Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 应用初始化
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="containerBuilder">容器构建器</param>
        public override void Initialize(ContainerBuilder containerBuilder)

            ResourceAccessor.RegisterApplicationResourceManager(ApplicationId, "Spacebuilder.Group.Resources.Resource", typeof(Spacebuilder.Group.Resources.Resource).Assembly);
            InvitationType.Register(new InvitationType {
                Key = InvitationTypeKeys.Instance().InviteJoinGroup(), Name = "邀请参加群组", Description = ""
            InvitationType.Register(new InvitationType {
                Key = InvitationTypeKeys.Instance().ApplyJoinGroup(), Name = "申请加入群组", Description = ""
            containerBuilder.Register(c => new GroupActivityReceiverGetter()).Named <IActivityReceiverGetter>(ActivityOwnerTypes.Instance().Group().ToString()).SingleInstance();
            containerBuilder.Register(c => new DefaultGroupIdToGroupKeyDictionary()).As <GroupIdToGroupKeyDictionary>().SingleInstance();

            containerBuilder.Register(c => new GroupSearcher("群组", "~/App_Data/IndexFiles/Group", true, 7)).As <ISearcher>().Named <ISearcher>(GroupSearcher.CODE).SingleInstance();

            ThemeService.RegisterThemeResolver(PresentAreaKeysOfBuiltIn.GroupSpace, new GroupSpaceThemeResolver());

            containerBuilder.Register(c => new GroupApplicationStatisticDataGetter()).Named <IApplicationStatisticDataGetter>(this.ApplicationKey).SingleInstance();
            containerBuilder.Register(c => new GroupTenantAuthorizationHandler()).As <ITenantAuthorizationHandler>().SingleInstance();
Example #2
 public static void GetInvitationsFrom(BigDB bigDb, InvitationType type, string sender,
                                       Callback <Invitation[]> callback)
     bigDb.LoadRange(InvitationsTable, "BySender",
                     new object[] { (int)type, sender }, null, null, 100,
                     invitations => { callback(invitations.Select(dbo => new Invitation(dbo)).ToArray()); });
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Changes the invitation type shown in the invitation list (incoming to outgoing and vice versa).
 /// Runs when the "Toggle Invitations" button is pressed.
 /// </summary>
 private void btnToggleInvitations_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     // Implicitly cast InvitationType to integer to toggle between the invitation types
     invitationState = 1 - invitationState;
     // Repopulate the invitations to account for the type change
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a newly-created outgoing invitation if all fields have been filled.
        /// </summary>
        private void btnSendInvitation_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // If the invitation is valid, it can be sent
            if (CheckInvitationInput())
                // Get the life-time for the information
                double.TryParse(txtInvitationLifetime.Text, out double lifeTime);
                // Store the interest for the information (found in the interest textbox of the invitation)
                string interest = txtInvitationInterest.Text;

                // Create a dictionary of recipient states with the given recipients
                // No recipients have accepted the invitation yet, so set the invitation status as "Pending" for all recipients
                // Precondition: invited recipients are unique
                Dictionary <Person, InvitationStatus> recipientStates =
                    invitedRecipients.ToDictionary(person => person, person => InvitationStatus.Pending);

                // Create the invitation with the given information
                Invitation newInvitation = new Invitation(user, recipientStates, interest,
                                                          Environment.TickCount, lifeTime);
                // Send the invitation
                // Show a status update in a MessageBox
                MessageBox.Show("Invitation sent!");
                // Close the invitation creation elements

                // Set the invitation details to display the newly-sent invitation
                invitationState = InvitationType.Outgoing;
                invitationIndex = user.OutgoingInvitations.Count - 1;
                // Update the displayed invitation list
Example #5
 public static void GetInvitationsTo(BigDB bigDb, InvitationType type, string recipient,
                                     Callback <Invitation[]> callback)
     bigDb.LoadRange(InvitationsTable, "ByRecipient",
                     new object[] { (int)type, recipient }, null, null, 100,
                     invitations => { callback(invitations.Select(dbo => new Invitation(dbo)).ToArray()); });
Example #6
 public static void DeleteInvitation(BigDB bigDb, InvitationType type, string sender, string recipient,
                                     Callback <bool> callback)
     bigDb.DeleteRange(InvitationsTable, "BySenderAndRecipient",
                       new object[] { (int)type, sender, recipient }, null, null,
                       () => callback(true),
                       error => callback(false));
Example #7
 public void setContactRequest(Jid contact)
     type        = InvitationType.FriendRequest;
     invitedTo   = contact;
     Text        = "Contact request";
     label1.Text = contact.Bare;
     label2.Text = contact.Bare + " sent you a request to add them to your contact list.";
Example #8
 public void setChatroomInvite(Jid sender, Jid roomJid)
     type        = InvitationType.ChatroomInvite;
     invitedTo   = roomJid;
     invitedBy   = sender;
     Text        = "Conference invitation";
     label1.Text = roomJid.Bare;
     label2.Text = sender.Bare + " invited you to join this conference.";
Example #9
        public void Should_Construct_InvitationType()
            InvitationType invitationType = new InvitationType();

            _ = invitationType.InvitationTypeId;
            _ = invitationType.NameAr;
            _ = invitationType.NameEn;

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 添加邀请
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player">被邀请玩家</param>
        /// <param name="type">邀请类型</param>
        /// <param name="team">邀请队伍</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool AddInvitation(Player player, InvitationType type, GameTeam team)
            if (IsInvitationExist(player, type))

            Invitations.Add(Tuple.Create(player, type, team));

Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// 查找与邀请关联的队伍
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player">被邀请玩家</param>
        /// <param name="type">邀请类型</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public GameTeam FindTeam(Player player, InvitationType type)
            if (!IsInvitationExist(player, type))

            var tuple = Invitations.Single(x => (x.Item1.Id == player.Id) && (x.Item2 == type));

Example #12
        public static void CreateInvitation(BigDB bigDb, InvitationType type, string sender, string recipient,
                                            Callback <DatabaseObject> callback)
            var newInvite = new DatabaseObject()
                            .Set("Type", (int)type)
                            .Set("Sender", sender)
                            .Set("Recipient", recipient)
                            .Set("Status", (int)InvitationStatus.Pending);

            bigDb.CreateObject(InvitationsTable, null, newInvite, callback);
Example #13
        public string GetInvitationMessagePlaceholder(InvitationType type)
            switch (type)
            case InvitationType.AddMeToGroup: return("For example, \"Here's an invitation to the group I talked to you about\"");

            case InvitationType.Register: return("For example, \"Here's an invitation to sign up on the site I talked to you about\"");

            case InvitationType.FollowMe: return("For example, \"Here's an invitation to follow my profile for posts and notifications\"");

            default: return("");
Example #14
        public ActionResult Invite(string receiverUid, InvitationType invitationType)
            if (invitationService.SendInvitation(User.Identity.GetUserId(), receiverUid, invitationType))
                TempData["invitationInfo"] = "Your request has been sent.";
                TempData["invitationInfo"] = "You have already a pending invitation.";

 public Invitation(
     string envelopeAddressee,
     InvitationType invitationType,
     Guid addressId,
     string invitationCode,
     bool isInvitationEnvelopePrinted = false,
     bool isInvitationSent            = false)
     Id = Guid.NewGuid();
     EnvelopeAddressee           = envelopeAddressee;
     InvitationType              = invitationType;
     AddressId                   = addressId;
     InvitationCode              = invitationCode;
     IsInvitationEnvelopePrinted = isInvitationEnvelopePrinted;
     IsInvitationSent            = isInvitationSent;
        public async Task <GroupAccessCodeModel> NewInvitation(int createdByUserId, InvitationType type, int forUserId, string message, int daysValidFor)
            var info = new GroupAccessCodeModel()
                Type            = InvitationType.Register,
                CreatedByUserId = createdByUserId,
                ForUserId       = forUserId,
                GroupName       = message,
                Code            = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                WhenCreated     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                WhenExpires     = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(daysValidFor)
            await _dbContext.GroupAccessCodes.AddAsync(info);

            await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

Example #17
        public bool SendInvitation(string senderUId, string receiverUId, InvitationType invitationType)
            if (db.Invitations.Any(e => e.InvitationFrom == senderUId && e.InvitationTo == receiverUId && e.InvitationState == InvitationState.Pending && e.InvitationType == invitationType))
            Invitation invitation = new Invitation()
                InvitationFrom  = senderUId,
                InvitationTo    = receiverUId,
                InvitationType  = invitationType,
                InvitationState = InvitationState.Pending

Example #18
        public static string InviteBOwner(string obj)
            JavaScriptSerializer jss = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            InvitationType       it  = new InvitationType();

            it = jss.Deserialize <InvitationType>(obj);
            Guid UserID = new Guid(HttpContext.Current.Session["UserID"].ToString());
            int  rValue = 0;

            RegistrationModel.GetRegisterDetails ObjUserInfo = RegisterManager.GetProfileDetailsByUserID(UserID);
            string strFullName              = ObjUserInfo.strFirstName + " " + ObjUserInfo.strLastName;
            string strEmailID               = it.strEmail;
            string strMailSubject           = "Be part of business contacts and grow your business!";
            Guid   OwnerInvitationID        = Guid.NewGuid();
            string RegistrationLink         = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SiteURL"] + "/LaunchPage.aspx?InviID=" + OwnerInvitationID + "&&mid=" + UserID;
            NameValueCollection mergeFields = new NameValueCollection();

            mergeFields.Add("**REGISTRATIONURL**", RegistrationLink);
            mergeFields.Add("**ToName**", it.strName);
            mergeFields.Add("**FromName**", strFullName);
            mergeFields.Add("**FromEmail**", ObjUserInfo.strEmail);
            mergeFields.Add("**FromMobile**", ObjUserInfo.strMobile);
            ContactsModel.InviteOwner ObjOwnr = jss.Deserialize <ContactsModel.InviteOwner>(obj);
            string strMessageBody             = EmailUtils.GetMailBody("InviteByHelpdesk.html", mergeFields);
            Guid   InvitedToID = new Guid();

            EmailUtils.SendEmail(ObjUserInfo.strEmail, strEmailID, strMailSubject, strMessageBody);
            //insert query
            ObjOwnr.guidOwnerInvitationID = OwnerInvitationID;
            ObjOwnr.guidInvitedByID       = UserID;
            ObjOwnr.guidInvitedToID       = InvitedToID;
            ObjOwnr.byteMInvitationStatus = Convert.ToByte(UIEnums.MInvitationStatus.Sent);
            ObjOwnr.strEmail  = it.strEmail;
            ObjOwnr.strName   = it.strName;
            ObjOwnr.strMobile = it.strMobile;
            rValue            = ContactManager.InviteOwner(ObjOwnr);
Example #19
 public static void GetInvitation(BigDB bigDb, InvitationType type, string sender, string recipient,
                                  Callback <Invitation> callback)
     bigDb.LoadSingle(InvitationsTable, "BySenderAndRecipient",
                      new object[] { (int)type, sender, recipient }, dbo => { callback(new Invitation(dbo)); });
Example #20
 /// <summary>
 /// 移除邀请
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="player">被邀请玩家</param>
 /// <param name="type">邀请类型</param>
 public void RemoveInvitation(Player player, InvitationType type)
     Invitations.RemoveAll(x => (x.Item1.Id == player.Id) && (x.Item2 == type));
Example #21
 /// <summary>
 /// 是否存在某个玩家的某个邀请
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="player">被邀请玩家</param>
 /// <param name="type">邀请类型</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public bool IsInvitationExist(Player player, InvitationType type)
     return(Invitations.Exists(x => (x.Item1.Id == player.Id) && (x.Item2 == type)));