invoiceId, InvoiceType = "SALES", VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId, MarginTypeID = 5,//For Discount Margin ManualAmount = 0, MarginID = _vehicleBookingId, MarginAmount = -discountAmt, ActualAmount = 0, IsReceived = false, ReceivedDate = null, IsCash = false, ChequeBankTranNo = "", Remarks = txtRemarks.Text, CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = GlobalSetup.Userid, ModifiedBy = null, ModifiedDate = null, InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtInvoice.Text) }; lst.Add(sp); } if (txtFinanceMargin.Text != "") { var finmarginType = lst.Where(x => x.MarginTypeID == 2).FirstOrDefault(); finmarginType.MarginAmount = Convert.ToInt32(txtFinanceMargin.Text); } string result1 = MyMessageBoxYesorNo.ShowBox("Previously Generated Invoice will be Deleted???"); if (result1 == "1") { InvoiceBL bl = new InvoiceBL(); var flag = bl.SaveInvoiceMargin(lst, _vehicleBookingId); if (flag) { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Invoice Margin Created !!!"); } else { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Invoice Margin failed to create !!!"); } } } }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { List <InvoiceMarginDTO> lst = new List <InvoiceMarginDTO>(); //Update Invoice Margin if (lblVehicleMarginAmt.Visible) { if ((txtVehicleManualAmt.Text != "0" && txtVehicleManualAmt.Text != "") && txtVehicleRemarks.Text == "") { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Vehicle Remarks cannot be empty for Manual Amount"); return; } if (chkvehcleAR.Checked && (!chkVehicleCash.Checked && txtVehicleCheqNo.Text == "")) { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Amount Received should be either Cash or Tran No"); return; } InvoiceMarginDTO IAMargin = new InvoiceMarginDTO(); IAMargin.VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId; IAMargin.MarginTypeID = 1; if (txtVehicleManualAmt.Text != "0" && txtVehicleManualAmt.Text != "") { IAMargin.ManualAmount = Convert.ToInt32(txtVehicleManualAmt.Text); } IAMargin.IsReceived = chkvehcleAR.Checked; if (chkvehcleAR.Checked) { IAMargin.ReceivedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtVehicle.Text); IAMargin.IsCash = chkVehicleCash.Checked; IAMargin.ChequeBankTranNo = txtVehicleCheqNo.Text; } IAMargin.Remarks = txtVehicleRemarks.Text; IAMargin.InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtMMInvoiceDt.Text); if (chkIAInvoice.Checked) { IAMargin.IAInvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtIAInvoiceDt.Text); } lst.Add(IAMargin); } //Update Warranty Margin if (lblWarrantyMarginAmt.Visible) { if ((txtWarrantyManAmt.Text != "0" && txtWarrantyManAmt.Text != "") && txtWarrantyRemarks.Text == "") { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Warranty Remarks cannot be empty for Manual Amount"); return; } if (chkWarrantyAR.Checked && (!chkWarrantyCash.Checked && txtWarrantyNo.Text == "")) { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Amount Received should be either Cash or Tran No"); return; } InvoiceMarginDTO warrMargin = new InvoiceMarginDTO(); warrMargin.VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId; warrMargin.MarginTypeID = 3; if (txtWarrantyManAmt.Text != "0" && txtWarrantyManAmt.Text != "") { warrMargin.ManualAmount = Convert.ToInt32(txtWarrantyManAmt.Text); } warrMargin.IsReceived = chkWarrantyAR.Checked; if (chkWarrantyAR.Checked) { warrMargin.ReceivedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtWarranty.Text); warrMargin.IsCash = chkWarrantyCash.Checked; warrMargin.ChequeBankTranNo = txtWarrantyNo.Text; } warrMargin.Remarks = txtWarrantyRemarks.Text; warrMargin.InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtMMInvoiceDt.Text); if (chkIAInvoice.Checked) { warrMargin.IAInvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtIAInvoiceDt.Text); } lst.Add(warrMargin); } //Update EF Margin if (lblEFMarginAmt.Visible) { if ((txtEFManAmt.Text != "0" && txtEFManAmt.Text != "") && txtEFRemarks.Text == "") { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Extra Fitting Remarks cannot be empty for Manual Amount"); return; } if (chkEFAR.Checked && (!chkEFCash.Checked && txtEFCheqNo.Text == "")) { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Amount Received should be either Cash or Tran No"); return; } InvoiceMarginDTO efMargin = new InvoiceMarginDTO(); efMargin.VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId; efMargin.MarginTypeID = 4; if (txtEFManAmt.Text != "0" && txtEFManAmt.Text != "") { efMargin.ManualAmount = Convert.ToInt32(txtEFManAmt.Text); } efMargin.IsReceived = chkEFAR.Checked; if (chkEFAR.Checked) { efMargin.ReceivedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtEF.Text); efMargin.IsCash = chkEFCash.Checked; efMargin.ChequeBankTranNo = txtEFCheqNo.Text; } efMargin.Remarks = txtEFRemarks.Text; efMargin.InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtMMInvoiceDt.Text); if (chkIAInvoice.Checked) { efMargin.IAInvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtIAInvoiceDt.Text); } lst.Add(efMargin); } //Update Finance Margin if (lblFinMarginAmt.Visible) { if ((txtFinManAmt.Text != "0" && txtFinManAmt.Text != "") && txtFinRemarks.Text == "") { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Finance Remarks cannot be empty for Manual Amount"); return; } if (chkFinAR.Checked && (!chkFinCash.Checked && txtFinCheqNo.Text == "")) { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Amount Received should be either Cash or Tran No"); return; } InvoiceMarginDTO finMargin = new InvoiceMarginDTO(); finMargin.VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId; finMargin.MarginTypeID = 2; if (txtFinManAmt.Text != "0" && txtFinManAmt.Text != "") { finMargin.ManualAmount = Convert.ToInt32(txtFinManAmt.Text); } finMargin.IsReceived = chkFinAR.Checked; if (chkFinAR.Checked) { finMargin.ReceivedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtFinance.Text); finMargin.IsCash = chkFinCash.Checked; finMargin.ChequeBankTranNo = txtFinCheqNo.Text; } finMargin.Remarks = txtFinRemarks.Text; finMargin.InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtMMInvoiceDt.Text); if (chkIAInvoice.Checked) { finMargin.IAInvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtIAInvoiceDt.Text); } lst.Add(finMargin); } //Update Discount Margin if (lblDisMaringAmt.Visible) { InvoiceMarginDTO disMargin = new InvoiceMarginDTO(); disMargin.VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId; disMargin.MarginTypeID = 5; disMargin.Remarks = txtDiscountRemarks.Text; disMargin.InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtMMInvoiceDt.Text); if (chkIAInvoice.Checked) { disMargin.IAInvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtIAInvoiceDt.Text); } lst.Add(disMargin); } InvoiceBL bl = new InvoiceBL(); var flag = bl.UpdateInvoiceMargin(lst); if (flag) { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Invoice Margin Updated"); } else { MyMessageBox.ShowBox("Invoice Margin Failed"); } this.Close(); }
private void LoadDefaultValues() { InvoiceBL iBL = new InvoiceBL(); _invoiceId = iBL.NextInvoiceID(); var invDTO = iBL.GetInvoiceDetails(_vehicleBookingId); //Customer if (invDTO.Customer != null) { lblCustomerName.Text = invDTO.Customer.Name; } //VehicleInventory if (invDTO.VehicleInventory != null) { var vInvDTO = invDTO.VehicleInventory; lblEngineNo.Text = vInvDTO.EngineNo; lblChasisNo.Text = vInvDTO.ChasisNo; lblVehicleName.Text = vInvDTO.VehicleModelName; lblEXshowroomprice.Text = vInvDTO.ExShowRoomPrice.ToString(); lblLTRT.Text = vInvDTO.LT_RT_OtherExp.ToString(); lblInsurance.Text = vInvDTO.InsurancePrice.ToString(); lblTotalOnRoadPrice.Text = vInvDTO.OnRoadPrice.ToString(); lblWarranty.Text = vInvDTO.WarrantyPrice.ToString(); var warrantymargin555 = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WarrantyMargin555"].ToString(); var warrantymargin777 = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WarrantyMargin777"].ToString(); invMargin.Text = vInvDTO.MarginPrice.ToString(); //Add IA Margin var IAMgnDTO = new InvoiceMarginDTO() { InvoiceID = _invoiceId, InvoiceType = "SALES", VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId, MarginTypeID = 1,//For IA Margin MarginID = vInvDTO.VehicleInventoryID, ManualAmount = 0, MarginAmount = vInvDTO.MarginPrice, ActualAmount = vInvDTO.ExShowRoomPrice, IsReceived = false, ReceivedDate = null, IsCash = false, ChequeBankTranNo = "", Remarks = "", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = GlobalSetup.Userid, ModifiedBy = null, ModifiedDate = null , InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtInvoice.Text) }; lst.Add(IAMgnDTO); if (vInvDTO.WarrantyPrice == 555) { lblWarrantyMargin.Text = warrantymargin555; int m555 = Convert.ToInt32(warrantymargin555); //Add Warranty Margin var marginW555 = new InvoiceMarginDTO() { InvoiceID = _invoiceId, InvoiceType = "SALES", VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId, MarginTypeID = 3,//For warranty MarginID = vInvDTO.VehicleInventoryID, ManualAmount = 0, MarginAmount = m555, ActualAmount = vInvDTO.WarrantyPrice, IsReceived = false, ReceivedDate = null, IsCash = false, ChequeBankTranNo = "", Remarks = "", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = GlobalSetup.Userid, ModifiedBy = null, ModifiedDate = null , InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtInvoice.Text) }; lst.Add(marginW555); } else if (vInvDTO.WarrantyPrice == 777) { lblWarrantyMargin.Text = warrantymargin777; int m777 = Convert.ToInt32(warrantymargin777); //Add Warranty Margin var marginW555 = new InvoiceMarginDTO() { InvoiceID = _invoiceId, InvoiceType = "SALES", VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId, MarginID = vInvDTO.VehicleInventoryID, MarginTypeID = 3,//For warranty ManualAmount = 0, MarginAmount = m777, ActualAmount = vInvDTO.WarrantyPrice, IsReceived = false, ReceivedDate = null, IsCash = false, ChequeBankTranNo = "", Remarks = "", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = GlobalSetup.Userid, ModifiedBy = null, ModifiedDate = null, InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtInvoice.Text) }; lst.Add(marginW555); } else { lblWarrantyMargin.Text = "0"; } totalDebitVal.Text = (vInvDTO.OnRoadPrice).ToString(); } //SparePartsInventory if (invDTO.lstSparePartsInventory != null && invDTO.lstSparePartsInventory.Count > 0) { int i = 1; foreach (var spInventory in invDTO.lstSparePartsInventory) { if (i == 1) { lblFitting1.Visible = true; lblFitting1Value.Visible = true; lblFitting1.Text = spInventory.SparePartsModelName.ToUpper(); lblFitting1Value.Text = spInventory.ShowRoomPrice.ToString(); fMargin1.Visible = true; fMargin1.Text = spInventory.MarginPrice.ToString(); var totalPrice = Convert.ToInt32(totalDebitVal.Text); totalDebitVal.Text = (totalPrice + spInventory.ShowRoomPrice).ToString(); //Add SP Margin var sp = new InvoiceMarginDTO() { InvoiceID = _invoiceId, InvoiceType = "SALES", VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId, MarginTypeID = 4,//For Extra Fitting ManualAmount = 0, MarginID = spInventory.SparePartsInventoryID, MarginAmount = spInventory.MarginPrice, ActualAmount = spInventory.ShowRoomPrice, IsReceived = false, ReceivedDate = null, IsCash = false, ChequeBankTranNo = "", Remarks = "", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = GlobalSetup.Userid, ModifiedBy = null, ModifiedDate = null, InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtInvoice.Text) }; lst.Add(sp); } else if (i == 2) { lblFitting2.Visible = true; lblFitting2Val.Visible = true; lblFitting2.Text = spInventory.SparePartsModelName.ToUpper(); lblFitting2Val.Text = spInventory.ShowRoomPrice.ToString(); fMargin2.Text = spInventory.MarginPrice.ToString(); var totalPrice = Convert.ToInt32(totalDebitVal.Text); totalDebitVal.Text = (totalPrice + spInventory.ShowRoomPrice).ToString(); fMargin2.Visible = true; //Add SP Margin var sp = new InvoiceMarginDTO() { InvoiceID = _invoiceId, InvoiceType = "SALES", VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId, MarginTypeID = 4,//For Extra Fitting ManualAmount = 0, MarginID = spInventory.SparePartsInventoryID, MarginAmount = spInventory.MarginPrice, ActualAmount = spInventory.ShowRoomPrice, IsReceived = false, ReceivedDate = null, IsCash = false, ChequeBankTranNo = "", Remarks = "", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = GlobalSetup.Userid, ModifiedBy = null, ModifiedDate = null, InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtInvoice.Text) }; lst.Add(sp); } else if (i == 3) { lblFitting3.Visible = true; lblFitting3Val.Visible = true; lblFitting3.Text = spInventory.SparePartsModelName.ToUpper(); lblFitting3Val.Text = spInventory.ShowRoomPrice.ToString(); fMargin3.Text = spInventory.MarginPrice.ToString(); var totalPrice = Convert.ToInt32(totalDebitVal.Text); totalDebitVal.Text = (totalPrice + spInventory.ShowRoomPrice).ToString(); fMargin3.Visible = true; //Add SP Margin var sp = new InvoiceMarginDTO() { InvoiceID = _invoiceId, InvoiceType = "SALES", VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId, MarginTypeID = 4,//For Extra Fitting ManualAmount = 0, MarginID = spInventory.SparePartsInventoryID, MarginAmount = spInventory.MarginPrice, ActualAmount = spInventory.ShowRoomPrice, IsReceived = false, ReceivedDate = null, IsCash = false, ChequeBankTranNo = "", Remarks = "", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = GlobalSetup.Userid, ModifiedBy = null, ModifiedDate = null, InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtInvoice.Text) }; lst.Add(sp); } else if (i == 4) { lblFitting4.Visible = true; lblFitting4Val.Visible = true; lblFitting4.Text = spInventory.SparePartsModelName.ToUpper(); lblFitting4Val.Text = spInventory.ShowRoomPrice.ToString(); fMargin4.Text = spInventory.MarginPrice.ToString(); var totalPrice = Convert.ToInt32(totalDebitVal.Text); totalDebitVal.Text = (totalPrice + spInventory.ShowRoomPrice).ToString(); fMargin4.Visible = true; //Add SP Margin var sp = new InvoiceMarginDTO() { InvoiceID = _invoiceId, InvoiceType = "SALES", VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId, MarginTypeID = 4,//For Extra Fitting ManualAmount = 0, MarginID = spInventory.SparePartsInventoryID, MarginAmount = spInventory.MarginPrice, ActualAmount = spInventory.ShowRoomPrice, IsReceived = false, ReceivedDate = null, IsCash = false, ChequeBankTranNo = "", Remarks = "", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = GlobalSetup.Userid, ModifiedBy = null, ModifiedDate = null, InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtInvoice.Text) }; lst.Add(sp); } else if (i == 5) { lblFitting5.Visible = true; lblFitting5Val.Visible = true; lblFitting5.Text = spInventory.SparePartsModelName.ToUpper(); lblFitting5Val.Text = spInventory.ShowRoomPrice.ToString(); fMargin5.Text = spInventory.MarginPrice.ToString(); var totalPrice = Convert.ToInt32(totalDebitVal.Text); totalDebitVal.Text = (totalPrice + spInventory.ShowRoomPrice).ToString(); fMargin5.Visible = true; //Add SP Margin var sp = new InvoiceMarginDTO() { InvoiceID = _invoiceId, InvoiceType = "SALES", VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId, MarginTypeID = 4,//For Extra Fitting ManualAmount = 0, MarginID = spInventory.SparePartsInventoryID, MarginAmount = spInventory.MarginPrice, ActualAmount = spInventory.ShowRoomPrice, IsReceived = false, ReceivedDate = null, IsCash = false, ChequeBankTranNo = "", Remarks = "", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = GlobalSetup.Userid, ModifiedBy = null, ModifiedDate = null, InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtInvoice.Text) }; lst.Add(sp); } else if (i == 6) { lblFitting6.Visible = true; lblFitting6Val.Visible = true; lblFitting6.Text = spInventory.SparePartsModelName.ToUpper(); lblFitting6Val.Text = spInventory.ShowRoomPrice.ToString(); fMargin6.Text = spInventory.MarginPrice.ToString(); var totalPrice = Convert.ToInt32(totalDebitVal.Text); totalDebitVal.Text = (totalPrice + spInventory.ShowRoomPrice).ToString(); fMargin6.Visible = true; //Add SP Margin var sp = new InvoiceMarginDTO() { InvoiceID = _invoiceId, InvoiceType = "SALES", VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId, MarginTypeID = 4,//For Extra Fitting ManualAmount = 0, MarginID = spInventory.SparePartsInventoryID, MarginAmount = spInventory.MarginPrice, ActualAmount = spInventory.ShowRoomPrice, IsReceived = false, ReceivedDate = null, IsCash = false, ChequeBankTranNo = "", Remarks = "", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = GlobalSetup.Userid, ModifiedBy = null, ModifiedDate = null, InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtInvoice.Text) }; lst.Add(sp); } else if (i == 7) { lblFitting7.Visible = true; lblFitting7Val.Visible = true; lblFitting7.Text = spInventory.SparePartsModelName.ToUpper(); lblFitting7Val.Text = spInventory.ShowRoomPrice.ToString(); fMargin7.Text = spInventory.MarginPrice.ToString(); var totalPrice = Convert.ToInt32(totalDebitVal.Text); totalDebitVal.Text = (totalPrice + spInventory.ShowRoomPrice).ToString(); fMargin7.Visible = true; //Add SP Margin var sp = new InvoiceMarginDTO() { InvoiceID = _invoiceId, InvoiceType = "SALES", VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId, MarginTypeID = 4,//For Extra Fitting ManualAmount = 0, MarginID = spInventory.SparePartsInventoryID, MarginAmount = spInventory.MarginPrice, ActualAmount = spInventory.ShowRoomPrice, IsReceived = false, ReceivedDate = null, IsCash = false, ChequeBankTranNo = "", Remarks = "", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = GlobalSetup.Userid, ModifiedBy = null, ModifiedDate = null, InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtInvoice.Text) }; lst.Add(sp); } else if (i == 8) { lblFitting8.Visible = true; lblFitting8Val.Visible = true; lblFitting8.Text = spInventory.SparePartsModelName.ToUpper(); lblFitting8Val.Text = spInventory.ShowRoomPrice.ToString(); fMargin8.Text = spInventory.MarginPrice.ToString(); var totalPrice = Convert.ToInt32(totalDebitVal.Text); totalDebitVal.Text = (totalPrice + spInventory.ShowRoomPrice).ToString(); fMargin8.Visible = true; //Add SP Margin var sp = new InvoiceMarginDTO() { InvoiceID = _invoiceId, InvoiceType = "SALES", VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId, MarginTypeID = 4,//For Extra Fitting ManualAmount = 0, MarginID = spInventory.SparePartsInventoryID, MarginAmount = spInventory.MarginPrice, ActualAmount = spInventory.ShowRoomPrice, IsReceived = false, ReceivedDate = null, IsCash = false, ChequeBankTranNo = "", Remarks = "", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = GlobalSetup.Userid, ModifiedBy = null, ModifiedDate = null, InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtInvoice.Text) }; lst.Add(sp); } else if (i == 9) { lblFitting9.Visible = true; lblFitting9Val.Visible = true; lblFitting9.Text = spInventory.SparePartsModelName.ToUpper(); lblFitting9Val.Text = spInventory.ShowRoomPrice.ToString(); fMargin9.Text = spInventory.MarginPrice.ToString(); var totalPrice = Convert.ToInt32(totalDebitVal.Text); totalDebitVal.Text = (totalPrice + spInventory.ShowRoomPrice).ToString(); fMargin9.Visible = true; //Add SP Margin var sp = new InvoiceMarginDTO() { InvoiceID = _invoiceId, InvoiceType = "SALES", VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId, MarginTypeID = 4,//For Extra Fitting ManualAmount = 0, MarginID = spInventory.SparePartsInventoryID, MarginAmount = spInventory.MarginPrice, ActualAmount = spInventory.ShowRoomPrice, IsReceived = false, ReceivedDate = null, IsCash = false, ChequeBankTranNo = "", Remarks = "", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = GlobalSetup.Userid, ModifiedBy = null, ModifiedDate = null, InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtInvoice.Text) }; lst.Add(sp); } else if (i == 10) { lblFitting10.Visible = true; lblFitting10Val.Visible = true; lblFitting10.Text = spInventory.SparePartsModelName.ToUpper(); lblFitting10Val.Text = spInventory.ShowRoomPrice.ToString(); fMargin10.Text = spInventory.MarginPrice.ToString(); var totalPrice = Convert.ToInt32(totalDebitVal.Text); totalDebitVal.Text = (totalPrice + spInventory.ShowRoomPrice).ToString(); fMargin10.Visible = true; //Add SP Margin var sp = new InvoiceMarginDTO() { InvoiceID = _invoiceId, InvoiceType = "SALES", VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId, MarginTypeID = 4,//For Extra Fitting ManualAmount = 0, MarginID = spInventory.SparePartsInventoryID, MarginAmount = spInventory.MarginPrice, ActualAmount = spInventory.ShowRoomPrice, IsReceived = false, ReceivedDate = null, IsCash = false, ChequeBankTranNo = "", Remarks = "", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = GlobalSetup.Userid, ModifiedBy = null, ModifiedDate = null, InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtInvoice.Text) }; lst.Add(sp); } i++; } } //Customer Credit if (invDTO.VclBooking != null) { var vBk = invDTO.VclBooking; lblAdvanceCash.Text = vBk.AdvanceAmount.ToString(); lblFinance.Text = "Finance By -- " + vBk.FinancierName; totalCreditVal.Text = vBk.AdvanceAmount.ToString(); } //Finance Allotment if (invDTO.FinanceAllotment != null) { var fAlt = invDTO.FinanceAllotment; lblFinanceVal.Text = fAlt.FinanceAmount.ToString(); var totalcreditPrice = Convert.ToInt32(totalCreditVal.Text); totalCreditVal.Text = (totalcreditPrice + fAlt.FinanceAmount).ToString(); if (invDTO.VclBooking.FinanceDealer) { txtFinanceMargin.Visible = true; //Add Finance margin var sp = new InvoiceMarginDTO() { InvoiceID = _invoiceId, InvoiceType = "SALES", VehicleBookingID = _vehicleBookingId, MarginTypeID = 2,//For Finance Margin ManualAmount = 0, MarginID = invDTO.VclBooking.FinancierInfoId ?? 0, MarginAmount = 0, //Margin Amount wil be updated ActualAmount = invDTO.FinanceAllotment.FinanceAmount ?? 0, IsReceived = false, ReceivedDate = null, IsCash = false, ChequeBankTranNo = "", Remarks = "", CreatedDate = DateTime.Now, CreatedBy = GlobalSetup.Userid, ModifiedBy = null, ModifiedDate = null, InvoiceDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dtInvoice.Text) }; lst.Add(sp); } } if (txtDiscount.Text != "") { var totalcreditPrice = Convert.ToInt32(totalCreditVal.Text); var discountAmt = Convert.ToInt32(txtDiscount.Text); totalCreditVal.Text = (totalcreditPrice + discountAmt).ToString(); } //} }