Example #1
        public void Synthesize(double[] f0, int f0Length, double[][] spectrogram, double[][] aperiodicity, int fftSize, double framePeriod, int fs, double[] y)
            var minimumPhase   = MinimumPhaseAnalysis.Create(fftSize);
            var inverseRealFFT = InverseRealFFT.Create(fftSize);
            var forwardRealFFT = ForwardRealFFT.Create(fftSize);

            var pulseLocations          = new double[y.Length];
            var pulseLocationsIndex     = new int[y.Length];
            var pulseLocationsTimeShift = new double[y.Length];
            var interpolatedVUV         = new double[y.Length];
            var numberOfPulses          = GetTimeBase(f0, f0Length, fs, framePeriod / 1000.0, y.Length, fs / fftSize + 1.0, pulseLocations, pulseLocationsIndex, pulseLocationsTimeShift, interpolatedVUV);

            var dcRemover = GetDCRemover(fftSize);

            framePeriod /= 1000.0;

            var impulseResponse = new double[fftSize];

            for (var i = 0; i < numberOfPulses; i++)
                var noiseSize = pulseLocationsIndex[Math.Min(numberOfPulses - 1, i + 1)] - pulseLocationsIndex[i];

                GetOneFrameSegment(interpolatedVUV[pulseLocationsIndex[i]], noiseSize, spectrogram, fftSize, aperiodicity, f0Length, framePeriod, pulseLocations[i], pulseLocationsTimeShift[i], fs, forwardRealFFT, inverseRealFFT, minimumPhase, dcRemover, impulseResponse);

                for (var j = 0; j < fftSize; j++)
                    var index = j + pulseLocationsIndex[i] - fftSize / 2 + 1;
                    if (index < 0 || index > y.Length - 1)
                    y[index] += impulseResponse[j];
Example #2
        // SmoothingWithRecovery() carries out the spectral smoothing and spectral
        // recovery on the Cepstrum domain.
        void SmoothingWithRecovery(double f0, int fs, ForwardRealFFT forwardRealFFT, InverseRealFFT inverseRealFFT, double[] spectralEnvelope)
            var smoothingLifter    = new double[FFTSize];
            var compensationLifter = new double[FFTSize];

            smoothingLifter[0]    = 1;
            compensationLifter[0] = (1.0 - 2.0 * Q1) + 2.0 * Q1;
            for (int i = 1, limit = forwardRealFFT.FFTSize / 2; i <= limit; i++)
                var quefrency = (double)i / fs;
                smoothingLifter[i]    = Math.Sin(Math.PI * f0 * quefrency) / (Math.PI * f0 * quefrency);
                compensationLifter[i] = (1.0 - 2.0 * Q1) + 2.0 * Q1 * Math.Cos(2.0 * Math.PI * quefrency * f0);

            for (int i = 0, limit = FFTSize / 2; i <= limit; i++)
                forwardRealFFT.Waveform[i] = Math.Log(forwardRealFFT.Waveform[i]);
            for (int i = 1, limit = FFTSize / 2; i < limit; i++)
                forwardRealFFT.Waveform[FFTSize - i] = forwardRealFFT.Waveform[i];

            for (int i = 0, limit = FFTSize / 2; i <= limit; i++)
                inverseRealFFT.Spectrum[i] = new Complex(forwardRealFFT.Spectrum[i].Real * smoothingLifter[i] * compensationLifter[i] / FFTSize, 0.0);

            for (int i = 0, limit = FFTSize / 2; i <= limit; i++)
                spectralEnvelope[i] = Math.Exp(inverseRealFFT.Waveform[i]);
Example #3
        // GetSpectrumWithFractionalTimeShift() calculates a periodic spectrum with
        // the fractional time shift under 1/fs.
        void GetSpectrumWithFractionalTimeShift(int fftSize, double coefficient, InverseRealFFT inverseRealFFT)
            for (var i = fftSize / 2; i > -1; i--)
                var complex = inverseRealFFT.Spectrum[i];

                var re2 = Math.Cos(coefficient * i);
                var im2 = Math.Sqrt(1.0 - re2 * re2);

                inverseRealFFT.Spectrum[i] = new Complex(complex.Real * re2 + complex.Imaginary * im2, complex.Imaginary * re2 - complex.Real * im2);
Example #4
        public SynthesisRealTime(int sampleRate, double framePeriod, int fftSize, int bufferSize, int ringBufferCapacity)
            SampleRate      = sampleRate;
            FramePeriod     = framePeriod * 0.001;
            AudioBufferSize = bufferSize;
            AudioBuffer     = new double[bufferSize * 2 + fftSize];
            Buffer          = new RingBuffer(ringBufferCapacity);
            FFTSize         = fftSize;

            ImpulseResponse = new double[fftSize];
            DCRemover       = GetDCRemover(fftSize / 2);


            MinimumPhase   = MinimumPhaseAnalysis.Create(fftSize);
            InverseRealFFT = InverseRealFFT.Create(fftSize);
            ForwardRealFFT = ForwardRealFFT.Create(fftSize);
Example #5
        public void Estimate(double[] x, int fs, double[] temporalPositions, double[] f0, double[][] spectrogram)
            var f0Floor          = GetF0FloorForCheapTrick(fs, FFTSize);
            var spectralEnvelope = new double[FFTSize];

            var forwardRealFFT = ForwardRealFFT.Create(FFTSize);
            var inverseRealFFT = InverseRealFFT.Create(FFTSize);

            for (var i = 0; i < f0.Length; i++)
                var currentF0 = f0[i] <= f0Floor ? DefaultF0 : f0[i];
                CheapTrickGeneralBody(x, fs, currentF0, temporalPositions[i], forwardRealFFT, inverseRealFFT, spectralEnvelope);

                for (int j = 0, limit = FFTSize / 2; j <= limit; j++)
                    spectrogram[i][j] = spectralEnvelope[j];
Example #6
        static void FastFFTFilt(double[] x, double[] h, int fftSize, ForwardRealFFT forwardRealFFT, InverseRealFFT inverseRealFFT, double[] y)
            for (var i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
                forwardRealFFT.Waveform[i] = x[i] / fftSize;
            if (x.Length < fftSize)
                Array.Clear(forwardRealFFT.Waveform, x.Length, fftSize - x.Length);
            var xSpectrum = new Complex[fftSize];

            Array.Copy(forwardRealFFT.Spectrum, xSpectrum, fftSize / 2 + 1);

            for (var i = 0; i < h.Length; i++)
                forwardRealFFT.Waveform[i] = h[i] / fftSize;
            if (h.Length < fftSize)
                Array.Clear(forwardRealFFT.Waveform, h.Length, fftSize - h.Length);

            for (var i = fftSize / 2 + 1; i > -1; i--)
                inverseRealFFT.Spectrum[i] = new Complex(
                    xSpectrum[i].Real * forwardRealFFT.Spectrum[i].Real - xSpectrum[i].Imaginary * forwardRealFFT.Spectrum[i].Imaginary,
                    xSpectrum[i].Real * forwardRealFFT.Spectrum[i].Imaginary + xSpectrum[i].Imaginary * forwardRealFFT.Spectrum[i].Real

            inverseRealFFT.Waveform.BlockCopy(0, y, 0, fftSize);
Example #7
        // CheapTrickGeneralBody() calculates a spectral envelope at a temporal
        // position. This function is only used in CheapTrick().
        // Caution:
        //   forward_fft is allocated in advance to speed up the processing.
        void CheapTrickGeneralBody(double[] x, int fs, double currentF0, double currentPosition, ForwardRealFFT forwardRealFFT, InverseRealFFT inverseRealFFT, double[] spectralEnvelope)
            // F0-adaptive windowing
            GetWindowedWaveform(x, fs, currentF0, currentPosition, forwardRealFFT);

            // Calculate power spectrum with DC correction
            // Note: The calculated power spectrum is stored in an array for waveform.
            // In this imprementation, power spectrum is transformed by FFT (NOT IFFT).
            // However, the same result is obtained.
            // This is tricky but important for simple implementation.
            GetPowerSpectrum(fs, currentF0, forwardRealFFT);

            // Smoothing of the power (linear axis)
            // forward_real_fft.waveform is the power spectrum.
            Common.LinearSmoothing(forwardRealFFT.Waveform, currentF0 * 2.0 / 3.0, fs, FFTSize, forwardRealFFT.Waveform);

            // Add infinitesimal noise
            // This is a safeguard to avoid including zero in the spectrum.
            AddInfinitesimalNoise(forwardRealFFT.Waveform, FFTSize, forwardRealFFT.Waveform);

            // Smoothing (log axis) and spectral recovery on the cepstrum domain.
            SmoothingWithRecovery(currentF0, fs, forwardRealFFT, inverseRealFFT, spectralEnvelope);
Example #8
        // GetAperiodicResponse() calculates an aperiodic response.
        void GetAperiodicResponse(int noiseSize, int fftSize, double[] spectrum, double[] aperiodicRatio, double currentVUV, ForwardRealFFT forwardRealFFT, InverseRealFFT inverseRealFFT, MinimumPhaseAnalysis minimumPhase, double[] aperiodicResponse)
            GetNoiseSpectrum(noiseSize, fftSize, forwardRealFFT);

            var logSpectrum = minimumPhase.LogSpectrum;

            if (currentVUV != 0.0)
                for (int i = 0, limit = minimumPhase.FFTSize / 2; i <= limit; i++)
                    logSpectrum[i] = Math.Log(spectrum[i] * aperiodicRatio[i]) / 2.0;
                for (int i = 0, limit = minimumPhase.FFTSize / 2; i <= limit; i++)
                    logSpectrum[i] = Math.Log(spectrum[i]) / 2.0;

            var minimumPhaseSpectrum = minimumPhase.MinimumPhaseSpectrum;

            Array.Copy(minimumPhaseSpectrum, 0, inverseRealFFT.Spectrum, 0, fftSize / 2 + 1);
            for (int i = 0, limit = fftSize / 2; i <= limit; i++)
                var real      = minimumPhaseSpectrum[i].Real * forwardRealFFT.Spectrum[i].Real - minimumPhaseSpectrum[i].Imaginary * forwardRealFFT.Spectrum[i].Imaginary;
                var imaginary = minimumPhaseSpectrum[i].Real * forwardRealFFT.Spectrum[i].Imaginary + minimumPhaseSpectrum[i].Imaginary * forwardRealFFT.Spectrum[i].Real;

                inverseRealFFT.Spectrum[i] = new Complex(real, imaginary);
            MatlabFunctions.FFTShift(inverseRealFFT.Waveform.SubSequence(0, fftSize), aperiodicResponse);
Example #9
        // GetOneFrameSegment() calculates a periodic and aperiodic response at a time.
        void GetOneFrameSegment(double currentVUV, int noiseSize, double[][] spectrogram, int fftSize, double[][] aperiodicity, int f0Length, double framePeriod, double currentTime, double fractionalTimeShift, int fs, ForwardRealFFT forwardRealFFT, InverseRealFFT inverseRealFFT, MinimumPhaseAnalysis minimumPhase, double[] dcRemover, double[] response)
            var aperiodicResponse = new double[fftSize];
            var periodicResponse  = new double[fftSize];

            var spectralEnvelope = new double[fftSize];
            var aperiodicRatio   = new double[fftSize];

            GetSpectralEnvelope(currentTime, framePeriod, f0Length, spectrogram, fftSize, spectralEnvelope);
            GetAperiodicRatio(currentTime, framePeriod, f0Length, aperiodicity, fftSize, aperiodicRatio);

            // Synthesis of the periodic response
            GetPeriodicResponse(fftSize, spectralEnvelope, aperiodicRatio, currentVUV, inverseRealFFT, minimumPhase, dcRemover, fractionalTimeShift, fs, periodicResponse);

            // Synthesis of the aperiodic response
            GetAperiodicResponse(noiseSize, fftSize, spectralEnvelope, aperiodicRatio, currentVUV, forwardRealFFT, inverseRealFFT, minimumPhase, aperiodicResponse);

            var sqrtNoiseSize = Math.Sqrt(noiseSize);

            for (var i = 0; i < fftSize; i++)
                response[i] = (periodicResponse[i] * sqrtNoiseSize + aperiodicResponse[i]) / fftSize;
Example #10
        // GetPeriodicResponse() calculates an aperiodic response.
        void GetPeriodicResponse(int fftSize, double[] spectrum, double[] aperiodicRatio, double currentVUV, InverseRealFFT inverseRealFFT, MinimumPhaseAnalysis minimumPhase, double[] dcRemover, double fractionalTimeShift, int fs, double[] periodicResponse)
            if (currentVUV <= 0.5 || aperiodicRatio[0] > 0.999)
                Array.Clear(periodicResponse, 0, fftSize);

            var logSpectrum = minimumPhase.LogSpectrum;

            for (int i = 0, limit = minimumPhase.FFTSize / 2; i <= limit; i++)
                logSpectrum[i] = Math.Log(spectrum[i] * (1.0 - aperiodicRatio[i]) + SafeGuardMinimum) / 2.0;
            Array.Copy(minimumPhase.MinimumPhaseSpectrum, 0, inverseRealFFT.Spectrum, 0, fftSize / 2 + 1);

            double coefficient = PI2 * fractionalTimeShift * fs / fftSize;

            GetSpectrumWithFractionalTimeShift(fftSize, coefficient, inverseRealFFT);

            MatlabFunctions.FFTShift(inverseRealFFT.Waveform.SubSequence(0, fftSize), periodicResponse);
            RemoveDCComponent(periodicResponse, fftSize, dcRemover, periodicResponse);